Infinite role playing: Become invincible from Douluo!

Chapter 91 Sea God Island, Seahorse Douluo

On the deck of the Purple Pearl, everyone looked at the small black dot in the distance, and their hearts were filled with excitement.

Finally arrived at Poseidon Island!

At this time, the regiment leader approached and said respectfully: "Young masters, we can only send you here."

"Further forward is the territory of Poseidon Island. If a ship enters this range, it will immediately be attacked by the beast that protects the island, that is, the hundred thousand year old soul beast."

"You must be careful when crossing the sea later. The island-protecting beast is extremely powerful and aggressive. Even the deep-sea demon whale will be afraid of it."

"I said, new leader, you keep talking about the mythical beast that protects the island, the mythical beast that protects the island. What on earth is this mythical beast that protects the island?" Ma Hongjun said from the side.

"That's a shark that has been practiced for a hundred thousand years, and it's the most ferocious kind of shark, the Demon Soul Great White Shark!" The group leader had a look of fear on his face, "All the soul masters in the sea know that the Demon Soul Great White Shark The shark family represents the sea god in the sea! "

"They are extremely fast, and it is simply impossible to escape from their attacks!"

"After this island-protecting beast settled on Poseidon Island, hundreds of demonic great white sharks gathered here, forming a natural barrier here."

Ye Ming took a deep look at the new captain and said to him: "Give us a lifeboat, and you can go back!"

The new leader nodded in agreement and followed Ye Ming's orders respectfully.

Soon, the Purple Pearl began to return, and the new captain stood on the deck, looking at the lifeboat, the flattery on his face disappeared, replaced by a dark smile.

"You don't even know the habits of the Demonic Great White Shark, but you still want to force your way into Poseidon Island."

"Thank you for giving me the Purple Pearl Pirates. When you die, I will burn paper as a memorial to you."

"Purple Pearl, don't worry, these people will go down to accompany you soon! I will carry forward this Purple Pearl pirate group..."

Ye Ming stood on the lifeboat and looked at the new captain from afar.

Suddenly, he flipped his palm, and a sharp moon blade crossed a huge distance in the blink of an eye, directly slicing the new captain's head.

A line of blood flew past, and the new leader of the Purple Pearl Pirates fell backwards, falling heavily on the deck.

"Okay!" Ma Hongjun couldn't help but wave his hand, "I've long disliked this kid. Brother, you're good at killing him!"

Oscar and Tang San looked puzzled. They looked at each other and asked, "Brother Ye Ming, why is this?"

"Didn't you say that too much killing would cause displeasure among the soul masters on the island? Why do you still do this?"

"Although the new leader was respectful along the way, he concealed an important piece of information." Ye Ming said: "The Demon Soul Great White Shark is extremely protective of its shortcomings!"

"As long as we kill one of them, we will definitely be surrounded by other demonic great white sharks!"

"They are extremely sensitive to the smell of blood. It can be said that once we take action, we will definitely be besieged by hundreds of great white sharks containing demon souls that are one hundred thousand years old!"

He glanced at everyone and said calmly: "I don't need to say more about the final result of being targeted by an extremely fast and vengeful hundred thousand year soul beast in the sea!"

Hearing this, everyone took a deep breath.

"I didn't expect that this old boy, who is so respectful, would be waiting here to trick us!"

Ma Hongjun said angrily: "That is to say, I didn't see it, otherwise I would definitely turn him into a roasted bird!"

Oscar rolled his eyes at Ma Hongjun and said, "Save it, Fatty. With your vigilance, when someone poisons the food, you will be gone."

He looked at Ye Ming again and asked, "Brother, do you already have a way to enter Poseidon Island?"

Instead, Ye Ming looked at Tang San and said, "It depends on the third brother. His Vast Sea Universe Cover is the key to us entering Poseidon Island."

"The Vast Sea Universe Shield has the effect of invisibility and blocking external perception. If it can hold up, we can wait until the activity of the demonic great white shark weakens late at night and swim from the bottom of the sea to Poseidon Island!"

Hearing Ye Ming's words, everyone looked at Tang San again.

Tang San didn't hesitate and directly summoned the Vast Sea Universe Cover.

He looked at the Vast Sea Universe Shield in his hand that was emitting a faint blue light, and said with some surprise: "This soul guide has been absorbing the energy of the sea to replenish itself since we entered the sea."

"This place is not far from Poseidon Island. According to Brother Ye Ming, I'm afraid it can be done!"

Tang San pondered for a while, then hesitated: "But we still have to try again to see if this vast universe covered in the deep sea can withstand the pressure of the deep sea, move freely, and avoid the sight of those sea soul beasts."

It was about everyone's lives, and Tang San didn't dare to be careless.

It was now afternoon, and Tang San began to activate the Vast Sea Universe Barrier to start experiments.

The experiment lasted until night before he returned to the lifeboat.

