Infinite Sims

Chapter 149 The confrontation between the fisherman and the big fish

"Menu? What menu?"

Jiang Ren showed doubts on his face, but his heart was extremely dignified.

He underestimated the "desperate" forces behind Floran, or underestimated the importance of this menu containing the original power, thinking that he could quietly occupy it.

The matter has come to this point, regret is useless, compared with the original strength, the most important thing is whether you can survive.

But from the man's expression and words, Jiang Ren couldn't find any meaning that he could survive. This is why he tried to delay time and find a chance to break the situation.

"Garbage is garbage, do you think you can hide it from me?"

The man clicked his tongue in disdain, and said coldly: "If you don't hand over the menu, there is only one ending—death!"

A strange breath erupted from his body, and several pure white weird tentacles protruded from his chest, twisting at an extremely slow speed.


Jiang Ren only felt that there seemed to be some kind of magical power hidden in the tentacles, which attracted his mind firmly at the first moment, made him give up resistance, and even had the idea of ​​taking out the menu.


He hurriedly used his last bit of strength to control his teeth to bite the tip of his tongue before sinking into the sinking, and the severe pain temporarily regained consciousness.

Using this time, he finally possessed the Swordsman Summoning Spirit, and then got rid of the magic power of those tentacles.

"You broke free?"

The twisting tentacles stopped instantly, and a trace of surprise appeared in the man's eyes.

Jiang Ren knew that he was only temporarily out of control, but the danger of death was still hanging over his head and would fall at any time.

Immediately following the performance just now.

He calmed down and deliberately showed a forced smile: "Sir, I really don't know what you mean by the menu."

"Even if you break free, you're still rubbish. You still dare to pretend to be a fool. Have you ever tasted despair?"

The man's face was full of pride, his eyes swept over Jiang Ren's limbs.

The twisting tentacles made a burst of noise, turned into thorny thorns, and yanked straight at Jiang Ren's hands and legs.

Under the irresistible momentum, it also comes with powerful power.

He firmly suppressed Jiang Ren in place, and the speed was like slow motion. Even with all his strength, he couldn't pull out the blade before the thorns arrived.

"Is it going to end again?"

A thought flashed in Jiang Ren's mind, with the current behavior revealed by the person in front of him, no matter whether he handed over the menu or not, the result would be death.

After 12 years of silence and a few months of showing talent, the future is bright.

Unexpectedly, he would die in this train like this.

Life is indeed full of surprises and surprises.

But compared to the former, the latter is too easy to die.


Just when the tentacle was about to touch Jiang Ren, the man's face changed suddenly.

Quickly retracted all the tentacles, intertwined on the left side of the body, weaving into a large white shield half the height of a person.


The large white shield vibrated as if hit hard.

Accompanied by a deafening sound, a huge destructive impact came from the white shield, instantly destroying the luxurious carriage in two.

Jiang Ren, who was closer, flew backwards at an extremely fast speed as if his body had been hit hard.

Vaguely, he saw Vivienne transformed into a huge colorful python, wrapping Xiluweiya in the middle to protect her, and her body was blown out uncontrollably.

And the railroad track where it was just now has been broken, and a large hole several meters deep has appeared below.

Following a burst of screams of men, women and children, several carriages that could not stop at the rear derailed and overturned on the broken rails one after another, and the voices inside also fell silent, whether it was death or life.

"Did someone save me?"

Jiang Ren fell to the ground, spat out a mouthful of blood, and found that it was difficult to move his body.

It doesn't matter how injured the swordsman is.

Because what he possessed was the knife behind him.

But the terrifying impact just now had caused dense cracks to appear on the blade, making it difficult to even repair the swordsman's injury, let alone moving.

in the dark.

Jiang Ren saw the broken railway track from afar.

In addition to the mysterious and powerful man in white, there was also an old man in gray robe with white hair and childlike face.


Jiang Ren's pupils shrank, and he realized that the old man in gray robe was the elder Leif of the United Council who had left long ago.

Why is he here? Is it chasing the man in white to come here? Or have you been hiding on the train?

"Caught a big fish at last."

Leif looked at the young man in front of him, with a gentle smile on his old face: "Burhand, as the leader of No. 5 who is desperate, I didn't expect you to take action on a student who hasn't enrolled yet. I'm really surprised. .”

Bernhard, who was called by his name, had a gloomy expression on his face: "I never thought that you, an elder known for being just and kind, would actually use unenrolled students as bait. It really opened my eyes."


When Jiang Ren heard the conversation between the two, his face turned slightly cold.

A few days ago, Vivienne also said that on the way to the academy, new students are usually escorted by a special person, but for some reason, the two of them disappeared when they arrived.

I thought it was because Vivian was already protected.

Now it seems that Leif, who was supposed to be in charge of protection, did this on purpose, using himself and Vivienne as bait to lure the prey.


Suddenly, the sky is full of light.

With Leif as the center, the surrounding darkness of nearly a kilometer was dispelled.

The light didn't feel dazzling at all, and even carried a hint of warmth. It condensed into a pair of huge snow-white wings behind Leif, driving his body to float slowly.

"If you don't sacrifice some, how can you catch a big fish like you?"

Leif was not at all embarrassed about what he did, but instead smiled cheerfully: "You have two choices, follow me alive, or follow me dead."


With almost no pause, the wings behind him flapped violently.

Countless snow-white light feathers fell off from above, like fatal bullets, approaching Burhand rapidly in the dim light.

"That's your choice."

Bernhard sneered, his body instantly swelled and tore his clothes.

It turned into a white meat ball about three meters in length, and countless creepy white tentacles protruded from it, whipping the air in disorder, and there were airburst sounds one after another.

"I just suddenly felt that the dead are safer."

