Infinite Sims

Chapter 129 Born to be a Slave

The doors and windows are locked and the curtains drawn.

In the room, after Jiang Ren confirmed that everything was fine, he turned off the lights and lay down on the bed.


He muttered silently in his heart, and a translucent light curtain appeared in front of his eyes.

After several days of rest, his mental state has fully recovered and he is ready to enter the new world.


He focused on the fourth world "Gladiator".

[20 points of fate will be deducted to enter, do you want to enter? 】


[You have met the opening conditions of the mall, do you want to open the mall? 】


"After deducting the 20 tickets, plus the guarantee for the past few days, there are more than 80 disposable destiny points."

"It doesn't look low, but that's it."

Jiang Ren glanced at the fate value balance, and then opened the system mall.

If you don't know the world at all, buying it is just a waste of fate points, so as before, you don't plan to buy anything when you enter for the first time.

However, it is still necessary to take a look at the mall.

At least you can learn about the world from the side, so that you can make some preparations in advance.

[Identity], [Talent], [Item].

Jiang Ren clicked on the category of items that best reflected the background of the world, and scanned it briefly, with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

"How do you feel that the technology tree in this world is a bit crooked?"

Jiang Ren shook his head and exited the mall.

In an instant, his consciousness entered the dark "transit station" with only a huge clock.

A translucent phantom emerges from the clock.

Through the blurry phantom, a wooden house can be vaguely seen inside. A black-haired woman lying on the bed is comforted by a stooped old woman, resisting the severe pain of childbirth.


The bell began to strike.

Jiang Renshun lost consciousness in an instant, and was taken into a phantom by an invisible force.

[Disease, disaster, war, human beings finally sent themselves to the graveyard. 】

[After the doomsday with countless deaths and injuries, there are not a hundred survivors, and they all hide in the dark underground. They struggle hard and look forward to returning to the ground one day. 】

[A hundred years later, they finally came back to the ground, looking at the desolate land, they gathered together under the guidance of hope, and built one building after another that symbolized civilization, and society seemed to have restored order. 】

[At the same time, arenas representing hope and despair are also established! 】

In a daze.

Jiang Ren felt himself being pulled out of a warm place by something.

Immediately, there was severe pain in his buttocks, and before he could react, his body instinctively cried out.

"The beating was really hard!"

This was the only thought in Jiang Ren's mind after regaining consciousness.

Although he had experienced hundreds of births in the simulated world, he had never been beaten so hard, or more accurately, not once.

"Judging from the phantom before I came in, the family I was born in should be an ordinary family. The interior decoration and clothing style are somewhat similar to the Western Middle Ages, but judging from the items sold in the mall, they are not like it."

Jiang Ren, who was just born, couldn't open his eyes.

He could only quietly listen to the sounds around him to judge his current situation.

Faintly heard the conversation between two women, one old and one young.

But the language they speak is not any language that Jiang Ren is familiar with, not even any language that exists in the real world.

in the house.

The black-haired woman on the bed had a small face the size of a palm, she looked palely at the baby held by the old woman beside the bed, and said in a weak voice, "My child..."

"Congratulations, it's a boy. Although his body is not very strong, but you listen to his loud crying, I can guarantee that he will become a powerful spirit caller in the future."

As the old woman spoke, she placed the crying baby beside the brunette.


The brunette woman looked at the baby crying out of breath, feeling very heartbroken, but her tense spirit was finally relieved.

Indeed, as the old woman said.

Although the child's body was only about the size of an ordinary baby, this loud cry was the loudest baby cry she had ever heard.

At this time, there were a few jokes from outside the house.

"Mr. Ishizaru is back."

"It's the first time I saw the stone ape running so fast. Those who didn't know it thought his summoning spirit was a cow."

"Shi Jun, you came just in time!"

Immediately afterwards.

A sound of footsteps stopped outside the door, and the owner of the sound asked uneasily, "Can I come in?"

"Congratulations, Mr. Ishizuru, it's a boy."

The old woman stepped forward and opened the door with a smile on her face.

A tall, bearded man who was as strong as an orangutan rushed in. Seeing the crying baby who was twitching from time to time, he immediately cast his eyes on the weak wife beside him: "Qianqian, what are you doing?" Sample?"

He stretched out his hand and awkwardly brushed aside the sweaty hair on his wife's forehead.

Ding Qianqian shook her head slightly, and gestured to the baby beside her: "Didn't you say that you will name him after he is born? Have you thought about it now?"

"My child will definitely become a brave and brave person in the future, he will definitely"

Shi Yuan seemed to have thought of something, his eyes darkened, but he didn't show it, and continued excitedly: "Little thing, remember, your name is Shi Yong, the stone of the stone! Brave and brave!"

Jiang Ren still couldn't open his eyes.

But he could faintly feel a pair of big hands supporting him, as if it was the owner of the male voice that just entered the room.

"What is the relationship between this person and me? Father and son?"

Just as Jiang Ren was secretly guessing, a strong impulse gathered in his lower abdomen, and with his current young and weak body, he couldn't restrain this impulse at all.

So, he simply let the impulse gushes out.

next moment.

Stone Ape, who was lifting Jiang Ren high, saw a stream of transparent water falling on his head, and his smile froze on his face.

Beside, Ding Qianqian couldn't help laughing.


"Xiao Yong."

Beside the creek, a gentle female voice came from afar.


Jiang Ren, who was over five years old, responded.

