Infinite role playing: Become invincible from Douluo!

Chapter 126 The unpredictable battle situation, and the capture of the Monster King

Bibi Dong is an egoist who pursues interests first.

Now that Ye Ming's words touched her heart, she turned the gun without any hesitation!

Bibi Dong's first martial spirit is called the Death Spider Emperor. When used, the skin of the upper body is covered with a layer of purple-black armor, and even the face is covered by a carapace.

Under the eyes, there are four small eyes growing out. When used, the legs disappear and the abdomen turns into a huge round sphere downwards. Eight thick long legs grew from the sphere, driving her body to walk like flying. There were large green hairs growing on them and disgusting mucus.

At this time, Bibi Dong was like a huge poisonous spider.

Normally, because of her ugly appearance after using her martial spirit, she rarely shows it to outsiders.

But now, in order to become a god, she simply threw all these emotions behind.

As if to set an example for everyone, Bibi Dong's seventh soul ring lit up. She directly activated her martial soul avatar, and then activated her sixth soul ring, thousands of spider arrows!

Countless poisonous arrows with terrifying venom were directed at the four ferocious beasts.

This scene made Golden Crocodile Douluo and others briefly stunned.

However, Chen Xin and Gu Rong responded immediately and attacked Zi Ji one after another.

In the previous battle, the two of them faced the least amount of power phantoms. There were only a few, and they were all just fake attacks.

They naturally understood Ye Ming's thoughts and maintained their condition, paddling in the air.

At this time, after turning the muzzle of the gun, the two of them became more ruthless than the other.

The Seven Killing Sword caused trembling sounds in the air, and all the bone spurs in the sky enveloped Zi Ji.

Golden Crocodile Douluo, Qianjun Douluo, Demon-Conquering Douluo, and Spirit Kite Douluo took a look and said, "Hey guys, the enemies have changed in the blink of an eye."

However, they had no interest in the soul beast clan, and they were so stimulated by Ye Ming's words that they blushed. After seeing Bibi Dong change the target of attack, several people did not hesitate and followed up one after another, killing several ferocious beasts very smoothly.

Ye Ming was also very bold and directly controlled the phantoms of my power around them to besiege the four ferocious beasts of Di Tian, ​​Bi Ji, Zi Ji, and the King of Ten Thousand Demons!

However, among these people, only Gui Mei was an exception.

Even after Bibi Dong and others turned their guns, he still shot towards Ye Ming who was wandering outside the battlefield regardless of the situation.

He and Yueguan have been friends for decades, and they even have martial soul fusion skills.

Even if his own Pope speaks, the ghost still only wants to avenge Yueguan!

"Hmph! You're asking for death!"

Ye Ming had not moved away the beast power phantoms around Gui Mei. When he saw the other party's movements, he directly mobilized hundreds of beast power phantoms to drown them instantly.

The soul power levels of Gui Mei and Yue Guan are almost at the lowest level among the titled Douluo levels in Wuhun Palace.

The two relied on their perverted martial soul fusion skills to win Bibi Dong's favor.

Now that Yue Guan is dead, the value of ghosts has dropped to freezing point.

Under siege by hundreds of beast-power phantoms, he was blown away without even letting out a scream!

A black right leg bone fell out of the ghost's body and was caught by a shadow. It was quietly delivered to Ye Ming's hands and put into the storage space by him.

Bibi Dong saw the ghost being killed by Ye Ming out of the corner of his eye. He didn't even say a word of blame. Instead, he cooperated with Ye Ming's countless power phantoms and crazily approached Ditian.

The number of phantoms besieging Ditian was the largest, numbering in the thousands.

These powerful phantoms were not afraid of death, and they rushed towards Ditian like moths rushing to the flame.

Di Tian also had to guard Bi Ji behind him, and also be wary of Bibi Dong, the vicious spider. Even he had many bloody wounds on his body under such a terrifying attack.

"Damn it!"

Di Tian shouted low, and his body suddenly expanded, turning into a huge black dragon in an instant!

It is the true form of Ditian, the Golden-Eyed Black Dragon King!

The black dragon's body was a hundred feet long. The huge black wings behind him shook, and countless black flames flew out. Golden light shot out from a pair of golden eyes, directly burning away all the shadows of power around him.

Bibi Dong's poisonous spider arrows pierced the golden scales on the black dragon's chest. It only caused jingling sounds, but it couldn't even break the opponent's defense!

After Ditian revealed his terrifying body, in this situation, the defeat of Shengsheng was once again stabilized.

Brigitte fell behind the black dragon, releasing green light all the time to restore the golden-eyed black dragon king's injuries and strengthen his condition.

The two ferocious beasts cooperated tacitly, and together, they fought back and forth with a group of powerful shadows and Bibi Dong.

"Despicable humans!!"

The emperor's dragon claw waved, blasting several powerful shadows again. A pair of golden eyes looked at Ye Ming who was hiding outside the battlefield, and he was filled with resentment.

Obviously that kid is just a Contra, he can crush him to death easily. It was clearly a win-win situation, but they fell into this desperate situation.

Humans are a bunch of hypocrites!

If Bibi Dong and others hadn't defected in the face of battle, how could they have fallen into this predicament.

Even though Brigitte was recovering from his injuries, there were too many enemies around him!

