Infinite Sims

Chapter 199 Lose

Yoder at dusk, the sky reflects the gorgeous sunset.

The flow of traffic and people made the roads congested and blocked. Some people were not in a hurry, some were in a hurry, and some were scrambling for every stitch. It was like a picture of the city.


Liu Xian, who was acting according to the plan, had a sudden movement in his heart and looked towards the Freedom Tower in the distance.

His face sank, ready to terminate the sabotage plan.

But just as Liu Xian was walking towards the Freedom Tower, two men suddenly appeared in front of him, and two gloomy killing intent fell on him.

"Mr. Liu Xian, if we were you, we wouldn't go in this direction."

One of them raised his head and said in a cold tone.

"You know me? Forget it, it doesn't matter."

Liu Xian shook his head, and just about to speed up, he stopped again.

In just one breath, dozens of people jumped out of the crowd outside, including pale-faced white-collar workers, rich men in expensive and luxurious clothes, women in enchanting clothes, and old men who were dying.

When these people were watching, none of them showed acquaintance with others, but they all jumped out at this moment.

the most important is.

Each of them is no weaker than the two who jumped out earlier.

And the most powerful thing about this group of people is that they can hide their strength to the point where they are no different from ordinary extraordinary people, to the point where it is difficult even for extraordinary detectors to detect.

The person who spoke just now spoke again: "Mr. Liu Xian, have you changed your mind now?"

Freedom Tower top.

As the best viewing place in the city, it has now become an open-air restaurant for two people and one beast.

A variety of high-end lunch boxes contain delicacies from more than a dozen restaurants. Even after delivery, these dishes still maintain a high degree of completion and exquisite presentation.

"It's so beautiful."

Seeing the sunset glow in the sky through Xiao Wu's eyes, Jiang Ren couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Although I occasionally shared what Xiaowu saw in the past, the most recent time has been more than three years. For the rare scenery, I always add a layer of filter to it when I finally see it.

After this meal is over, Liu Xian can be called back.

Jiang Ren silently thought in his heart that with Liu Xian's current strength, even though he would offend a large number of people, more people would choose to compromise and make friends.


Xiao Wu, who was eating vegetables with his head down, suddenly raised his head and looked behind.

Three faint ripples emerged.

In an instant, it turned into three people. It was the leader, Bud, and Nie Chen who were nearly half a city away from here.

The three people who appeared quietly had their eyes on the white-haired Jiang Ren.

"Your name is Jiang Ren, right?"

The leader looked at Jiang Ren, who seemed unaware, and spoke a slightly unfamiliar Dawei language.


Xiang Feixue raised her head when she heard the sound, and was startled when she saw the three people who did not know when they appeared, and then hurriedly looked at Jiang Ren.

She didn't know how the three of them appeared.

But judging from the situation that I only noticed after they made their voices, I will definitely not be the opponent of these three people.

"It's shameful to waste, can you let me finish this food first?"

Jiang Ren picked up a mouthful of meat and stuffed it into his mouth. While chewing, he said vaguely, without any intention of getting up to defend himself.

He caused Liu Xian to make a big fuss, but he actually had a "fishing" in mind.

But he didn't hold out any hope about whether there would be any harvest, and he didn't want the fish to really take the bait.

And it's not a small fish, but a big fish. A fish that is much bigger than the biggest fish among the countless results I expected may be called a whale.

The leader was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "As the host here, I can still meet the guests' little requirements. If you think these are not enough, I can recommend a few dishes for you until you are full."

Jiang Ren said casually: "I accept it kindly, these are enough."

The dialogue between both sides was very reasonable, which made Xiang Feixue, who was holding chopsticks, a little at a loss.

In the end, she struggled for a while, and then buried her head in picking up vegetables and started eating. Facing the three people who couldn't see the details clearly, eating might be the only thing she could do.

Dozens of dishes are enough to feed ten adult men.

But under the sweep of two people and one beast, only an empty lunch box, a little vegetable oil and soup remained in less than ten minutes.

"Excuse me, what should I call you?"

Jiang Ren wiped his mouth with a napkin, and turned to the only young man among the three, the one who spoke just now.

"I haven't used my name for a long time. Now people around me call me the leader. If you don't want to call me that, you can just call me by my name—"

The leader smiled and read out his former name: "Ruan Heiyu!"

"Ruan Heiyu?"

Jiang Ren felt that the name was somewhat familiar.

Just thinking back for a while, I found the owner of this name and his information.

Ruan Heiyu narrowed her eyes: "This is the first time we've met, but judging by your appearance, you seem to be no stranger to me."