Then he turned his head and said to the greedy children of the same age in front of him: "I'm going back, don't blame me for not reminding you, Elder told me to leave all these to him, and he will be able to prepare the copper coins at night, when the time comes If you want to buy it, you have to wait until next month."

"Buy! We buy!"

Hearing this, several people quickly put the metal coin they had squeezed tightly into Jiang Ren's hand.

Then they snatched the candies in the shape of small animals from his hands, put some into his mouth directly, and held some in his palm to admire, both of which showed satisfied expressions.

"That's right, another five coppers."

Jiang Ren threw five coins in the air, and immediately took another one.

Hearing the pleasant sound of the five cuties colliding with each other, he greeted the few people next to him, and then quickly ran towards home.

As the sun sets, there are people living on small bridges and flowing water.

A variety of different architectural styles, but very practical brick and wood houses, from time to time you can see the smoke of cooking with firewood rising from them.

Beautiful and quiet, like an ordinary country village.

However, if one looked into the distance, one could faintly see tall walls enclosing the village at the edge.

Just like the system sound he heard when he first came to this world, this world has indeed been rebuilt.

Even the rebuilt world has only one country, and wars have disappeared, but under this seemingly peaceful appearance, there are still many barbaric rules.


It is the product of this rule.

But Jiang Ren's parents in this world and the people in this village all have a common identity - slaves.

As a slave whose life and death are controlled by the slave master.

The only good thing is that the people in this wall are not the slaves of those mine owners, and they don't have to run around in the mine all day long, waiting for the end of their lives in pain.

All the people here belong to one arena.

In a family of three, if one person can become a gladiator, then he can stay in this place and barely support the family of three with the income from the gladiatorial fight.

This is why Jiang Ren went out to make money early.

However, you can only make a little money.

After all, there are basically people around him who are in the same situation as his family. Apart from buying some animal-shaped candies and harvesting the wallets of his peers, it is difficult for him to earn other money.

And even if he could make money, he didn't dare to do it.

In this technology tree, most of the technology is similar to the western world in the 19th century. There are actually many things he can do, but slaves do not have any human rights.

Without any power, exposing yourself will only lead to disaster.

Came to outside the simple fence in his yard.

I saw Ding Qianqian, the mother of this world, cooking soup in the semi-outdoor kitchen.

The beautiful long black hair and delicate facial features match the oriental face, just like Xiaojiabiyu in ancient times.

"Mother, didn't I say that I will do it in the future?"

Jiang Ren moved a wooden stool beside the pot, grabbed the long wooden spoon from her hand, and stirred the soup in the pot.

Although he is not yet six years old, he can still do housework and cook.

"Understood, not next time."

Ding Qianqian showed a quiet smile, took off the apron and tied it on Jiang Ren's body, ravaged his hair, and then quickly ran into the next house, followed by a burst of laughter of a successful prank.

Not next time, that is to say next time?

Jiang Ren shook his head helplessly, straightened his hair, and skillfully stirred the dishes in the soup.

In a sense.

The beginning of this world is much more difficult than the previous three worlds.

For more than five years, freedom was restricted, and most of my understanding of the world came from my parents and some close neighbors.

At present, the only variable that can change all this is my sixth birthday next month.

“This tastes perfect!”

After Jiang Ren added some seasoning and stirred, he took another spoonful of soup and tasted it.

When a person has experienced more, his skills will also increase.

In the days when Jiang Ren spent a month raging his fate points, he learned a lot of simple and practical cooking skills in the Hunter World, and it was no problem to deal with a pot of soup.


Jiang Ren extinguished the fire and was about to get a soup plate when he saw a soup plate appearing beside his left hand out of the corner of his vision.

Under the soup plate is a pair of hairy feet.

The one holding the dish is not human.

It is a giant spider that is half the height of an adult, has six pairs of compound eyes and eight legs, and looks creepy.

For this scene.

Jiang Ren seemed to have gotten used to it, put the soup directly into the soup plate, took off the apron and put it away, followed behind the big spider, and walked into the house.

As soon as you enter the door.

I saw the big spider put the soup plate on the table, then its eight legs accelerated rapidly, and with a strong wind, it rushed towards Ding Qianqian whose back was facing the door.

The sharp roots exposed on the eight feet flashed a little cold light, as if they were going to tear her into pieces.


The moment the big spider came into contact with Ding Qianqian, not only did it not cause any harm to her, but it submerged into her body instantly and disappeared.

Ding Qianqian was not affected in any way.

Not even the slightest change in movement.

"Call the spirit!"

Jiang Ren's lips moved slightly, spit out the exclusive words of this world.

call spirit.

As the name suggests, it is a spirit being summoned.

Every human being living in this world has one or more summoning spirits hidden in their bodies, and as long as they are six years old or older, they can be summoned in a specific way.

To fight, or to work and live.

During the nearly six years, as far as Jiang Ren saw it.

There are animals such as giant spiders and white giant apes in summoning spirits, as well as humanoid species, and even some mechanical life forms, with various forms and types.

The only thing we can know is that there are no two identical spirits in the world.

This also made Jiang Ren a little curious and looking forward to it.

What will your own spirit look like?

animal? Humanoid? mechanical? Or other strange species?

However, if possible, he hoped not to awaken useless spirits like bugs and stones, which would not only be useless for combat, but also useless for daily life.

To put it more seriously, this life may be useless.

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