Infinite Sims

Chapter 183: People Are Dying

"Master, I'm going back to tell my parents the good news. Come see you tomorrow, okay?"

Jiao Die looked at Jiang Ren who had stood up, and asked with a smile.


After Jiang Ren finished speaking, seeing that she still hadn't left, he said amusedly, "What? Can't bear to part with Master?"

Jiao Die shook her head first, then nodded quickly, and asked curiously: "Master, can your eyes really see nothing?"

Jiang Ren faced her and blinked: "Who did you listen to?"

"Stones and flowers."

Jiao Die sold her two friends without hesitation, and said their nicknames, then patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief: "I'll just say, they're all talking nonsense, how can the master not see it?" ..."

Jiang Ren said: "It's true."

Jiao Die froze for a moment, stared into Jiang Ren's eyes for more than ten seconds, and then couldn't help saying: "Master, adults who lie to children will get sores on their buttocks."

"Your master has never lied to anyone in this life."

Jiang Ren stretched out his hand, pinched Jiao Die's face precisely, and gently pulled it outward.

"It hurts, I was wrong, master, I was wrong..."

Jiao Die yelled pitifully, and at the first moment when Jiang Ren let go of his hand, she quickly dodged and ran towards the door, turned her head and waved her hands, "Bad master, I'll come to you tomorrow."

White Wolf Xiao Wu came to Jiang Ren's side and rubbed his calf with his body.

Jiang Ren felt Jiao Die's departure with extraordinary power, leaned over and hugged Xiao Wu in his arms, then turned his head to the side and rear of Xiao Wu: "Little guy, I will leave my newly recruited disciple to you." , you have to protect her safety."


A half-human-tall black wolf sprang out from behind the small building.

It nodded to Jiang Ren, and then chased in the direction where Jiao Die left.

Although most of the troubles in the forest of farming can't be hidden from him, but this is because he borrowed external force, and his strength is not enough to cover such a large area.

In order to prevent the new recruits from being in danger, it is naturally best to arrange a bodyguard.

This black wolf is not Xiao Er, but one of Xiao Er's children, and he is currently the child with the strongest talent and ability.

This decades.

Primary two, primary three, and primary four have all started families one after another.

Their descendants range from a few to as many as a dozen. This is because they are monsters, their strength and blood are too strong, and it is difficult to breed offspring.

Only the well-behaved Xiao Wu stayed by his side most of the time.

"Life is really short."

Jiang Ren caressed the hair on Xiao Wu's head, with a slightly emotional expression on his face.

Humans have lived longer than most animals since ancient times.

But with the advent of the extraordinary era, animals with a longer lifespan than humans became monsters longer, and animals with a shorter lifespan than humans mostly surpassed humans after becoming monsters.

Only human beings have not changed significantly from before.

Only a small number of human beings at the top of the pyramid can extend their lifespan by a few years to several decades by using a large number of relevant extraordinary people and consuming a large amount of extraordinary resources.

On the whole, in terms of life expectancy, God is undoubtedly unfair to human beings.

"Seventy years old, maybe I won't live many years..."

Jiang Ren thought silently, but his mood was not sad, but rather open-minded.

Over the past few decades, he has lived according to his own heart.

Staying away from the secular world and disputes, farming in the mountains and forests, not to mention whether it can cultivate sentiment, but the mood is indeed much better than before.

The negative impact of more than a dozen reopenings in a short period of time has also been greatly weakened in this life.

Many links and things that were originally thought of or figured out due to excessive brain use and poor mental state also have solutions.

Even if you can't pass the level, even if you don't get a high evaluation, this life is worth it.

"Life is long, and you need to enjoy yourself in time."

"Xiao Wu, what do you want to drink?"

Jiang Ren smiled, turned around and walked into the small building: "Iced black tea? Iced green tea? Iced..."


Sixty-four years of the extraordinary calendar.

The order of human society has further collapsed, falling into chaos and internal friction. Only the main cities of a few countries and some areas far away from danger can people live a peaceful and peaceful life.

Farming Forest.

A certain seventy-year-old boy took in an apprentice, a six-year-old girl named Jiao Die.


Seventy-five years of the extraordinary calendar.

