Infinite role playing: Become invincible from Douluo!

Chapter 114 Role-playing level increases, terrifying rewards

[Ding, the role of the Refining Dao Master reaches 65%, and you will be rewarded with a fox fairy blessed land; the three strange secret realms of Danghun Mountain, Luopo Valley, and Anhun Lake; the moon path, force path, slave path, water path, fire path, and master-level enlightenment; and 20 Qingti Immortal Yuan! ]

The system prompt sounded in his mind. After Ye Ming checked it, a flash of surprise flashed in his heart, and then there was a strong surprise.

Although there was no reward for the fairy Gu this time, these rewards are no less than the fairy Gu!

These rewards are absolutely excellent resources for him to accumulate the foundation of becoming an immortal!

The blessed land is the blessed land that the sixth and seventh turn Gu immortals transform into fairy holes after becoming immortals. The eighth turn is the cave heaven.

After becoming an immortal, the better the cultivation of the blessed land and the cave heaven, the stronger the Gu master's combat power!

In each blessed land, the time flow rate is different, and the various resources are different. It can be said that it is an independent small world. This kind of blessed land is of great help to Gu immortals, not to mention Ye Ming, a fifth turn Gu master!

Although he didn't know how this fox fairy blessed land would connect with him, it would be of great help to him anyway!

The three strange secret realms of Danghun Mountain, Luopo Valley, and Anhun Lake are excellent treasures for strengthening the soul, dispersing the soul, and calming the soul, which can increase the soul foundation very quickly!

Not to mention the five master-level perceptions, these are all excellent ways to enhance one's own foundation.

When the Gu Master becomes an immortal, he must absorb and balance the three Qis of heaven, earth, and man. The stronger the corresponding realm, the more three Qis that can be absorbed, the higher the level of the blessed land, and the broader the future of the Gu Immortal.

These realms are also of great help to his own combat power.

The previous master's perception of the refining Tao alone allowed him to refine countless Gu insects and improve his own system during this period of time.

It can be said that this reward is more generous and more suitable for him now than the last time!

This reward cannot be absorbed in a short time, so Ye Ming had to suppress the excitement in his heart and did not choose to receive it for the time being.

His eyes swept around frantically, and countless reconnaissance insects were activated to search for Tang San's trace.

Tang San has reached his limit now, he must find him and kill him completely!

Don't give him a chance to revive!

It must be said that Tang San is indeed loved by this world, or his luck is amazing.

In the previous battle, he had already occupied a great opportunity and took advantage of the opportunity. He even had a crushing combat power, but he still couldn't kill Tang San.

If the opponent is allowed to buffer for a while, it is hard to guarantee that Tang San will not rise again.

He has already taken action, and he must use thundering means to cut the grass and root it out!

"It's not in the Sunset Forest!"

Ye Ming frowned, cursing the Shura God in his heart. He didn't know where Tang San was teleported to by the space crack split by his sword.

"When I rush to the God Realm, I will train you into an insect sooner or later!"

After a low curse, Ye Ming took out a palm-sized insect from the empty cavity.

This Gu worm is very similar in shape to a longhorn beetle, but its entire body is white jade, and there are two pairs of finger-long white tentacles on its head.

The five-rotor mother-son induction Gu is a treasure among the tracking Gu worms. Ye Ming spent a lot of time to refine this Gu worm.

This Gu worm can produce ten offspring. Within a certain range, the mother can sense the position of the offspring. The farther the distance, the more vague the sense.

As early as when leaving the Sea God Island, Ye Ming had already placed a offspring of the mother-son induction Gu on Tang San.

Ye Ming urged the true essence in his body to pour into the mother-son induction Gu, and its white tentacles began to swing left and right.

After a few breaths, the two pairs of tentacles pointed in the same direction at the same time, and a vague sense was also transmitted to Ye Ming's mind.

"You actually appeared thousands of miles away, your luck is really good!"

Ye Ming's eyes showed a gleam of light, and he stepped directly into the air and quickly chased towards the sensed location.


Xingdou Great Forest Mixed Area

In a bush covered by blue silver grass, two hundred-year-old soft-bone rabbits were contributing their strength to the growth of the race.

Suddenly, a black crack appeared in the flat space above, and the black crack suddenly expanded, and Tang San, holding the Sea God Trident, suddenly fell out of it.

His body was almost at its limit at this time. The moment he jumped out of the space, he couldn't hold the Sea God Trident in his hand, and it slipped from his hand and fell downwards.

The Sea God Trident was 108 kilograms in the hands of Tang San, the owner, but it lost his control and returned to its original weight of 108,000 kilograms.

With a bang, the Sea God Trident hit the two hundred-year-old soft-bone rabbits that were laughing, and smashed them directly into the soil. They died without even a scream.

Tang San rolled to the ground in a rather embarrassed manner, with blood and tears flowing out of his eyes.


He couldn't help the pain, murmured, and forced the "Wildfire Inexhaustible" skill to try to repair his eyes.

But his soul power was exhausted, and this soul bone skill only stopped the blood in his eye sockets.