Jiang Ren ignored his words, but asked: "Before the extraordinary calendar, did you create an organization called the Mutual Aid Association?"

"Yes, I am the president of the Mutual Aid Association."

Ruan Heiyu raised her chin slightly, and her tone was a little excited: "Speaking of which, I still have to thank you. If you hadn't destroyed my decades of accumulation, I wouldn't have achieved what I am doing now."

A flash of understanding flashed across Jiang Ren's face: "So, Quan Youqing and the Light of Redemption are also related to you?"

"Light of Redemption is also the organization I created."

Under Ruan Heiyu's flat expression, there was a bit of complacency.

Jiang Ren smiled: "You said you thanked me just now, so how are you going to thank me?"

In his previous life, Ruan Heiyu's achievements were either high or low, but never once did he feel such a strong sense of oppression as he does now.

Not to mention, Ruan Heiyu also created the cult organization called Light of Redemption.

According to the secret information he obtained from the Great Wei State, there is an invisible black hand behind the terrorist attacks and riots that have periodically erupted around the world in recent decades.

Although I can't find any exact clues.

But most of the existing clues vaguely point to a cult organization—the Light of Redemption.

"To thank you, I am going to let you live until you die of old age."

Ruan Heiyu had a kind expression and said calmly: "Even if you destroy one of my plans, the whole plan will be delayed for three to five years, and you will also kill Quan Youqing, an old man who has been with me for a hundred years."

Bud, who was on the side, realized it in his heart.

He finally knew the reason why the leader did not act after receiving the failure of the plan, the death of Quanyou, and even the arrival of the enemy in the same city.

"Also, I value the present and the future more than the previous hatred."

Ruan Heiyu paused for a moment, then continued: "But you and your people are too domineering, if you leave it alone like this, it won't be long before it will affect my future."

Jiang Ren nodded: "So, you want to kill me?"

Ruan Heiyu denied it with a relaxed face: "It's too ugly to talk about killing. I just send you out of this world. According to the theory of reincarnation in your Great Wei Kingdom, this should be called sending you to reincarnation."

Jiang Ren sighed: "Then I'm sorry, I don't want to reincarnate yet."


Xiao Wu walked out from Jiang Ren's feet with graceful steps.

Every time you take a step, your body size becomes bigger, your hair grows stronger, and a fierce aura radiates from the inside out.

After a few steps, he had returned to his original height of several meters.

But even so, Xiao Wu still didn't stop.

The body is divided into two, turning into two white wolves of the same size as the original.

Then two quarters four, four quarters eight, eight eight sixteen

In just a few seconds, it turned into hundreds of white wolves, occupying almost one-third of the top of the tower, tightly surrounding Ruan Heiyu, Bud, and Nie Chen.

Xiang Feixue quietly turned on the extraordinary detector, and after seeing the value on it, she covered her mouth in surprise.

Among the hundreds of white wolves in front of him, none of them had a Transcendent value lower than 4,500, and the highest value could even reach more than 4,800.

The reason why the values ​​are different is because there is a slight error in the detector.

In other words, these hundreds of white wolves are big monsters that are consistent from inside to outside, and they all have terrifying strength.

"Master, I will solve them."

Bud looked at Xiao Wu who seemed to be carved out of a mold around him, not only was not afraid, but volunteered to stand up.

"You and Nie Chen don't do anything."

Ruan Heiyu raised her hand to unbutton the priest's robe, with a slight smile on her face: "I haven't fought for a long time, and I can just practice with her, by the way..."

Having said that, he said silently in his heart—to prepare for the follow-up formal battle.


Hundreds of little fives called out at the same time, impatient with Ruan Heiyu's behavior of taking off his clothes before fighting.

Jiang Ren persuaded: "Xiao Wu, since Mr. Teacher is waiting for us to finish eating, we should be more patient."

Hearing his voice, Xiao Wu temporarily fell silent.

The pastor's robe was taken off by Ruan Heiyu, but there was nothing inside to cover his body.

But his body is different from ordinary people, it just has a human shape, and has no specific physical characteristics.

From the part below the neck, the skin showed a strange black-purple color, and there were pustules emitting a foul smell at intervals.

The liquid dripping from it corroded the ground into a hole the size of a fist the moment it hit the ground.

Even with a distance of 100 meters, strong winds are constantly blowing around.

Jiang Ren could still smell the stench wafting from the liquid, causing his mind to fall into a momentary stupor. If he hadn't held his breath in time, he would have almost vomited out all the food he had just eaten.

"Sorry, I didn't scare you, did I?"

