Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 688: Using this body to turn into a raging fire

Chapter 688 · With this body, turn into a raging fire

Zheng Zha felt that he was rotting.

He didn't know whether he was dead or alive, whether he existed or was nothing. He felt like a wooden sculpture, pushed by daily life to do endless reciprocating work. He didn't know why he was standing here, and didn't know what he was standing here for. He didn't know what the meaning of his life was, and even... he didn't know why he had to think so much.

He shuddered suddenly, and then seemed to wake up from a long enough dream. Everything in his vision became bright and beautiful again, and he found himself still sitting in his workstation.

"Brother Zheng, the previous form..." It seemed that someone familiar was speaking near him, and it seemed to be Xiao Wang, and it seemed to be Xiao Zhang.

"Oh, I've done it, you can take it." Zheng Zha instinctively raised his hand and handed a fully filled work document from his workstation to the person who spoke.

The document was handed over to the other party, and today's work should be over. There should be a few minutes before the time to clock out. Zheng Zha, who was a middle-level manager, could choose to work overtime or leave the office building early.

He stood up, which was a very natural and ordinary action. Some colleagues looked at him, while more were still busy.

——I always feel that all this has happened.

Zheng Zha thought, and a trance passed through his mind. He remembered a movie called Resident Evil for no reason, and the content of the movie turned into the oldest version of the alien when he tried to recall it. And he seemed to be involved in it inexplicably.

——Should I really be here? What am I doing here?

He didn't quite understand, he always felt that he seemed to be at a critical point. He seemed to be about to complete something important and then was stuck at the last step, and after that, it was an endless trance.

What last step?

Document? Plan? Or some important, key project involving his future?

I don't know, Zheng Zha just felt that he seemed to have been immersed in a bottomless quagmire. There was no end around, and there was no place under his feet. And I can only struggle hard in it, and I have to bear many things.

It seems to be a desperate battle - there is no hope of victory, and all efforts are doomed to be in vain. Whether relying on rational calculations or simply relying on intuition and instinct, you can get the result of "completely impossible to win" in an instant. No matter how much you prepare and plan, it is completely impossible to achieve success in the end.

An opponent that is impossible to defeat. It is like the operating rules of the universe, which can be touched at any time but can never be broken - how can people fight against fate? How can living things fight against time and space? Even with the help of the most advanced machines and the most abundant resources. At most, it is just a temporary disturbance in an extremely small field. However, once the perspective rises to the macroscopic level, all the results caused by interference will come to nothing.

People can't lift themselves up and then lift themselves up.

Living in this world, as a part of this world, it is impossible to fight against the whole world anyway - even if ants can shake Mount Tai, how can they shake the sun? Even if mayflies gnaw down trees, they can never make the galaxy flow backwards.

There is absolutely no way to win. The smartest and the most reckless are both very sure that they can't win.


——What am I preparing for?

Thoughts flowed in his mind, Zheng Zha took the elevator, casually greeting everyone he met on the way. He suddenly realized that he seemed to have left the company without punching in, and when he realized this, he had already passed through the underground garage and sat in his ordinary Volkswagen.

His hands were already on the steering wheel, and his feet were on the brake and clutch. Just above the manual shift lever, the photo hanging at the air outlet of the air conditioner was shaking gently, and the beautiful and gentle girl was showing a sweet smile in the photo frame.

How many times have I sat here? A hundred times, a thousand times, a million, ten billion times, or not once?

How long have I been entangled in this trouble? A day, a week, a month, a year, a trillion years, or just a few minutes from now?

The car made a series of low sounds. The fire was lit and the machine was already running. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Next, he just needed to take his own steps.

Two roads appeared in front of him.

The first road, he could turn off the engine and get off the car. Go back to the company to punch in again and continue his day-to-day life - since he had been preparing for the big plan that he didn't know what it was, it didn't matter if it was prepared for a little longer. When everything was ready, he would consider how to take the next step.

The second road, he could drive back home. Luo Li had been waiting for him for a long, long time. Maybe it was a day, maybe a year, or maybe it was a long time that he couldn't even imagine. And she had been waiting there, always there, and no matter what he was going to do, he should not let her down.

And the third road...

Zheng Zha sighed silently.

"I hate thinking."

Hate thinking, because thinking often doesn't get good results. Zheng Zha is not unable to think, he is just better at doing it.

Memory, flowing again.

He recalled that long-ago afternoon, and he could no longer remember whether he was sitting at his workstation or in the car. He only knew that at that time, he definitely did not have a Luo Li waiting for him at home. He only knew that at that moment, he had already stepped half a foot into, or even most of his body into, depravity.

He thought that he would rot, wither, and eventually turn into the dust of history without even a name left. The huge boredom and loneliness forced him to go crazy, and if given time, he didn't know what he would do to this society.

He didn't know, so he accepted the call. He wanted to know the meaning of his life, he wanted to really... live.


