The Haotian Sect's martial arts arena occupies one-third of the entire mountain. It is very vast and shows the former glory of the Haotian Sect.

There are thousands of arenas of all sizes in the entire martial arts arena, which is larger than the Tiandou City Lord's Soul Fighting Arena!

Today, the martial arts arena is lively again.

The entire Haotian Sect gathered at the martial arts arena.

Tang Xiao stood in the air, and his voice spread through his soul power and resounded throughout the sky.

"In this competition, you should try your best to show your strength, but also remember the friendship of fellow disciples!"

"During the competition..."

"The competition officially begins!"

As Tang Xiao's voice fell, the disciples waiting below walked to the edge of their respective competition areas.

The competition system this time is very simple, with a head-to-head competition, and the loser is eliminated until the top three in the three tiers are selected.

As early as yesterday, the schedule list had been issued.

There are now 29 miscellaneous disciples in the Haotian Sect, including 21 disciples from affiliated sects.

There are 63 outer disciples and 88 inner disciples, a total of 180 disciples!

After each game, there is a half-hour break.

According to the current number of disciples in the Haotian Sect, this match can be completed within one day!

As each disciple walked onto the corresponding arena, the five elders of the Haotian Sect came from the air and stood directly above the entire arena, controlling the overall situation.

In the first match, there were only ninety battle arenas. With the strength of Titled Douluo, they were able to arrive instantly when any unexpected battle occurred.

Moreover, in this kind of internal competition of the sect, no one would kill, which would not be worth the loss.

Ye Ming also stood on the arena in the inner sect disciple area at this time. His opponent was a woman who was dressed very capable.

Tang Qiushui, a person from the second elder's lineage, was a level 38 strong attack system soul master!

In fact, the standard for inner disciples of the Haotian Sect was at least soul master.

Except for Ye Ming, there were no other exceptions.

Although there were challenges every month, it was almost impossible to defeat the strong with the weak when all the sect members were Haotian Sect martial spirits.

"Little brother Ye Ming, I advise you to surrender as soon as possible. My iron hammer will not show mercy." Tang Qiushui looked at Ye Ming on the other side of the ring and chuckled, "I don't want to be accused of bullying."

The moment she stepped onto the stage, she stretched out her right hand, and the black Haotian Hammer appeared in her hand. At the same time, two yellow and one purple, three soul rings slowly rose and moved on her body.

This is not a fighting soul arena, and there is no time for both parties to exchange names and perform martial arts.

Ye Ming's face flashed a strange look when he heard this, thinking that this girl must not have participated in the beast tide that night, and did not see him bombarding the three thousand year old dark gold fear claw bear, otherwise she would never say such a thing.

The dark gold Haotian Hammer also appeared on his right hand, and two soul rings flashing with brilliant purple light slowly rose from under his feet.

Looking closely, there is even a hint of black light in the second purple soul ring.

Tang Qiushui was stunned for a moment, "You! You! You! What the hell is this!"

At this moment, the third elder above said, "Three, two, one, the battle begins!"

Ye Ming stepped on the ground and directly closed the distance between the two. Looking at Tang Qiushui who had just reacted from the daze, he had no mercy and directly swung the Clear Sky Hammer towards the other party.

"Damn it!" Tang Qiushui cursed in a low voice. She didn't expect that Ye Ming would not be humble or hesitate at all.

In a hurry, she only had time to hold the Clear Sky Hammer across her chest.


With a bang, Tang Qiushui's figure flew backwards and hit hard outside the ring.

There was no need to use soul skills at all. With Ye Ming's current strength, this hammer was enough to crush the opponent!


"So strong!"

The disciples on the two rings next to them were all frightened by Ye Ming's swift hammer, and their movements slowed down a bit.

In the stands, Tang Xiao's eyes lit up a bit.

"Hey, this kid is really fierce."

In the sky, several elders' eyebrows jumped and reminded: "The loser will leave, and the winner will wait for the rest of the disciples to finish fighting, and then draw lots for the second round."

Below the ring, Tang Qiushui stood up and rubbed his aching chest, glared at Ye Ming with resentment, and reluctantly withdrew.

Ye Ming had a blank expression on his face, sitting on the ring and quietly watching the battles in other venues.

He found that there were several levels of strength among the inner disciples.

Tang Long and Tang Hu were obviously in the first row, and the two of them and Tang San almost solved their opponents one after another.

After the two, it was Tang Yu and Tang Tian, ​​whose strength was at the same level, and they also solved their opponents in a crushing manner.

The third row of disciples were all four-ring soul lords and three-ring soul masters. The difference in strength was not too obvious, but most of the battles were soul lords promoted.

As for Ye Ming, it was obviously not possible to reason with common sense.

The feedback from the two thousand-year-old dark gold fear claw bear soul rings improved his physical fitness. In addition to the strength and defense improved by the Gu Master, his physical fitness is not much worse than that of ordinary soul kings even without the use of Gu worms.

The battles were carried out quickly, and Ye Ming defeated his opponents again and again.

Under the deliberate control of the elders, Ye Ming and Tang Long did not encounter each other in the first five rounds.

In the fifth round, Tang Long was directly given a bye and entered the sixth round.

In the sixth round, there were only six people left in the inner disciples competition: Tang Long, Tang Hu, Tang San, Tang Tian, ​​Tang Yu and Ye Ming!

At this time, the battle between the menial disciples and the outer disciples had completely ended.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the arena in the center.

The result of the last draw was a coincidence.

Tang Long VS Tang Yu!

Ye Ming VS Tang Tian!

Tang San VS Tang Hu!

Three arenas, six people standing at the same time.

Tang Yu looked bitter, Tang Tian looked relaxed, Tang San and Tang Hu were at loggerheads!

These three battles will definitely be a real fight! The five elders in the air also flew down and stood on the edge of the arena.

It is easy for soul masters of this level to lose control when they really fight, so they must ensure the safety of these people!

"Release your soul rings, and the battle will begin after the countdown ends!" The second elder looked solemn, giving everyone enough time to buffer.

Tang Long had six soul rings on his body, two yellow, two purple, and two black. Facing Tang Yu, the five-ring soul king, his face was full of ease.

Tang Hu, as a six-ring soul emperor, could not help but look a little serious when he saw Tang San's five strange soul rings, two yellow, one purple, and two black.

The most strange scene on the three stages was the battle between Ye Ming and Tang Tian.

Tang Tian, ​​as a five-ring soul king with the best soul ring ratio, had nothing to say. But when he stood with Ye Ming, a great soul master with two purple soul rings, he particularly attracted everyone's attention.

This strange soul ring even made people ignore the fact that Tang San's fourth soul ring was at the ten thousand year level.

However, even if Ye Ming had two thousand year soul rings, Tang Tian didn't care.

Even though Ye Ming was able to make it to this round, he was very powerful, but there was an insurmountable gap between the thousand year soul ring and the ten thousand year soul ring, and between the great soul master and the soul king!

Tang Tian shook the muscles on his chest, tilted his neck, and said to Ye Ming very seriously:

"To be honest, you are really strong! You are proud enough to have come this far."

"I am very grateful to you for saving Tang Yu, so I will do my best!"

"Let you see clearly the true strength of the Soul King level!"

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