Leif's smile remained the same: "And that person said that no matter whether he lives or dies, the bounty will never be less."

"You really think you're going to get me?!"

Bernhard let out a low growl, and hundreds of tentacles writhed crazily.

The length of the tentacles quickly changed to tens of meters, and they all faced Guang Yu who was exuding killing intent.

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang.

The tentacles collided with the feathers, making the sound of gold and iron.

The snow-white light feather was sent flying by the tentacles, but it still did not lose its previous speed and sharpness.

Some went deep into the ground, some penetrated through the wreckage of the train carriages, and some fell on the surrounding passengers who did not know whether they were alive or dead.

Jiang Ren was highly concentrated.

Seeing a feather of light that seemed to be falling on him from a distance, he immediately unleashed all the weak power he had just accumulated, and dodged narrowly.

"Fortunately, I escaped, otherwise I'm afraid."

Jiang Ren looked at the group of motionless passengers in the distance, and found that the small wounds caused by Bai Yu seemed to be corroded, and they expanded to the size of fists in an instant.

The skin, flesh and bones seemed to disappear out of thin air, and the fractured surface of the wound was incredibly smooth.

Rafe and Burnhard.

One is in the sky and the other is on the ground.

The confrontation between Guangyu and the tentacles turned into countless afterimages, and the surrounding land has been potholed by them, and there is no intact place to be found.

"This kind of destructive power is no weaker than that of the foundation-building monks in the previous world."

Watching the battle between the two, Jiang Ren couldn't help but rejoice that he was bounced here just now.

Otherwise, with their powerful destructive power, my current small body might not be able to withstand a single move, even the aftermath of the battle would be fatal.

Judging from the dialogue between the two and the current battle, Leif's strength is obviously superior.

However, dozens of breaths have been fought.

Bernhard was already at a disadvantage.

Facing Leif in mid-air, he was already a little weak on the ground, and coupled with the continuous attack of light feathers like locusts, all his energy was used to defend, and he couldn't spare any energy for counterattack .

At this moment, there are hundreds of wounds on his flesh ball.

Although the wound didn't tend to expand, it couldn't stop the bleeding and heal. He could only let the black viscous liquid flow out of it, accelerating his falling into a disadvantaged position.


Dozens of tentacles detached from the meat ball and exploded instantly.

Countless black unknown substances spread out from it, quickly swallowing the light created by Leif, and at the same time swallowing the immobile Jiang Ren.

Jiang Ren was a little worried.

After discovering that the black substance only made him unable to see, and had no other effects or damage, he couldn't help feeling a little relieved.

"Leif, sooner or later, I will let your family experience the taste of despair!"

Burnhard's voice came from the darkness.

The sound was a bit ethereal, making it impossible to confirm its exact location and direction.

"I thought I was going to use some killer weapon."

Hearing the voice, Jiang Ren thought to himself, "So I was planning to run away, but I felt that I couldn't save face, so I said something harsh."

"As long as the fish is hooked, no one can escape from my hands."

Leif's voice sounded in the air, and he muttered in a low voice: "Hope-brightness!"

Wisps of light appeared out of thin air.

In an instant, the unknown dark matter was riddled with holes.

"Can't escape?"

Jiang Ren, who was finally able to see the surrounding scene, immediately spotted Burhard not far away.

Burnhard's fleshy ball body seemed to be plastic burned by flames.

Thick gray-white smoke came out, hundreds of tentacles writhed in pain, and let out ear-piercing screams.

"Visual pollution?"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Ren faintly felt dizzy and nauseous.

He has seen scarier and more disgusting scenes, but he has never felt this way before. Obviously, he was affected by some unknown force.

"Give up resistance, Bernhard, your fate is to die by my hands."

Leif had a gentle expression, and his whole body was shrouded in a layer of white light.

Countless light feathers flew out from the wings, condensed in front of him, and gradually turned into a huge light gun.

"Want me to die?"

Bernhard let out an angry roar: "Then I will let the person you fancy die too!"

He endured the pain, controlled the tentacles, and rushed towards Jiang Ren at an extremely fast speed.

It was not his original intention to die together, but he mainly wanted to let Leif save people, so as to create a chance for himself to escape.

A powerful coercion erupted from Bernhard's body.

With a distance of several hundred meters, Jiang Ren was pinned to the ground.

"No, you are a fisherman, a big fish, why do you implicate me?"

Jiang Ren was crushed to the ground, feeling very depressed.

Facing this kind of power that is far beyond his level, not to mention the serious injury now, even before the injury, it is difficult to escape in this situation.

"Six years ago, you killed that man's wife and son, so you could only hide around for these years. Now it seems that you still haven't learned your lesson."

Leif didn't have the idea of ​​saving people, but just sighed: "If you are like this, I can't let you go."

The distance of the light gun was condensed, almost the same, and the tip of the gun was firmly locked on Bernhard, who was moving at high speed.

"Then die together!"

Hearing this, Bernhard roared.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

An uncountable number of tentacles covered more than half of the distance in an instant, flocking towards Jiang Ren overwhelmingly.

"very good."

Jiang Ren sneered, looking at the dense tentacles, quietly waiting for death to come.

Through this incident, he understood a truth.

When an angler meets a big fish, the bait must be the first to die.

"Little man!"

Vivian's voice suddenly sounded from the side.

As soon as Jiang Ren rolled his eyes, he saw Vivienne, who had merged with the colorful python, and her huge body shot up to block the sky above him.

Countless tentacles fell.

Jiang Ren saw the torn Vivienne, saw the trace of reluctance and relief in her eyes, and saw the blood spilling all over the sky.

The next moment, the tentacles landed on Jiang Ren's body.

The swordsman and the blade were penetrated at the same time, split into countless small pieces, and his consciousness completely disappeared.

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