Infinite Sims

Chapter 176 Miracle, Teacher, Death

If the electric room exploded, most people thought it was an accident.

But immediately after the exploding arsenal, even the most rude person knew that something was wrong.

When they summoned people through the communicator to be vigilant, or even to fight together, Jiang Ren had already arrived outside a separate house.

"According to what the two said, Xiao Wu is being held in this house and will be shipped out after finding a buyer. This time may be a few days or a few weeks."

Jiang Ren violently opened the lock with a gun, and when he opened the door, he smelled a familiar smell.


The unfamiliar environment and small space, coupled with the successive explosions outside, put White Wolf Xiao Wu in an extremely tense state, with deep fear in his big eyes.

But as the door opened, she immediately cheered up and let out a cry of joy.

This is a dark environment for human beings, and he can barely see things, let alone Jiang Ren, who has been with him for seven years.

"I am coming."

With a smile on his face, Jiang Ren followed the voice to Xiao Wu's cage. After confirming that the switch on the cage was not locked, he opened the cage directly.


As soon as Xiao Wu came out of the narrow cage, he immediately threw Jiang Ren to the ground and happily licked his face.


Jiang Ren patted Xiao Wu on the back, took out a piece of her favorite animal meat from the storage space, and handed it over.

Xiao Wu took a bite.

The fresh taste immediately made her, who hadn't eaten anything good in the past two days, wag her tail unceasingly.

In addition to being used for storing things, the storage space can also be used to keep food fresh because it is in a static state, which is why Jiang Ren was able to take out this piece of fresh meat.

Jiang Ren stood up and led Xiao Wu out of the house.

In the storm.

One man and one wolf bypassed several mutual aid teams, and successfully came to an uninhabited wall, and heard a few faint roars.

That was Xiaoer and the others' voices.

Naturally, this wall was not found randomly. Long before entering, Jiang Ren asked Xiaoer and the others to come here and howl like wolves outside, just for this moment.

"Just get out from here."

Jiang Ren took Xiao Wu to a tree and threw several grenades towards the same wall one after another.

Several explosions in a row directly blasted a two-meter-wide gap in the wall, which was already somewhat tofu. The cold wind from outside was blown in along the air gap, bringing a chill.

"Have you heard your brother's voice?"

Jiang Ren blocked the rain on his head with his hands, leaned close to Xiao Wu's head and said, "Good boy, go back with them first, and I'll go back later."


Xiao Wu was a little bit reluctant.

Jiang Ren patted her on the head: "Go."

Xiao Wu rubbed his head against Jiang Ren's trouser legs, then quickly rushed out of the gap, joining Xiao Er and the three wolves waiting outside.

A few footsteps sounded from a distance, as if they were rapidly approaching here.

"It came pretty fast."

Jiang Ren turned around and took out several grenades.

On such a night of heavy rain, vision is restricted to the greatest extent, and hearing is also greatly weakened.

But for him who has no vision, it is not difficult to find other sounds with the help of hearing he has cultivated over the years.

Coupled with the sixth sense created by "beast instinct".

Enough to allow him to avoid danger to the greatest extent and bring danger to the enemy.

"Hurry up!"

"I'd like to see who doesn't have eyesight and dares to touch the tiger's whiskers of our Mutual Aid Association!"

Quan Youqing led a small team, following the explosion just now.

As the vice president and second-in-command of the Mutual Aid Society, even if he was a little scared, he had to come forward, and even had to be extra brave in order not to lose his majesty in the eyes of his subordinates.

As the distance draws closer.

Under the illumination of a strong flashlight the size of a suitcase held in both hands by one of them, they could already see the hole that had just been blown out in the distance.

"Next, it's art time."

Hearing the sound, Jiang Ren reached the range of the mine throwing, pulled out the pull ring directly, and threw the grenade.

The small grenade did not attract the slightest attention in the night rain. It crossed a graceful curve and landed in the middle of the team that rushed to it with a flashlight and a gun.


From the corner of Quan Youqing's eyes, he caught a glimpse of something the size of a fist falling by his feet, subconsciously shone the flashlight on it, and when he found out that it was a grenade, fear immediately covered his face.

But before he could yell out, he saw a grenade falling on the left and right sides within a short distance.


The few people who were fully equipped and even wore body armor were instantly blown away by grenades.

At such a close range, even if the inferior body armor on them worked, the impact caused by the explosion alone was enough to kill half of them.

Final result.

Four people died directly, and one was seriously injured and dying.

Quan Youqing, who was dying, saw a tall tree not far away, and walked out of a short man who seemed to be throwing something in his hand.

That thing was constantly thrown up by the other party, and then kept falling back into the other party's hands.

As the man got closer, he finally recognized the thing—a grenade, the same one that he was equipped with.

The Armed Forces of the Mutual Aid Society consisted of about fifty men.

