Infinite Sims

Chapter 186

It was approaching evening.

The Law Enforcement Bureau vehicle carrying Jiang Ren finally arrived at the nearest city.

Since the relevant cases were in charge of the Shengdu Law Enforcement Bureau, after a meal, they hurriedly boarded a speeding train to Shengdu, the capital of the Great Wei Dynasty.

In this extraordinary world where humans and monsters coexist.

The sky is an area for flying monsters, and it is also a forbidden area for humans.

As air accidents become more and more frequent under the attack of monsters, almost all long-distance manned aircraft have been retired, and the helicopters responsible for short-distance flights are mainly responsible for manned flights.

Compared with the speed of helicopters, the fastest means of transportation at present is the super-rail, which is a few minutes faster than the high-speed rail a hundred years ago. Super is extraordinary.

I don't know whether it's because the Law Enforcement Bureau has a lot of money, or this law enforcement team has sufficient funds.

A group of more than a dozen people all stayed in the soft sleeper car, and Jiang Ren and Liu Xian also got two beds.

"I'm going to the toilet, you all pay attention to me."

Zhu Bo stood up with his mobile phone in his hand, and gestured to the left wall to the three law enforcement officers in the same room.

Four people lived in the room on the left.

Captain Yang Li and team member Feng Qinghao, as well as the target of this mission, and a young man who is said to be the target's apprentice.

"Don't worry, even if they can hide from our eyes, they can't hide from our extraordinary ability."

The three of them nodded repeatedly, with flattering looks, as if they wanted to go with him.

After Zhu Bo nodded, he hurried out of the room.

When passing through the room on the left, he took a special look at the closed door, and there was a faint voice coming from inside, as if Yang Li was introducing the latest situation of the country.

Zhu Bo sneered silently, and quickened his pace to a toilet at the end, which was empty.

Open the door, close the door, lock it.

After completing this series of actions, Zhu Bo smelled a strange smell as soon as he turned around. He couldn't help pulling up his clothes to cover his nose, and cursed secretly: "What pair of wild mandarin ducks are so devoid of public morality!"

With extraordinary luck, he waved his left hand forward.

Bursts of cold air flew out, quickly blowing the smell in the toilet to the outside through the window.

Until then, he put down his clothes and took a deep breath.

"I can finally breathe!"

Zhu Bo closed the window and pressed his hands against the wall. Thin frost condensed on the wall, and the frost gradually thickened and turned into ice crystals, which quickly spread outward.

In just two minutes, except for the windows, the walls and gaps were sealed with ice crystals.

The ice crystals gave off a slight chill, which lowered the temperature in the toilet to single digits.

This kind of low temperature is fatal to ordinary people, but to Zhu Bo, who has the ability and maker of "ice", not only will he not feel any discomfort, but he will also feel the comfort of ordinary people under the warm sun.

"The ice crystals I created can isolate the sound to the greatest extent, and can also prevent most people with extraordinary abilities from eavesdropping."

"On this super iron, it is impossible for anyone to break through."

Zhu Bo took out his mobile phone, opened the address book, and clicked on a contact named Ke Lingfei.

"Find someone?"

As soon as the phone was connected, a slightly cold voice came from the opposite side.

If someone was present, Zhu Bo nodded and replied: "Yes, that centenarian named Jiang Ren is now on the super-railway going back, and he is accompanied by one of his apprentices."

"Are you sure it's me?"

"It should be true. Except for the members of my law enforcement team, few people know about it."

"That's fine, make sure you don't let them out of sight."

After Ke Lingfei finished speaking, he was ready to hang up the phone.

"Wait, I have something else to do."

Zhu Bo didn't wait for the other party's reply, and quickly said: "The leader of the law enforcement team, Yang Li, beat me maliciously because he was dissatisfied with me. You must avenge me."

Ke Lingfei was silent for a while, and then said: "Tell me the details."

Zhu Bo immediately spoke out about Yang Li and others' dissatisfaction and rejection of him after he was sent to the law enforcement team, and about being beaten after entering the forest.

Of course, adding oil and vinegar is indispensable.

To sum it up, he is a pure and innocent white lotus flower, while Zhu Bo is arrogant and arrogant. He doesn't give face to the superiors at all, and beats and scolds him to vent his anger.

After finishing speaking, Zhu Bo asked in a low voice, "That's how things are, you see?"

In no mood.

Not only did Ke Lingfei not comfort him, but he cursed: "Idiot, don't I know what kind of person you are?"

Hearing the scolding, Zhu Bo's face was a little distorted, but his mouth was still humble: "I..."

