Infinite Sims

Chapter 203

【Magic species】


[100 points of fate will be deducted for entry, do you want to enter? 】

Jiang Ren's mind entered, and his consciousness was instantly pulled into the system.

There was no option whether to open the mall, and he was directly pulled into the transfer station before entering, the chaotic and endless dark space.

A huge clock is in front of it, mysterious and ancient.

"Is it a human? Or another creature?"

Jiang Ren cheered up and looked at the phantom gathered in front of the clock.

It was a phantom composed of smoke of different colors, and soon turned into a vague and simple picture scroll, and the blue sky and white clouds could be vaguely seen inside.

"Judging from the previous few worlds, the life I was born with possessed body should be inside."

"Could it be... I want to become a blue sky and white clouds?"

While Jiang Ren was still surprised, he was sucked into the phantom.


[Fengbao three years, Dazhao has been established for more than a hundred years. 】

[The emperor is virtuous, the officials love the people, the weather is smooth, and the grains are plentiful, which is the image of a prosperous age. 】


After a burst of emotionless mechanical sounds, Jiang Ren's eyes were finally no longer dim.

But unlike in the past when he was just born, his consciousness turned from drowsiness to sobriety. When he regained his sight at this moment, he was already very sober.


The wind howled.

Jiang Ren's current viewing angle is very strange. He can move within a certain range outside his body and observe the surroundings regardless of the angle limit.

With just one glance, he found that he was in the sky and was falling rapidly.

More importantly, I am not human.

"Can anyone explain to me why I became a bead?"

Jiang Ren made some calculations and found that he still had some time before landing, so he looked at his new body carefully.

A gray bead.

The exterior was smoother than the most delicate machine-made beads, but strangely reflected no light.

Since there is no reference, Jiang Ren does not know the actual size of the bead.

"The volume shouldn't be too big, otherwise I saw it at the transfer station just now."

Jiang Ren thought for a while, and then focused on the bottom: "When you come to a strange place, the first thing you need to do is to observe the surrounding environment."

Not to mention, he came to a completely strange world.

Regardless of the ability of this bead, but if you don't take advantage of the great opportunity to observe it now, who has a good view, who knows if there will be such an opportunity later.

"It seems to be an ancient city below."

"There are quite a lot of buildings, and the population should be quite large. Including the surrounding villages and small towns, it is conservatively estimated that there are no less than 100,000 people."

"According to my whereabouts, I may land on the hill below, and there is a small village beside the hill"

While Jiang Ren was thinking, he successfully landed on the mountain.

With a soft sound, he smashed a shallow hole in the relatively soft ground, and his body sank into the ground about three feet.

There is no damage to the body, nor any discomfort.

"Falling from such a high place only smashed such a small hole in the ground."

"If the laws of physics in this world haven't changed, I should be lighter, at least twice as light as an iron block of the same volume."

After roughly guessing his own weight, Jiang Ren turned to observe the surrounding environment.

Through the flowers and trees in his field of vision, he roughly estimated his size.

It's about the same size as the marbles I used to play with when I was a kid, maybe a little bigger.

"It's so small."

Jiang Ren sighed for a moment, and after seeing that there was nothing abnormal around him, he focused his attention on his body.

"The size of a marble, strong and resistant to falling, and light in weight, refer to the name of this world 'Magic Seed'... Could it be that I am a seed?"

Immediately, Jiang Ren felt anticipation.

During the rest of the week in the real world, he did not miss the investigation of the information related to the word "devil species".

Get rid of words such as "demonic seeds" that describe people, and those seeds that contain magic power have the ability to violate the law of energy conservation.

The grown plants are also of various kinds, either magical or terrifying or powerful.


"All I need to do is after I become a plant, according to my own ability and characteristics, I can choose to grow infinitely? Or expand the territory?"

"Then take over the world in a tough or gentle way?"

A picture appeared in Jiang Ren's mind.

The whole world is occupied by itself and the plants it can produce. Both humans and animals are kept in captivity and become rare species in zoos.

