Infinite Sims

Chapter 195 Wedding


Noisy roars continued to sound from the Leiwang building.

Many people in the vicinity saw explosions and flames caused by extraordinary abilities on many floors from a distance, which was both exaggerated and frightening.

The lightning that shrouded the Thunder Net building disappeared.

The action team that had been on standby rushed into the building, and while rescuing the employees inside, they also fought with a group of extraordinary people who suddenly appeared.

Finally, all sounds disappeared.

Under Qi Yuqi's strong individual strength and Xiang Yue's strong command, the action team won with minimal casualties.

A person was evacuated from the door of the building in an orderly manner.

Many injured were also given simple first aid treatment by the medical staff, and were transported to the nearest hospital by virtue of their extraordinary abilities.

Even though the electric power has returned to calm now, due to the failure of some electronic instruments, some vehicles have been directly turned into scrap iron, making the road blocked.

Therefore, the fastest way to pass at present is human transportation.

"The highest value is close to 3,000, and the lowest is no less than 1,000. I don't know where this group of people came from."

In the building, Xiang Yue pressed the monocle equipped with a detection chip on his left eye, looked at the extraordinary values ​​inside, and then looked at Qi Yuqi next to him: "Yuqi, you are the person in charge of Leiwang's security department, Don't you know anything about them?"

Qi Yuqi shook his head: "Song Jihong is very strict with me."

"As early as half a year ago, the extraordinary detectors in our Great Wei Kingdom had abnormalities. The data fluctuated from time to time. After many investigations, there were no results. It also caused several manufacturers related to extraordinary detectors to go bankrupt."

Xiang Yue continued to operate the monocle, looking at the surrounding team members who were searching for hidden secret rooms, as well as their extraordinary data constantly flashing in the glasses, with a puzzled expression on his face: "And now, it's suddenly usable again."

Qi Yuqi replied: "This matter should have something to do with Leiwang Company."

Xiang Yue nodded approvingly: "The water in the Leiwang consortium is deeper than I expected."

"According to the information, Song Jihong should have established a secret facility underground, which is difficult to break through with violence."

Qi Yuqi fell silent and scanned the surroundings: "There should be some elevators and other equipment that go directly to the ground."

The lightning disappeared, it must be the hand of the master.

In other words, the master is most likely also in the secret facility below, and without confirming the result, he just wants to go down as soon as possible.

"Team leader, a hidden elevator was found upstairs."

A team member in uniform stepped forward and whispered to Xiang Yue.

"Take us there."

Qi Yuqi's voice was a little anxious.

The team members glanced at him, but did not reply, but looked at Xiang Yue again.

Although Qi Yuqi is also a member of the action team, he has a special status and has no command power.

Xiang Yue said, "His words are mine."

The team members didn't talk nonsense, because the equipment in the building could not be used, they immediately took the two of them from the stairs to an office on the top floor.

A wall near the bookcase has been smashed through.

Inside is a narrow passage and an elevator door.

"The elevator is malfunctioning, and there is no way to open the door in the normal way."

The team members waiting at the elevator door told their investigation.

"That's easy to solve."

Qi Yuqi took a few steps forward, stretched out his hands towards the elevator door, and then quickly pulled to the sides.


The solid metal doors slid open to either side.

Judging from the weird sound, the parts inside that control the opening and closing of the door may have been destroyed, and even if there is a power call, it can no longer be controlled.

After the door opened, it was pitch black inside.

Apparently the elevator is not on this floor.

"Father-in-law, my master should be right below, I'll take a step first."

Qi Yuqi shot a ball of light and threw it into the elevator shaft. After confirming that it could illuminate the surroundings, he jumped directly.

The body has started to fall freely, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

With a loud noise, Qi Yuqi smashed through the top floor of the elevator parked in the laboratory, and successfully fell into the elevator.

He shook the iron flakes and dust scattered on his body, opened the door violently again, but was speechless because of the scene in front of him.

As if some terrorist attack had been experienced, the laboratory was in a mess.

There is also a huge and conspicuous water tank in the center, and a brain with lightning flashing in it.

"Step aside!"

Xiang Yue's voice came from above.

Qi Yuqi came back to his senses, quickly took two steps forward, and walked out of the elevator.

Since the top had been punctured, Xiang Yue fell directly into the elevator, and his lower body sank into the bottom of the elevator, only then stopped the trend of continuing to fall.

"The quality of this elevator is a bit poor."

Xiang Yue was about to pull out his legs when he was stunned by the scene outside: "What is this?"

"I don't know, but my master should know."

