Infinite Replacement

Vol 8 Chapter 160: The evening sun is not the evening sun

At the same time, three women, Mu Ren, Abu Yi and Sam Yi, checked each other's findings in the hotel.

Azabu said: "It is certain that Uchiha's soil disappeared eight years ago, and the people in the village for no reason knew that he was missing, but no one knew why he was missing."

"Here, I feel that I can't investigate anymore. The missing ninja is a sensitive object in any village. If you ask about the reason for their disappearance, you will definitely be suspected." You Mu said.

"But do you want to pass on such an answer to Lord Lei Ying? This kind of half-way behavior is not cool at all!" Sam replied.

She wanted to continue the investigation, thinking that the wooden man thinking about how to make the decision should be cautious.

The three women were silent for a while.

But here is more than just three of them and one of them is hidden in the body of Yu Muren.

‘When the investigation is difficult to progress, you can change your mind. ’

‘Change your mind? ’

If you travel again, Yu Muren's eyes light up.

"Yes," she said after attracting the eyes of Abu and Samui: "Eight years ago! Uchiha disappeared with the soil and disappeared eight years ago. Then something must have happened eight years ago. Not directly. Ask Uchiha for soil, but ask for others! There will always be some signs."

"If you say so," Azabu squeezed his chin slightly, "our village also collects information from other villages. I will ask Lord Lei Ying to mobilize information from Muye eight years ago. It is definitely more than we are investigating now. Detailed and rich."

As long as Samyi did not terminate the investigation, there was no objection.

At the moment, Abu Buyi wrote down the investigation of the soiled matter on a scroll. At the same time, he expressed that in order to continue the investigation, he hopes to get assistance from the village side.

The scroll was directly sent to Yunyin Village with the technique of sending the sky.

About an hour later, I received a feedback scroll from Yunyin Village, which was also sent by the technique of heaven.

This scroll describes Yunyin's filtered information.

Among them, one point was mentioned emphatically-copy Ninja Kakashi's writing chakra.

"The appearance of that writing wheel eye happened exactly eight years ago!"

"Will Uchiha bring the soil?"

"Impossible, Huo Ying directly said what would happen if the missing flag, Mukakashi, knew that his writing wheel was the person he had been looking for?"

The three female ninjas said a word and looked at each other.

"That seems to be more in line with Lord Lei Ying's intentions." Azabu said: "We have to plan."

She motioned for the two girls to approach, and whispered

On the second day, the three women walked out of the hotel together. It took a long time for Muye to come to Muye, and he was taken by Huoying and Huoying's wife, respectively, and visited many places in Muye. With this experience, he acted as a guide for the other two women.

The trip to the Three Girls was forgotten, giving people a strong impression that ‘the mission is completed, we must seize the last time we stayed in Konoha and have a good time’.

They are all young girls. They are 21 or 12 years old. They are a little playful. It is not surprising that even a experienced ninja, after a long-term mission, needs to arrange vacations to adjust the state.

The dark part that followed them did not cause any doubt.

On the other side, Xirihong also strolled down the street. She was looking for someone to wash red beans in her hands.

In the meatball shop where red beans often go, you can't see the figure of red beans. After Xirihong only searched here, he didn’t go anywhere else. Instead, he walked like he was lucky.

At this time, she suddenly noticed a person-a person who appeared on the street and would look a bit subtle. Why is the fourth generation of Huo Ying not in the Huo Ying office!

And, after looking at it, is that your eyes winking?

Xi Rihong's heart moved, ‘Wouldn’t you like to quietly issue me a mission? ’

She followed after a little hesitation.

The two went one after the other and walked from the avenue into the detour, into the trail, and came to the house where no one else was.

He stopped.

When turning around, Xi Rihong knelt down on one knee and said, "Master Huoying, may I ask what you have to say?"

Jingyu didn't seem to be surprised by this situation, but he smiled.

"There are no outsiders here, Hong, what do you do with such a life?"

He approached the front of Hong, and when the latter looked up at him with a puzzled look, he stretched out his hand to hold her arm and brought her half-pulled.

If this is the case, it is nothing to Hong. However, he went on to hold her hand.

This can make Hong feel uncomfortable.

She pulled her hand awkwardly, unable to withdraw, and said with a straight face: "Master Huo Ying, please take your own weight!"

He burst into laughter.

When she was stunned by the thought, "Did I say something funny?" He raised his hand and scraped her nose.

That made her cheeks red.

Apparently uncomfortable with the intimacy, he panicked: "You, you are this"

"Red, is it blaming me for arranging a long-term assignment for you? I deliberately treat me this way, but I will be sad. Alas, I am Huo Ying, even if you are my beloved woman, I can't be too selfish. Arrange some simple and quick tasks for you that are also disrespectful to you, because you are also a ninja!"

Naruto tried his best to appeal.

However, Xi Rihong's eyes widened as if she heard something incredible.

Then again, she was brain-damaged, ‘how could this be! Huo Ying and her, this woman named Xi Rihong, happened to have this relationship by chance! ’

What should I do with her?

He was hesitating, did he quickly get rid of the shadow of the fire, lest he be seen through, the surrounding scene suddenly changed.

From the quietness on the back of the street, it turned into a different place filled with huge sound of water and humid environment.

"this is"

Time and Space Ninjutsu!

If the caster is the fourth generation of Naruto, it is the skill of flying Thor.

"Red" surprisedly realized the great skill of the flying thunder god, so he heard him say, "You said, I was afraid that the people in the village knew my relationship with you, so I brought you here. This is the country of Taki The place where I can see the most beautiful waterfall."

He let go of her hand, walked to a protruding rock edge, and sat down on the edge of the rock. Then he patted his side again.

"Come and sit, let's talk."

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