Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 79 ·Change someone else’s trap

The seniors looked at each other, but the words did not cause an uproar. Because long before World 2, senior players knew about the existence of this option and made corresponding discussions.

Many people have no reason to go back, and those who have reason to go back decide to postpone it temporarily.

"...You're right, I'm going to forget about this." Zheng Zha gently hit the table, with a little regret in his tone. "When I came to the world of reincarnation, I kept fighting, getting stronger, and fighting... I forgot that I still have my old parents at home who need to be taken care of. Yes, it's time to go back. I happen to have a free D-level branch line, so next It’s up to me—”

He raised his head and was about to submit an unlocking application to the Lord God.

"I suggest you wait for a few minutes." Chu Xuan tapped the table lightly. "The real world may be different from what we expected. We'd better think more carefully before taking action."

"...What do you mean?" Zheng Zha frowned.

Chu Xuan pointed to the stone tablet.

"The previous generations of reincarnators here said that team battles are to prevent the reincarnation team from destroying the real world, so the consumption mechanism is set up - I do not agree with this view, but one thing is certain, that is, the reincarnators are all They have common interests in the real world, which means that even reincarnators from different teams come from the same real world. So, this is a bit strange."

He raised his hand, and the light fell. Several large papers suddenly appeared on the conference table.

""Research and Development and Application of Heavy Particle Engine", "Overview of the Grand Unification Theory", "Preparation and Storage of Antimatter". These things are all 10 bonus points from the Lord God, and the level of technology it represents is at least higher than reality. Three hundred years, or even more. I looked through some of the basic parts, and it is not difficult to understand, and the logic is very smooth. However, our world today is far from being able to connect with the technical level represented by this knowledge. "

"This is very interesting. The Lord God provides a complete set of cheap industrial mother machines and corresponding material formulas. Coupled with some intelligent machines, even illiterate people can create a powerful production base out of thin air, as long as there is enough time - and I believe that reincarnation There must be many among them who have relatives and friends who need to be taken care of in real life. So even if it is out of personal feelings, he will always leave something to his acquaintances in the real world. And the world should follow suit. And subvert.”

He pushed up his glasses on his nose.

"Earth society should have been in chaos for a long time. The powerful reincarnation team and their forces each control a piece of land and endlessly export resources and products to them - even if the reincarnations don't use them, their relatives do. Got it. There won’t be that many countries on earth, there will only be areas divided by the reincarnation team’s sphere of influence.”

"But they didn't - until I entered the world of reincarnation, the whole world was as quiet as a pool of stagnant water. The new power was rising, the old power was declining, there were some discords but there was no apparent conflict. There were some supernatural powers, but there were also ...Not many. And this can only explain one thing, that is, the reincarnations who return to reality are subject to some very powerful restrictions that should come directly from the Lord God. Even the more powerful, the more restrictions. It seems that they have been exchanged For Jiang Yu with a B-level bloodline, even the area of ​​activity and the route he travels may be interfered by the Lord God."

It's a bit alarmist, but the logic is sound. Jiang Yu has been thinking about one thing...since everyone in the first generation comes from the same world. So where are the options for peace during team fights? Aren't you afraid that your information will be exposed, and the other party will directly retaliate and kill the whole family after returning to the real world?

consensus? Checks and balances? There will always be an orphan who is barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. The Lord God only said that the Lord God's information could not be leaked and special items would be removed, but killing was not prohibited. However, in fact, the original canon is that until the end of the battle, no one had the idea of ​​​​making any extra moves in the real world. In addition to being severely restricted... it can only be the water in the real world, which is ridiculously deep. But Zheng Zha was able to successfully escape from the pit dug by Chu Xuan, but he denied this possibility.

You can't say that Az has forgotten.

"...It seems to make sense." Zheng Zha nodded with some confusion and looked at Jiang Yu.

"The possibility is very high." Jiang Yu touched his fingers. "The real world is indeed too peaceful. Going back rashly may cause some worries. I told everyone not to rush for a while, which may have been a wrong decision. I'm sorry."

"There is nothing to be sorry for." Zheng Zha shook his head: "Even if you didn't say it then, I would have spent all the side plots and reward points in my hand before going back. This is my own choice, and... ...I may not be able to go back. After all, my current bloodline is only C-level."

He hasn't strengthened his B-level bloodline yet because he originally planned to redeem it in public after the meeting. Lead by example so that your peers understand your own power. And this is also the practice left over from the last collective strengthening.

"Maybe that's possible, but I think we have a better choice. We newcomers haven't been strengthened yet, and the Lord God has left the least traces on us, so even if there are restrictions, they should be the lightest. Moreover, we He also has some inherent skills and abilities that have nothing to do with the Lord God."

