Infinite Replacement

Vol 8 Chapter 109: Kominami

He is Huo Ying! The strongest ninja in the village.

If it is said that he lacks observation power, that's okay. So his words are enough to win the trust.

Calamus's expression eased, and nodded to Amiao apologetically, "Just thanks to your tolerance, I will continue to wear it." She thanked Jingyu and walked to the side of Pipi Lake.

However, Jingyu and Zhicun Miao already had a relationship with each other. Based on fairness, it is now time for her. He took the initiative to call her... and even did not look for excuses, saying straightly, ‘walk with me’.

Iris shook his head shyly under the watchful eyes of the girls.

They came to the driving range in the backyard.

Yayoi Yayoi took Meiling to practice physical exercises here. Jingyu and Calamus stood on the corridor and watched.

He said: "You just mentioned that A Miao likes Meiqin's Japanese dress, how about you? Do you like Jiu Xinnai's Western style?"

When taking wedding photos, it was all taken. But when they get married, they will only choose one of them to attend the ceremony. Well, it is impossible for his wives to become shadow avatars, and they will wear various wedding dresses to accompany him.

"Yes, yes." Calamus stuttered.

She didn't expect that she would be so nervous...I don't know if the impact of his sudden intrusion made her feel that she had beaten the heart with the drama, and she might break out of her chest at any time.

"Then you know, what are you doing today?" Jingyu asked.

Iris nodded and said, "Auntie has told me, please rest assured that the four generations, I came only after I agreed."

"I can understand that you are willing to be my woman myself?"

He looked at her.

The girl's pretty face turned red and nasally softly.

Jingyu said: "Meiqin will hold a wedding with me because she is pregnant. When Tsunade took a wedding photo, it was also because she was carrying Ziyuan. Jiu Xinnai is the same, when you are pregnant, we will Take a wedding dress and hold a ceremony again, okay."

"Pregnancy, pregnancy..." Calamus seemed to hear only these two words, and the blush on his face deepened.

Jingyu knows that if she is really that ape flying calamus, it is M constitution in front of the person she likes. The more bullying her, the more excited she will be.

He bullied to her, gently scraped her cheek with the back of her finger, and intentionally used a slightly bad voice: "Why, are you unwilling? When you come to me, there is no room for you to choose. I will Bully you well."

Ordinary girls may be scared to cry.

Jingyu smiled and flicked her forehead.

The slight pain made her ‘ah’ and fell to the ground softly.

The two people who were fighting each other on the driving range, Mei Ling found that the aunt Yayoi who had defended the almost perfect aunt suddenly became messy and his face became a little red for some reason.

She took the initiative to distance herself, "Aunt Yayoi, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah, no, it's nothing." Yayoi kept using his white eyes and shook his head... Never tell her what she saw.

At this time, the state of use could not be released, making Yayoi's heart shy. Because ah, his favorite man, looking at her behind her with a thief smile.

That night, both Shimura Miao and Ape Feichangpu lived in Jingyu's house. But Jingyu did not go to their room, but went to Yayoi's room.

He hugged Yayoi and said in her ear, "What did you see in the afternoon?" It was so embarrassing for Yayoi.

Perhaps it was the credit this evening. Two months later, Yayoi was also diagnosed as pregnant.

They also held a wedding.

The stomachs of Nine Sinai and Yayoi grew up day by day, and several more people were added to the family, either girls or young women, all of which were sent in by the families.

Of course, some families did not send people.

For example, the Qiudao family, the oil girl family, and the thin Qimu family, etc.

Qiu Daoding also quietly told Jingyu that there is really no suitable young girl at home, so please forgive him.

Jingyu told him, crying and laughing, he was not forcibly recruited.

In order to avoid the similar thinking of the Yu Nu clan, Jingyu later let Lu go to the Yu Nu clan for comfort for a long time.

This day is a peaceful day for Konoha. Jingyu even lazily used the shadow avatar to cope with the work of Huo Ying, and accompanied his wife and children at home.

Then a sudden glance flashed through his mind.

Save me, Jingyu.

There was a small voice asking for help.

Jingyu is different from Wave Fengshuimen in the end, and has the power that people in this world cannot understand. Even in order to conform to his current status, he developed some ninjutsu that "represents the power he uses in other worlds" alone.

One of them can be added to the flying thunder spell.

When you leave the technique on the girl, add this inductive ninjutsu. Once they are in danger, or ask for help in his heart, he will know immediately.

Therefore, without thinking, he immediately came to the helper's side with the technique of flying thunder god.

The raindrops fell from the sky, the whizzing sounds of gold and iron, and the explosion sound of blasting symbols intertwined and passed into Jingyu's ears.

And the two people in front of him, a ninja wearing a gas mask, are turning bitter to a young woman lying half on the ground.

The appearance of Jingyu made both of them feel their eyes move towards the corners of their eyes.

The ninja who stabbed in pain didn't even have time to twist his face to see it, and he suffered a fatal blow.

The fist handed out by Jingyu flew the ninja out hundreds of meters away.

After finishing this, Jingyu did the next second, instead of lifting the woman on the ground, but quickly applied a wind escape ninjutsu. Let the falling raindrops be deflected by the wind and fall onto him.

And, "It's okay, Dad's here." He gently shook the baby in his other hand, so that she should not be afraid of sudden changes in space, changes in light, and increased sound.

The little baby looked at him with twinkling, clear and large eyes, and smiled.

Exclaimed, he was relieved.

Then came the one-handed finalization, which produced dozens of shadow avatars.

The shadow avatars jumped around without any command... A burst of almost continuous explosions, the surroundings became quiet, and the battle ended immediately after he sent the shadow avatar.

"Xiaonan, can you stand up?" He just bent down and gave his hand to the woman who fell to the ground. ..


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