Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 77 · Preparation before the meeting

I like King of Fighters, but I haven’t really played King of Fighters. Because without some special modified versions, King of Fighters can only play two-player online. There are four reincarnations appearing here.

Therefore, the disk Zhang Jie took out was "Metal Slug 2", with a total of four playable characters. The plot of Metal Slug 2 takes place in Egypt in the last century.

The first level was a battle in the city, with ordinary soldiers and natives riding horses and machetes.

In the second level, I fought in the underground ruins, but I was fighting mummies, dead things that had been covered in dust for a long time.

Zhang Jie just played games and didn't say anything else. At the end of the second level, I don’t know what strange mode he turned on. The boss at the end of the level, who could have been easily defeated in the first place, suddenly showed super performance that could not be matched even by unlocking the genetic lock, and wiped out the entire team without even leaving a scrap.

So he put down the controller and made a sigh of relief.

"The strength of these self-made machines is still there, but there are some problems with the configuration. It is not impossible to defeat them, but it requires ridiculously precise operations, or even directly entering cheat codes. The former... is too difficult. The latter, the consequences It’s very bad. So, if we can change the staffing, we should be able to get through it more easily.”

He wasn't just fooling around, because there were indeed slight differences in performance between the machines in Metal Slug. But it is not this generation that is different, but everyone is drunk anyway.

"For example, this." He first pointed to the villain controlled by Zheng Zha. "The response is quick and the attack and defense are sufficient. But the battery life is insufficient and not durable enough. It should work more on this aspect."

Then he pointed at Jiang Yu's villain. "At the end of this level, you can drive a robot to fight, but the robot is still a bit too fragile. It would be better if it was better armed."

Then, Zhan Lan. "She is actually the most important. After all, she sees far. Unfortunately, she doesn't have anything like a walkie-talkie. They will lose in the end, mainly because they are all fighting on their own. If these villains can maintain communication, Share without being interrupted. Then at least you won’t lose this battle easily.”

"Brother Jie, you really like to give pointers." Jiang Yu smiled and shook her head, but she didn't point at Zhang Jie's villain and say, 'If you weren't timid, maybe the situation would get better.' After all, everyone knows what kind of situation Zhang Jie is in. And now there is indeed no practical and effective way to deal with it.

"But let's still fight as a team." He stretched. "It's still early today, how about we play PVP? Ah... that is, fighting between opposing camps? Maybe, what other skills can we discover from it?"

There are no jujubes, but I’ll beat them anyway. However, Zhang Jie waved his hand and showed a wry smile.

"No, I'm getting old. If I keep playing games or something like that, I might die suddenly. I still want to live for a few more years."

I see. Isn't this the ultimate level of information disclosure? If you want to leak any more information about the hostile Samsara team, you will inevitably incur punishment from the Lord God.

"That's right." Then Zheng Zha took over his words. "As for games, it's okay to play them occasionally. You still have to focus on business at ordinary times. But we won't talk about that today. We won't talk about it at all. Whether it's games or work, that's all."

"I happen to be quite hungry too." Zhan Lan also smiled and nodded. "I came here at noon and didn't even have time to eat lunch. I wonder if I will be lucky enough to catch up with my sister-in-law's craftsmanship today?"

"Yes, yes!" Zhang Jie laughed and stood up. He greeted his girlfriend and went to prepare some food. His voice was heartier and more cheerful than usual. He took the initiative to pat Jiang Yu and Zheng Zha on the shoulders, and touched his head to each of them. "A group of you suddenly came over, which made me a little nervous. This time I have to let you guys accompany me to have a few drinks with me. Even those who can walk upright can't even think of running away."

"I'm eighteen." Jiang Yu shrugged.

Zheng Zha covered half of his face with a deep expression. "Then, it's time for you to see the power of the office director over the wine table."

There was a burst of laughter.

A few hours later, Zhan Lan, whose cheeks were slightly flushed due to drunkenness, dragged two half-dead things and called for full body repair and hangover under the Lord's ball of light - Zhang Jie proved with practical actions that you are still your hero, Brother Jie. elder brother. With his arms and legs completely free, two or three people together wouldn't be enough for him to hit with one finger.


Jiang Yu's vision returned to clarity - he found that he still didn't like the wine table culture. It's a pity that this round of wine can't be done without drinking. Some people need to vent their inner emotions, and some need to feel at ease.

What does it mean that people in the world cannot help themselves? He felt it roughly. Even if the Lord God repaired and erased the high-grade alcohol content and corresponding sequelae in his body that even this superhuman physique could not withstand, the feeling of being drunk was still an unfriendly memory.

——Compared with the sequelae of opening the second-level gene lock, nature is just child's play. But rather than getting drunk, I would rather open the second-level gene lock a few more times.

Jiang Yu breathed out softly and sat down at the conference table under the main god's ball of light. Organize your inner thoughts. And basically consistent with the information he knew, this team battle that started in advance was probably the mummy.