But this refers to the regular members who are physically strong and have a certain foundation in using guns. If you add other technical and civilian personnel and their families, there are more than a hundred people in pieces.

After confirming that the explosion was not accidental but caused by intruders, these people put on arms one after another.

However, because the arsenal has been destroyed, most of their equipment is outdated products used by others, and there are more or less minor problems.

But at times like this, no one cares about that.

But without the light source and command, everyone was like headless chickens, losing their lives one by one under Jiang Ren's elusive grenade attack.

at the same time.

In the bungalows dedicated to the work and rest of the "employees".

In addition to several large rooms equipped with computers, there are eight rooms that can accommodate dozens of people to rest.

There are close to two hundred "employees", but only three teams are responsible for guarding them.

The members of the three teams, after hearing the screams and explosions from the communicator, their original calm expressions disappeared, and fear appeared on their faces unconsciously.

Although their guns were pointed at the "employees" who were squatting with their backs facing them, their eyes turned to the tightly closed door from time to time.

In a dark room, the light of a flashlight and a mobile phone alone cannot completely cover everyone.

In one of the rooms with dozens of people, several people quietly gestured to each other while the guards were not paying attention.


A glass marble catapulted into the doorway.

The nervous guard quickly looked over and saw that it was just a piece of glass. Just when he was about to ask who did it angrily, he received a heavy blow to the head.

The whole person lost consciousness in an instant, and his body fell to one side.

Several people rushed out from the crowd to support him before he hit the ground, so as not to make noise to attract the attention of the guards outside.

"It's fine if you don't help, but if you dare to betray us, I'll kill you on the spot!"

One of them picked up the gun, looked at the "employee" who was turning around, and shook the muzzle of the gun.

Under the muzzle of the black hole.

Several people who were thinking of making a sound to attract the guards and avoid being regarded as accomplices gave up this idea sensibly.

Gunshots, screams, screams, crying, laughing

All kinds of voices gathered in these bungalows, but they were all drowned out in the storm.

When the first light of morning comes.

A large group of people with yellow and emaciated faces and blood stains on their clothes came out of the door.

Among them was a tall man who kept coughing, a woman with big breasts, and many arrested people who had been here for an unknown amount of time.

Their slightly trembling eyes were looking at everything around them complicatedly.

The sky is blue, with white clouds dotted on it. Moisturized by the rain for a day and two nights, the leaves on the grass and big trees are green and tender.

With the crisp calls of a few birds, it looks like an excellent rural beauty.

But as long as you turn your head slightly, you can find mutilated bodies lying on the road, and most of the small puddles around are dyed bright red by their blood.

A figure came from afar.

The crowd suddenly became tense, and a dozen men and women with guns in their hands immediately pointed their guns at the figure, ready to pull the trigger at any time.

The reason why he didn't do it at the first moment was because the man came over with his hands raised.

"Deng Leigang? Didn't you escape?"

It wasn't until the man approached that a man with a gun couldn't help being surprised.

During the short rest period of these two days, Deng Leigang and Zhu An, who escaped from the station, were their main topics of conversation. It can be said that no one does not envy them.

Deng Lei just put down his raised hands: "I ran away, but I came back again."

Everyone looked at me and looked at you, and an idea popped up in their hearts, and they asked: "Did you find someone to do the attack on the mutual aid meeting in the early morning?"

"not me."

Deng Lei just shook his head and looked up to the sky, where there was a gorgeous rainbow: "It's a miracle..."

Although Jiang Ren is powerful.

But without vision on the one hand, and supernatural power on the other, it is naturally impossible to get rid of everyone in the Mutual Aid Society.

Of the hundreds of Mutual Aid Society members lying on the road, 90% died from explosions and bloodshed. Although the remaining 10% were still alive, they were either not far from death or had already lost their ability to move.

In addition, in some corners and rooms, there are still some members of the mutual aid society scattered here and there.

In front of a larger group of ordinary people, they had already been terrified by the explosion, and they immediately chose to surrender.

After confirming that the threat has been eliminated.

Someone started a fire to cook, and everyone ate the first full meal in the true sense of coming here.

Immediately, someone contacted the country with a mobile phone.

Among the nearly 200 surviving people, 99% belong to the same country "Great Wei".

After confirming that there is no need to use force, the relevant person in charge of Wei's side said that they would contact a group of businessmen and send vehicles to pick them up and return to China.

Because of the time spent in contacting the relevant vehicles and on the road, the pick-up vehicle will not arrive until the next day.

After confirming the specific time.

Deng Lei just entered the office of the president of the Mutual Aid Association alone, and found a notebook containing the information of "employees" seven years ago, and then quietly left the station.

"Speaking of which, why didn't you see Zhu An?"

Shaking his head, Deng Leigang didn't bother to think about it, and went straight into the forest.