As he was thinking about it, a word popped out of his mind.

——"The Disaster of the Demon Seed"

"It's pretty exciting to think about. I've never tried to take over the world."

The more Jiang Ren thought about it, the more interesting he became, and he felt eager to try.

After being a human for a long time, this non-human and non-biological feeling is also very interesting.

"The most important and fundamental thing for a seed to become a plant is water."

"Although there is some water in the soil beside me, the amount of water is relatively small. Looking at the weather outside, it may not rain in the past few days."

"You can't just wait these few days, you can try to move your body."

Jiang Ren looked at his chubby gray body. He tried to move as early as he was falling, but unfortunately it didn't work.

But besides that, he has another tricky way of moving.

"Collecting items through the storage space can move the body in disguise, but the process is a bit cumbersome."

Jiang Ren did what he thought, and his consciousness sank directly into the storage space.

In the small cubic space, there is nothing... no, there are three thunder bombs!

"Thunder bombs, why were they brought in?"

Seeing this, he remembered the training stone, which was also a customs clearance reward, and was usually worn around his neck.

"Could it be that the items obtained as rewards for customs clearance can be brought to the simulated world, but they must be put into the storage space when they come in?"

"If that's the case, is it a loophole?"

Jiang Ren was silent for a moment, then didn't think any more.

Whether it is a loophole or not, this is a good thing for yourself.

The only pity is that the world remains unchanged. This is obviously an era without electronic products. These three thunderbolts are completely useless things that take up space.

"If you want your body to move, you first need to get yourself out of this little hole."

"First collect the surrounding soil, and then pile it up under your feet little by little, or smash yourself out with stones."

Jiang Ren focused on the surrounding soil, trying to absorb a fist-sized clod of mud.


The clods were motionless.

Jiang Ren was taken aback for a moment, and then tried a few more times, but the mud still remained unchanged.

"Could it be because my body is too weak, which affects my use of the storage space?"

He didn't stop, and tried to store other smaller mud clods.

After a few minutes, he finally found something that could be stored—"fine sand" that was slightly larger than dust and could be seen with the naked eye.

"Constantly collect items to make yourself move?"

Recalling his thoughts just now, Jiang Ren felt like laughing.

If you want to do this by collecting sand, I'm afraid it will take hundreds of years like the formation of stalactites.

Not to mention that the body is not only affected by the size of the stored items, but the number of stored items has also decreased sharply, estimated to be less than ten per day.

If these are also counted, thousands of years are also possible.

"Compared to this, let's take a look at the portable mall."

Jiang Ren did not forget that although the system mall was canceled in the reminder of this world, the portable mall was attached as a gift.

One is a plug-in that can only be selected before starting, and the other is a plug-in that can only be selected after starting. The latter is more than ten times more practical than the former.

"Pocket mall!"

As soon as Jiang Ren's thoughts surfaced, a simple interface appeared in front of him.



"Details? Introduction?"

Without thinking about it, Jiang Ren clicked on the details.

There are no long and complicated articles like the application agreement, but some short introductions.

[1. Designated Currency of Portable Mall: Essence]

[2. You cannot purchase specified items in the Portable Mall, you can only select categories for extraction]

[3. At present, only primary extraction is available. When the essence meets a higher extraction level, the mall will automatically open without deducting any essence.]


Seeing the designated currency above, Jiang Ren was silent for a while.

"In other words, my thousand or so destiny points are useless?"

"And you can't buy designated items, you can only get them through lottery, it always feels like a big pit..."

If it weren't for the fact that he is now a bead, unable to move without hands or feet, Jiang Ren couldn't help but put his middle finger on the top of the glasses frame.

Exit the details and enter the mall.

The interface is exactly the same as before, except that there are many more options.

[Random], [Weapon], [Armor], [Food], [Life], [Speed], [Power]...

Except for the "random" price of 1 essence, the rest of the categories are unified 10 essence.

Jiang Ren found that there is no classification of items and talents, but judging from the names of these classifications, most of them are related to these two.

