Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 679 I must regroup my troops

Chapter 679 · I must regroup the troops

What has happened will happen again.

What has been accomplished will be accomplished again.

Jiang Yu strolled on the long river of fate, observing Zhao Yingkong's merging into one again. He had never seen it even once before today, but he had witnessed it hundreds of millions of times today.

The fusion that happened in the past.

The fusion that happened in the future.

The fusion that happened in the possibility.

The fusion that happened in the impossibility.

It was also strange.

Although he had clearly rejected the vision of the Great Heavenly Venerable and abandoned the status of the Heaven of Disorder, he could see more and more things, and more and more detailed things. Maybe that was not what he expected at the beginning, but the total amount of data was indeed increasing.

Endlessly increasing.

Thoughts turned from divergence to convergence. At a long distance, Jiang Yu stretched out his fingers to move the air.

A wisp of wind turned into a storm.

A storm turned into a layer of thunder.

It traveled through different world lines and different timelines. Suppressing everything Jiang Yu hoped to suppress, controlling everything Jiang Yu hoped to control—it was created before Umbrella's research base went out of control, it took effect when Xiang Liu was killed, and only the moment when the out-of-control biochemical giant beast showed its claws.

It came in response to the call.

From the top of the sky, it turned into a giant sword of cloud and gas that descended like a mountain. The out-of-control giant beast separated to both sides along the central axis. And the disintegrating cloud gas then broke into trillions of blades, shattering every out-of-control gene chain.

The giant beast died because of this. Just like the ending it will eventually reach in countless world lines and countless different future evolutions—it will die in the end, it will die anyway. Its death marks the integration of the two Zhao Yingkong, because no matter what world line it is in, it cannot change the victory that Zhao Yingkong will definitely achieve.

Because Jiang Yu is watching.

He is watching, so she is destined to succeed.

She is destined to inherit Wa's legacy and then achieve something. Because this is already decided, it is in Jiang Yu's vision. It is also in the script of Silver Snake.

——I saw the script.

Jiang Yuming realized his sight. He knew the realm he had reached inadvertently-he did not become stronger, he was just forced to become stronger. He stepped on a trigger trap, and this is the many things that Silver Snake set in the script.

A bait.

A book that is too easy to read, but not so easy to read.

As long as someone is too far away from the fate that Silver Snake has set in advance, he will easily observe the evolution of Silver Snake's script. And this is like a trap with bait, because this script that has been set does have corresponding value. The viewer can capture the opportunity to break the situation from it. Those who resist fate will inevitably be pushed by their own rebellious heart to touch this taboo.

However, those who observe the script are destined to be observed by the script itself.

It is easy for Jiang Yu to see it. But once Jiang Yu looks at it, it is equivalent to indirectly casting his eyes on Silver Snake!

——I shouldn't look at it.

——No, I don’t have the ability to ‘should’. This is information that cannot be calculated. Only by stepping into it can you realize it later.

Jiang Yu realized this trap, and even knew that he had stepped into it. The silver snake outside the void never relaxes. It suddenly turns and casts its eyes on the earth, the node that it pays great attention to!

Infinite world lines are reflected in its observation, and infinite possibilities are retrieved one by one. The reason why it did not immediately capture the node where Jiang Yu was located is because the fate script as bait is separated from its body by a layer after all, but it will still soon capture the variable it expects and successfully eliminate all out-of-control things.

Jiang Yu closed his eyes.

Just closing your eyes is not enough. Even if you don’t look, the traces left before will still be noticed.

And Jiang Yu is not afraid, because he has realized the existence of traps and mistakes. Then there is naturally room for maneuver.

Because destruction will not come immediately.

The silver snake cannot directly destroy everything in the infinite multiverse, because it needs the survival of this multiverse. If it fails to retrieve the correct variable, then the multiverse will move to the next era. It needs to solve this problem in a more thorough way. So it must carefully observe all the twin universes and all the parallel world lines. This means that misleading it will be a feasible solution.

Waves were stirred in the void. Jiang Yu's entity in the non-existent multiverse disturbed a remote world line in a distant universe. It will become an open target, and its effect is delay.

