After the death of Luo Tian, the leader of Qingzhou City, two kinds of parties appeared in the security zone.

One type of party is the Radical Party, which advocates war and another attack on the alien lair to realize Luo Tian’s unfulfilled dreams, the party belongs to the West, and most of the people in the party are Luo Tian’s former friends.

The other type of party is the Conservative Party, which advocates peace, abandons the offensive and develops the agricultural economy in the security zone, and the party belongs to the East, and the middle-aged man standing in front of Zhang Atang at this moment is the main member of the Conservative Party.

“That’s the way it is.”

The middle-aged man recounts the two patterns, of course, in which he naturally leans towards the Conservative Party, claiming that in the last days, conservative development is the best way.

He also introduced himself to Zhang Datang and Peony.

His name is Huang Haodong, he is twenty-nine years old, and his special energy is air concentration control, which belongs to A-class special energy.

“How? There is no interest in joining the Conservative Party. Huang Haodong looked serious: “After joining the Conservative Party, I will arrange a place for you to live and protect you.” ”

Accommodation and protection, very tempting to help.

“What do we need to do?”

Peony doesn’t believe pies will fall from the sky: “After joining the Conservative Party, you definitely need to do something, right?” ”

“Of course.” Huang Haodong smiled: “But you don’t have to worry, our Conservative Party is an excellent party, and the task entrusted to you is not to fight and kill, you only need to help the latest news we learned spread to the entire security zone.” ”

“The latest news??” Zhang Datang was stunned.

Huang Haodong nodded: “Yes, just yesterday, a psychic who was venturing out returned, and after investigation, we found out that he was a member of the alien lair with Luo Tian!” ”

Big news! This kind of thing is definitely big news!

However, Huang Haodong has more vigorous to say: “That supernatural told us that they were not a team that was destroyed by the alien at all, and the reason why the whole army was destroyed was because on the way, Luo Tian suddenly treacherously wanted to devour the treasure alone, so he slaughtered the team members wantonly, this supernatural was lucky to survive because he ran fast, but… When he was fleeing, he was also cut off by Luo Tian! ”

“So say: It was Luo Tian who killed all the members of the team.”

Peony frowned: “So, Luo Tian is still alive?!” ”

If the team and survivors are big news that can determine who is better from the two parties, then Luo Tian’s treachery is shocking news that can allow conservatives to win directly!

For no other reason, the radicals want to fight, and the big reason is that they want to avenge Luo Tian, because they are all Luo Tian’s friends.

If Luo Tian reneged on his promises, killed the team members, and left the entire safe area with his own treasure, then the radicals would be defeated!

“I see…”

Zhang Datang sorted everything out: “You are a conservative party, your propaganda of these news will be resisted by others, I am different from Peony, we have not joined the conservative party, we are all outsiders, and we have just found out with our own eyes that Luo Yumei committed suicide…”

Smiling, Huang Haodong nodded.

Zhang Datang thought for a while, and finally spoke: “Since Luo Tian is so unfriendly, then we should let everyone recognize his ugly face.” ”

“So…” Huang Haodong was in a happy mood.

“Hmm.” Zhang Datang nodded: “In one day, I will let the entire security zone know the truth.” ”

“Very good!”

Huang Haodong smiled: “Tomorrow I will officially let you join the Conservative Party.” ”

After a few small talks, Huang Haodong left.

Peony frowned and stared at Zhang Datang, a little annoyed: “You are really stupid.” ”

“What’s wrong?” Zhang Datang was puzzled.

“He lied to you, didn’t you hear that?” Peony was angry: “Although I haven’t stayed in the Qingzhou City Safety Zone, just by his expression just now, I can also see that he is lying!” ”

“Of course he’s lying.”

Zhang Fatang took it for granted: “The surviving supernatural is false, Luo Tian’s treachery is also false, and he wants us to spread the news that it is true.” ”

“Since you know it’s fake, then why are you helping him?!” Peony was even more annoyed.

Smiling, Zhang Atang suddenly narrowed his eyes: “Who said I was going to help him?” ”

“Little peony.” Patting Peony on the shoulder, Zhang Datang was surprisingly indifferent: “Have you ever heard a story.” ”

“A fox meets a wild wolf, and the fox plays a lot of tricks to get the wolf to help him catch food, and the wild wolf obediently does so.”

“The fox thinks he has deceived the wild wolf, but he does not know the true purpose of the wild wolf…”

Looking up, a faint sinister smile appeared on Zhang Datang’s face.

“It’s going to eat him.”

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