With a casual glance, he found his essence balance in the upper right corner.


"This result is not what I expected. Could it tell me how to obtain the essence?"

Jiang Ren felt a little tired after confirming that there was no option to introduce the essence in the interface.

Since there is no introduction, it can only be tried by yourself.

"Essence, literally means the most quintessential and best part of things, and it is often said that what is concentrated is the essence."

"So I'm compressing myself?"

Jiang Ren dismissed this unreliable idea, and thought of a long-standing saying.

The aura of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon.

To put it simply, the heaven and the earth will produce spiritual energy that is invisible to the naked eye, and the sun and the moon can also produce special energy that is comparable to spiritual energy.

"If it refers to aura, then I'm familiar with it."

For Jiang Ren, who has had inhuman experiences, as long as there is aura in this world, it will not be too difficult to find aura based on the few Naling exercises that are still in mind, have the lowest operating requirements and are the most widely applicable. difficulty.

Immediately, he restrained himself.

As a special seed that lacks sense organs, it only needs to close the eyesight and hearing, and it can easily enter the state of concentration.

Time passed quickly.

The sky changed from bright to dark, and gradually turned to pitch black...

One day, two days, ten days, one month...

Every other day, Jiang Ren would wake up for a short while, put a grain of sand in the space for timing, and then enter the sedation state again.

The wind and the sun, the rain has traces.

The small hole made by Jiang Ren's fall has been buried and covered by dust and mud.

"Finally there is a result!"

It has been more than a month since Jiang Ren woke up from the state of meditation.

The situation was a little unexpected, he didn't feel the aura, but the essence of the sun and the moon.

As for why it is considered to be the essence of the sun and the moon.

Because they are obviously different from auras without attributes.

Whenever the sun rises, he can capture a trace of warm energy, and whenever the moon rises, what he captures is a trace of cool energy.

Essences are slightly different from Reikis.

It cannot be said who is higher and who is lower, the key is to look at their quantity and quality.

But it is a pity that the essence of the sun and the moon that Jiang Ren can absorb every day is so little that it is pitiful.

Not only because the sun and moon essence contained in the air is very little, but also because the sun and moon method modified by him can only do so at present.

"The Sun-Moon Law still has a lot of room for modification, and it is estimated that the efficiency can be increased by one to two times."

"But even so, if you want to accumulate a little essence, it's not something you can do in a short time."

Jiang Ren opened the portable mall and looked at the zero point essence displayed on it.

And compared to accumulating essence, there is one more important thing for him now.

For more than a month, it rained several times, and the surrounding soil was very fertile, but he didn't feel any changes in his body.

For rainwater, it does not absorb any drops.

This even made Jiang Ren feel that this demon seed was not his body, but a cage that imprisoned his soul.

"You can't count on your body, you can only slowly accumulate essence."

With a sigh of emotion, Jiang Ren sank his mind into his body again, and began to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon.

Although he was buried under the soil layer, the distance he absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon far exceeded the soil layer, so the impact was not great.

Time flies like a white horse.

In a blink of an eye, there are hundreds of sand in the storage space used to record the number of days.

During this period of time, Jiang Ren's essence finally broke through.

It took one year, eleven months and six days.

However, through his modification experiments, the efficiency of the Sun Moon Method has been greatly improved, and it is estimated that a little essence can be accumulated in a year or so.

Considering the ten points of essence, it cannot be achieved in a short time.

Jiang Ren tried a random lottery whose price was only 10% of the classified lottery, and successfully got a one-time talent.

[Talent: Shine]

[Introduction: Make the body glow for three breaths]

[Remarks: Look, your body is glowing. Although there is only one chance, you are undoubtedly the most dazzling seed at this moment]

Seeing the talent introduction drawn, Jiang Ren immediately cut off the idea of ​​random drawing.

In a state of sedation, time flies by.

In the blink of an eye, it has been the fourth year since I came to this world.

this day.

In broad daylight it was cloudy and it was raining cats and dogs.