But even so, his pain was relieved a lot.

Tang San gritted his teeth and reached for his waist with his right hand.

He also stored a lot of precious herbs in the Ruyi Treasure Bag, including dragon ganoderma grass, nine-leaf Peiyuan flower, etc.

But after searching for a long time, he found nothing.

At this time, Tang San remembered that when Ye Ming was fighting with Poseidon on the Sea God Island, he borrowed his Ruyi Baibao Nang to carry Xiao Ni's beautiful butterfly!

He never returned it to him later!

"Damn it! Damn it!"

"Ye Ming, you are a beast!!"

Tang San screamed in his heart, and had to quickly activate the Xuantian Gong in his body to restore his soul power.

He was now blind and his mental power was almost dry. A random person, or a thousand-year-old soul beast, would be enough to kill him.

He didn't know where he was now, and he had no means of resistance, so he had to rely on luck.

The Xuantian Gong was endless and had extremely strong recovery power. After just one cycle, he recovered a lot of soul power in his body, and his spirit also improved a little.

After his mental power recovered a little, Tang San hurriedly released his Blue Silver Domain to check the surrounding situation.

A circle of blue ripples was released from him, spreading from his body to all directions at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

He didn't find any danger in the thousand-meter-long area, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"The scene here doesn't look like the Sunset Forest, but rather a bit like the Star Forest!"

Tang San "saw" the surrounding situation clearly through the Blue Silver Domain, and his tense mind was slightly relieved.

"It seems that the red god sent me out!"

"But I have to recover quickly, Ye Ming will definitely not give up!"

Tang San thought for a while, and immediately activated the Blue Silver Domain with all his strength. In the coverage of the domain, countless Blue Silver Grasses waved their vines, and some blue light spots merged into his body to restore his soul power.

In the Star Forest, Blue Silver Grass can be seen everywhere, and his Blue Silver Domain is like a fish in water here.

The Blue Silver Emperor is the emperor of the Blue Silver Grass clan. It is naturally easy to borrow the soul power of these people to repair himself at this time.

Tang San's move directly drained the vitality of the Blue Silver Grass in the surrounding area to replenish his own consumption.

Normally, he would not do this. But at this critical moment of life and death, he could not care so much.

With countless blue silver grasses to replenish, Tang San's consumption began to make up rapidly. He also used enough soul power to perform the "Wildfire Inexhaustible" skill to restore his eyes.

During this process, his blue silver field was always open, just to prevent Ye Ming from chasing him.

Ye Ming is definitely Tang San's mortal enemy!

But when he thought of what Ye Ming said before, Tang San felt like a hundred ants biting his heart, and it itched extremely.

"Ghost Sees Sorrow... Could it be that Ye Ming is also from that world?"

"Otherwise, how would he know what happened to me in Ghost Sees Sorrow, how would he know that the Great Elder was pursuing me..."

"But why did he suddenly attack again..."

Countless questions surrounded Tang San's mind, making him want to find Ye Ming to question him.

But when he thought of seeing Ye Ming, before he could ask him, the other party might have already solved him with one punch, so he gave up the idea again.

"The most urgent thing is to recover as soon as possible and avoid Ye Ming's pursuit!"

"Now that we have arrived at the Xingdou Great Forest, maybe I can ask Da Ming and Er Ming to help me!"

"But if they ask about Xiao Wu, what should I say..."

Thinking of this, Tang San was filled with grief again.



Just then, a monkey roar and a dragon roar sounded from the depths of the forest, and Tang San's face changed instantly.

"This is the voice of Da Ming and Er Ming! They are in danger!"

"I have to help them!"

The soul power in his body has recovered about 30%, he immediately stood up and picked up the Sea God Trident beside him.

Using the Sea God's Light, a ray of golden light burst out from the Sea God Trident and covered his eye sockets.

The recovery skills of the Blue Silver Emperor Soul Bone and the healing effect of the Sea God's Light were used, and he felt that his broken pupils were gradually repairing.

At this time, his eyes seemed to have countless worms crawling, and they were painful and itchy. But Tang San is not an ordinary person, he gritted his teeth and endured this pain.

When Tang San thought of the pain Ye Ming brought him, he felt that the pain in his eyes was nothing!

He must live, become stronger, and seek revenge on Ye Ming!

When he opened his eyes again, a ray of blue light flowed in his eyes, and his eyes had fully recovered!

Looking at the familiar scene around him, Tang San couldn't help but take a deep breath, and his brain was working frantically.

"At present, the only helpers in the Tiandou Empire are Uncle Jian and Uncle Gu of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect."

"But they don't know about this yet!"

"If Ye Ming returns to the Tiandou Empire before me, he will wait for the rabbit. With his strength to fight against the phantom of the gods, I'm afraid I will never have a chance to escape!"

Tang San's eyes flashed, and he murmured: "Now only Da Ming and Er Ming can help me!"

"The two beast roars just now were sent by them. I don't know what happened to them."

"I have to go and see!"

Thinking of this, Tang San ran Xuantian Gong while moving rapidly towards the depths of the forest.

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