Li Shuaixi, who was sitting a little further away from him, turned slightly red and lowered his head slightly. Among the newcomers, he is the most rookie.

"I'll go." Ling Dian said in a deep voice. "I'm very good at concealment and hiding. If there are insurmountable rules, I can perform the task as much as possible without violating the rules."

"It's me." Cheng Xiao stood up, his laughter gone. "Chu Xuan is a soldier, maybe a senior colonel. If you suddenly disappear and then reappear, the problem will be very serious. And Ling Dian, you are a killer, and it is not very convenient to move in the country - I am different, my family... is a bit powerful. And I happen to be the kind of fringe kid who is idle, not doing his job properly, and disappears for a year and a half without doing much. And..."

He pointed at his lower abdomen, to be precise, he pointed at the natal Gu in his body.

"Excluding the Lord God's enhancement, I think I can still fight quite well. Also... I do have some very important things that I need to go back and deal with immediately."

Jiang Yu noticed that he did not have the authority to create human beings - because except for Xia, other senior or new human beings were having tea parties on the other side of the conference table quite far away. Zheng Zha's Luo Li, Zhang Jie's Na'er, the porn stars from Mou Gang's family, and a pretty girl created by Li Shuaixi to be the squad leader were all there. Chu Xuan didn't get rid of his Arnold, but Ling Dian's younger brother...or the younger sister who looked like a younger brother had already sat down at the tea party.

It seemed that he was really anxious to get back to work and do something...important.

"...Alright." Zheng Zha pondered for a few seconds, and his eyes slightly touched those of Cheng Xiao. "Then I'll write down an address later. Then, I'll also have some medicine and cash. Please bring it with you."

This is indeed in line with his style, of course, after Cheng Xiao returns. He will probably take the time to go there again himself. After all, his D-level branch has not yet become a Najie, and... maybe the real-world activation cost is also shared by the whole team.

"Perhaps you can also prepare some life-extending potion." Jiang Yu raised a finger. Chu Hao of the third generation used life-extending potion on people in the real world, and it was not recovered by the Lord God. Although the rules may be different in the first generation, bargain hunters can still try them out. "Would it be more appropriate to exchange cash for an unnamed savings card? Or, can Cheng Xiao use your family's... personal influence to do some operations?"

"That's no problem." Cheng Xiao agreed readily. "I still have some resources on hand...Brother Jiang, would you like to write me an address as well and I can drop by?"

"I'll spare it." Jiang Yu waved her hand. "My family... don't tell me. Let's see if other people have this need."

The answer is yes, but not many. This is because Chu Xuan did not put forward the argument that "we may have entered the mind, and the body is in a vegetative state in reality", and he did not make sensational warnings about the urgency of returning to reality. The reincarnations this time around are generally not very interested in returning to reality. Mou Gang hesitated for a moment and finally said nothing. He may trust senior people such as Zheng Zha and Jiang Yu more. Even if he has to carry a letter, he will not hand it over to Cheng Xiao who is not familiar with him.

Zhang Jie shook his head slightly, Zhan Lan smiled and waved his hand. Li Shuaixi coyly wrote an address and a long letter. And Shark Hand, who is so indifferent to emotions at all, naturally has no sense of existence.

However, Cheng Xiao received a lot of farewell gifts as the original code unfolded. Amulets, jade pendants to ward off evil spirits, elixirs, light armor. He also opened up his B-level branch and purchased a storage ring. And finally, Chu Xuan gave him a classic high-frequency vibration dagger.

It's a classic. In the original canon, Zheng Zha was so miserable by this thing that he almost lost his love forever, so much so that he broke up with Chu Xuan on the spot after returning to the world of reincarnation. But now, those who enjoy the same treatment have become Cheng Xiao.

Jiang Yu is not worried about him - unlike Zheng Zha, he can withstand being cheated. In addition, he did not bring his family, so the possibility of problems was basically considered non-existent.

After all, the current Chu Xuan is different from the original Chu Xuan at the same time. He has no desire to die, so he will naturally not make drastic decisions.

Well, that's the theory.

Thus, under the gaze of the reincarnators, time passed with a total length of one second.


Cheng Xiao opened his eyes.

He appeared where he expected to appear, in an ordinary, ordinary apartment that can be seen everywhere in the city - he glanced at the electronic perpetual calendar on the wall. A little more than four days had passed since the moment he disappeared. . The computer in front of me was still in the auto-sleep mode. When I touched the mouse, the desktop with the God pop-up window was as clean as a slate.

"Sure enough, no one has been here." He breathed out softly. There was relief and a little loss in his tone.


Right next door to his apartment, a middle-aged man whose facial features were 80% similar to his opened his eyes silently.

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