Golden well sycamore autumn leaves yellow, bead curtain does not roll night frost.

Small bungalow, wooden bed, with a big tang on the bed!

Smoking sentimentally, Zhang Datang was depressed in his heart, and the smoke of cigarettes floated around, which made Zhang Datang have a feeling of fluttering, as if dreaming.

“Dreaming! Must be dreaming! ”

Zhang Datang put out the cigarette, gently pushed the door, stood alone in front of the house, and saw the street frowning.

I saw that the once unlively side street looked even more desolate at the moment.

The leaves are floating all over the ground, the autumn breeze is cool, several zombies are wandering, there are about three, a lame male zombie is hitting a tree, seemingly doing something shy, an elderly zombie without a lower body crawling around underground, and a female zombie with an intact body is wandering aimlessly.

Gently closing the door, Zhang Datang sat on the bed, took out the Hardman cigarette in his pocket and lit it again, in the clouds.


His name is Zhang Datang, he is eighteen years old this year, and his current location is Binzhou.

Like most gangsters, Zhang Datang is a relatively rough man, a senior in high school, and is about to meet the senior art student of the college entrance examination.

On the night before the college entrance examination, he took his brothers to drink, drank a little too much, vomited for a long time on the road, returned home, Zhang Datang did not have any hesitation, lying on the bed and falling asleep!

This kind of thing is normal, smoking and drinking is a common thing for Zhang Datang!

But.. When Zhang Atang woke up, everything changed.

The house is still that house, but the city has changed!

Zombie Roaming: The road is chaotic, cars are scrapped on the side of the street, the wind is bleak, and it is deeply gloomy!

“Is this the end times??”

Zhang Datang felt devastated, looking at the sketches on the calendar and the messy cabinet that was turned over, Zhang Datang recalled the memory in his head again.

When he just woke up, Zhang Tang had an extra memory in his mind, a memory about the world…

It turned out that the day after he got drunk, that is, on the day of the college entrance examination, a black hole appeared in the sky, and countless insects surged in the black hole.

Insects carry viruses on their bodies, and those bitten by insects die one by one, turning into unconscious “zombies!” ”

In addition to zombies, there are people who turn into vampires, werewolves: Bugman: Aliens, as well as all sorts of bloodthirsty cannibalism, unconscious existence.

Some become monsters, while others gain special abilities and become “superpowers.” ”

The end of the world is in full swing, electric energy and nuclear energy lose their benefits, cities are paralyzed, and natural disasters continue.

Now is the second year after the outbreak of doomsday— that is, Zhang Dadang slept for a whole year!

Isn’t that hilarious? Can you sleep for a year without starvation? Sleeping for a year and not having zombies enter the house? Sleep for a year without a supernatural to?

“When I woke up, the world changed…”

This is really a ridiculous thing, Zhang Tang doesn’t know what happened, but it is so, he came to the doomsday world a year later!

Maybe not sleeping for a year, but he crossed directly to a year later!

“There is nothing left at home.”

His stomach made a sound, and Zhang Datang was really hungry.

“Fight!” After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Datang finally plucked up his courage.

Heavily armed, he wore a set of convenient clothes, took a wooden stick from home, and tied a kitchen knife with a rope to the stick.

It’s called… Blue Dragon Moon Knife!

Shaking his head, Zhang Datang took a deep breath, gently pushed the door, and walked as lightly as possible.

The lame zombie man was still hitting the tree, and the old zombie without the lower body saw Zhang Datang, and did nothing but shout.

Zhang Datang’s enemy is only one, and that is the complete female zombie on the opposite side!

“Eh…” The female zombie saw Zhang Datang, first stunned, and then suddenly rushed towards Zhang Datang!

Zhang Datang was a little scared, but he definitely couldn’t run away. So it’s better to run away than to do it hard!

“Let you see and see, Uncle Zhang’s Green Dragon Moon Saber!”

Like the wind, when the female zombie was still some distance away from him, Zhang Tang swung his stick down, and the kitchen knife slashed at the female zombie!

“Click!” The knife broke.


Before he could unload his armor and escape, Zhang Datang was pounced on by the female zombie!

The neck was bitten, Zhang Atang did not feel any pain, he felt that this female zombie’s chest was a little big, and her face was a little dirty, but it was really good-looking, this female zombie had no scars, it seemed that the reason for becoming a zombie was infected by insects.

Feeling his body fluttering, Zhang Datang floated in the air.

Watching his body being torn and bitten by the female zombie on the ground and eaten little by little, Zhang Datang was a little disgusted.

“Wait, I’m dead?”

Zhang Datang was instantly stunned: “Lie in the groove!” ”

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