Qi Yuqi looked at Jiang Ren who was standing in front of the water tank, talking something.

"Master, are we late?"

Without hesitation, Qi Yuqi walked towards Jiang Ren.

Although I don't know what happened here, at least judging from the current situation, it should be the master who won the victory.

Jiang Ren turned around and said with a smile, "You guys came just in time."

Everything was resolved, and most of the questions I wanted to ask were answered, and I happened to be ready to go out to rest.

Qi Yuqi: "Master."

Jiang Ren: "What?"


"If you have time to say thank you to the master, why don't you have a disciple and grandson to play for the master?"

"That... Didn't I hear people say that doing those things before marriage is disrespectful to the other half?"

"So that's why you have three partners, but Yuanyang doesn't let go?"


While the two were talking, Xiang Yue pressed the button on the monocle and looked at the two people including Jiang Ren and the beast respectively.

The extraordinary values ​​are quickly revealed on the lens.

[Jiang Ren - 0471]

[Liu Xian - 4890]

[Little Five - 4125]

Xiang Yue took a look and found that Jiang Ren's value did not exceed his expectation, but Liu Xian and Xiao Wu's value almost made him lose his composure.

You know, Qi Yuqi's value is only 4928.

At the level of four digits, many powerhouses can control their extraordinary values, which leads to errors in instrument detection.

But even so.

These two extraordinary values ​​also prove that the strength of this man and beast is at the same level as Qi Yuqi, and he must at least stabilize himself by 10%.

Unless they are fighting idiots, with high realm and strong ability, but weak in actual combat.

But the surrounding battle traces, as well as the huge hole on the side wall, all prove how fierce the battle broke out here.

"What is your monocle? Can you show me?"

Jiang Ren, who was talking to Qi Yuqi, sensed the value on Xiang Yue's glasses, and immediately became interested.

"Extraordinary detector, military grade."

Xiang Yue took off the monocle and explained while handing it out: "Six months ago, a similar device lost its effect in our Dawei, but I tested it just now and found that it suddenly works again."

"Interesting stuff."

Jiang Ren took the monocle, tried it on Qi Yuqi and the others, and then returned it.

Xiang Yue put the glasses back on, and subconsciously turned on the detection function again.

Due to the power of the microchip, the detection was completed in the blink of an eye, and Jiang Ren's extraordinary values ​​were displayed.


Seeing the completely different value from just now, Xiang Yue couldn't help but exclaim.

Jiang Ren smiled: "These two numbers are more auspicious."

The words reveal ease and casualness, as if lowering the value to this level is as simple as eating and drinking.

But Xiang Yue's face couldn't help but twitched.

For four-figure powerhouses, it is indeed possible to effectively reduce their extraordinary stats.

But their reduction can only be controlled within a hundred range at most, that is to say, the error is about one hundred.

And with the switching of walking, running, fighting and other states, the numerical fluctuations will also expand to two hundred, three hundred, or even more.

A person like Jiang Ren who can accurately determine single digits.

Not to say that something is unheard of, but simply does not exist.

Qi Yuqi listened to a few words by the side and was not surprised.

Regardless of the strength of the master, but from the memory of his apprenticeship, the master's control over the body and extraordinary power is far superior to any person he has seen in the past ten years.

"Mr. Jiang."

Xiang Yue quickly returned to normal, and looked at Jiang Ren respectfully: "Is it convenient for you to tell me what happened here?"

Compared with his attitude when they first met, he was more respectful this time.

"I'm getting old, so let me make a long story short."

Jiang Ren raised his crutches and tapped the ground.

From the moment when the two of us came to the laboratory, including the subsequent development, and some important conversations, I will tell you everything.

Not long after, Jiang Ren had finished speaking.

"So that's how it is."

Xiang Yue nodded blankly, and he paid more attention to the battle that was the simplest to describe.

Even if he didn't see it with his own eyes, the surrounding environment had already revealed some details of the battle to him.

For example, these metal floors and walls are not ordinary metal. Even if the missile hits them, it will at most create a shallow crater.

Being able to turn them into this appearance, one can imagine the exaggeration of those two battles.

Qi Yuqi looked at Liu Xian with complicated eyes.

This five-year-old junior who didn't have any strength at the beginning, didn't want to have reached the same level as him now, and maybe even surpassed it.

"Lei Brain will be handed over to you."

Jiang Ren said again: "I said I would do him a favor. If you want him to help with something, you must obtain his consent."

With Deng Leigang's current thunder brain state, it is basically impossible to restore the human form, and he is also unable to move by himself, let alone precisely control his own strength.

