The powerful aura exuding from Ye Ming suddenly woke up the woman who controlled the flame.

Only then did she suddenly wake up. The boy in front of her was no ordinary student.

At this time, the man from Jinzhong also hurried over and dissuaded him: "If he takes it, just take it."

"Huo Yan, forget it."

Huo Yan glanced at Ye Ming, turned around and landed on the flying boat.

Seeing this, Ye Ming chuckled and looked at the man named Zhong in front of him. He put away the evil costume and said, "Teacher, thank you for your help."

"My name is Zhong Ping, and I am the deputy director of the school's admissions department."

He shook his head and smiled bitterly: "We did something wrong this time, but I hope you can understand."

Zhong Ping was the first to speak: "Let's get into the flying boat and I'll explain it to you."

When Ye Ming heard this, he thought that there might be some inside story involved. He nodded and followed Zhong Ping to the flying boat.

At this time, Chu Xuan came over and pointed at the giant silver fish lying on the flying boat.

"This is for you."

When Ye Ming saw this, he directly took the silver giant fish into his magical orifice.

He looked at Chu Xuan, who still had that cold look on her face. After seeing him accept the giant silver fish, he walked away silently without saying a word.

Ye Ming also had to sigh in his heart, this girl is too smart.

After his previous conversation with Liu Jianming, he walked into the house to gather his strength. When he came out, he already felt that Chu Xuan and Zhou Xiaoxiao were fully armed.

Obviously, the other party had already guessed the alien ambush based on some clues.

After that, Chu Xuan's control of the situation became even more terrifying.

After destroying the king-level combat power of the Hidden Fish Tribe with one shot, he analyzed his details in a few words, and finally revealed the Hidden Fish Tribe's native skills. It not only expresses one's goodwill, but also proves one's ability.

On the flying boat, when the last Hidden Fish Clan made a sneak attack, Chu Xuan and Zhou Xiaoxiao joined forces and easily killed the opponent with their first-time king-level strength, once again demonstrating their strength.

In the end, Chu Xuan handed the trophy to him, not only to show goodwill, but also to pay the certificate of surrender.

And the smartest thing is that Chu Xuan didn't ask for anything. She showed kindness to him from the beginning, and in the end, she did not hesitate to use the corpse of a king-level powerhouse in exchange for his kindness.

"With unique vision and extraordinary intelligence, it is no wonder that he can obtain legendary talents in the infinite horror..."

"Top talent!"

Ye Ming sighed in his heart, hid these thoughts, and followed Zhong Ping's footsteps into the flying boat.

After the two entered the room inside the flying boat, Zhong Ping casually laid down an isolation formation, then looked at Ye Ming and slowly said: "Classmate Ye, I understand that this matter makes you feel uncomfortable."

"But in fact, because of you, we reincarnated into the university, and we are already very suitable for you."

"Oh?" Ye Ming looked at Zhong Ping in front of him and asked with some confusion: "You mean, battlefields other than here?"

A hint of appreciation flashed in Zhong Ping's eyes and he nodded.

"Myth-level talent, before you grow up, is more to give the human race a hope."

"But for all races, you are the target of killing! Because the first two mythical awakeners have become famous among all races."

"Now that you appear, all races are worried. So this time, almost all the top foreign spies hidden in the country are dispatched to kill you!"

Zhong Ping sighed when he said this, "Just when the news spread, on the frontline battlefield, all races suddenly launched an offensive. Venerable-level and even holy-level beings took action one after another."

"In the Palace of Reincarnation, a palace master rebelled, and the lineage related to him was uprooted!"

"So, whether it's you who awakens a mythical talent this time, or me, or the dean's son, daughter, or whoever, they will all become the bait."

Ye Ming nodded clearly, he saw this matter clearly.

As long as you get your own benefits, it doesn't matter whether he's a bait or not.

He looked at Zhong Ping, "I don't care about this."

"The palace lord's rebellion must be due to the city lord's backer."

A look of surprise flashed in Zhong Ping's eyes, "How do you know?"

"It's not difficult to speculate on this matter." Ye Ming said frankly: "Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the city lord implemented that policy. It is simply fishing for nothing, and it is an attempt to slowly destroy the foundation of the human race."

"Your superiors can't help but notice."

Ye Ming rubbed his chin and said quietly, "If my guess is correct, the senior minister of Samsara Palace must have discovered something was wrong with City Master Ying from the beginning, but in order to play a long-term role in catching big fish, he followed the other party's actions."

"In other words, our students from No. 8 Middle School in Jingcheng City are the biggest victims in the past few years."

"City Lord Ying has been in office for so many years, and no less than a thousand students have died because of him."