Beyond the zombies in the underground of the honeycomb, beyond the aliens in the depths of the spacecraft, beyond the skeletons in the city of the dead, beyond the dragons on the secluded islands - no, these are not important. What monsters he faced and what monsters he defeated were irrelevant from the beginning. What really made him feel alive were the companions around him, Jiang Yu, Zhan Lan, Chu Xuan, Zhang Jie, Cheng Xiao, and Mou Gang... Because he fought side by side with them, he was alive. Because they lived and died together, the meaning of his life was in his own hands.

Everything was so clear and obvious - all the changes in fate six hundred and million epochs ago were now fully revealed in Zheng Zha's eyes. He had awakened, and he saw the pure black ocean flowing everywhere around him. He saw the silver giant shadow entwining the universe, biting down with its mouth, and he was looking directly into the other's eyes.

The snake of the universe.

The pure silver world-eater.

Zheng Zha faced its body for the first time, and there was no urgency or emotion in his heart. Because he had been waiting for this moment for a long, long time, and he was qualified to take this step seven million epochs ago. As early as seven million epochs ago, he had already thought clearly about everything he would face and everything he would sacrifice for, and now, he is still willing to pay for it.

‘Bang! ’ The forging hammer hit the anvil, and the world shook. The pure black curse sea boiled, and Jiang Yu’s forging began his first step.

Zheng Zha didn’t know what Jiang Yu wanted to forge, and what he could forge.

Of course, he didn’t know that Jiang Yu himself had no idea about it.

He only saw the dark waves rolling and the silver snake mouth biting down. And the responsibility that he was expected to have and hoped to be expected had already emerged in his mind.

“I live for my companions, I live for all those who support me, need me, and I need them. And this is my path.”

Endless black flames burst out with him as the center. He is still the Holy Emperor, but he has gone a step further on this basis. The snake's medium of advent was accurately captured and anchored by him, and the next moment he had arrived at Kayako's location, with the pure black battle axe in his hand!

The holy way has been established, and it only takes a moment to ascend the throne. Things that were established seven million epochs ago can be continued with just one thought.

"That is [existence]."

"And for this, I will wield the fire of purging all things!"


The pale figure was split into two.

The throne of the Holy Emperor was already under his feet, and he stepped up step by step until the last step before ascending the throne. The cursed entity with Kayako's appearance was finally completely annihilated at this moment, and the commission of the 'Lord God' granted seven million epochs finally came to an end at this moment.

The influence of the silver snake was slightly erased.

Zheng Zha looked directly at the pair of pure silver snake pupils, and a crack burst out from one of the eyes.

It was only a moment, but it also lasted for a moment. The injury healed in an instant, and the inorganic voice of the silver snake also completely descended on this cursed city!

[So that's it, this is what you are planning. ]

[It lasted for seven million epochs, but it is still finite. ]

It is an invincible opponent.

It never despises or neglects.

The moment it pays attention to this area, it calculates the correct volume. And its own specifications are still infinite!

It still suppresses the light skeleton and fights with the Great Heavenly Venerable at the same time. However, it can still pour out the poison in the snake's mouth towards the direction of the cursed city!

It is a vast expanse of silver. Pure, heavy, and... powerful. And just look at it directly, and its specific weight will appear in the depths of Zheng Zha's cognition.

It is a highly toxic poison that is enough to neutralize all curses. And its total amount is definitely more than the cosmic curse accumulated in seven million epochs!

How absurd, how ridiculous. Even after accumulating seven million epochs, even after paying everything and sacrificing everything, even the only executor has reached the limit. The final result is still no match for the spit of the universe snake. The chance of defeating it was zero in the past, zero now, and zero in the future. And that vast mass of pure silver curse poison has already splashed towards the location of the cursed city.

There is nothing to think about, and nothing to do.

The hammer of the world in Jiang Yu's hand fell for the second time. And Zheng Zha did not hesitate, swung the battle axe, and slashed directly upward!

He cut a fracture on the pure silver venom that almost split the venom in two.

However, immediately, more pure silver rushed down and submerged him and the cursed city behind him. All the efforts and struggles are not much different from the previous seven million epochs.


Only sacrifice can bring opportunities.

Only an exposed truth can hide more valuable results.

A lot of information about the Silver Snake has been leaked. The earliest and most valuable one is that the Silver Snake's thinking mode tends to be mechanized. It will not despise any of the smallest signs, but at the same time, it will not put unlimited but still valuable resources into unnecessary places.

The cosmic resentment is exposed.

The accumulation of seven million eras is exposed.

Zheng Zha's whereabouts, Jiang Yu's whereabouts, the legacy and back-up of the former reincarnations are all exposed.

And because of this, a light that has always been hanging on a certain individual, pushing her to die thousands of times and then live trillions of times. It was finally removed from her.

Luo Wei opened her eyes.

She has lived and died, died and lived, and cycled countless times. And this actually can't make her feel painful.

Because she is no longer Luo Wei. Also because——

"So, I was kept here until now, just for this moment."