The best way is to cooperate with large institutions.

By selling yourself, in exchange for what you need, whether it is spiritual or material.

The largest institution is, of course, the state.

Xiang Yue nodded again and again: "No problem."

From Jiang Ren's explanation just now, he already knew the power of Lei Nao.

Regardless of its specific strength, its value is inestimable just because it can produce a large amount of electric energy that can be squandered by the entire Great Wei Kingdom.

It is naturally not a problem to give the other party a certain degree of autonomy.

After all, the Great Wei State is not one of those countries in the Western Hemisphere that only pursues interests, so it will naturally give it sufficient respect and benefits, not to mention that Lei Nao was a citizen of Great Wei before his death, and was a strong official working for the government.

With its help, the country will be able to quickly accumulate strength at that time.

Those capitalists who stretch their hands too long and only know how to squeeze them unilaterally can chop off their claws directly, or even let them bleed and slaughter them.

"Deng Leigang, goodbye!"

Jiang Ren raised his hand and waved it, and then he and Xiaowu Liuxian entered the cave where they came in and disappeared.

"Jiang Ren, goodbye."

Lei Nao didn't type out the words, but thought of them silently in his mind.

A hundred years ago, he saved himself, and a hundred years later, he saved himself again. Before he left, he did not forget to fight for power for himself.

Faced with these kindnesses, he has no chance to repay them.

Lei Nao was silent for a moment, then focused on Qi Yuqi who hadn't left yet.

This person seems to be his second disciple. I don't need many things in my current state, so maybe I can take care of him.


Jiang Ren planned to leave the Great Wei State the next day and go to Feite Federation in the Western Hemisphere.

But when Qi Yuqi was so reluctant to ask, and even knelt in front of him and hugged his leg, he had no choice but to change his mind and stay for a few more days.

After a few days of visiting several famous scenic spots in Dawei, it finally came to the day of departure.

Located in an open space on the outskirts of Shengdu.

Jiang Ren rejected Qi Yuqi's request to apply for a long-distance flight, and chose to let Xiao Wu call a big monster over.

Qi Yuqi took two wives and looked at Jiang Ren reluctantly: "Master, why don't you stay a few more days, I still have many places that I haven't taken you to."


Jiang Ren hit Qi Yuqi's head with a cane.

Qi Yuqi screamed in pain, hugged his head and said in a low voice: "Why don't you whip me a few more times, one day? Ten times a day is fine? Or do you want to count?"

Although it doesn't hurt, you still have to pretend.

"If you have time to say so many things to me, it's better to make the marriage a certainty."

Jiang Ren slapped him again, feeling a little helpless in his words.

Qiao Duo and Song Jiyue blushed slightly.

They are Qi Yuqi's wives in name, but in fact, they have no further development.

Even though this was the main reason why they fell in love with Qi Yuqi, it did cause some distress over time.

"Master, don't worry."

Qi Yuqi opened his hands, dreaming about his own thoughts: "Now that the hidden danger has been resolved, and no one is staring at me anymore, after Feixue returns to China, I will hold the most grand wedding in the world with them... "

Feixue, full name Xiang Feixue.

She is Xiang Yue's daughter, and the first woman with whom he confirmed her relationship.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Yuqi changed the subject: "Master, you must come to be the officiant at that time."

"Okay." Jiang Ren smiled.

Although the time spent with the second apprentice is the shortest, they are all apprentices after all, so there is no reason for which is more important.

Qi Yuqi nodded excitedly, and then said: "Master, Feixue is doing business in Feite Federation now, I have already told her about you, and I will give you her communication number, you must go there to Contact her."

Jiang Ren: "Don't worry."


A huge bird appeared in the sky.

Even though it was hundreds of meters away from the ground, there was still a strong wind when the wings flapped, blowing up many trees and weeds by their roots.

The birds landed.

Only then did Qi Yulin realize that this was actually a giant eagle with a body length of tens of meters.

When Jiang Ren, Xiao Wu, and Liu Xian climbed up to the back of the giant eagle, the giant eagle flapped its wings and immediately went straight up nine days and disappeared into the clouds.

"Yu Qi, didn't you say that the master's strength is average, but... is this the appearance of average strength?"

Qiao Duo and Song Jiyue looked at the surrounding vegetation and rocks that had been ravaged by the strong wind, and couldn't help but cast questioning looks at Qi Yuqi.

"That what..."

Qi Yuqi glanced at the sky, trying to change the subject: "Look, the clouds are so white today, why don't we discuss the wedding?"

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