Infinite Replacement

Vol 2 Chapter 348: Hide and seek, counterattack

As the sun rises, the sunlight gradually shines near the teahouse, and the time for morning tea is almost over.

People have nourished their spirits from their leisurely time, and it is indeed time for them to have energy in their stomachs for lunch. Some people scattered on the boat, some people went to the billiard room, chess room to spend time and continue to spend time

"Let's play hide and seek!" Jingyu, a pedestrian, suggested by Bumei.

Yuan Tai, Guang Yan, Xiao Lan, and Yuan Zi all agreed to play; Dr. Ali's scheduled massage was just a while later, and he could not participate; Conan refused because he felt that hide and seek was too naive.

The remaining people who did not vote are Jingyu and Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai is planning to refuse. If you play hide-and-seek, the one who is hiding or the one you are looking for will be the only one, which is too dangerous for her. On this cruise liner that may be hidden by members of the black group, she was afraid to act alone.

But before she revealed her meaning, "Xiao Ai, you should also play with everyone." Jingyu persuaded her.

Xiao Lai looked at him in surprise. She didn't deny it immediately, and let other people think she agreed.

Xiaolan asked Jingyu, "Brother, what about you?"

"Me?" Jingyu smiled. "If I participate, either the party I'm looking for or the party I'm looking for will only win?"

"Hey" the three real children were surprised, and asked Xiao Lan who smiled bitterly at recalling this: "Is Brother Jingyu playing hide and seek very powerful?"

"Well, it's awesome. Usually my brother is the one I'm looking for and never missed it." Xiao Lan replied.

"Do you know why he is usually a ghost?" Yuanzi revealed Jingyu's secret. "His eyesight is very good and his hand speed is fast, so he can see whether everyone is cloth or scissors, and there is no trace at the end. Change."

There are only two types of hands to play hide and seek, one is scissors and the other is cloth. No matter what kind, as long as it is a single one, it will usually be judged as a ‘ghost’, that is, the person looking for someone.

Jingyu temporarily changed because she could see what was happening to others, and she was always able to double the disadvantages to herself, forcing everyone to start over.

Yuanzi and Xiaolan didn't even know it at first. When I grew up, I came to this by chance in a chat, only to hear him laugh and say this kind of fraudulent method.

The two girls did not. It should be said that they included Qingzi, Xia Jiang and other girls who had guessing games with him. They were all indignant.

At this time, because the three children had not been fooled and heard that they could still do so, they all tried curiously.

Obviously they couldn't succeed, they all cast their admiration on Jingyu.

"Okay, okay," Jingyu said with a smile: "Don't look at me, go play games."

So, except for him, Conan, and Dr. Ali, everyone else formed a circle, discussing where to hide and when to find. Then, everyone punched together, and the result of the first round was that the garden was cloth alone.

At this point, it should be determined that she is a ‘ghost’.

However, she felt that she could not find five people on this huge cruise ship in thirty minutes.

Xiaolan proposed to add another ‘ghost’.

The second round of punching was performed by the remaining five people.

It is stipulated that the time to choose a hiding place is 5 minutes. Two "ghosts" must stay on the present deck, and the others are all running away.

After Dr. Ali and Conan had also left, Xiao Ai saw Jingyu didn't move, and felt a little relieved.

Five minutes passed quickly. The two girls started to act-Yuanzi went to the elevator leading to the lower floor because it was the search on the lower five floors.

After a long distance, Xiao Ai saw Jingyu not moving, wondering: "Aren't you with me?"

What do you ask me to do in this game?

There was another unease in her heart, and she even thought, do you want to stay here without looking for someone?

Anyway, this is just a game.

"No, I'm sorry for the naive smiles of the children." Jingyu smiled at her. "I plan to use this opportunity to try bait by you to see if it will elicit the members of the organization you are worried about."

"You mean, deliberately created a situation that left me alone and let the other party attack me?"

Xiao Ai was really surprised by his thoughts. Although she believes that this is indeed a good method. However, the risk was that if he could not come over when an organization member attacked her, she would really be over.

Xiao Ai's face sank.

Jingyu smiled, "Let me be with you now if you don't believe me."

Xiao Ai stunned, ‘So, is he going to test this at the same time? ‘She looked at his face, and from the depth of his dark eyes, looking for her, she lowered her head, thinking of what she did last night, and laughed at herself, “Okay”

She turned and headed towards the highest cabin under the top deck, thinking, ‘this is a punishment for me. ’

Jingyu, who looked at her behind her, shook her head and said to herself: "No matter what you think of it, it's definitely not, stupid. What I said, as it literally means."

Looking up at the clear blue sky without clouds, he took a minute before starting to follow the path of Xiao Ai.

When he came to the doorway near the top of the inner cabin, he saw a lone figure running away from the door for a moment. He couldn't stop feeling pity for her, and he felt a pain in his heart.

"Sorrow, I'm by your side."

The sound of voice drifted into her mind, stopping her.

Yuanzi first found Kojima Yuanta hiding under the dining table in the restaurant, and found Yoshida Ayumi in the cart of the room service staff. Then, until I reached the lower dock, no one else was found.

"No, it seems that other people are hiding on the upper five floors." She took out the contact detective badge borrowed from the members of the detective regiment and wanted to contact Xiao Ai and asked Xiao Ai to find a few people.

At this time, a rapid footsteps sounded behind her.

Yuanzi didn't care at first, thinking it was a cruise ship staff. However, the other party did not stop until it reached a distance that she thought was unsafe.

She frowned and turned around, thinking about'what's going on with this person', she saw a person wearing a souvenir trench coat that every passenger would get, wearing a hood and glasses covering her face .

The other party raised the baton indiscriminately and smashed it towards her head.

When Yuanzi stayed and realized that this was an attacker, when Yuanzi stayed and realized that this was an attacker, he hurried to the side.

As a result, after the man hit the air, a stumble almost fell, so the garden was embarrassed to take the opportunity to make up a foot.

‘It’s also an attack at this level.’ She thought feebly, but she forgot that if it wasn’t her, but an ordinary girl, she had already suffered.

The attacker took two or three steps in the direction of the strike to stabilize, and once he turned around, he again raised his stick to fight.

Now, the garden was a little angry.

"You bastard, there are endless ends!"

Avoiding the other party's baton, according to the hidden face is a fist


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