The soul power consumption in Di Tian's body could not keep up with the speed of those powerful shadows rushing towards him at this moment. There were bursts of burning sensations in many places on his body, which was the terrifying venom attached to Bibi Dong's Spider Spirit.

He looked at Ye Ming who was hiding outside the battlefield and controlling the phantom army, roared angrily, and rushed towards Ye Ming angrily.

But Ye Ming directly mobilized thousands of phantoms to block the road, forcing Di Tian to retreat again and again.


Di Tian roared unwillingly. This was the first time he was forced into such a situation in hundreds of thousands of years.

For a while, Di Tian was surrounded again!

Unlike Di Tian's hard fight, the Ten Thousand Demon King and Zi Ji were completely beaten at this time.

The Ten Thousand Demon King's cultivation was higher than that of the Bear King, but his main battlefield was in the big forest. Only with the help of thousands of jungle descendants could he further exert his combat power.

Golden Crocodile Douluo fought him on equal terms, not to mention that there were Qianjun Douluo, Demon Subduing Douluo, and hundreds of powerful phantoms around.

The Ten Thousand Demon King's long hair that was floating for dozens of meters was completely cut off, and his left arm was blown up by Golden Crocodile Douluo, and his body was covered in blood.

That is, he is a plant-type beast with extremely strong recovery ability, otherwise he would have been killed by everyone together.

However, after fighting for a long time, the King of Ten Thousand Monsters was about to reach his limit.

He gritted his teeth and supported himself. He looked around and found that Zi Ji was even worse than him.

At this time, Zi Ji, who showed her true form of the Hell Dragon, was attacked by hundreds of powerful phantoms. Chen Xin found a flaw in her and cut off one of her wings with the Seven Killing Sword.

If it weren't for the strong defense of these fierce beasts and the increase in combat power after turning into their original forms, they would have been killed long ago.

The King of Ten Thousand Monsters knew that the situation was over!

"Emperor Tian! It's time to go!!"

He roared, and hundreds of vines soared into the sky, actually tearing a hole in the siege.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Ye Ming in the distance shouted in a low voice: "Explode!!"


The hundreds of powerful phantoms actually stuck to the King of Ten Thousand Monsters and exploded instantly!

In an instant, the vines broke, and the terrifying impact force hit the King of Ten Thousand Monsters, directly shaking his internal organs to pieces.

He suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and wanted to fly away regardless of anything. But at this moment, a huge golden crocodile suddenly appeared in front of him and let out a long roar.


The sound wave vibrated, and the King of Ten Thousand Demons was in a trance for a moment at this critical moment. It was also at this moment that the golden crocodile, with a strong sense of violence, crashed into his chest.

His chest was shattered, and the King of Ten Thousand Demons suddenly vomited blood and was knocked back.

Even though his injuries were so terrible, he was still alive!

The origin of the Demon Eye Demon Tree is his head. As long as his head is not broken, he can regenerate his broken limbs!

The King of Ten Thousand Demons didn't care about his injuries and wanted to completely escape the battlefield with the help of this collision force.

At this moment, a familiar dark golden hammer as big as a mountain suddenly appeared from the space on the side.

"Go in!"

Ye Ming roared and hit the King of Ten Thousand Demons on the head with a bang.

His strength had already increased terribly, and even the Ten Thousand Demon King could not resist this hammer.


A terrifying tremor was heard, and the head of the Ten Thousand Demon King was directly smashed open, and countless green juices burst out. At the same time, his life breath quickly dissipated and fell straight down.

Ye Ming was ready at the moment of sneak attack with the help of teleportation skills. The moment the body of the Ten Thousand Demon King fell, a black space portal below quietly opened and directly swallowed his body.

After the black portal swallowed the body of the Ten Thousand Demon King, it closed instantly, and the set of movements was smooth.

After doing all this, Ye Ming didn't even look at the stunned Golden Crocodile Douluo and the others, and rushed towards Zi Ji in the distance.

After the Ten Thousand Demon King was gone, the entire battlefield had a lot of combat power freed up. Golden Crocodile Douluo and others directly joined the battlefield besieging Zi Ji, the Hell Dragon.

Bibi Dong, who was far away, saw Ye Ming putting the Ten Thousand Monster King into the alien space again, and she was immediately anxious and said, "Tang Ye Ming! That's mine!!"

Ye Ming rolled his eyes in his heart, yours?

Do you have such a big face?

"I know, capture them all first, and then you can choose first!" Ye Ming spoke, steadying Bibi Dong, but his hands moved faster.

How could Bibi Dong believe Ye Ming's nonsense at this time? She didn't think Ye Ming would hand over the Ten Thousand Monster King.

While fighting fiercely with Di Tian, ​​wanting to kill him, she shouted to Jin Crocodile Douluo and others:

"Second Elder, grab that demon dragon first!"

The Ten Thousand Monster King was captured by Ye Ming, and the soul beast side was doomed.

At this time, the power phantoms that Ye Ming blasted out also began to dissipate gradually because of the lack of follow-up.

Ye Ming's threat was greatly reduced, and Bibi Dong wanted to make up her mind to rob the enemy!

She wanted the soul rings and soul bones of the four fierce beasts, and she also wanted the soul bones on Ye Ming!

The alliance that was originally united briefly because of interests was broken up again because of interests.

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