Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 86 ·Complete strengthening and...Chu Xuan?

"...Troll?" Li Shuaixi had a confused expression on his face. "Is it the kind of troll in Warcraft? The one with blue skin and long fangs? Hmm... It seems possible..."

"It's not that kind." Chu Xuan shook his head and called out the entry introduction from the Lord God.

——[Troll bloodline——It is said to be ‘pan-fantasy’, does not have energy circulation, and extremely enhances survivability and muscle strength. As long as the heart and brain are not lost at the same time, even if the body is shattered, it can be quickly restored. Even if the brain and heart are lost, as long as more than half of the remains are intact, normalcy can be restored in a short time. 】

——[To redeem this bloodline, you need to pay for a B-level branch story, and the reward points are 4,000 points. 】

Jiang Yu looked at Chu Xuan's side - the android Arnold had not been created yet. At the same time, because of Xia's existence, Chu Xuan did not propose the idea of ​​creating human bodyguards to protect scientific researchers. But now... he seems to have gotten a better replacement. After all, in the original world line, Chu Xuan had considered troll bloodline for himself or his human-made Arnold.

"Cell activity increased by 600 points, and muscle strength increased by 125 points." Zhan Lan frowned - although Li Shuaixi was a little rude, she actually didn't care about such things. "Extremely enhanced resilience... I think this may overlap with T-virus enhancement. Although Li Shuaixi has not yet undergone T-fusion, as a member of the team, this benefit can be obtained."

She glanced at Zheng Zha and Jiang Yu. "What do you think?"

"There is indeed some reserve of T original solution." Zheng Zha shrugged. "And everyone did fight together. As a team, I think the reuse of these resources is reasonable."

This matter has been mentioned before, and new people in reincarnation know the benefits of senior people. We also know that Black Water, which we need to fight for after returning to Alien 1, is a similar team resource.

Jiang Yu also nodded, and then looked at Chu Xuan. "There must be a more appropriate reason for recommending this."

"There are indeed some reasons." Chu Xuan nodded. "In the team, everyone needs to have their own role. Judging from the current situation, there is no shortage of both long-range and melee combat, and support positions require corresponding talents. So on this basis, I think Li Shuaixi You can first improve your survivability. Then load up some weapons and take on some relatively simple combat positions. This will lay a solid foundation for your future direction."

This is a good-sounding reason, but not a sufficient one.

"At the same time, in the process of reproducing the Eden artifact and transforming it, I will inevitably need everyone's cooperation. But after all, I am just a one-person research team here... I may create a human-creating assistant, but that's just Two people. Therefore, the experimental product will have a certain degree of danger when it is improved, but as a logistical support that needs to be adapted to the entire team. In the end, one person is needed to take on this responsibility."

Drug testing mice, experimental animals, this is the real reason. But Chu Xuan originally had another candidate... and in the later stages, Zheng Zha could withstand no matter how outrageous the human experiments were.

Very easy to deceive.

"I don't really agree with this strengthening route." Zheng Zha shook his head. "If I need to configure a new piece of equipment, I will adapt it myself and face all the risks that will arise. Rather than letting others bear it for me... But I really can't think of a better solution. Jiang Jiang Jade?"

Jiang Yu checked the detailed entries of the troll. Very good, it is the first generation standard model of Stable. No prelude, no follow-up. It is simply a fantasy to want to be like a certain girl across the street and reach the S-class ancestor of trolls and then open a sub-celestial position. And this kind of development without follow-up can indeed make the conscientious people in the team feel bad.

So...try it.

"I think we can respect Li Shuaixi's personal choice." Jiang Yu slightly lengthened his voice, and he found the item he needed during the search. "When you can't find a better choice. Either shelve it, or... change it to a slightly more advanced one."

A new exchange entry turned into a projection.

——[Mutated Troll Monster Bloodline—Produced as a ‘pan-fantasy’ bloodline that extremely enhances resilience and strength and does not have energy circulation. Removed the weakness of being petrified by sunlight and giant size. and raises sensory thresholds. His resilience is comparable to that of a troll, and he has an even stronger physique. 】

——[To redeem this bloodline, you need to pay for a B-level branch plot, and the reward points are 5,500 points. 】

"Slightly stronger than the troll, it should be the kind of mountain monster that appeared in the Lord of the Rings. At the same time, there is also the mountain monster general, the subsequent enhancement of the mountain monster king level. And since it needs to bear the damage... so pain-resistant It's okay if you don't have the ability." Jiang Yu tried her best.

"Well, this will provide a channel for subsequent development. At the same time, I have also watched The Lord of the Rings. The armed mountain demon in it..." Zheng Zha thought for a moment. "Even Human Emperor Aragorn can't bear it. At least in terms of strength, there is a lot to be done."

He even felt that it would be more appropriate for Mou Gang to redeem this thing... but of course he would not say this. And Zhan Lan took a look at the mountain demon's subsequent strengthening and attribute increase. Spending an extra 1,500 points, the increase in muscle strength changes from 125 to 250 points, as well as the same 125 points of nerve reflexes. In terms of cost performance, it is already quite sufficient.

