Infinite Sims

Chapter 141 Defeated

"Please invite our gladiators... what's going on!"

The commentator's impassioned tone suddenly changed, and he stared blankly at the duel space.

I saw that there were not two summoning spirits on the circular arena as usual, but a young man in single clothes and a turbaned man in his thirties.

This scene was obviously beyond the expectations of most people.

"This is Shi Yong and Junichiro Sato, they entered the fighting space themselves!"

"Isn't it necessary to enter the real body only in the death match?"

"What's going on? The final has changed from an ordinary gladiatorial fight to a deathmatch?"

All kinds of noisy sounds sounded instantly, causing chaos in the stands.

"Why...why is it a deathmatch?!"

Vivian, who was silently waiting for the end of the final, was full of surprise and anger on her face at this moment.

Sylvia on the side looked at the fighting space, feeling a sense of sadness in her heart.

Once the fighting space is in place, no matter whether it is a normal gladiatorial or a deathmatch, one party must die before it ends. If the winning rate is according to what the lady said, then he


A huge colorful boa constrictor emerged out of thin air, wrapping Vivienne in its midst, its icy purple pupils fixedly staring at the VIP room diagonally opposite.


Eric could be vaguely seen with a smug smile on his face, holding a goblet of red wine to provoke him.

"Gladiator space?"

Jiang Ren looked around at the densely packed crowd in the stands, walked to the edge of the arena and stretched out his hand, immediately touching an invisible wall.

Well, it turned out to be waiting for me here.

Jiang Ren recalled Eric who was rejected by him half a month ago. He thought that the other party had no choice but to wait here for him.

Whatever the reason.

Since this gladiatorial fight has already begun, it is doomed to death.

Jiang Ren turned his head and looked at the turbaned man who had been motionless while he was in action: "Sato Junichiro, do you know me?"

Although it belongs to the same arena.

But in the past few months, the two have only met a few times from a distance, and they have not spoken a word.

"You are the son of Shi Jun and Ding Jiang. It's time to settle what happened back then."

Sato Junichiro's face was serious, and there was a strong killing intent in his eyes

Jiang Ren looked relaxed: "It's over? Are you trying to commit suicide and apologize?"

"Kill you, there will be no such thing!"

As soon as Junichiro Sato finished speaking, the skin on his body suddenly surged, as if something terrifying was breaking out of his body.

Accompanied by horrific screams.

Sato Junichiro's bloody flesh fell to the ground, and standing there was an old man holding a samurai sword, with long silver hair tied behind his head, and dressed in yellow-gray feathers and red skirt pants.

"Junichiro Sato, please enlighten me!"

Junichiro Sato, who was integrated with the summoning spirit, looked at Jiang Ren with dark eyes, and his right hand fell on the handle of the knife that had not yet been drawn.

The blade was pulled out slowly, reflecting a cold light.

"Come out! The strongest warrior!"

"So, is this going to be a deathmatch?"

"It doesn't matter whether he fights to the death or not, as long as the wrestling is wonderful."

After a short period of confusion and panic, the audience quickly came to their senses, and the voices of the entire arena quickly converged into one name: "Sato Junichiro! Sato Junichiro..."

Under this huge sound, there are sporadic voices of "Shi Yong" and "Hunter".

"This method of possession is quite interesting."

Jiang Ren smiled slightly, his body faintly becoming a little illusory.

When this invisible illusion disappeared, he had transformed into a hunter summoning spirit, even the equipment on his body was not bad, and there was a slender hunting dog beside him.

"It is your honor to die under my knife!"

Junichiro Sato pulled out the blade completely.

The body activated instantly, and the whole person was like a cheetah, approaching Jiang Ren quickly.

"Then why don't you kill yourself?"

Jiang Ren pouted, and quickly drew out the shotgun.

Pre-judged aiming and shooting, like eating and drinking, with almost no pause.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Although the several bullets fired in succession were all blocked by Junichiro Sato's katana, he also had to slow down because of these obstacles.


At some point, the hound had circled to the side, opened its mouth full of fangs, and seemed to be flying towards him.

There is a shotgun in front and a hound on the side.

Sato Junichiro didn't change his face, nor did he have any panic in his eyes. The moment the samurai sword in his hand blocked the bullet, he slashed at the hound at an extremely fast speed.

However, the black hound just feinted and jumped out of his attack range.

"Distraction is not a good habit."

Jiang Ren's voice suddenly reached his ears, followed by a bomb the size of a water cup.


Accompanied by an explosion.

The fire and dust rose up, submerging Sato Junichiro's figure.

next moment.

But he saw Sato Junichiro flashing out from the dust, and except for some damage to his clothes, there was no visible injury on his whole body.

However, before he rushed towards Jiang Ren, several bombs fell on him.


The fierce fire and dust submerged it again, and Jiang Ren also took advantage of this gap to quickly distance himself.

"The blood strip is really thick."

Jiang Ren's family took turns taking out bombs from their backpacks and throwing them into the dust ahead.

Although the bomb seemed to have an astonishing momentum and great damage, Junichiro Sato had long been prepared for this move, and it was impossible for the bomb to explode at close range.

So, at most, these bombs hindered him a little.

