Infinite Replacement

Vol 2 Chapter 90: The legendary vice president

"Hey? Is surgery okay?"

Outside the intensive care unit, sitting on the waiting bench with a pendant head hanging down, Maori Kogoro, who is nearly thirty years old, is definitely not handsome. Especially when he got out that night, without the untidy mess and the haggard spirit, he looked like an unemployed middle-aged man with a thin skinny face under a bridge.

Sloppy without hope!

That's how he suddenly heard the surgeon standing in front of him who was in charge of treating his wife. Raising his head, he grabbed the doctor's arms with extraordinary dexterity, and a face was about to fit into the other's eyes.

"Is it really possible? Isn't it that your ability to succeed is less than 0.5%?"

‘This rude guy! Although the mood is not incomprehensible, this loyal doctor, who is around 40 years old, is still a little dissatisfied. His arm was sore and sore, and he must have left a light stamp, as if he had been attacked. And what dissatisfied him most was the other party’s wording, ‘My ability is not good, I am really sorry. ’

After glaring at the other person, he found that the other person's eyes were more fierce. The doctor's mouth twitched and pushed away some of the man's faces that had hindered his speaking.

"I can't," the male doctor's mouth twitched unnaturally. "However, our hospital is also the best hospital in Dongdu." His face turned to pride again, "You know? It made us famous, Initially, it was not just the medical conditions and equipment here, but also our mysterious vice-president."

"Then let him come and treat my wife, my wife and her, and my wife and her" Maori Kogoro excitedly raised the doctor, ‘really, what are the people in this hospital doing? If you have a better doctor, you need to find it! ’

Seeing hope in despair, his eyes were a little wet. The roaring voice, with some sobbing, made the doctor who was being'attacked' inevitably move his heart.

"Your wife is so lucky that the deputy dean came here today. Hearing her situation, she arranged a time for your wife's surgery." The doctor appeased Kogoro: "Relax, deputy dean Since adults are able to perform surgery, the success rate is at least 50%."

Originally, he finally wanted to say, ‘it will succeed.’ However, this deputy director is the hospital's signature, he said a little conservatively to avoid any accidents.

"50%? That's basically a success!" Xiao Wulang's face appeared happy, "It's great, it's great!" He raised an arm, covering his eyes and crying. Seeing his appearance, he thought the operation had been completed.

Later, a full-time nurse came and, with the cooperation of the doctor, very carefully sent the woman who was not surprised to die at any time into the prepared operating room. Then, under the strange eyes of Kogoro, they all came out.

"Hey?" He looked at the doctor with a sad expression on his face, "What do you mean?"

The doctor who was thinking about the miraculous operation would be disturbed by Kogoro, "Ah, don't worry, the deputy dean is inside, and another nurse cooperates with him in the operation."

"But my wife has more than one injuries on her body. Can he do it alone? Head, chest, abdomen? Even if it can, his physical strength can't keep up? Yesterday night, I heard, At least six of you took turns taking turns to barely support." Maori Xiaowulang said here, he was shocked, and pulled the doctor's collar and lifted him up: "You're not going to take my wife Are you kidding? No, you can't let him do it!"

He thought, after seeing that the door of the operating room was closed, the indicator light was on during the operation. When he was excited, the nurses and doctors who rushed over to frighten and hug collectively, and tried hard to stop.

In the operating room, a medical screen isolates the operating table and a table on the other side. Sitting at the table was a child aged 8 or 9 years old, holding a cup of steaming tea and drinking slowly. He heard the noise of Maori Kogoro outside the door, and he frowned.

"It's a nonstop guy, let him be quiet."

"Yes." A young woman replied sharply, followed by opening the door. A "bang" murmured Maori Kogoro wriggled and fell down under the frightened gaze of the doctors and nurses. .

Card wipe, the door closed again, without any explanation or explanation.

On the corner of the aisle not far from the operating room, the pony mile with high ponytail and formal dress covered his forehead. "So, wouldn't he let us get too close? It was chaos."

"Ahaha, that's fine, lest Mao Lijun be frightened during the operation." Peng Zi said good things for Jingyu.

"I was a little surprised. When did he have the post of deputy dean?" Miles didn't want to pursue Jingyu, but asked curiously: "It's still the legend of this hospital?" Counting the news I heard this morning, This is amazing.

"It seems that a few years after Sister Sharon gave birth to Kris, he quietly did not look for women everywhere, but instead came here occasionally to perform operations on some difficult patients and succeeded every time. Sorry, passed For more than ten years, I didn’t remember it for a moment.” Pengzi apologized for telling them what happened here in the morning, but she did not promptly say that Jingyu's medical skills were high.

Miles shook his head. "The important thing is that he catches up, doesn't he?" She seldom asks God to worship Buddha, and praying for him silently in her heart must succeed at this moment, dear!

In the operating room, Jingyu, who put down the teacup, his expression was serious. Although he hadn't approached the patient just now, he had actually listened to the sound of everything and carefully checked her condition. It was indeed terrible. With the maintenance of many machines and drugs, she probably breathed more than the dead.

He cleaned his hands, stepped on a stool, and stood in front of the operating table. He nodded to the maid Flora who was wearing her surgical gown. "Knife!" he said, which also opened the prelude to the operation.


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