Through decades of investigations, the top powerhouses from all over the world came out and wiped out more than 90% of the cults with lightning speed, and targeted their headquarters and branches, ushering in a time for all mankind to recuperate.

But there are still a small number of remnants of the cult who have disappeared, some say they are dead, others say they are just hiding temporarily, waiting for the time to make a comeback.

Farming Forest.

The eldest disciple of an eighty-one-year-old boy turned eighteen.

After bidding farewell to his young master, parents, friends, and neighbors, the eldest disciple walked out of the farming forest with his luggage and stepped into the vast world full of wind and waves.


Eighty-two years of the extraordinary calendar.

After several years of recuperation, cults around the world are once again popping up in riots.

The cloud of death once again enveloped countless ordinary people. Many people died in the riots, and many people emerged in it and became heroes revered by everyone.

Among them is a young strong man known as the "Queen of Charm".

No one has seen her real appearance, and no one knows what her abilities are. They only know that he is a charming woman who likes to wear tight black leather clothes and fight evil with a long spiked whip.

According to a tabloid, Bu Xiaogui even offered a high price reward on the dark web, begging the Queen of Charm to give him a whip of love. The reward can even be compared to the annual GDP of many small countries, but he has not received a reply.

Farming Forest.

A certain eighty-eight-year-old boy took in another disciple, a thirteen-year-old boy named Qi Yuqi.


Eighty-seven years of the extraordinary calendar, winter.

The terrorist activities of cult organizations have eased in recent years.

But on the other hand, the number of disappearances in various places has skyrocketed, and various cases related to disappearance account for almost half of all cases.

Also in this year, a woman was going to go home and have a look.


It was icy and snowy, and the wind was howling.

In the white wilderness covered with thick snow.

A five-year-old boy wearing a few thin clothes is struggling to move forward, stepping into the snow with every step. His goal is to see a trace of emerald green forest in front of him.

The cold wind turned his face red, his lips and palms were full of cracks, and blood and pus could still be seen faintly flowing out.

But he didn't seem to feel pain, he only knew to keep moving forward.

Even if the speed continued to slow down because of his too weak body, he never stopped.

The short distance of a few hundred meters is like reaching the sky for him.

Step by step.

The forest seemed close at hand.

"As long as I get inside, I can find food, wild fruits, wild vegetables, leaves and bark, and I can live."

The little boy thought longingly, and the speed couldn't help but a little faster.


His feet tripped over something hidden under the snow, and he fell face-to-face on the ground.

The forest was only a few steps away from him, less than five meters away.

The pain and weakness seemed to appear all at once, making his head instantly dizzy.

The little boy struggled, putting his hands on the ground and trying to get up.

But because most of his strength had already been exhausted, he only supported his body halfway, and fell powerlessly to the ground.

After trying several times in a row, he didn't even have the strength to separate his body from the snow.

The little boy looked at the forest that seemed to be close at hand, and stretched out a hand in a daze. Double images gradually appeared in front of his eyes, and his memory returned to half a day ago.

"Xiaoxian, live, you must live."

"Live with our hope, be an upright, kind and sensible person, and don't be like your parents."

"Don't avenge us, live"

After the parents finished saying these few words, they hid him under the snow and used their abilities to make him fall into a coma.

Just when his consciousness was about to fall into a coma, he vaguely heard footsteps outside and a bunch of words he couldn't understand.

"Betrayal", "Church", "Redemption".

When he woke up again, all he saw were two cold corpses.

After a short period of pain and confusion, he remembered his parents' instructions and started heading north, away from where he used to live. He wanted to live!


The little boy Liu Xian opened his mouth and spoke a faint voice that only he could hear.

Seeing that he was about to get food supplements and could survive, he didn't expect to collapse here.

These words exhausted his last strength, he felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier, and there was a constant voice in his mind urging him to close them.

"I'm so tired, I want to sleep..."

Just when Liu Xian's eyelids were about to close, he found that there seemed to be something extra in front of him, like two feet wearing leather shoes.

The owner of the feet is a woman.

She has long black and beautiful hair, and the elegant face of a big Wei woman, just like a classical beauty in history.

"Poor little guy."

The woman picked up Liu Xian's head and put one hand on his forehead.