It is impossible to seriously injure him, or even blow him up to death.


Suddenly, Sato Junichiro rushed out of the fire dust.

"In the face of absolute skill and absolute power, everything you do can only delay your death."

Junichiro Sato looked gloomy, and the samurai sword had been inserted back into its sheath.

His legs were running at top speed, his whole body was like a flickering phantom, he covered more than half of the distance in an instant, avoided several bullets and a bomb, and came within ten steps of Jiang Ren.

"Draw your sword and chop!"

Sato Junichiro draws his sword out.

With a flash of the knife, the whole person was in front of Jiang Ren, and the long knife was aimed straight at Jiang Ren's head.

Accompanied by a violent sound.

Countless mist like water vapor surrounded the two people on the stage in an instant, making it impossible for people outside to see what was going on inside.


Eric drank the red wine in the glass happily.

"Little brother!"

Seeing this scene, Vivienne collapsed on the colorful python, her face was pale.

His hands unconsciously clenched into fists, his nails dug deep into his flesh, and he didn't even know that he cut his skin open and blood flowed out.

Sylvia was also a little overwhelmed, not knowing whether to comfort her or do something.

I thought that the young lady didn't care about that brat, but now it seems that the behavior of the past few days is just a disguise that she doesn't want to be hurt again.


Leif expressed regret. Although this young man named "Shi Yong" had limited talent for summoning spirits, he was a person with amazing fighting talents.

It really shouldn't be like this to die here.

"Sir, here they come."

Bolius closed the pocket watch that received the message in his hand, and whispered in Leif's ear.

"It's time for sanctions."

Rafe got up and left his seat, followed by Bolius.

Just when the two were about to walk along the aisle and enter the arena, there were bursts of exclamations from around.

"Second summoner?"

Rafe turned his head, slightly surprised in his heart.

On the circular arena, the thick smoke dissipated.

They saw that Jiang Ren, who had been sentenced to death in their hearts, was still alive at this moment, and his appearance had changed.

Wearing a bamboo hat, dressed in black, holding a knife in his right hand, he firmly blocked Junichiro Sato's samurai sword, only half a finger away from his head.

"It's a pity, it seems that I am not the one who died today."

Jiang Ren chuckled, and flicked the samurai sword away with all his strength, and the blade instantly turned to the fragile throat of the person in front of him.


Sato Junichiro's pupils shrank quickly, and he withdrew his sword with all his strength to block back.

The huge force made him slide a few steps backwards, the shock from the blade made his hands tremble, and the katana almost fell out of his hand.

"Second Summoner, I didn't expect you to hide your strength..."

Sato Junichiro looked at Jiang Ren coldly.

Before he finished speaking, he was forced by Jiang Ren to stop talking, and swung his samurai sword to defend and counterattack.

Countless afterimages of sword light.

The sound of gold and iron colliding rang out.

Most of the spectators in the stands could only see two figures constantly moving around, and the two knives with different styles and lengths were almost invisible.

clang! ! !

Both of them jumped back a certain distance.

Until then, many people finally saw the two people on the stage clearly.

Jiang Ren, who was dressed in black, had several gaps cut by knives on the hat.

And Junichiro Sato who was opposite him.

His clothes were already tattered, and they were covered with marks from sharp knives, and he could still clearly see a few bloody holes on his chest, legs, and face, from which traces of blood flowed out.

"Absolute strength and skill?"

Jiang Ren pointed the tip of the knife at the ground, and said with a chuckle, "It seems that your skills are not very good."

The little blood on the knife condensed into blood beads, which slid down without hindrance, and finally fell from the tip of the knife to the ground.

Compared with the relaxed and comfortable appearance on the surface, Jiang Ren is extremely serious in his heart.

Although it seems that he has the upper hand, it is actually because his skills are better, and Sato Junichiro is not used to it for a while.

In terms of physical strength, he is far better than his current body.

This is not because the summoning spirit is not strong, but because the training time after condensing it is too short, it is not enough to reach the peak.

"Your skills are stronger, but my body is stronger!"

Sato Junichiro was not angered by Jiang Ren, but slowly inserted the samurai sword back into the scabbard, and then put it in the left waist.


Sato Junichiro turned into a quick shadow, and crossed more than half the distance, and a low voice came out of his mouth: "Yanhui!"

Jiang Ren didn't dodge or dodge, and swung his knife to cut out.

Dozens of sword lights flashed.

The light and shadow disappeared, and there were only two people standing opposite each other on the stage.

Sato Junichiro's body fell slightly.

His right hand kept swinging the samurai sword, but he couldn't find a piece of intact flesh on his body. Most of his clothes had been shattered to the ground, and a piece of flesh, large or small, fell to the ground like rain.

Jiang Ren stood with his head held high, and there seemed to be no injuries on his body.

The knife held in the right hand has been stained red with blood.

"Shi Yong won?"

Just when the audience was guessing whether Jiang Ren was victorious, they found a bloodstain on his neck.


Jiang Ren's head fell to the ground.

"I won! Hahaha!! I won!!!"

Sato Junichiro squatted weakly on the ground, spit out a pool of black blood, then looked up to the sky and smiled, his face was full of madness and excitement.

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