"Although you are an idiot, I believe that you don't have the kind of scheming to intentionally annoy the other party, otherwise I will really look up to you."

Ke Lingfei interrupted him, and said with a sneer, "Yang Li is quite special, I can't move him for the time being, but it won't be long, so please be patient."

"Okay, thank you brother-in-law."

Zhu Bo immediately smiled and nodded repeatedly.

The main reason why he dared to ask for help was because Ke Lingfei was his sister's husband.

Otherwise, who can bear a subordinate who doesn't do anything, and complains to the superior every day, asking for help to avenge his subordinates.

Ke Lingfei said again: "Recently, I don't want you to cause any trouble, whether you provoke others to beat you, or others take the initiative to beat you, remember?"

"I remember, brother-in-law."

After Zhu Bo finished speaking, he heard that the communication was hung up.

He put the phone away, and couldn't help showing a smug smile. Although his brother-in-law didn't like him very much, he never broke his promise to him.

Zhu Bo sneered: "Yang Li, offend me, I think you can still jump a few times."

In fact, he was also somewhat dissatisfied with Jiang Ren who ignored him.

However, based on his superficial understanding of the case, he knew that waiting for Jiang Ren would never be a good thing, so he didn't pay attention.

"Finish, next..."

Zhu Bo looked at the toilet in front of him, took off his pants, sat down and took a big one.

Just as he finished happily, got up, turned around, and looked at the window, whistling and fastening his trouser belt, there was a loud bang from the metal door behind him.

The metal door came right off the door frame.

The upper part of the door fell into the toilet, hitting the unresponsive Zhu Bo on the head and falling into a brief coma, and then pressed on his back.

Because the ground was full of ice crystals, his feet slipped.

The whole person fell to his knees forward, his upper body also fell forward, his head was directly buried in the toilet, and his face came into contact with something.

"Guest, are you okay? We knocked on the door for a long time but no one replied..."

The flight attendant who knocked open the door was stunned for a moment, looked at Zhu Bo with his head buried in the toilet, and exclaimed: "No, a passenger here committed suicide by burying feces!"

"What? Burying dung to commit suicide?"

"What kind of weird way of dying is this?"

"I said why it smells so bad, it turned out to be related to feces."

"What happened to him that he couldn't imagine, so he committed suicide in such a predestined way?"

A few passengers who came out to check due to the loud knocking on the door squeezed their noses while squeezing outside the toilet door to check.

At this time.

Zhu Bo woke up from his drowsiness, and his body shook slightly.

Immediately, someone pointed at him and shouted loudly: "It's a fraudulent corpse, look at the fraudulent corpse!"

"Who kicked the door?!"

Zhu Bo turned his head ferociously and looked out the door.

Extraordinary power surged in his body, and a trace of cold air condensed the yellow and white matter on his face, reducing the smell and nausea, and adding a sense of strange joy.

"Disappointing, I thought I could have one more talking point."

"What, so it's not dead."

"Hey, where is the flight attendant just now? Why is it missing?"

Among the people outside the door, some shook their heads, some were disappointed, and some found that the flight attendant who kicked the door just now had disappeared.


Just as Zhu Bo opened his mouth, a familiar voice came from outside.

"Rang Rang, we belong to the Law Enforcement Bureau, what happened inside...Zhu Bo, how did you become like this?!"

Yang Li, who rushed over after hearing the sound, looked at Zhu Bo, who was somewhat unrecognizable, and was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said: "Oh, I understand, I said why you don't like to eat, it turns out that you are so good, why didn't you come sooner?" Tell me, maybe I can sponsor some too."

"Get out! Get out of here!!!"

Furious and ashamed, Zhu Bo quickly lifted the knocked down door, pressed it against the door frame again, and froze the door on it with ice.

The movement is done in one go, and the time does not exceed two seconds.


Out of curiosity, Jiang Ren brought Xiao Wu and Liu Xian to the toilet door.

Xiao Wu took graceful steps, looked at the toilet door sealed by ice crystals, and showed a humanized mocking smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Master, why would anyone be interested in that kind of thing?"

Hearing the words of the people around him, Liu Xian couldn't figure out how people's tastes could become like that, so he looked suspiciously at the master beside him.

Jiang Ren shook his head, and said with a little emotion: "The world is full of wonders."

Although he couldn't see it, the extraordinary power had already reflected the picture of things on Zhu Bo's face into his mind. If he hadn't been well-informed, he might have been disgusted.

Yang Li chatted enthusiastically with several people around him, and asked them what happened just now.