Ruan Heiyu looked at Jiang Ren apologetically, her tone still as gentle as before.

If one only looked at the parts above his neck, no one would associate him with the disgusting and dirty body below his neck.

Jiang Ren shook his head: "I just feel a little sick."

Ruan Heiyu breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "That's good, I don't want you to die now."

Jiang Ren chuckled: "You mean if I say 'scared', you will kill me directly?"

"It's not appropriate to put the battlefield here."

Ruan Heiyu didn't answer Jiang Ren's question. After scanning the surrounding valley, a flash disappeared from the spot and appeared in the sky more than a thousand meters away.

Then another flash appeared in a farther place.


Xiao Wu roared, leaving two bodies in place, and the rest of the bodies chased after him through the air.


Ruan Heiyu, who came to the edge of the city, hovered in mid-air.

The hundreds of little fives following him also surrounded him from mid-air.

"Are there only two left?"

Bud looked away from a distance, looking at Jiang Ren and Xiang Feixue who were only guarded by two white wolves, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and when he was about to take a step, he was stopped by Nie Chen next to him.

"Do you want to betray the leader?"

Bud looked at him coldly.

Nie Chen withdrew his outstretched hand and said expressionlessly, "The leader told us not to do anything. If you are not afraid of being punished, then do it."

Bud's face twisted, he took a deep breath, and gave up the idea of ​​stealing the house.

The leader usually seems gentle, but as long as anyone dares to disobey his orders, even if they achieve more results, the final outcome will be miserable.

"Master, will Little Five win?"

Xiang Feixue looked at Xiao Wu and Ruan Heiyu who were confronting each other in the distant sky, and couldn't help asking Jiang Ren.

Jiang Ren replied: "I will lose."

"It's good to win..."

Xiang Feixue answered subconsciously, and soon realized that something was wrong, and asked in a daze: "Master Xiao Wu will lose?"

Jiang Ren leaned his upper body on the edge of the fence, letting the strong wind blow his white hair, his face was peaceful and calm: "Xiao Wu is very strong, but Ruan Heiyu is even stronger."

He couldn't see Ruan Heiyu's specific strength.

But relying on experience and vision, it can still be roughly calculated that Ruan Heiyu's strength is definitely stronger than Xiao Wu's.

And this strong does not mean a little bit strong.

But even if Xiao Wu broke out, even if Ruan Heiyu played abnormally, without external force intervening, the loser would definitely be Xiao Wu.

"Ruan Heiyu, his father is from the Great Wei Kingdom, and his mother is from the Feite Federation."

Because the visual sharing with Xiaowu was cut off, Jiang Ren, who couldn't see whether the battle started, silently recalled the information about Ruan Heiyu that he had investigated in the past dozen times in his life.

"Since childhood, both parents died in a federal freedom movement."

"Ruan Heiyu, who became an orphan, lived on the streets, barely survived by relying on her willingness to work hard and her business talent above ordinary people."

"When I became an adult, I went to the Golden Valley, which is located in the no-management area, and joined a small organization. Because I got a relationship with a political figure in a small country, I killed the original leader and replaced it myself."

"Then based on that small organization, a Mutual Aid Club was created."

"Under the leadership of Ruan Heiyu, the Mutual Aid Association specializes in illegal business targeting the citizens of the Great Wei State, and its annual income ranges from one million, ten million, to hundreds of millions at the end."

Skipping these identity materials, Jiang Ren finally remembered Ruan Heiyu's ability.

"His ability is 'fusion', which can fuse two items into a higher-level item, and even fuse two different forces together."

"It looks very powerful, but it has great limitations."

"For example, the ability after fusion is extremely unstable, and it may trigger a chain collapse at any time, leading to the inevitable death of the body with carrying capacity."

"If the fusion ability is used on Ruan Heiyu herself, it can maintain a certain degree of stability, but as time goes by, the effect of this stabilization will become weaker and weaker."

"And every time he integrates one more ability, he is equivalent to a step closer to death."

"And every time it is used, it will cause great harm to the body."

"In the previous ten times in his life, he killed himself several times."

"Even if Ruan Heiyu was the strongest once, his strength was at most comparable to that of Qi Yuqi now, and at that time, his body was already on the verge of collapse, and he died of his body collapse in a battle not long after."

"From this point of view, he should have found a way to stabilize his abilities."

While Jiang Ren was thinking, the battle between Xiao Wu and Ruan Heiyu had already begun.


Hundreds of wolves opened their mouths at the same time, aiming at Ruan Heiyu in the middle, and a beam of destructive energy flew out of their mouths.