For such a person who almost killed him, he is not so holy to care about the other person's life and death.

Apart from blowing up the electric room, the task Jiang Ren entrusted to him was to find a notebook that recorded the information of the person arrested seven years ago when all the dust settled.

Compared with the former, the latter can be said to be no difficulty.

This time, it took him just over an hour to reach the area where he was caught a few days ago.

The reason why they are so fast is that apart from being more familiar with the road conditions, it is because they are full of food when they come.

"Tell me to come here, but didn't tell me where to find him."

Deng Lei just thumped his sore legs.

Looking at the surrounding trees, I wonder if I should follow the place where Jiang Ren disappeared last time.


Several wolves suddenly jumped out of the bushes on the side, approaching him with fierce eyes.

Deng Lei recognized their identities immediately, and quickly said: "I'm not a bad person, I'm here to find..."

"Give me the notebook."

A voice sounded behind him.

Deng Lei was taken aback, but he was relieved when he turned around and found that it was Jiang Ren.

It's scary, I'm obviously already so cautious, but I can still get close to the position that is less than one step away from me. I am indeed a person who can perform miracles several times.

No, this should have gone beyond the scope of human beings.

Deng Lei just remembered the blood stains he saw on the road when he walked out of his hiding place during the day.

"The information about the pregnant woman you want is on it. Her name is Hu Lingyan."

While his heart was trembling, Deng Leigang still did not forget to hand over the notebook to Jiang Ren, and at the same time said what he saw: "I am from Wei, just like me. She was only twenty-three years old when she was arrested. And her ID number and family contact numbers."

"that's it?"

"that's it."


Jiang Ren nodded and prepared to leave with his notebook.

"Wait a moment."

Deng Lei just called Jiang Ren to stop, looked at his dark eyes looking back, swallowed and said: "The rescued people and I have already contacted the country, considering our current situation, the country will let an unofficial team Come and take us home."

Jiang Ren was expressionless: "What do you want to say?"

Deng Leigang said seriously: "Do you want to go back with us?"

Before Jiang Ren could speak, he quickly added: "You asked me to check the information of that pregnant woman. You should be his child, right? Don't you really want to go back and take a look? See where your mother used to live?"

Jiang Ren turned around indifferently and disappeared into the bushes.

Xiao Er and the other four wolves walked past Deng Leigang without even looking at him.

A trace of confusion flashed across Deng Lei's face, but he quickly became firm again, and shouted to the bushes: "At three o'clock tomorrow at the latest, the pick-up vehicle will leave. If you change your mind, you must come here before then."

Jiang Ren, who heard the voice, had no intention of responding.

After walking through a small path, he quickly came to the cave where he lived for a long time, and put the notebook into the wooden box in the corner.

"Hu Lingyan"

Jiang Ren muttered softly, and his thoughts gradually diverged.

If the two members of the Mutual Aid Society hadn't lied to themselves yesterday, Hu Lingyan's family could afford the two million ransom, but they didn't pay in the end, and there might be something hidden behind it.

"However, even if you want to manage it, it's not now."

Jiang Ren greeted Xiao Er and the others, and led them to an area three to four hundred meters away from the entrance of the cave.

Relying on the gunshots I heard when I was first born in this world.

He speculated that the place where Hu Lingyan had an accident should be nearby, and the bones should not be too far away. But counting some scattered time, he has searched here dozens of times, but found nothing.

It took several hours, with a meal in between.

But until the sky completely darkened, Jiang Ren still found nothing. Just as he was about to go back, Xiaoer and the others brought him good news.

A dry bone was found.

Jiang Ren searched around again, and successfully dug out most of the dead bones from the soil. Judging from the size, it was obviously the bones of a petite woman.

It was similar to the vague figure he saw on the clock before he came in.

"I said why I haven't found it all the time. It turned out to be buried so deep. If the heavy rain hadn't washed away the soil above, I'm afraid I would have no results if I searched dozens of times."

Jiang Ren collected all the bones and set up a tomb next to the cave.

This woman is the mother of his body, and she has never thought of abandoning the child. There are very few things I can do for her, but it is okay to spend some time building a grave.

Under the moon.

Jiang Ren, who was hungry, started to cook barbecue.

Under the skillful barbecue technique, string after string of grilled meat entered his stomach, and as the hunger disappeared, a sense of satisfaction came to his mind.


The full moon in the sky flashed an abnormal purple light.

The purple light was fleeting, and the full moon returned to its original color.

Just when ordinary people and astronomy enthusiasts who saw this scene exclaimed, Jiang Ren found that something seemed to be in his mind.


Jiang Ren stood up from the wooden bench in an instant, lowered his body slightly, and vigilantly sensed the surrounding things with his four senses.

The four wolves beside him had strange expressions in their eyes, not understanding what he was doing.