"It works!" Tang San said to the crowd with some excitement: "The Vast Sea Universe Shield seems to be a soul guide running in the sea! Its effectiveness is greatly enhanced in the sea, and it consumes very little soul power and mental power!"

When everyone heard this, they were all happy in their hearts.

Waiting until late at night, Tang San activated the Vast Sea Universe Cover to cover everyone, and then dived into the deep sea.

When they dived, Tang San had already figured out the direction. All they had to do was keep walking forward, and they would reach Poseidon Island!

Traveling on the seabed is much more difficult than on land. The seabed is rugged and the mountains are undulating.

It was pitch black in the sea, and everyone relied on Tang San's mental detection to successfully see the way.

After marching for a long time, everyone felt that the terrain on the seabed was gradually rising, and Poseidon Island was close at hand.

At this moment, Tang San in front suddenly stopped and whispered: "Hold your breath."

Everyone stopped at the same time and held their breath.

At this time, a huge white shadow passed quietly twenty meters in front of them, like a ghost in the deep sea, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

It was a white shark that was over ten meters in size. Its whole body was perfectly streamlined, with a light sheen on its white skin. It was extremely fast!

"Demon Soul Great White Shark!" This thought arose in everyone's minds at the same time.

It wasn't until this spirit beast completely disappeared that Tang San led everyone to speed up the pace and quickly move towards Poseidon Island.

After a long time, everyone's feet turned into gravel, and their vision became brighter.

The dark and deep seabed is too oppressive, and there are hundreds of thousands of year-old soul beasts around. When walking on the seabed, they all have their hearts hanging on their shoulders.

When they walked out of the sea and saw the light again, everyone couldn't help but cheered.

Looking around, Poseidon Island was green, with many plants they couldn't name growing.

They were about to truly face the challenge of Poseidon Island. After everyone took a rest to replenish some of the soul power consumed in their bodies, Tang San put away his Vast Sea Universe Cover.

Just when they emerged from the Vast Sea Universe Cover, a somewhat surprised and angry voice sounded,


Eight figures sprang out from the woods nearby, blocking everyone's way.

These people were all wearing light yellow clothes and were about thirty years old. They looked at the people in front of them with surprise written on their faces.

"We admire the reputation of Poseidon Island and hope to pass Lord Poseidon's test and join Poseidon Island!" Ye Ming clasped his fists and said to these sea soul masters.

Tang San and others all looked at Ye Ming and did not speak.

Among them, the one who knows the most about Poseidon Island is Ye Ming. Naturally, it was most appropriate for Ye Ming to negotiate with these sea soul masters.

The middle-aged man who was leading the opposite looked at the nine people in front of him and frowned: "Soul masters from the land, are you sure you want to accept Lord Poseidon's test?"

"You must know that Lord Poseidon's test for land soul masters is very difficult. If you can't pass it, the only way is death!"

"It's good for young people to have courage, but if you act recklessly, you will only end up losing your life in vain!"

Perhaps sensing Ye Ming's strong aura and humble attitude, this sea soul master was quite polite in his words.

Hearing this, Tang San took Xiao Wu and took a step forward, "Senior, now that we are here, we will not leave easily! Thousands of miles away can't stop our determination to land on Poseidon Island, so how can we do it because of this test? Just retreat?"

Dai Mubai and others also moved forward at the same time, proving their attitude.

The middle-aged man looked at the group of nine people in front of him with some surprise. He nodded and whispered a few words to a young sea soul master in yellow clothes beside him. The way he spoke was very strange, like a strange sound wave buzzing, making Tang San and the others unable to hear any sound.

The young man responded respectfully, then turned around and left quickly.

The middle-aged man then said to Ye Ming and others, "I hope you won't regret it and come with me!"

After following the middle-aged man for a long time, everyone came to a pool of water. This pool of water on an island was like a sea within a sea. At this time, it was like a sea with rough waves and no wind.

In the center of the pool, there is a triangular platform, with a strange stone pillar standing on it. The stone pillar is shaped like a pointed cone, with a special sculpture carved on the top.

Under this stone pillar, a figure wearing black clothes sat.

The middle-aged man activated his soul power and shouted to the figure with full respect: "Lord Haima, a foreign land soul master has come to accept the test, please allow it."

The man in black sitting under the triangular stone platform suddenly stood up. Two yellow, two purple, five black, and nine terrifying soul rings emerged from his feet, beating slowly.

"Land soul masters want to accept His Majesty the Sea God's test? You can only be qualified to accept the test by crossing the sea within the sea and coming to the Seahorse Sacred Pillar!"

The moment he spoke, a ten-meter-high light curtain suddenly emerged from the Seahorse Holy Pillar behind him, completely covering the sea and the sea.

This light curtain directly limits the ability to fly!

Seahorse Douluo waved his right hand, and the waves in front of him suddenly rolled up. The waves were ten meters high, directly blocking all paths forward.

The sea water boiled with a rumbling force, stopping everyone in their tracks.

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