Infinite Replacement

Vol 2 Chapter 372: Sharon's Secret

How can Kris calm down, not only losing to Sharon, but also being excused by Sharon to comfort her. She can know that Sharon cares about herself, but she can't accept this care.

Judy glanced at Kris and she never looked to her side, fearing she would continue to do so, and would dig into the horns of the horns, so she stood one step ahead and blocked her and Sharon.

"Enough!" Judy scolded Kris, pretending to be very angry. "If you want to think that you can get rid of her, I advise you not to bother."

Chris was stunned, and some did not understand what Judy was talking about. "I excuse her?"

"Isn't it an excuse? Well, Chris, for the sake of my friendship with my 22-year-old sister, I have something to ask her, can't you intervene and do it?"

This is the purpose of Judy.

Chris finally woke up. Although not reluctant, she nodded and gave Judy the right to speak.

Judy breathed a sigh of relief and turned to face Sharon. She first looked at Sharon for a few seconds before speaking:

"Actually, I have suspected several times that Belmode is because you have denied it. You will kill my parents because of the order of the organization. But, after all, it is you who tell me why you want to join Black organization? Have you ever considered his feelings after joining the black organization, have you considered Chris?"

Kris immediately followed the sentence'yes' in her heart-if she had the consciousness of being a mother and wife, she should not be involved in such a criminal group. But, soon, Kris thought of Jingyu and Jingyu again. Ask her the sentence.

You should not just treat him preferentially, but treat her unfairly.

But, in turn, why would he treat him preferentially, but he was very demanding of her?

Some reason surfaced, making Chris feel guilty.

Facing the question, Sharon did not immediately answer, but looked up at the sky. In her beautiful blue eyes, there was no land for many years, and there was sadness that only Jingyu and other elders had seen before.

"Why join the black organization?" Sharon laughed, humming, like a witch's laughter.

Similarly, Judy heard many times from Chris, thinking that they deserve to be mother and daughter, and the reason they just feel similar is not the nuances on the voice, but the emotions contained in them.

Chris is a kind of pride, Sharon is a helpless, pitiful, resentful Judy can think of all the negative emotions that I feel can be added to it.

It was such a complicated emotion that she heard the coldness of the person who laughed.

‘I’m so sorry that he was able to touch her heart and let her give birth to him with a daughter’

Judy couldn't help being so sighed!

Kris also thought that such a mother was very strange, and swallowed, waiting quietly for Sharon's following.

I saw Sharon looked over and looked at her.

Sharon said: "I never let anyone know that he doesn't know. Sometimes I will be afraid that he knows, but sometimes I think, it is his words, even if I know it, I will not abandon me. Unspeakable It's just me

Half a century ago, there was a stupid person who wanted very much a treasure that should belong to him. However, the treasure should be by his side, but he could not find it. Eventually, he thought out of wonder that it would be okay for those who left him treasure to tell him personally?

At that time, the person who left him the treasure was already dead. The method he used to achieve this is cloning, is it stupid? It turned out that the cloned individual would still be the original individual and retain the original memory.

However, cloning is just a kind of asexual reproduction. The new individual can be called his sister's sister, but not his mother. Naturally, he will not carry his mother's memory.

Unwilling to fail, this time he really made up his mind to resurrect his mother. For the cloned individual, although she did not approve, she accidentally did not let her die directly. She was given to a couple for adoption"

She said that there was a pause here, her eyes glancing at each of Kris and Judy's faces, and smiled slightly:

"Do you think the story is over here? I don't know how the couple who adopted the clone died? I don't know because the clone has defects due to cloning, it has a premature age, and is told that it can't survive for more than thirty. A short life at age."

"Wait, wait!" Judy, almost breathless with some strange air, was forced to stop. "Wait!" she gasped and asked, "You said she can't live three Ten years old, but you"

Everyone knows that Sharon is slightly older than Jingyu. Jingyu is 52 years old. She is at least 55 years old and can't live in her thirties. This is nonsense on Sharon.

Besides, the premature aging?

Look at Sharon's wrinkle-free face, and it's not too much to say that it is Chris' twin sister?

"Why is it still alive now, I don't know. It is certain that it has something to do with Jingyu. Look at your other aunts, they are all the same young, and he, did he ever get smaller? Maybe there is Secretly research what medicine."

Sharon did not expand on this doubtful point, and his eyes became distant, falling into memory: "But in the period when I first met Jingyu, I really thought that I would die in three years, completely desperate and then One day, he brought me a surprise."

She looked at Chris, "I didn't expect that I could be pregnant. And the baby was very healthy. I was satisfied at that time, thinking that there was nothing to die right away, and accepted reality and destiny. However, destiny After all, it did not end at that moment"

Her eyes narrowed, revealing a chill.

"When Chris was four years old, it was about seeing that I was not dead. The black organization sent someone to find me. That person revealed my life to me and invited me to return to the black organization as a loved one. Feeling the huge and secret of this organization, I was worried about the danger to Jingyu and Kelly Ribbon related to me, and I agreed.

After that, I pretended to be a newcomer and accepted the test of joining the organization. And after getting the code name of Belmode, he executed the task of killing Judy's parents."


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