The footless bird flapped its wings and flew high. Ye Ming, who was above it, looked at the three-eyed golden eagle at his feet, feeling excited.

"If this plan goes well, the Haotian Sect should disappear from this world!"

When he thought of this, the flow of true energy in Ye Ming's body accelerated a bit, and the flight speed of the legless bird also increased a lot!

After leaving the Star Dou Forest, it took him less than an hour to approach the Haotian Sect.

Controlling the legless bird to circle above the first mountain peak entering Haotian Sect, Ye Ming did not find any disciples of the sect.

He controlled the legless bird to slowly land on the mountain peak.

The moment the legless bird landed, it turned into a pile of skeletons scattered on the top of the mountain.

Ye Ming held the three-eyed golden tiger and looked at the other side of the mountain, thinking in his heart.

"That night when I left Haotian Sect, only the fifth elder saw me."

"The good brothers we killed are still in the system space and will not leave any traces."

"Yue Guan and Gui Mei sneak attacked the fifth elder after I passed by! This means that the other party may be near Haotian Sect."

The blessing brought by the Hundred Souls made his mind clear. Now he was analyzing the layers and gradually came into contact with the original truth.

"The fifth elder suppressed me with force, causing me to kill someone. He would definitely not tell the sect such a thing, otherwise he would definitely face punishment!"

"If I were the fifth elder, then I would definitely blame Yue Guan and Gui Mei for everything..."

Ye Ming's eyes gradually brightened. Thinking about it, maybe he was not exposed!

Then he might be able to return to Haotian Sect!

"There are three outcomes right now. One is if the fifth elder confesses, I will be wanted by the Haotian Sect!

Second, the fifth elder was killed by moonlight and ghosts, and my story was not exposed!

Three is what the fifth elder did according to my calculation! "

"The chance is very high, you can try it!"

Ye Ming looked at the mountain peak opposite the sea of ​​clouds and murmured: "The plan will only be completed if Xiao Jinyi is sent to Haotian Sect!"

"The disciples on duty are in front of the sect, which is on the fifth mountain peak. It is still some time away from the inside of the sect.

Even if I am exposed, I still have time to urge the legless bird to escape! "

He looked at the three-eyed golden beast in his arms and asked, "Now take the initiative to release the power of fate and let Emperor Tian know your location!"

"Okay, Master!" The three-eyed golden beast said crisply, and an invisible wave flashed in the special eye on his forehead.

This fluctuation is directly connected to the power of destiny in the Star Forest!

"Master, it's ready."

"Father already knows my location! He will come to me soon!"

Ye Ming nodded, walked to the iron chain connecting the mountain peaks with the three-eyed golden beast in his arms, stepped straight on, and leapt onto the iron chain.

He stepped lightly, disappearing into the sea of ​​clouds like a flying swallow, and walked towards the opposite mountain peak.

The iron noose is still in his system space, but using it makes too much noise and can easily be discovered.

What he wanted was to find the disciples on duty and gauge their reactions.

In this way, there is a lot of room for improvement!

The moment the three-eyed golden beast released its power of destiny, Ditian in the dangerous place instantly sensed it!

He frowned, and a terrifying aura was released from him!


"How dare you touch little Jinniu!" His hair was flying, and there was a trace of anger on his face, "These humans deserve to die!"

"Haotian Sect! Haotian Sect! Tang Xiao!"

"The King of Ten Thousand Demons, the Red King, and Mr. Xiong, go and rescue the little princess!"

"Kill those who block you!"

Several figures not far away were shocked at the same time and looked towards Di Tian.

They each released their senses and discovered that Xiao Jinyi was indeed no longer in the Star Forest.

"It should be that little Jinyi sneaked out when the rabbit was sacrificed before." Bi Ji looked at Xiong Jun and others and said anxiously.

"Let's go bring her back now!"

Xiong Jun and others looked at each other and quickly flew away.

Ye Ming walked slowly forward on the iron cable connecting the fourth and fifth peaks.

At this time, the sea of ​​true energy was churning in the void inside his body, and the legless bird Gu insect was ready to attack.

As long as something goes wrong, he will encourage the legless bird to escape!

Passing through the sea of ​​clouds, the majestic mountain gate appeared in front of us.

In front of the mountain gate, two outer disciples wearing white disciple uniforms were taking turns on duty.


At this time, the disciple guarding in front of the mountain gate looked at the figure appearing in the sea of ​​clouds and said warily.

"Tang Xiaoya, it's me, Ye Ming!" After Ye Ming finished speaking, he stared closely at the eyes of the two of them.

"Brother Ye Ming?"

"Brother Ye Ming, are you not dead?"

Tang Xiaoya and another outer disciple cried out with joy and ran over happily.

Ye Ming felt relieved.

Eyes are the windows to the soul and the reflection of a person's heart.

Some people are trained to hide themselves.

But for sect disciples like Tang Xiaoya who have never experienced the darkness of the outside world, the city is not that deep.

The subconscious actions of these two people have confirmed that Ye Ming's guess is correct!

After Tang Xiaoya ran over, he came close to Ye Ming and said in surprise: "Brother Ye Ming, it's great that you're not dead!"

"I'm going to report it to the sect leader now!"

"Hey, brother Ye Ming, what kind of spirit beast is this cat in your arms? Why haven't I seen it before?"

Ye Mingman said seriously: "No, Xiaoya! I will go see the sect leader myself!"

"I have something very important to report to him! It's about that night!"

Tang Xiaoya and another disciple's expressions also became serious instantly.

Haotian Sect is now experiencing a heavy blow, and the events of that night are closely related.

Tang Yeming is the only surviving disciple that night, and he definitely knows a lot of things!

The two thought about it and felt that it would be better for the other party to go to the Sect Master in person to explain it clearly!

"Go, Brother Yeming. The Sect Master has just come out of retreat not long ago. You should be able to find him in the main hall!" Tang Xiaoya said to Yeming while walking towards the door.

Ye Ming nodded and asked inconspicuously: "How is the Fifth Elder now?"

Tang Xiaoya didn't pay attention at all, and responded directly: "The Fifth Elder lost in chasing the two thieves and had one arm cut off. He is still resting in the room."

When he said this, his face showed anger.

"Those two damn thieves killed my brother!"

"I hope the master will avenge them and kill those two thieves!"

Seeing this, Ye Ming patted his shoulder, "That's for sure!"

"I believe the master!"

After saying that, he stuffed the exposed tail of the three-eyed golden lion on his chest back in, walked through the gate of Haotian Sect, and walked inside.

After entering Haotian Sect, he did not look for Tang Xiao, but took advantage of the fact that no one was around, quietly activated the hidden scale Gu, and walked towards the courtyard of the fifth elder.

The three-eyed golden lion was stuffed into his arms, covered with clothes, and also hidden.

Not long after, Ye Ming came to the outside of the courtyard of the fifth elder.

As a sect elder, his courtyard occupies a wide area and is very large.

In order to prevent exposure, Ye Ming did not enter it.

He found the corner of the courtyard wall and used his soul to directly transmit his consciousness to the three-eyed golden lion and said: "Use the power of destiny to hide your breath and hide in this courtyard."

"Wait for my order!"

"Yes, master!"

A book friend said that it is not noisy to update at night, so let's update at night

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