——It is aware of my existence.

The shadow of the silver snake fell silently. Everything in the universe disturbed by Jiang Yu was completely infected with silver. All living and dead things, concepts and entities, became part of the silver snake in an instant and were stripped out of this endless multiverse area. Every internal detail of it will be repeatedly examined and screened, and even if Jiang Yu firmly believes that his disturbance will not be caught, there is a significant difference in the volume of the two sides.

Although the concept of volume is meaningless, there is indeed a difference.

Although the concept of difference is also meaningless, there is also a difference.

It is only a matter of time before he is discovered. If he cannot find a solution, then perhaps the next opportunity will be more than four million epochs.

More pure silver glow flows in the multiverse seas, and the Silver Snake monitors the four directions in a more sophisticated way than before. And the fate script that is specially placed there for those who resist fate to touch unconsciously, its existence level has also dropped slightly.

It becomes easier to be discovered and easier to be flipped through.

It has become a more eye-catching and sweeter bait. As long as the variables still exist, it is easier to be marked by the Silver Snake for looking directly at the script, and once discovered, Jiang Yu's wings will be reduced.

What a trouble.

Jiang Yu originally planned a way to win - as long as his companions become strong enough, strong to the limit node that the script can tolerate. And then he will integrate all his strength, and he can seize the possibility of victory on the road to breakthrough. However, now, he must ensure that his companions will not touch the overly sweet bait unconsciously because of the fate script against the Silver Snake, and thus be discovered by the other party.

They must become stronger.

They become stronger, but they cannot deviate from their fate too much.

Simple ‘advance’ is destined to reach an unoptimistic node.


——I can’t meet Zhao Yingkong here.

——I can’t even contact Chu Xuan here…Even if his current identity is ‘Li Xiaoyi’, he can’t meet us in this place.

The act of resisting fate must be combined with the act of conforming to fate, so that a balance can be achieved. Only when the weight on the balance scale is sufficient can the disguise continue.

In the context of the biochemical crisis, Jiang Yu should not see Zhao Yingkong or contact Chu Xuan.

He stepped back and left. Although he responded to Zhao Yingkong’s call, he did not intend to meet Zhao Yingkong here.

He even had to make sure that Zhao Yingkong would not meet other people here.

This was not difficult. He only needed to move the wind on his side to easily achieve this—Zhao Yingkong and others who were waiting in place and relying on each other felt something, and they immediately set off and went to an area far away from the current battlefield with the weak guidance of their hearts.

So Jiang Yu continued to move forward.

He took out his cell phone and smoothly pressed a series of buttons. He dialed a number that he had never contacted in this era. The man on the other end of the phone was named Zhang Jie.

"Hello... who are you?" A confused man's voice came from the other end of the receiver. If this call was not made by Jiang Yu. Ordinary people would definitely choose to reject the call directly when they see a strange call from abroad.

"I'm Jiang Yu." Jiang Yu said. "I'll send you a location. This place is suitable for fighting and adventure. Prepare your weapons. We should be able to meet soon."

"What Jiang Yu... have we met before? Hello!" There was still confusion on the other side of the phone.

The telephone communication ended here. Jiang Yu knew that Zhang Jie would definitely come to the appointment. Because he had seen it, and he was personally involved in everything that was happening.

Resident Evil should run in this way. The protagonists of the incident should be five people. Jiang Yu, Zheng Zha, Zhan Lan, Zhang Jie and Mou Gang. In addition, there is the accompanying fat man and aunt, and the fate of the two does not need to be adjusted too specifically.

He just kept moving forward, and the flowing invisible wind visited somewhere in Zhongzhou. A high-speed train unexpectedly broke down and a plane was not on time. So the two people who were supposed to arrive here under the inertia of fate staggered, and their new fate was protected by the order of shelter.

He continued to move forward, and he picked up a stone hammer from a roadside stall. He also looked at every zombie and every mutated biochemical monster on this land. He knew where they would go in the next time, who they would hit, and whether those people could escape from their claws or die.