When it was late at night, the heavy rain had turned into a torrential rain, and the violent wind and waves uprooted many trees.


A tree as thick as an arm broke off in the middle, and was blown to the vicinity of Jiang Ren by the strong wind. The broken end directly "shoveled" Jiang Ren out of the soil.

Under the water flow formed by the torrential rain, the chubby Jiangren descended along the mountain wall.

It was bounced off by stones and trees from time to time, and occasionally blocked by plants, but under the action of the violent wind and rain and the smooth body, it quickly escaped and slid down again.

In the end, he was washed into a weeds at the foot of the mountain.

When the first ray of sunshine appeared in the morning, the rainstorm was gone and the dark clouds had dispersed, leaving only the clear sky.

And in the tempering of the heavy rain, the flowers and trees grow brighter and more gorgeous.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Jiang Ren, who had just woken up from a state of samadhi and was about to count the days with a grain of sand, looked at the completely different environment around him, and didn't react for a while.

It wasn't until he saw the wet ground around him and the fallen leaves from the destroyed trees that he realized what had happened.

"It's not far from the entrance to the mountain, so you should be able to see a lot of people."

Jiang Ren looked towards the artificial mountain road not far away.

This hill is adjacent to a village. Although he was originally located on the top of the mountain where few people go, and there are many trees around him, he has seen several figures from a distance.

The reason why the number is so small is also related to the fact that he is in a state of concentration most of the time.

"Would it be more efficient to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon by people's side?"

Jiang Ren was a little moved, and felt that he could try it.

In the days that followed, he saw ordinary people going into the mountains to chop wood, hunters hunting, and many children playing games.

But without exception, none of these people discovered his existence.

More than half a month later.

Jiang Ren, who had just come out of the trance state, looked at a group of children who were playing games not far away, and felt that this method of waiting for others to discover him was difficult.

And with his gray and inconspicuous appearance, even if someone finds out, they probably won't take him away.

"Would you like to try glowing?"

"However, the description in the introduction is 'twilight'. This 'slight' is too vague. If it is smaller than natural light, it will be useless."

"However, every night, no one enters the mountain."

Jiang Ren sighed silently, ready to rest for a while before entering meditation, so he focused on the children not far away.

There are six children in total, ranging in age from five to eight years old.

The clothes are much larger than their body size, and they are still very old. At a glance, they can be seen as old clothes worn by others.

"Drive! Stupid horse, drive! Drive!"

A child is sitting on the back of a lying, giggling child, whipping his ass with a branch.

The smirking child struggled to crawl forward, even though his face turned red and his hands on the ground trembled slightly, he didn't stop or resist.

But judging from that obvious smile, he still seemed happy.

"This horse is too slow."

"Hurry up, hurry up, there is no food to eat if you are slow."

"As expected of a fool, laughing so happily while being ridden by someone."

"Have you played enough? It's up to me when you've played enough."

The few children around laughed, ridiculed, or urged, but they didn't regard the giggling children as the same kind at all.

"I remember hearing his name a few days ago, it should be called..."

Jiang Ren looked at the smirking child and thought, "Wan Jinghao."

Compared with the names of the other children like Goudan and Stone, this name seems a bit out of place.

And just like what the kids around him said, Wan Jinghao is indeed a bit stupid. To put it in a more scientific way, his IQ is retarded, far lower than his peers.

And compared to IQ, his body is also much weaker than his peers.

This also caused him to often be the target of bullying by his peers, not only mentally but also physically, but he also liked to hang out with these people.

"Slow-developed IQ, weak bones."

"If it is placed in modern times, it can be treated with scientific means, not to mention becoming the same as normal peers, but at least it will not be too different."

"Unfortunately, this is a world where personal life is worthless."

While Jiang Ren was thinking, there was another roar of laughter.

I saw Wan Jinghao's trousers being ripped off by someone, and the five children next to him were pointing at him, mocking and making fun of him wantonly.

Seeing them laughing, Wan Jinghao also giggled cheerfully, completely unaware that he should pull up his pants first.

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