Infinite reincarnation of glory

Chapter 88 ·Identity Arrangement

Half asleep and half awake...

Being half asleep is a privilege that allows reincarnators to avoid the pain of interdimensional transport. There is no need to feel the pain of every tendon in the body being dismantled and then sutured, and every nerve feeling as if it was being bombarded by a red-hot hammer.

Jiang Yu opened her eyes.

The chosen landing point was Planet 426, where the Engineer spacecraft crashed. The length of stay is a total of one hundred days. And the moment he opened his eyes, all the scenes that appeared in front of him seemed to be different from the expected scenes.

Not a ruined, dark spaceship. Nor is it a noisy investigation site surrounded by various excavation machines and support structures. Not to mention a heavily guarded secret research and development base with patrols and surveillance cameras everywhere - what appeared in front of you was an ecological lounge with bright and clean windows. There are green plants, flowers, air circulation and purification systems - through the observation window not far away, you can see the barren landscape of Planet 426, as well as the interconnected ecological buildings full of technology.

This is indeed Planet 426 - and it is indeed very different from what was expected. Compared with the colony in the original Alien Part 2, which was small and pitiful with only a few dozen families. Wieland has clearly built this area well. Just from this perspective, there are hundreds of ecological zones in the colonial area that can accommodate residents. And if one could overlook the entire territory of the colony, one might be able to confirm that the total number of settlers on the planet was already in the tens of thousands.

A huge number - if all of them are transformed into aliens, I am afraid that there will be an abnormal high-level individual like the 'Alien Empress' in this colony. seems that there is no need to worry about this problem now.

"Everything is normal." Because Zhan Lan's mental power had quickly scanned the entire colony. It's not precise enough, but it can be found that the crowds in various places are calm, without commotion or conflict. He was just living an ordinary life, and the power furnace area at the core of the base was also inspected and scanned by Zhan Lan. The final result was that there was no abnormality.

[I suspect that we have arrived at the wrong time point. At this time, maybe the plot of Alien 2 has ended. 】——Zhan Lan opened the spiritual link, scanned and broadcast the results. The spiritual link can share the images observed during scanning. Without the gene lock, these images can only be seen by Zheng Zha, Jiang Yu, and Chu Xuan.

[It is also possible that the Lord God has not erased the impact we have caused. 】——Chu Xuan pushed up his glasses.

[Our cleaning of the Nosmo and the exploration of the Engineer spacecraft left results. In addition, in the original work, Ripley did not return to Planet 426, but wandered alone in space for more than fifty years. And the company has not discovered the spacecraft on the planet... This means that the company's development of planet 426 is actually very late. But now, everything is different. 】

Logical deduction, one of two possibilities. In Resident Evil, it was because the reincarnators were never able to leave the hive. So when I return, I don’t know how much of it is due to the butterfly effect - it is not impossible for the Lord God to force the twisted plot of the reincarnation back to the original track. But now, it has been proven false.

And this means that the reincarnators need to slightly modify their future policy - for worlds that require multiple returns, destructive development should be avoided as much as possible unless the situation is urgent. And it is necessary to maintain a relatively friendly image in the world view.

Zheng Zha did not make any comment on this, but joyful emotions floated in his thoughts.

As for Jiang Yu...he cares more about sensing the movements around him.

【somebody is coming. 】——He noticed the vibration, but there was no heartbeat sound. Zhan Lan failed to detect the other party immediately, perhaps partly due to this reason.

【Synthetic human. 】

‘Ding Dong——’ The doorbell rang softly, accompanied by the loudspeaker playing.

"Everyone from the Central Continent Team, can I come in?"

Very good, it seems that the Lord God has made appropriate arrangements for the return of the reincarnators. The status of the reincarnators is still retained, and a guide is arranged who will not cause irreversible consequences even if his hands are slippery due to nervousness.

The reincarnators looked at each other.

"Please come in." Jiang Yu said, and the second the words fell, the white automatic door opened in the eyes of the reincarnators. A tall, thin male synth in overalls appears in the doorway, with a face that moviegoers will surely recognize.

‘Bishop’ – the synth from Alien Part 2. But they are individuals who serve humanity faithfully. Even if he was torn apart by the queen in the end, he still saved the life of the little girl Newt. Of course, strictly speaking, Ash in the first film is also loyal, but Ash is more loyal to the company's instructions than to all mankind. The bishop obviously has a more flexible ability to make judgments.