A flash of anger rose in Ye Ming's eyes, and he looked at Zhong Ping and asked: "Thousands of broken families are the victims of the game played by the top leaders of your Reincarnation Hall, aren't they?"

Unconsciously, a layer of cold sweat appeared on Zhong Ping's forehead.

He didn't know much, but he had heard sporadically about the things Ye Ming said.

At least what the other party said was right.

Ye Ming stood up, and a terrifying aura filled the air.

He stared at Zhong Ping and said word by word: "I am from the No. 8 Middle School in the city. There are a total of 53 students in our class who will take the college entrance examination this year!"

"Only me and another girl managed to survive from the Samsara Secret Realm!"

"We are poor people with no background, no identity, and we can't even afford a scroll to force us to leave the Samsara Secret Realm!"

"But even so, we are still willing to give everything we have!"

"But is this how the Samsara Hall treats us?"

Zhong Ping retreated repeatedly, swallowing his saliva, not knowing where to start.

He steadied himself, took a deep breath, and explained: "Student Ye Ming, you know, if we don't do this, the aliens lurking in the country may cause greater harm..."

"Greater harm?"

Ye Ming laughed, his eyes full of disappointment.

"The greater danger is that the Samsara Palace is unwilling to give us even the most basic skills? Just to let City Lord Ying reveal more information, just to add that little clue?"

"Thousands of families, in exchange for this assurance! They think it's worth it, what about us!"

"My best deskmate, my good brothers, my favorite girl, and my classmates who have been with me day and night for three years, all died in this college entrance examination!"

"Bai Pang, Tang Niu, Dai Mubai, Tang San, Yu Xiaogang, Liu Erlong, Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu..."

Every time Ye Ming read out a name, the redness in his eyes deepened a little.

He looked at Zhong Ping and asked, "Did they all die in vain?"

Zhong Ping was silent.

Although he knew that Ye Ming came from Jingcheng, he didn't expect that the other party came from the No. 8 Middle School in the city.

From the No. 8 Middle School in the city that was used as a sacrifice, the No. 8 Middle School in the city that had no practice resources and no awakening skills, it became the current mythical awakener!

Listening to Ye Ming reading out the names of all his classmates, he felt both admiration and pity for Ye Ming.

He values ​​friendship and never forgets his roots.

"He is just a child after all!"

Zhong Ping imagined that if his brother, or even the girl he liked, was used as a sacrifice, and now he had to enter such a university...

"Ye Ming..."

He thought for a while, stepped forward and patted Ye Ming on the shoulder, and sighed.

"This has already happened. Since we are alive, we must live better! Live with them!"

"The source of this is the oppression of the Ten Thousand Races on us! Only by becoming stronger can we avenge them!"

"In this way, I will report your case to the school, and apply for some more resources for you and for those dead classmates."

Ye Ming took a deep breath and suppressed his anger.

"Double it!"

"Double the resources I want!"

He raised his head and looked directly at Zhong Ping, his eyes full of blood.

"I need resources! I want to become stronger, I want to avenge them!"

"If the school can't give me these things, I would rather go to the battlefield alone and kill aliens!"

Zhong Ping's eyes widened, but looking at Ye Ming's red eyes, he couldn't say anything.


"I'll fight for it!"

"I will report all these things to the higher authorities! How much they can give is not up to me."

Ye Ming also knew this truth. He had asked for a lot of resources before, and this time he asked for more. Although Samsara University would not be seriously injured, it would at least bleed a little.

He sat back again, looked at Zhong Ping, and asked after a while, "Teacher Zhong, tell me about the power division of the main world and the strong people in Samsara University!"

Zhong Ping could see that Ye Ming didn't want to think about the things that made him sad.

As a student, he naturally only knew the general idea of ​​these realm divisions. He nodded and slowly said:

"Since the appearance of the Samsara Secret Realm, the combat power system in our world has become increasingly complex. So it is divided into the realms of soldiers, generals, kings, emperors, and venerables according to combat power."

"Each realm has four small levels: elementary, intermediate, advanced, and peak."

"Most people know this. But in fact, above the venerable, there is the Saint level."

"The first mythical-level gifted awakener Ye Fan, Ye Sheng, and our Principal Zheng are all at this level."

"It is precisely because of their existence that we can hold on until now under the invasion of all races."

"Above the Saint level, is there any realm? Even I, who am at the beginning of the Emperor level, don't know."

"In our Samsara University alone, in addition to the principal, there are six great venerables, namely..."

After a long time, Ye Ming watched Zhong Ping leave the room and thought to himself.

"Above the Emperor level, are there Venerables and Saint levels..."

He shook his head and put these thoughts behind him.

No matter how many steps are left, he just needs to move forward step by step according to his own ideas, and in the end he will achieve eternal life and be invincible in the world!

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