Jiang Ren, who listened carefully, soon understood the reason.

The blame can only be blamed on Zhu Bo himself. For some reason, he went crazy and used his ability to turn the toilet into a secret room that can isolate the sound.

As a result, the passengers who came to the toilet thought that the people inside were in danger when they knocked on the door and got no reply, so they called the flight attendant on the bus.

The flight attendant didn't open the door with the key. In order to prevent any irresistible accidents inside, he broke the door open with his hands, and then saw Zhu Bo buried his head in the toilet.

Based on Zhu Bo's reaction just now, the suspicion of committing suicide by burying feces was ruled out.

But it is not known whether he accidentally buried the dung due to bad luck, or is interested in dung.


Liu Xian rubbed his hair and couldn't help asking: "Is he unlucky? Or is he really interested in those things?"

"Only he knows this. What we have to do is to respect other people's preferences, even if those preferences are not in line with the mainstream, or even a little disgusting."

After Jiang Ren finished speaking, he walked to the room just now with Liu Xian's support and Xiao Wu's company.

"Respect the preferences of others"

Yang Li nodded secretly, patted Feng Qinghao's shoulder beside him, and repeated Jiang Ren's words.

Then he ordered Feng Qinghao to convey this sentence to those law enforcement companions who were still in the room and didn't know what happened here.

Let them all know about it and respect Zhu Bo's hobbies.

Even if the other party does not belong to this team after this mission, at least for now, the other party is still a companion.

Of course, the words say so.

As for what other people think and whether they will listen, that is their own business.

"Teacher, what do you think of the current Great Wei Kingdom?"

Jiang Ren returned to the room, went to the bed by the window and sat down, patted the seat next to him, and signaled Liu Xian to sit down.

After sitting down, Liu Xian said hesitantly: "I started farming at the age of five, and my memory of the past is a little fuzzy, but the feeling is not bad, it should be better than ten years ago."

"It's not bad."

Jiang Ren smiled, but did not say the key point.

Since his birth, he has lived a life that is almost isolated from the world.

He went out once when he was seven years old, but the only living person who saw him was Deng Leigang, and now he is estimated to have been dead for decades.

In the next few decades, he lived a quiet life alone.

Afterwards, many people came to take refuge one after another, and he only vaguely learned from them that the outside world has entered a chaotic era that is slightly different from the previous dozen or so lives, but he is not interested in knowing the details.

Because he wasn't going to go out, he didn't want to know about it, so as not to increase his troubles.

Even though the eldest apprentice and the second apprentice have not returned for more than ten years, he only asked the third apprentice to inquire about the news with those who came back from purchasing supplies and visiting relatives outside.

It can be said that he has an understanding of the outside world.

Not even an average person in a remote area.

Jiang Ren didn't have a general understanding of the current world until he came to this sleeper and under Yang Li's careful explanation.

In simple terms.

In the decades before the advent of the extraordinary, the history of this world is actually roughly the same as the previous dozen or so lives.

But the terrorist attacks and religious fanaticism that erupted in the follow-up, although there were also those dozens of times in life, the intensity was far inferior to this one.

And the difference is not twice or three times, but more than ten times.

It seems like history has taken a U-turn somewhere, pushing many things to very different endings.

But Jiang Ren didn't have the slightest worry, instead he was full of curiosity.

This is not derived from some adventurous character, but from absolute strength.

Not my own strength, but...


Xiao Wu, who walked around the room for a while, felt bored, so he jumped onto Jiang Ren's lap and got down on the ground.

Jiang Ren, whose memory was interrupted, stroked Xiao Wu's fluffy hair, and asked with a smile: "Xiao Wu, was it you who moved your hand just now?"

He asked about Zhu Bo's burial of excrement.

When the incident happened just now, he felt a slight fluctuation of extraordinary power flashed on Xiao Wu's body, obviously using his ability, and the time was not short.

Xiao Wu's ability is "body".

The body of the clone can create a clone, and the clone can also perform some deformations. It can do many things besides fighting. It can be said to be an infinitely useful ability.


Xiao Wu yelled in a low voice, like a child who has done something wrong: I didn't move, I moved my feet!

Jiang Ren smiled and rubbed her head: "Very well done, what do you want for supper? I'll give you another meal."

Seeing that Jiang Ren didn't blame him, Xiao Wu narrowed his eyes happily, and then told the name of the dish on the menu that he saw in the car.

Liu Xian looked puzzled at the interaction between a man and a beast in front of him.

He couldn't understand Xiao Wu's animal language, let alone the meaning in it, so he could only move his eyes to other places to check for danger around him.

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