Infinite role playing: Become invincible from Douluo!

Chapter 98 You guys just need to speed through, I will take my time.

"Brother, what can you do?" Everyone was confused.

Ye Ming said calmly, "You don't have to worry so much, just follow me and I will take you to complete the assessment!"

At the moment, they are just stimulated by Ye Ming and want to complete the assessment in one go.

But Tang San and Oscar were very deep-minded. As long as they were allowed to react, the assessment time would definitely be extended to hone themselves.

What he wants to do is naturally to seize time!

"Since I have a solution, let's believe him!" Ma Hongjun said carelessly: "Could he still harm us?"

Dai Mubai and the others nodded, "That's right."

Ye Ming stepped onto the steps first, but the huge pressure seemed like nothing to him.

The pressure of the Poseidon's light couldn't even stop him.

When he stepped onto the third step, Dai Mubai and others followed him. Although Tang San felt something was wrong, he still pulled Xiao Wu into the area enveloped by the Poseidon's Light and stepped onto the steps.

Just when everyone was wondering what Ye Ming would do, countless moonlight ribbons floated out from his body and enveloped everyone.

In an instant, everyone who was facing huge pressure suddenly felt relaxed, as if all the pressure caused by the Poseidon's light disappeared.

Baoyue Colorful Clothes Gu is the natal Gu in Ye Ming's first aperture. Among all rank-4 Gu insects, its defensive ability is also at the top level.

And the most important thing is that this Gu insect's defense ability can help others!

Dai Mubai and Tang San felt it most obviously. Just now they wanted to step onto the steps, but they were blocked by the Poseidon's light. Currently shrouded in moonlight ribbons, the pressure brought by this Poseidon's light is less than one percent of the previous one.

Ye Ming himself did not use the defense of Baoyue Neon Clothes Gu, and the pressure of the steps in front could not stop him at all. He walked upwards leisurely, while the Shrek Seven Devils behind him also walked up the mountain easily.

Soon, Ye Ming came to the hundred steps. At this time, the pressure here made his steps slightly heavier, but he still looked as normal and moved forward slowly.

Soon, he passed the one hundred and eight steps, which was also the destination of the black level assessment.

Almost in a moment, the Shrek Seven Monsters also climbed up the stairs with the help of Baoyue Nishang Gu.

In an instant, the layer of pale golden mist covering Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, Oscar, and Ma Hongjun quickly dissipated.

From the five-pointed star and six-pointed star patterns on their foreheads, a black energy floated out and condensed into a black light curtain in front of them.

The light curtain shattered instantly, and then turned into dots of black light and re-injected into their eyebrows.

"The first test of the fifth/sixth black level exam, time travel, Poseidon's Light, passed. Soul power increased by one level!"

This voice sounded in their minds at the same time, and Dai Mubai and others suddenly felt their bodies relax, and the huge pressure brought by the Poseidon's Light had disappeared.

"My soul power has increased by one level!" Oscar exclaimed, "This reward is so good!"

Zhu Zhuqing and others also responded separately.

This feeling of passing the assessment easily and getting the soul power improvement reward is so great!

"Let's retreat first, don't increase the burden on my brother!" Dai Mubai said, and retreated to the foot of the mountain.

Upon seeing this, Ma Hongjun and others also withdrew and returned to the foot of Poseidon Mountain.

Ning Rongrong and Tang San looked at each other, feeling a little excited in their hearts.

The reward for completing the black-level assessment is actually an increase in soul power by one level. Then the rewards for their top-level assessment and the ninth Poseidon examination will definitely be even more generous!

They continued to move forward under the protection of Ye Ming. Soon, Ning Rongrong also reached the one hundred and thirty-sixth step and completed her first assessment!

Surrounded by red light, the strange red seven-pointed star on Ning Rongrong's forehead bloomed with dazzling brilliance. Layers of red light swept down, surrounding her body with joy.

The red light curtain spurted out from the seven-pointed star, quietly shattered, and directly condensed into a red halo that fell from the sky, enveloped Ning Rongrong's body, and merged into her body.

"The first of the top seven tests, time travel, enhancement, Poseidon's Light, passed. Soul power increased by one level, and the power of soul ring skills increased by 500 years."

The moment this voice sounded, the pressure from the Poseidon's light on Ning Rongrong also disappeared.

Feeling this rich reward, a smile appeared on her face and she said: "Brother Ye Ming, thank you!"

After saying this, she withdrew and fell directly towards the foot of the mountain.

Ye Ming's expression was indifferent, as if he couldn't feel the pressure from the Poseidon's light, he used all the Baoyue Neon Clothes Gu to bless Tang San and Xiao Wu, and continued to move forward.

When he reached the two hundred steps, the pressure suddenly increased a lot, and the consumption of real energy in his body also began to increase.

However, this level of consumption is not a problem at all for him who possesses 98% of the True Essence Sea.

Not to mention, there is a fourth-turn Heavenly Yuan Baojun Lotus in his aperture that is continuously producing true energy.