He only needed to swing the hammer to kill all the mutants. The cells and molecules were annihilated together, leaving no residue.

However, the script should be run in a way that is sufficient in disguise.

‘Bang——’ A zombie’s skull was smashed, and necrotic blood splashed everywhere. The blood gas lured many mutant individuals in the nearby area to move towards Jiang Yu’s direction. The distribution of the monsters in the entire area was mobilized as a result. The chain reaction directly allowed thousands of survivors who originally needed the shelter order to save their lives to escape successfully.

They should have lived. Even if Jiang Yu didn’t save them, the shelter order would provide them with some help. Because they are orderly people who obey the order, even if they are in this evil land with too corrupt morality, they still abide by the laws that conform to secular morality.

They should be saved, so they got a chance to live.

At the same time, a wicked man with a rifle in his hand and blood on his hands was bitten by dozens of zombies just a wall away from Jiang Yu, and then died.

‘Bang——! ’ His gunshot before his death caused a huge commotion.

More zombies swarmed in, and Jiang Yu, who was only a wall away from his burial place, was naturally affected. However, this impact was obviously within Jiang Yu's calculations and was not enough to hinder his steps.

Swinging the hammer, the movement was natural and ordinary. There was no need for the so-called unity of heaven and man because heaven and earth obeyed his orders. And all hostile creatures died in an orderly manner under his hammer.

A zombie fell.

Ten zombies fell.

The strength was not higher than that of an ordinary person, nor was his agility and stamina. He only needed to deploy some skills that ordinary people could master, and whether it was a zombie, a licker, or even a more bizarre biochemical beast, they would be caught in an instant, and then successfully killed.

Jiang Yu breathed easily and naturally, and a total of 136 mutant creatures died in his hands. Each one was fatal, and he finally came to the body of the thug who was bitten to death, who should be a thug in a certain park, and successfully picked up the gun with more than a dozen bullets.

The gun can still be used.

Everything was easy. ; As it should be easy.

He calculated the subsequent scripts and considered how to make the Zhongzhou team act in the direction he expected. There were also other reincarnation teams, and he was also thinking about their actions.

‘Bang——’ The heart suddenly beat uncontrollably. A chill flowed behind the spine.

Jiang Yu turned his head sharply, but found that there was only nothing behind him!

What happened?

Jiang Yu didn't know, but he realized that something was happening beyond his cognition. The one who took action was either the Silver Snake or the Great Celestial Venerable, but he couldn't think of any omissions!

"Ayu! Over there!" Xia, who had been accompanying him, screamed. Following her voice, Jiang Yu raised his gun without hesitation and fired sharply in that direction. A figure that pounced fell in the sound of the gun, but until it hit, until it was shot down, it was not within Jiang Yu's perception!

It was a licker, a licker that looked no different from other lickers of the same kind.

It was shot down, and it only existed in the field of vision observable by the naked eye. Nothing except the eyes could capture it, but it really splashed some dust at the moment of falling, and had a definite interaction with the world!

What is going on here! ?

The gun clearly hit the vital point, and the heart and brain were broken together. However, the fallen licker got up again at the moment of falling, and pounced on Jiang Yu again as if it was unharmed!

Xia tore off the street lamp on one side, but the moment she smashed it, it just passed through the licker's body.

Jiang Yu fired the second and third shots in succession. It could knock it down and hit it, but it was still able to move freely!

It rushed again.

The premonition of death appeared in Jiang Yu's perception. He would die as long as he was hit. And the swinging hammer head could not play any role!

What... happened?

Thoughts turned rapidly, and distant fragments suddenly appeared in the depths of his eyes at this moment.

Jiang Yu seemed to have returned to the past again, to Restaurant B when he first entered the reincarnation world. The startled licker rushed towards him, and he was truly ordinary at that time.

No, not as if!

He did return to that moment, to the underground base several epochs ago. The licker who had just escaped from the freezing area shook his head, and this time, there were no mercenaries around him!

He raised his gun again.

And this time, he clearly saw that in the depths of the eyes of the licker who should not exist at all, there was a blazing silver light flashing!

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