"no one?"

"No, this thing can't be made by humans."

Jiang Ren sank his consciousness into his heart, and felt the thing that suddenly appeared in his mind again.

That is one word - "Teacher!"

With concentration, a line of information emerges from it.

[Teachers, preaching, teaching, and solving doubts. ]

"Is the spirit revived?"

Jiang Ren murmured, with a smile on his face.

It seems that something has changed in this world. All creatures will be given a word and gain special abilities associated with the word.

But this is not all creatures changing together, but changes in batches.

Just like the closed beta, internal beta, and public beta of the game, a small batch of quotas will be issued first, and then gradually expand the quota until there is no limit to the quota.

And Jiang Ren was lucky to be the first batch.

Scientific name - Fraud Sealer!

"Interesting, I thought it was an ordinary world, but it turned out to be waiting for me here."

Jiang Ren stretched his waist, and he became more interested in this world: "It seems that my plan is about to change."


"As the name suggests, when imparting knowledge as a master, apprentices will gain bonuses in terms of understanding and other aspects."

"From the perspective of ability explanation, there is no restriction on the type of apprentice."

Jiang Ren pondered: "But compared to animals, the knowledge I know is more suitable for humans. And if you want to test the specific role of this ability, humans are also the most suitable experimental subjects."

the next day.

Jiang Ren comforted the four wolves who were depressed when they heard that they were leaving.

After assuring them that he would come back as soon as possible, and eating breakfast and lunch together, he finally stabilized their emotions.

Shortly after.

Jiang Ren finally came to the exit of the forest. When he was only a dozen or so steps away, he stopped: "How long have you been waiting?"

"Not long, I just came here."

Beside a big tree outside, Deng Lei just got up from the ground and patted the dust on his pants.

In fact, he has been here since this morning. Except for the arrival of the pick-up vehicle half an hour ago, he went to check in, and he has never left.

"Let's go."

Jiang Ren took a few steps forward and extended his hand.

Deng Lei was stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted, holding his hand and walking towards the station not far away.

Considering going to human society, if you show behavior that does not match your current age and status, it is likely to attract unnecessary attention.

Therefore, a certain amount of concealment is still required.

And Deng Leigang, who is still sensible, is a good helper.

There are several buses parked outside the gate of the station.

Seeing Deng Leigang and Jiang Ren approaching from a distance, the person in charge of counting the number called Deng Leigang aside and asked him about Jiang Ren's identity.

"His mother was also one of our victims seven years ago. She was a pregnant woman when she was caught, and finally escaped to give birth to this child, but..."

Deng Lei just shook his head and sighed, didn't say much, and changed his voice: "He is a poor man, born blind, you should pay attention, don't irritate him."

The unspoken content was immediately completed automatically by everyone.

A pregnant woman managed to escape from the station and gave birth to a blind child.

Because she couldn't find a way out, she and her children lived in the forest for seven years, and finally died of accidents or physical reasons. There were only such lonely and poor children left until they met the escaped children. Deng Leigang.

Through materials seized from the Mutual Aid Office.

The person in charge of picking up and dropping off quickly confirmed Jiang Ren's information, and when he boarded the car, he also stated thoughtfully that he would definitely help him find his mother's relatives so that he could have a family.

Several buses left the Mutual Aid Association's residence in a mighty way.

Only more than 100 corpses and more than 20 captives were left, most of them were beaten all over by angry "employees".


After venting in the early morning, most people regained their senses, which also allowed them to save their lives.

But whether they are dead or alive in the end depends on whether someone can find them in time, and which force those people belong to.

"Seven years."

Jiang Ren sat by the window, silent.

Although the eyes could not see a ray of light, but the back of the hand could feel the warmth from the window shining on the body.

After living in the wilderness for seven years, suddenly returning to the realm of human life, listening to the voices of people around me from time to time, I am really not used to it.

"It's still early, take a rest."

Jiang Ren closed his eyes, ready to take a short break.

However, not long after he fell asleep, a coolness emanated from his heart, flowing all over his body in an instant.


Jiang Ren suddenly opened his eyes and woke up with a start.

The strength or weakness of beast intuition has a great relationship with the user's own strength.

With his current body, which has no vision, but the other four senses are slightly stronger than ordinary people, it is not enough to find out where the danger comes from.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that the car is very dangerous.


Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Ren took out a shotgun and fired a shot at the glass window of his body.

The glass windows of the bus are closed, and the only way to get off the bus is through the gate, but the gate is currently closed, and there is no time. The fastest way to get out is undoubtedly to break the glass.


As soon as the sound of glass breaking came, several rockets flew out of the grass by the roadside.

The rocket hit the bus where Jiang Ren was.

The violent flames that followed instantly engulfed the dozens of people in the car, turning them into a huge fire.

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