Walking on the steps shrouded in the light of Poseidon, Ye Ming discovered that not only was the soul power in his body running a little faster, but the vibration frequency of the true energy in the void had also increased a lot.

Obviously, under this kind of pressure, his cultivation speed will definitely be much faster.

But now there are only two hundred steps, the pressure from above will be stronger, and it will help him even more!

Tang San hugged Xiao Wu and looked at the resolute figure moving forward above him. He couldn't help but said with some worry: "Brother, how do you feel?"

"If we can't hold on, we'll take a break and then come back to attack the first test!"

Ye Ming turned his head and smiled faintly: "Brother San, don't worry! This pressure is not enough to stop me!"

"Mu Bai and the others have already completed the first test, so I have to let you and Xiao Wu complete this test first!"

After he said this, he strode up quickly, and the wind rustled as he walked, without any pause!

Seeing this, Tang San no longer hesitated and quickly followed Ye Ming's pace.

When he reached the 300th step, the pressure in the Sea God's Light increased again, and this pressure made Ye Ming's steps pause slightly.

But in just a moment, he adjusted himself and continued to step up step by step!

When he walked past the 333rd step, Tang San, who was behind him, hugged Xiao Wu and also stepped on this step!

Suddenly, a red light surged from Xiao Wu's eyebrows, and the light flashed by. Seven clearly visible golden lights gathered in the air, illuminating the surroundings, and the golden light fell and enveloped Tang San and Xiao Wu's bodies.

In the golden light, the golden trident on Tang San's forehead burst into brilliant light, and the golden light spread from his forehead like a thread, flowing to his whole body.

A golden light curtain shattered in front of Tang San, turning into dots of golden light and the light flowing down from the golden trident into his body at the same time.

"Crossing, double, Seagod's light, the test passed. The first test is over, the Seagod's affinity increases by 5%, and the overall current is 5%."

A strange blue light flashed between Tang San's eyebrows, and then disappeared.

At the same time, the red light spot on Xiao Wu's forehead flashed continuously, and a prompt sound also sounded in the depths of her soul.

"One-ninth of the top test is completed, and the rewards begin to stack."

When Tang San heard the reward sound, he was slightly stunned. Why didn't he get the soul power improvement reward?

But in just a moment, he had figured it out. The Ninth Test of the Sea God was a higher test than the top seven tests, and the final reward would definitely not be low.

At the moment, perhaps the reward was just temporarily stored.

Tang San said to Ye Ming in front of him: "Brother, our test is over, you have to work hard!"

After that, he hugged Xiao Wu and retreated quickly down the mountain, landing beside Dai Mubai and others.

Seeing this, Ye Ming nodded gently and put away his Baoyue Nishang Gu. Looking at the Sea God Temple above, his eyes condensed, and then he began to run wildly on the steps!

Four hundred... four hundred and thirty... four hundred and seventy... five hundred... six hundred!

In just a few breaths, he directly jumped over a distance of hundreds of steps and came to the seven hundredth step!

This scene shocked Dai Mubai and others below.

"Brother, you are too strong!"

"No wonder the test requires him to climb the 1,001st step. At this speed, he has a chance to pass today!"

They looked up at Ye Ming above, opened their mouths wide, and looked horrified.

Ye Ming above slowed down again. After crossing the 700th step, the pressure on him was already very terrifying.

However, there was no pain on his face. At this juncture, he did not activate the Baoyue Nishang Gu to bless himself!

He wanted to try and see how far he could go with his own strength!

Eight hundred... eight hundred and forty... eight hundred and ninety... nine hundred!

When he reached the 900th step, every step he took was accompanied by cold sweat on his forehead!

At this moment, he was still walking on the steps with his own strength!

Moreover, he was doing two things at the same time, activating the fifth-turn Thunder Dragon Power Gu in the second acupoint and integrating it into his body!

Now Ye Ming is only a fourth-level intermediate Gu Master. After completely integrating the fourth-level Tyrant Bear Power Gu and the fourth-level Flying Elephant Power Gu, the speed of integrating the fifth-level Thunder Dragon Power Gu is like an ant crawling.

Now with the pressure brought by the light of the Sea God, the speed of his refining and integrating the Thunder Dragon Power Gu has begun to increase rapidly!

If he follows the original speed, it is estimated that it will take half a year for him to completely integrate the Thunder Dragon Power Gu into his body. But now, he only needs more than a month at most to completely control the Thunder Dragon Power Gu!

When he reached the 950th step, Ye Ming could no longer walk, so he blessed himself with the Treasure Moon Colorful Clothes Gu.

Even so, every step he took took a lot of time.

"Brother Ye Ming, come on!!"

"Brother, go for it!!"

"Brother Ye Ming, hold on!!"

Below, the voices of Dai Mubai and others sounded, cheering Ye Ming up.

Ye Ming heard these encouraging words, but he smiled slightly in his heart.

You just need to speed through, of course I have to take it slowly!

Of course, he has to make full use of this month's time!

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