An invisible and invisible supernatural power was transmitted into the boy's brain through her palm, and then flowed and spread to all parts of his body.

The little boy's open wound stopped bleeding and healed slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's so warm, am I already dead?"

Liu Xian murmured, the strong drowsiness made him close his eyes unconsciously.

"Go to sleep, it will be fine when you wake up."

The woman's hand moved away from his forehead and waved towards the nearby woods, a strange gleam flashed in her eyes.

In a rustling sound, countless green leaves flew out of the forest.

The combination of green leaves on the side has transformed into a large stroller, and the specially heightened four sides are enough to block most of the cold wind.

The woman picked up Liu Xian and found that what tripped him was a rusty old pistol.

Put in the stroller and look behind you.

On the pure white snow, spots of blood can be faintly seen, connecting them together is the road that Liu Xian walked.

"Maybe you can give it to the master."

The woman smiled, glanced at Liu Xian in the stroller, and walked into the forest.

As if guided by some force, the baby carriage followed closely behind, always within three steps of the woman.

Whether it is a woman or a cart, walking in the thick snow, there is no sign of subsidence, and no footprints or wheel tracks can be seen wherever they pass.

The woman's name is Jiao Die, and she is preparing to go home today.

She didn't want to leave home only one step away, so she met this little boy walking in the snow. Between simple treatment and a chance, she decided to take a look at the little boy's heart before making a decision.

This was also the main reason why she could appear just before the little boy was about to pass out.

Jiao Die's speed was neither fast nor slow, but the surrounding trees passed by quickly.

Not long after, she stopped.

In front of you is a small courtyard in the snow in the forest.

In the snow-covered vegetable fields and orchards, there are hardly any flourishing crops. They seem to be accumulating strength and waiting for spring to show their vitality.

In front of the two-story building in the middle of the courtyard, an old man with white hair and beard was sleeping soundly on a recliner.

On the old man's lap lay a white wolf the size of a cat.

This is her master, Jiang Ren.

And one of the four patron saints of this forest, Lord Xiaowu.

Xiao Wu seemed to have discovered something, opened his eyes, and looked at the woman who had just walked out of the forest from a distance, with a bit of arrogance and indifference in his eyes.


Seeing this, Jiao Die quickly stretched out a finger and placed it next to her mouth in a gesture of silence.

Xiao Wu rolled his eyes in a humane manner, licked the hair on his legs, and then closed his eyes.

Jiao Die patted her chest lightly, deliberately slowed down, and quietly walked into the yard from the main entrance with the baby carriage, as if she didn't want to wake Jiang Ren up.

However, as soon as he came to the small building, Jiang Ren opened his mouth: "Are you back?"

"came back."

Like a child who has done something wrong, Jiao Die immediately stood upright and nodded obediently.

"It's not like you, when did you become so honest?"

Jiang Ren opened his eyes and faced his eldest disciple.

Jiao Die rubbed her head, said with a smile, "Xiao Die has always been so honest."

Jiang Ren said: "I used to say that I would come back once a year, how many years has it been now?"

"Four years, master."

Jiao Die's movements were a little twitchy, with a hint of guilt on her face: "I'm sorry."

"Okay, I don't mean to blame you, as long as you know when you come back, wait and see your parents."

Jiang Ren gestured to the stroller next to him again, and asked jokingly: "The child is so old, when did he get married? What's the man's name? Why don't you bring it back to show the master."

"No, Xiaodie is not married"

Jiao Die's face was reddish, and she quickly shook her head to deny it. Seeing that Jiang Ren was still talking, she couldn't help stamping her feet shyly: "Oh, master!"

Jiang Ren smiled: "Just kidding."

"Really, how can a master make fun of an apprentice."

Jiao Die complained, but she was happy in her heart. Knowing that the master didn't blame herself, she waved her hands to the side and explained: "Xiao Die met this little guy on the way back."

Translucent light and shadows emerged out of thin air in front of them, condensing into a huge picture scroll.

In the picture scroll is just outside the forest, the picture of the little boy walking hard in the snow.

The degree of restoration is so high that it seems to be taken with a technological instrument.

But in fact, it is a partial use of the phantom ability, which can perfectly display one's own memory.