The Mummy, the Legend of Gods and Ghosts - He reached out and asked the Lord God for the details of the first part of The Mummy. Then he put it on the conference table and looked at the other two people who were also resting at the table.

"The possibility is very high." Zhan Lan glanced at it and nodded. Egypt, last century, ancient tombs, mummies. All the necessary elements are here. "But is it possible that it will be a second one?"

She raised her hand and exchanged the information for the second part of The Mummy with the Lord God. It is different from Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, which was only released in 2008, and The Mummy, which was released in 2017. The movie "The Mummy Returns" was produced in 2001 and was well received as a classic sequel.

The reason why she chose the second part was because the game Zhang Jie chose was 'Metal Slug 2'

"The two movies are ten years apart in timeline. But they are indeed stories with the same theme." Jiang Yu nodded and shook it again. "But the plot of the second part is too grand compared to the first one. As novices, I don't think we will be assigned to such a vast battlefield. What's more..."

He paused for a moment because he noticed Zheng Zha's overflowing desire for expression.

"The plot of the second part involves Anubis, a powerful ancient god. Its black pyramid still has its divine power, and it is even directly connected to the underworld controlled by Anubis." Zheng Zha said with a serious expression. He was referring to the plot at the end of the second part, where the undead priest Immorton and the male protagonist O'Connor fall to the edge of the underworld together. O'Connor, who was helped by the heroine Evelyn, successfully escaped, while Immorton, who was abandoned by his lover Ansuna, gave up struggling in despair and fell into the ground.

Theoretically, a high priest would not die from a simple fall, even if the Temple of Anubis banned his divine power. Because it was also killed by Anubis' soul-hunting carriage in the first part, but it was also able to come back to life in the second part. But the fact is that Immorton has never bubbled again and left this IP.

"For us, it is still too early to deal with great gods like Anubis. We may not even be able to deal with the endless army of death. Unless this team battle is the type of joint fight against the enemy. But sure enough… the possibility is still relatively low.”

"And after all, it was also a product in 2001." Jiang Yu cooperated. "Personally, I still prefer the first part in 1999. And the second part may involve the plot of "The Scorpion King", which is even more likely to cause confusion. I speculate that after the team battle is over, we can dig deeper. You can really encounter these plots, but during the team battle... the possibility is relatively low."

Two to one, Zhan Lan lowered his eyes slightly.

"I admit that your statement is reasonable, but I personally have reservations... Anyway, both movies operate in the same style of scenes, and they have to deal with the same type of enemies. And in this regard, I think even if we make two preparations, there won’t be much of a problem.”

In the end, she insisted on her opinion - but as she said, even if she was prepared, the problem would not be that big. Whether you are fighting the mummies or the death army, you are destined to use anti-necromantic weapons. And even in the land of the Nine-Glory God, where the power of heaven that favors the Yahweh line is restricted, the Death Army still has the characteristic of being beheaded and destined to die.

——The kobold who will die if his head is cut off... Ah, why does it smell like Khorne?

Jiang Yu nodded. He didn't intend to argue with Zhan Lan. Anyway, it has been framed as a mummy series, so even if there are deviations, it is not really a problem.

After all...there's plenty of time.

"We have to go back to the aliens." Zheng Zha turned his head and looked at Jiang Yu: "Brother Jiang, the 'good stuff' you mentioned before is..."

"The culprit who made me look like I did when I came back." In the previous drinking party, Jiang Yu did not mention the 'Black Water' matter, because this matter was originally planned to be discussed at the subsequent group meeting. It is more appropriate from a procedural perspective. "And I also relied on it to kill a monster that was supposed to appear in the fourth part and gained a lot of benefits. I will talk about the specific content in a subsequent meeting. But now, I think we need to discuss it before the meeting. Prepare our exchange.”

"I have nothing to change." Zheng Zha shrugged. "The bloodline has been upgraded to B level. I may exchange the remaining D for a small skill or a space prop. It is always inconvenient to borrow your ring all the time. And this time there are a lot of reward points. I plan to carry a lot of high-level ones with me. Technological firepower.”

"I plan to exchange for the soul chain." Zhan Lan also understood Zhang Jie's suggestion. "I don't really like fighting and killing. The current angel bloodline is actually enough. The spiritual chain requires a B-level branch and 5,000 reward points. It's just right. It can be used in the team to improve coordination efficiency. 'Walkie Talkie'."

She made a phone call gesture, looking a bit coquettish.

Unfortunately, neither of the two people present seemed to have any intention of pursuing her.

"I think its power may be more than a 'walkie-talkie', otherwise it would be too expensive for the price." Jiang Yu nodded and said: "I remember that in the category of materials, there seems to be something that can improve the efficiency of mental power operation. Side items. If you have enough reward points, you might be able to spend a little more effort on them."

"Then..." He raised his head and looked at the Lord God. "This is the equipment and weapons I need."

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