Looking at the destructive light beams coming from all directions, Ruan Heiyu showed a sneering smile.


A huge explosion sounded, and the fierce flame instantly engulfed Ruan Heiyu.

In the dim sky when the street lights had just been turned on, nearly ten thousand people had witnessed the intense fire like the rising sun even though they were already at the edge of the city.

"Not enough, not enough, not enough."

Ruan Heiyu's voice came out of the flames.

Immediately, two giant black claws stretched out from the flames, swallowing the flames completely, revealing the ugly phantom of the head connected to the giant claws, which is a hundred meters in size.

"Do you know what this ability is?"

Ruan Heiyu looked at Xiao Wu who was condensing light beams in his mouth again, and explained with a smile: "It's called a 'ghost' in Dawei, and a 'ghost' in the Federation."

"The ghosts summoned by people who originally possessed this ability can only be used to serve tea and water."

"But in my hands, it has become a combat weapon with great lethality, and it can also firmly protect the body of me, the summoner."

next moment.

Hundreds of beams of light flew out of Xiao Wu's mouth again and landed on Ruan Heiyu, triggering a bigger flame than before.

"Look, a monster has appeared on the edge of the city! A big monster!"

On the roads and high-rise buildings below, many brave people picked up their mobile phones, pointed at Xiao Wu and started the live broadcast, and turned on the extraordinary detector by the way.

Hundreds of extraordinary values ​​higher than 4,500 soon attracted a crowd of exclamations.

Even in a short period of time, this news was spread, and the netizens who were following Liu Xian were attracted to the live broadcast room related to Xiao Wu at an extremely fast speed.

When the intense fire in the sky disappeared.

Finally, someone detected the extraordinary stats of Ruan Heiyu who had just emerged.


Regardless of whether they were on the scene or in the live broadcast room, the thinking of everyone who saw this number stagnated at this moment.

This value is no longer enough to be described as an exaggeration.

You know, judging from the public information on the Internet, there are only a handful of people in the world with more than 5,000 people, and they all belong to the value when they burst out at full strength.

"Don't waste time."

Ruan Heiyu, who had endured several rounds of bombing by Xiao Wu in a row, stretched out a giant claw and grabbed the nearest white wolf.

The white wolf with a value of more than four thousand and five couldn't even resist a move, and turned into a bloody mist.


Hundreds of Xiao Wu flew in the air, and rushed into a Xiao Wu's body one after another.

"It's changed, the extraordinary value of that big monster is... 5731!"

Many people don't know what emotions to express when they see the value that is finally displayed.

They didn't know why Xiaowu and Ruan Heiyu would act, but because of the human standpoint, many people shouted to support Ruan Heiyu.

"Is this your limit?"

While Ruan Heiyu was speaking, the ghost that surrounded him swelled nearly ten times like a blow, and the giant claws that seemed to cover the sky and the sun moved towards Xiao Wu.

Although the giant claws are fast.

But Xiao Wu was faster and escaped smoothly.

But the giant claw that lost its target didn't stop because of this, and fell straight into the buildings below.

Accompanied by the sound of terror.

Several high-rise buildings were crushed to pieces, and a deep paw print was pressed on the ground.

The accompanying strong shock wave destroyed all the buildings within a few kilometers, and triggered a gust of wind that swept across tens of kilometers.

The person who was still live broadcasting in this range a moment ago.

The next moment, he was so dead that even the body could not be found.

On the edge of one of the ruins, a transcendent detector that lost its owner was still working, and the aim was just aimed at Ruan Heiyu, and the number on the screen was 5999!

Every time the extraordinary value rises by a thousand, there will be a qualitative leap.

Therefore, even if there is an error in the measured value, the highest value will only display "999" before reaching that quality.

"I didn't control my strength well."

Ruan Heiyu looked at the buildings destroyed by him below, with a sad expression on his face, but it was quickly replaced by a fighting spirit, and he stretched out his claws to Xiao Wu: "If this is your limit, then I am so disappointed. "

The extraordinary value is obviously only two or three hundred, but it seems like a world of difference.

Xiao Wu's long-range attack could not cause any damage to Ruan Heiyu, so he could only dodge constantly, trying to find a way to win.

One claw, two claws, three claws...

After ten claws.

Xiao Wu couldn't dodge in time, and was finally hit by the giant claw, and his body fell heavily to the ground, the huge wolf body was bloody and bloody.


Ruan Heiyu looked disappointed.

A giant claw descended from top to bottom, falling towards Xiao Wu like a meteorite from the sky.

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