Judging from the content displayed on the screen, when Jiao Die met the little boy, he was kneeling blankly in front of two corpses that seemed to be his parents. It didn't take long for him to wipe away his tears and look for a direction to move forward.

The playback speed is gradually increased.

Twice, ten times, a hundred times.

It was only in the last few minutes that it gradually slowed down and returned to normal.

Through this short scene, it can be seen that the little boy has a strong desire to survive, and his personality is more tenacious than most adults.

"Nice little guy."

Jiang Ren felt the picture with extraordinary strength, and couldn't help nodding slightly.

"Master, master."

Jiao Die jumped up and down behind Jiang Ren, stretched out her hands to massage his shoulders, and said with a smile: "You see how pitiful he is, why don't you accept him as a disciple, because I also want a junior brother."

Jiang Ren asked: "Didn't you accept a junior brother for you five years ago?"

Jiao Die curled her lips: "What kind of junior brother is that? It's clearly a humanoid Teddy, a peach blossom powder sucker."

"You're only half right. Your junior brother hasn't broken his body yet, so how can he be called a humanoid Teddy?"

"The luck is so strong, wouldn't it be a matter of time before he becomes a human-shaped Teddy? Besides, he was already twelve or thirteen years old when the master took him in, so it's not interesting at all."

"You, you, but there are many poor people in this world. Do I want to see and accept one of you, master? Take it easy, my old bones can't stand the toss."

With a faint smile on Jiang Ren's face, he did not completely refuse.

Jiao Die was also aware of it, and quickly lowered her strength, used her hard-trained massage skills, and chased after the victory: "Master, didn't you say that fate is the most important thing for apprentices? I met him and brought him here again." , isn't this fate? And..."

"OK OK."

Jiang Ren interrupted him, shaking his head helplessly: "Whether you can become your third junior brother or not, you must at least confirm your character. He should stay with me for the time being."

Jiao Die smiled sweetly: "Thank you Master, I knew that Master is the best!"

Jiang Ren shook his head helplessly and didn't speak any more.

He made this decision, apart from the senior disciple's pleading, the most important thing was fate, but it was not the fate that the senior disciple brought him.

It was the last thing in the picture that tripped it, the rusty pistol.

If I didn't guess wrong, it might be the pistol left by some people I killed when I was seven years old, that is, in the first year of Chaofan.

After leaving Jiang Ren's place, Jiao Die came to the home she hadn't returned to for three years.

Because no one has lived in it for a long time, the fields in front of the house have been abandoned, and the exterior walls of the two-story building specially hired for expansion are also somewhat faded and peeled.

Fortunately, someone cleaned it every once in a while, so there were no cobwebs and thick dust inside.

Jiao Die glanced reminiscently, and then came to the back of the two-story building.

There are two graves that come into view.

"Mom and Dad, I'm back."

Jiao Die knelt on the ground, her eyes were reddish, but she didn't shed a single tear: "Sorry, I haven't seen you for so long."

Did not return for three years.

In addition to the fact that there is something that can't go away, it is because of the illnesses accumulated by the parents in the early years, both passed away three years ago.

Jiao Die took a deep breath, and invisible extraordinary power radiated from her body.

The extraordinary power quickly enveloped the surrounding space for several meters, isolating all visits from the outside world, and virtualized her who was about to cry.

She didn't want the four patron saints to know what happened next, let alone the master.

"Mom and Dad, I'm so tired, really so tired."

Jiao Die lowered her head and hugged the other arm with both hands, with a deep sense of fatigue and melancholy appearing on her face.

"I met a bad guy, and he was very bad."

"If I leave him alone, he will deprive and destroy my life, my master, my friends...everything I have."

"However, he is so strong that I can't beat him now."

"It's not just me, even the four patron saints may not be able to fight, because he has many subordinates, and those people are also very bad, and their strength is not weak."

"If I tell my master these things, given how much he cares about me, even if the chance of winning is not high, he will come out to help me."

"But I don't want to, I want the master to enjoy his old age in peace."

Jiao Die took a deep breath and wiped away the tears that didn't exist in her eyes: "Mom and Dad, I will definitely get rid of that bad guy!"

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