"Good morning," it said. "Everyone, how do you feel after arriving fifty-six years ago? I think you have generally recovered and adapted?"

Fifty-six years - the time of Alien 2 is the fifty-seventh year after the end of the first part, maybe a little more. Since the situation is currently stable, negotiations are naturally left to professionals who can maximize the acquisition of intelligence.

"In fact, we are still confused until now." Chu Xuan nodded and invited the bishop to sit on the sofa. The other reincarnations also sat down individually, trying to maintain a harmonious atmosphere as much as possible. "Can you tell it in as much detail as possible? Is there anything we need to know? And what is there that we must understand?"

Negotiations began quickly—and continued for quite some time. From the exchange with the bishop, the reincarnations of the Central Continent team were able to learn the full background of the main god's arrangement for them.

In fact, they were judged to have died of serious injuries fifty-six years ago. The Lord God exaggerated the severity of their injuries, or shared information about Jiang Yu's injuries. So fifty-six years ago, as a concept group, all members of the ‘Zhongzhou Team’ were sent to the freezer, sealed, and waited to return to the battlefield at some point in the future.

Fifty-six years later, the technology unearthed from the alien spacecraft finally allowed Wieland Corporation to master the ability to repair the human body. After covert commercialization and resource allocation, some frozen people in the company who had made outstanding contributions and whose second appearance would not cause power changes were cured and then awakened. ‘Team Central Continent’ is one of these people, and the company still retains their past security consultant titles.

"So, it turns out we are not out of date yet." Chu Xuan nodded. "I thought that fifty-six years was a long enough time. It was long enough for the iteration of technology to run again and again. Unexpectedly, we still had the opportunity to serve the company."

"Please don't belittle yourself," the bishop responded. "Team Zhongzhou is a legendary team. You have made a great contribution to the company. Without your fight, it would be impossible to develop a complete 'confidential project'. Even in accordance with the employee contract The most demanding one among them, this merit is enough for you to lead a department and receive a minimum of one hundred years of retirement benefits. What's more, you are the company's elite, the flesh and blood and backbone of the company."

"Also, fifty-six years is indeed a long time for the period of technological explosion. But unfortunately, since entering space and starting to expand externally, human technology has fallen into the stage of standing still in the classical period. Except for the achievements that the company has achieved because of you, the weapons, equipment, and tactics of fifty-six years ago are not much different from what they are now. Even as the latest synthetic human model, compared to fifty-six years ago, I The previous version only enhanced the software stability, and there was no discontinuous improvement in performance."

"So, we are still elites?" Zheng Zha, after listening to the two men's explanations for a long time, finally couldn't help but interjected.

"That's right." The bishop tilted his head and nodded to him. "The company still needs you, and the privileges and benefits you have will be retained. Of course, due to some procedural reasons, your merits will not be judged until six months later - in the battle you experienced There is another survivor. The company needs to wake her up before the full set of procedures can be completed...but before that, you do not need to undertake any combat missions. Of course, if you want to warm up, you are free to move around and receive some comparisons Simple commission.”

This treatment is really better than expected, and much better. If the members of the Central Continent team are really indigenous, and all these benefits are really fulfilled. If not, at least half of them would devote their lives to Wilander from then on.

The giant company in the world is slightly different from what was expected.

"That survivor..." Jiang Yu frowned. "Is that the engineer who drove the escape ship into the alien spacecraft?"

"Yes, she destroyed the company's property due to force majeure. But she was indeed the first to discover the spaceship. There are merits, and since she survived by chance until the company's follow-up support force found her, then her behavior It deserves a fair assessment.”

The Bishop read the atmosphere in the air, and he was sure that the reincarnators had obtained sufficient information. So he reached out and placed a chip on the table in front of him. Then, get up.

"This is the secret key to enter the company's deep intranet. You can obtain the detailed information by yourself. At the same time, your physiological characteristics have also been verified for the second time in the company's system. You can go wherever you want to go on your own, Do whatever you want. Just be sure to keep communication open with the company. And if you have any special needs, you can contact me directly."

It left - and the reincarnators looked at each other.

"I suddenly felt..." Cheng Xiao scratched his head. "Working in a place like this... seems pretty good."

I've recovered a little bit... Let's change back into a beast these days and rebuild a bit_(:з」∠)_

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