Infinite Replacement

Vol 3 Chapter 53: Hero King and Knight King

Alice Phil was standing behind Jingyu and Altolia, and also heard their conversation clearly. As a person coming over, of course she knew what her husband was expecting, so she couldn't help shaking her head and laughing.

Altolia's slightly panicked dodge performance was in her expectation. She was also a little curious, and after Altolia was silent, she stared at her closely, and seemed to be more anxious than she did not dare to breathe.

Then, she heard the phrase ‘I don’t know’. After staying for a while, he hurriedly looked at his handsome side of her husband, and really showed a disappointed expression. Looking at Altolia fixedly, there was a tendency to raise her hand to touch her cheek.

However, the hand just moved, and he didn't raise it after all.

At this moment, Alice Feier felt a deep distress. When her husband said to Altoria with a smile, "That's all right, I'll take the idea, and you can't resist", she doesn't think her husband is really relieved.

Silently walked to the other side of him and took his hand. When he looked over, he gave his wife the softest smile.

He froze for a moment, then tightened her hand. The lancer on the ground saw that the hero king summoned more treasures. Even if he had already realized the death consciousness, he could not help being shocked by this scene. But after a lot of battles, he immediately realized that he was simply in this position, and he was beaten unilaterally.

"Master, that lamppost!" he shouted to Kenneth, who was like a man, fighting alongside him.

Kenneth's combat experience is not as rich as Lancer, but he also understands what he means. Lancer does not have long-range weapons, and the melee defense is stronger than himself. Even if his attack fails, lancer will do something.

At this time, Kenneth could not allow more consideration, and immediately issued a slash command to the Moon Spirit Liquid.


The ball-shaped liquid mercury that followed him quickly stretched out four slender sheet-like structures and whip the lamppost towards the foot of the hero king, even covering the hero king.

This is not that Kenneth has no fear, but that he knows that even if it is flattering, this woman will not let them go. In this way, it might as well be a little bit harder, if you can kill her, wouldn't your life threat be lifted.

Obviously, he was not expected to be counterattacked. The hero Wang raised his eyebrows and jumped sideways to avoid. At the moment, Yu Guang noticed that the gunman was rushing towards her, at a speed uncommon for ordinary people.

"What a courage!" She sipped, "The lock of the sky!"

Around the spearmen, from all directions, there were dozens of golden light paths like meteors. They eventually turned into chains, entwining the pikemen who had a bad look on their faces and were about to jump away from them, making him unable to move.

"Lancer!" Kenneth never thought that this highly agile servant would be captured so simply. He exclaimed, and after blinking his eyes for a few times, he quickly issued another slash command to Moon Spirit's pulp fluid, and the targets were those chains.

However, after all, the lock of the sky is a treasure, and how can the soul spirit liquid be able to be cut open. Not only that, the hero king who jumped to the ground has summoned dozens of treasures again, and it is about to be launched.

But at this moment in her heart, there was no joy about annihilating those who disrespected her, and there was a sense of embarrassment when facing an opponent of this degree, which was not resolved quickly, especially in front of him.

Will you be joked?

Thinking of this, she secretly glanced at Jingyu's direction, but even for a moment he didn't look at himself at all, but stared at the knight girl wearing silver armor.

The hero king's attack stopped. She looked at this scene dumbly, and somehow, she felt vaguely on her chest. It seems that something important is taken away by someone. And the one who stared at the knight girl who stared at the other side suddenly thought she was annoying. The battlefield of Hero King was much quieter and immediately attracted Jingyu's attention. When he found that the hero king was in a daze, he could not help but also stunned.

‘What’s wrong with her? ’

He looked at her suspiciously. As a result, the hero king who noticed this turned his head away with a grunt. That little look was like a jealous young girl who saw her boyfriend looking at other women more than once, but she was definitely not.

Jingyu naturally recognizes this. There is no love between him and the hero king. In other words, although he has the intention to attract her, he doesn't think he can really do it in this short period of time.

However, after seeing her reaction, he was still able to make him happy. He didn’t mind that she was a supreme king, and she didn’t want the two to be in love, she still poses as a king to him all day long.

It’s time for a woman to be a good woman, which is extremely important for another **** her side.

When she thought of her, Jingyu shook her head secretly, ‘These two women are quite difficult for me. ’

The difficulty is not to get their bodies, but to make them more like women.


Altolia suddenly called him and surprised him. Did she just think about it, she was seen through.

He turned his head awkwardly, grinning reluctantly, "What's wrong?"

"Do you know who she is?" Altolia's beautiful face that day was beautiful, full of seriousness at the moment, and a little annoyed, "I can't find the legend related to her. I can't tell from the treasure. come out."

There was a nasty voice in her heart.

Whether the other party's weapon sharpness or endless means made her feel tricky. It is almost certain that if you can reach the final battlefield of the Holy Grail, the eight achievements you face are this woman. However, apart from the enchantment treasure, he really does not have a good coping method.

The holy grail war of enchantment has just begun. Who knows whether it will be exposed early and let the other party prepare.

Altolia didn't dare to think about things too absolutely.

In addition, there is another thing that made her care. Such a powerful female hero, so valued the duel with her master. Doesn't it mean that her master, this man named Long Jingyu, has the strength to be able to fight Na Yingling head-on.

Altolia felt a little bit hit.

Jingyu naturally did not know her complicated thoughts. But at the sight of her small face, the thoughtful look was a bit overwhelming. She wanted to rub her away but the consequences of doing so would most likely be hated by the Cavaliers for a lifetime.

He raised his hand and stroked his forehead instead.

"She is the hero king Gilgamesh!"

The last eight words were covered up by the thunder and thunder that fell from the sky, and I don't know if Altolia heard it.


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