Chu Xuan also agreed. "Indeed, this will lead to better subsequent growth. The pain tolerance is indeed an oversight on my part. Such strengthening may be more suitable."

It's hard to tell whether he and Jiang Yu are complimenting each other. But it is also possible that he is trying to weaken his image of having no plans under normal circumstances.

Then, everyone looked at Li Shuaixi again.

"I'm very happy!" Unexpected, but reasonable. This unemployed boy was obviously pleasantly surprised by his new position. After all, Chu Xuan has never tricked him... at least not yet. Moreover, the care Chu Xuan gave him before was considered sufficient. "Let me make some contributions to the team. Brother Chu Xuan, is this the mountain demon with B+5500 points, right?"

Chu Xuan nodded silently.

"Okay then... Lord God, I want to redeem the mountain demon to strengthen it, just like the one projected now!"

In this round of exchange, he was the first to shout out. And the next moment, the strengthened light beam also fell on him. His originally thin physique swelled and became strong. The skin and tendons were greatly strengthened, and although he did not have the appearance of a giant, he still had the appearance of an athlete.

And the next moment, he took out a knife. He lightly scratched his arm.

The first knife didn't scratch it, but the second knife was a little harder. A crack appeared. He originally looked like he was enduring the pain, but after the wound opened, his eyes lit up.

"It doesn't hurt!" The increase in pain threshold has greatly enhanced Li Shuaixi's ability to resist pain. The open wound had healed when the dagger was released. The next moment, he simply gritted his teeth, swung the dagger with all his strength, and cut off his own wrist!

Zhan Lan frowned, and the healing glow lit up in his hands. However, the next moment, Li Shuaixi's broken wrist began to squirm, and in the blink of an eye, a large piece of squirming flesh sprouted. Flesh and blood were intertwined with each other, mixed with bone extensions, and within a few dozen seconds, a new palm appeared on Li Shuaixi's wrist!

He bent his knees and jumped several meters high. It's also very light when it lands on the ground. It completely exceeds the speed, resilience, and strength that a veteran can display after T-fusion enhancement.

"Thank you, Brother Chu Xuan!" He returned to Chu Xuan excitedly, and then realized that there was still something missing. So he immediately turned his head and added. "Ah...and you, Jiang"

There's really no reason why he can't find a job. I don’t know if he will call Zhao Yingkong little sister after Zhao Yingkong appears.

Jiang Yu just twitched the corner of her mouth and smiled at him in a coping style. Then he turned his gaze and looked at Ling Dian and Cheng Xiao.

Cheng Xiao does intend to redeem the Eastern Dragon Clan bloodline - a series of bloodlines starting from C level, with dragon armor protection and the ability to choose energy attributes. After dismantling his B-level branch line, Cheng Xiao exchanged it for the wind attribute dragon blood enhancement. And...the more classic Nan Dou Water Bird Boxing.

"Am I going to buy a pair of gloves for the remaining two D's, or buy an armor and some gloves? Hmm... I'm a man as strong as the wind. Maybe there's no need for armor?" When this guy was covered by a beam of light, , that’s what he said.

——He should prepare another flute, wear a green shirt, and change his surname to Long. This is enough 'wind'.

And Zero a more classic style. B-level dot-line magic eye, plus D-level Gauss sniper rifle. Without the T Fusion that the team would allocate later, I really doubt that one day he would be suddenly affected and die in the aftermath of the battle.

——Unlikely, because Zero Point’s strongest ability is not his sniping. But his sense of existence is low. He can be so low that even the high-dimensional narrator forgets that he is there, which is simply a memetic phenomenon!

Then... everything is ready.

Chu Xuan raised his head and looked at the Lord God.

"Chu Xuan, I remember you just mentioned that you wanted to create a human-creating assistant?" It was Zheng Zha who noticed this.

"Well, I do have this plan - the human-creation mechanism is very interesting. It can completely reproduce talents with corresponding qualities based on the knowledge I possess. But it is slightly insufficient outside of my knowledge. But... Isu's system Although it is not very complicated, there are indeed some places that require multiple people to operate to save time. And I do need an assistant who can keep up with my pace to handle some trivial matters."

He turned his head and glanced at the family members of the Samsaras a little further away - now he has not broken with Zheng Zha, and has successfully integrated into the team. And if a male Arnold is created like the original canon... it would be a bit ignorant.

Then, the light fell down.

A person with a gentle temperament and decent curves can easily blend into the circle of family members at a glance. But there is no shortage of researchers, decisive and calm women, who appear in the main god's falling beam of light.

The corners of Chu Xuan's mouth seemed to be unnoticeable, but also seemed to be raised deliberately.

"I originally wanted to name you [Zhang Xiaoxue]." - Jiang Yu's eyes twitched.

"But I still feel it's not suitable - you are not something that has nothing to do with me. You are not a copy of me, but an extension of me. So..."

"Let's call you 'Chu Xuan'."

My throat hurts a little, maybe I have Yang.

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