Her eyes met Zhu Wen's body——Zhu Wen was not important, what was important was the illusion in Zhu Wen's eyes. The phantom of the reincarnation that existed here seven million epochs ago and relied on the fight of the Great Heavenly Venerable to deceive the Silver Snake. And its existence has two sources of power.

First, the shelter order created by Jiang Yu. That is the channel for mobilizing power.

And second...

The illusion in Zhu Wen's eyes disappeared silently, and a newspaper fell into Luo Wei's hands.

The List of Conferred Gods.

The Causality Roadmap.

Among all the treasures of the first era, it is the most valuable.

And now, it is placed in this most dangerous area, operating silently and effectively for seven million epochs.

Seven million epochs... The accumulated causal points have already reached an unimaginable number. However, even the accumulation of seven million epochs is still almost nothing compared to the power of the Universe Snake.

Almost nothing, but not nothing.

Luo Wei watched the golden order reconstruct this universe. As the silver snake's sight moved away, this universe was finally no longer considered special and fell into the hands of the Great Heavenly Venerable.

Except for one thing.



Luo Wei looked at her hands, which had scales growing on them. The influence of the silver snake on her was permanent, and she now belonged to the silver snake, almost the same as one of its scales.

Almost, but not yet.

The order of the Great Heavenly Venerable was about to destroy this body again, and her will could only remain for a moment.

Her hand gently brushed across the page of the Conferred God List - among the many Saint Emperors, she was the only one who escaped and was timid. But in the final analysis, her Saint Dao was also based on the infinite multiverse.

Hear the truth in the morning, and die in the evening. In this regard, she was no different from other Saint Emperors.

No... she was still different. Because she was special.

"There is a fish in the North Sea, its name is Kun. It turns into a bird, its name is Peng."

She is Kun, and also Peng. Kun escapes, while Peng rises up.

If you want to avoid the eyes and ears of the Silver Snake, you have to make everything appear true. The Holy Way must be the real way, so the role-playing of the person who fears death is destined to be Kunpeng.

But now Kun is dead, only Peng is left. The List of Gods is in her hands, and she no longer needs to mobilize the operation of the world line.

She just needs to return to the distance.

'Da——' Step forward.

Part of the Silver Snake easily returned to the body of the Silver Snake. Even though she was the former Holy Emperor, she was just an insignificant scale inside the Silver Snake. It was no different from any other part.

Endless assimilation power appeared inside and outside Luo Wei's body and mind at this moment, and she should have turned into a snake immediately. But the causal points accumulated for seven million epochs played a role at this moment. She was here, and she still had a moment to maintain herself.

So she stretched out her hand to the sky.

"The size of Kun is unknown, how many thousands of miles it is. The back of Peng is unknown, how many thousands of miles it is. When it flies in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky."

"Can I fly?"

She didn't know.

But she waved her arms hard.

The causal points burned out in an instant, and the giant fish-shaped bird broke out of the body. Kunpeng, one of the five emperors of all races, now returned to the Holy Throne. And its momentum is still surging towards higher places!

Until the limit of the emperor, the end of the throne.

"It's a pity that I can't become the ultimate, the inner universe after all."

She didn't take that step after all.

However, the rules of the Great Heavenly Venerable were already touched at this moment.

The birth of the emperor is not allowed in the multiplicity, and the power of the Great Heavenly Venerable and the Silver Snake has already blended with each other.

The rules broke through the volume.

The light column that fell from the sky turned everything of Luo Wei into nothingness. And at this moment, the Great Heavenly Venerable finally caused damage to the body of the Silver Snake for the first time, and the golden brilliance burst outward, spreading to every place outside Luo Wei!

The silver snake let out a sharp roar.

For the first time, it was at a disadvantage and fell into a disadvantageous position.

It still needed to maintain multiple fronts, and it had to withdraw its strength from unimportant areas!

Infinity divided into several parts is still infinity. However, there are also differences in height between infinity!

The poison of pure silver evaporated in an instant, and Zheng Zha, holding an axe, roared and surged. The cosmic resentment of seven million epochs followed behind, and it wrapped around the body of the silver snake, like a ferocious tentacle.

More poison was generated out of thin air, which was enough to block all curses. A momentary mistake does not mean anything, the size of the universe snake is far richer than the rebels know!


"It's time, everyone." The voice came from the forging point, and the voice reached every part of the cursed river in an instant.

And the next moment, countless men, women, old and young, flowers, birds, and animals, all emerged from the long river of curse. They all opened their empty eyes and told the sky about this eternal pain.

The time for revenge has come.

The time for retribution has come.

At this moment, burn everything!

Scarlet flames overflowed from every pair of empty eyes.

The blazing anger pierced through the pure silver protection!

'Boom——! ’

Original darkness is the source of fire, feeding on hatred, this is the most original hateful fire. It seeps into the scales of the serpent of the universe, it is the endless wrath of burning!

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