Infinite Replacement

Vol 2 Chapter 40: Contest and confrontation

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Opening the sliding door, what appeared before was a room similar to a Japanese dojo. Square and open, there is a painting hanging on the innermost wall. In addition to the word "sword", a dragon and a phoenix dance, there are no furnishings and utensils.

Several people have come in the room. In other words, with the exception of Sharon and Yuko, all six girls were concentrated here.

Angel, as a fighting proposal, has put on a military camouflage vest and pants of the same color, and temporarily tied her hair into a ponytail. I should have been reminded that I did not wear shoes in this room. She was doing a warm-up. When Jingyu came in, she happened to be from her own direction and saw the neckline of her doing push-ups inward. The bottomless canyon was very charming.

Carol, two of her companions, sat on the ground casually, and Catherine looked at the painting together with Jinghua and her friends.

Jingyu walked towards them, "This is what I wrote randomly in previous years, Jinghua, do you see anything?"

The dedicated Jinghua turned around and nodded seriously, "I feel a strong sword and a gap with the teacher."

"Uh" Jingyu smiled and stopped in front of her, and touched her head. "The back is redundant." He glanced at Catherine again. "You will be equally interested, which surprised me a bit."

"I just think its shape is beautiful." Catherine said casually, and walked to Carol and sat down like a noble princess.

In this home, Jingyu and Jinghua's daughters speak Japanese, but Catherine uses English. By the way, these three agents do not understand Japanese, and Jinghua's English is not very good. The rest are basically two links.

"Hey, don't you do a warm-up?" An Qi cried to Jingyu.

"I just came to prove that I am stronger than you, there is no need to warm up." Jingyu said casually, without even returning his head.

"You!" An Qi was very angry, "Huh, when I was defeated, don't make excuses."

"That's what I want to tell you." Jingyu fought back again. "You are ready to call me again. Now, don't hinder me from speaking."

‘Damn and impolite man! Angie gritted her teeth and tried to calm herself down, and returned to warming up.

Carol smiled and admired the confrontation very much. Catherine whispered'arrogant' again.

"Jingyu, don't you care?" Pengzi only had the opportunity to speak to him at this time, and asked with a concerned expression.

"It doesn't matter, at that level, I can easily knock it down." Jingyu said casually.

"No, it's not that." The friend was bitter and bit his lower lip. "She, she touched you, don't be sad, it's her fault, so I don't mind. If you need comfort, I can Embrace you for a while."

"I mind." Jingyu couldn't help crying, and knocked on her forehead. "What are you thinking about!"

"Hey?" The friend stayed awkwardly and pouted in awkwardness. "But Qianying said she was sexually harassing you."

"That's right, but I'm a man." Jingyu knew that her character was too serious, and Qianying didn't know what to say, so she stared at Qianying, who had begun to move to the side, and the latter was seen to be disassembled. And spit out his little tongue.

Another man appeared in the direction of the door, "Ahra, it seems that I came by coincidence, just in time." It was Sharon, who came in with her bare feet wrapped in a white bathrobe.

Following her remarks, Jingyu turned back and saw Angel, who stood up with a red horse on her face and stood up. She twitched her finger in the direction of Jingyu, followed the boxer's small steps and moved towards the center of the court. The e+ cup wrapped in a vest is round and hemispherical, shaking up and down with the body. Pengzi, Jinghua and Qianying all whispered in their hearts, ‘too cunning, would you like to interfere with Jingyu’s attack with that chest? ’

"First of all, if you can't hold it, remember to admit it immediately." She said to Jingyu. Obviously, although she wanted to teach Jingyu well because she was angry, she had no intention of hurting him.

"You're kind." Jingyu walked out in her direction, standing, "Ladies first."

"Okay." An Qi was also polite, approaching Jingyu while moving, and left and right straight punches quickly hit his face door.

‘Soon! Both Jinghua and Qianying commented in their hearts.

‘Angel’s condition is good today. Carol and Catherine nodded secretly.

The remaining two, Sharon twitched her lips, and her friend was a little worried.

As Angel's opponent, Jingyu stretched out her hands calmly, as if wearing a boxing glove and cooperating with her to practice boxing. Two snaps, both punches hit his palm.

An Qi was not surprised. After the second punch was retracted, it was suddenly a kick in the left leg. If this blow is blocked, she will immediately greet her good show. The right kick that quickly changes will hit Jingyu's face. She thought so, but Jingyu disappeared in front of her all at once.

Angel’s blue eyes swept left and right and even looked down, ‘No? She was shocked, she quickly swiped her leg backwards, and when she turned around, she still didn’t see Jingyu. However, the hair bound to the back of the head was loosened, which allowed her to know what was going on.

The others watching the fighting around her were stunned. They only saw Jingyu's fist with a right hand stretched out, which was placed at the back of Angel's head about a centimeter apart. As Angel turned, his figure just shook. When it disappeared, when it reappeared, it stood behind Angel again, and the hand was taken back.

‘So strong! The level is completely different. Carol and Catherine stood up in surprise. The two looked at each other, and they always felt that they couldn’t hit him even with a gun, which reminded them at the same time that one of the reported attackers and the'air policeman' had died. In my own shooting.

‘It’s a teacher. ‘Jinghua thought, ‘He once said that his swordsmanship came from fighting, and it was really powerful. ’

‘That’s how it was last time, it’s amazing. "Qian Ying recalled her first meeting at the Popcorn Museum.

Sharon frowned slightly. ‘It smells like that woman. Is there any connection between them? ’

"How about here?" Jingyu said to An Qi who was still standing with her back to her.

"You, how did you do it?" She turned around, and there was no anger on her face anymore, and she couldn't see the loss. Instead, she was full of curiosity and excitement. "Can you teach me? I really want to learn." He moved closer to Jingyu between his speeches, and took his arm, stroking it back and forth as if he were looking at some treasures, but he just wanted to explore the difference with himself.

"You are not allowed to touch him again!" The friend who had originally let go of his heart ran over. Forcibly separate her from Jingyu, and block it in front of Jingyu, "You woman knows a little shame!'There' and your thighs were touched by you, and now you are the arm, do you want to touch him all over again? Full body? I can't allow you to take advantage of him anymore."

"Uh, friend, can you not say this?" Jingyu was embarrassed to see other women's eyes looking strangely.

"Teacher, I don't think you can indulge her." Jinghua stood on the side of his friend, his face full of seriousness. That expression is like saying to him, ‘rest assured, teacher, your chastity is protected by me. ’

"If you agree to teach An Qi, that's me too." Caro walked behind Jingyu somehow. "Although I like to use guns, I don't mind increasing the speed of body movement."

"If you all learn, I can listen to it." Catherine stood on Carol's side, her eyes looked at Jingyu's expression, and some changes had taken place.

‘Oops, there are three opponents. ‘Pengzi and Jinghua both seem to have thought of this. The two looked at each other and looked at the latter, who was planning to ignore Qian Qian, who was planning to leave quietly, and seemed to feel endless grudges, and smiled bitterly.

In the end, the confrontation that the girls will have is knocked by Jingyu alone and foreheaded!


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