Infinite Sims

Chapter 210 Drawing a Dragon

in the yard.

Wan Jinghao lowered his head slightly and stood quietly beside several loads of gifts.

Several neighbors around and several people at home looked over from a distance. They didn't know what Yue Da said to Wan Jinghao, so they could only guess secretly in their hearts.

"A district chief who is in charge of hundreds of people, since he dares to seek a place in the academy that even his superiors can't get, does he have a hole card to rely on? Or is his IQ suddenly below the average line?"

Jiang Ren felt amused, and focused on the loads of presents beside him, and visually estimated their value.

"According to the prices in this world, these gifts are roughly equivalent to several years' labor income of an ordinary farmer. It is really worthwhile to use these to suppress Wan Jinghao's dissatisfaction."

"Also, there are people watching nearby."

Kaoren noticed the gaze from a house on the side, with the meaning of spying and surveillance.

It was not because he had good eyesight that he could spot this person, but because the other person was too weak, most of his head was exposed, and he almost had to write a note "I'm not normal" on his forehead.

"Grandpa Immortal."

Wan Jinghao calmed down, and asked in his heart: "What do you think I should do now?"

Since entering the private school, he has been going smoothly.

At the beginning, I could still hear some gossip, but it soon disappeared, leaving only the pretentious kindness and greetings.

No setbacks, no difficulties, and indeed a good life.

But because of the lack of experience in those failures, when he encounters setbacks, he will inevitably fall into confusion, unable to use reason to find a breakthrough point.

As for the stupid experience before the age of five, it can only strengthen his resilience, but it cannot give him experience in facing this situation.


After not receiving a reply for a long time, Wan Jinghao felt disappointed.

Grandpa Immortal is an immortal, how could he have time to answer this little question of his own...

Jiang Ren thought quietly in his heart, and did not reply at the first moment.

The shadow of Li Chang Yue Mingzhou has covered the sky over Qunma Village for more than 20 years. It is really not difficult to do harm to Wan Jinghao's family.

The only ones who survived the disaster were Wan Shi in the town and Wan Jinghao who was half-famous.

Wan Jinghao's body has been strengthened by essence, but at the age of twelve, he is only about the same as a normal adult, and his fighting skills are not enough, and force is obviously not enough to solve the problem.

In that case, you can only rely on external forces, such as Si Lao.

"Go find your wife." Jiang Ren reminded.

Hearing his voice, Wan Jinghao cheered up immediately: "Master Immortal, what do you mean..."

Jiang Ren repeated what he had just said, and said, "Someone is watching you."

Wan Jinghao pretended to be casual and looked around, then nodded invisibly: "I'll move my things home now, and sneak out through the back door when no one is looking."

When he was moving things, Wan Mu also came out to help.

Quickly moved several loads of presents into the house, Wan Jinghao waited for another hour, and after confirming that no one was there, he quietly went out through the back door.

Sneaking into the woods, he looked back and found several servants of Li Chang's family not far from the house.

Some servants changed their clothes to try to hide their identities.

But more servants stood at the crossroads brightly, and when they heard the sound of someone passing by, they immediately looked over vigilantly, for fear that others would not know what they were doing.

"The master said that a gentleman 'repays grievances with straightness, and repays virtue with kindness', and today's events should be kept in mind."

A faint cold light flashed in Wan Jinghao's eyes, and he turned and left.

After walking more than half a circle in the forest, it took three or four times slower than usual to arrive at the Qingzhu private school.

There was no one around, so Wan Jinghao stepped forward and knocked on the door.


The boy's voice sounded, and after opening the door to see Wan Jinghao, there was no surprise on his face, but he said: "Brother, you came here to see Master, right?"

Wan Jinghao nodded, and said seriously: "Please also let me know from my junior brother and master."

This boy is an orphan adopted by Mr. Si several years ago. He usually helps Mr. Si do some small things. His status and relationship are very different from that of a student, and he is deeply trusted by Mr. Si.

"Brother, come in and talk."

The boy welcomed Wan Jinghao into the door, and after closing the door, he whispered, "Brother, is it for the admission quota of Qingfeng Academy?"

Wan Jinghao looked surprised: "How do you know?"

"It's not me who knows, but the Master knows."

The boy put away his smile, and explained apologetically: "For the quota, the master asked me to apologize to you on his behalf. He has already left for Yecheng this morning, and asked you to wait at home for a while. Before the academy starts, you will be admitted successfully."

"How can I be so virtuous to let my master run around for me like this?"

Wan Jinghao's heart was touched, his eyes turned red when he recalled the experiences of the past few years.

As the mentor of the teacher, Mr. Si, he has given himself a lot of help. It can be said that he is the best person to himself besides his family and the fairy grandfather.

I wasn't at the private school a few days ago, presumably to get a place for myself.

This time he had to go out again, even if his status might be unusual, he still had to run around a lot.

"If Master comes back, please notify me immediately."

Wan Jinghao bid farewell to the boy, and then left the private school.

study! study! study……

At this moment, a great enthusiasm for reading burst out in his heart.

Si Lao has paid so much for himself, so he must not let people underestimate Si Lao. I don't say whether I can help him in the future, but at least don't be compared by others after entering the academy, so as not to embarrass him.

"That's it?"

Jiang Ren looked at it for a while, and knew that he didn't need to come forward again.

"Born stupid, starting from picking up a magical seed, a wonderful encounter, a mysterious wife, his life took a completely different path, this is the growth story of a future emperor..."

Feeling more and more imaginative, Jiang Ren immediately stopped imagining.

No wonder you think so, Wan Jinghao's experience is indeed too templated, he is a golden finger, the boss is a background, and that little girl named Huang Lanxi...

It's just natural!

"If this goes on like this, I'm afraid the child won't be able to enter school after some face-slapping."

"I also pretended to be slapped in the face in the academy, and cultivated a relationship with Huang Lanxi by the way. After a series of repeated slaps in the face, I became the champion and successfully embraced the beauty."

"In the end, he either became a prime minister under one person and over ten thousand people, or he overthrew the emperor and did it himself."

Jiang Ren thought about it, and felt that the plot was quite cool.

But as a golden finger without any bodily sensations, this kind of development that seems to be predictable is undoubtedly uninteresting to him.

Looking at the blue sky outside, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart - a life is boundless.

Industry City, Qingfeng Academy.

There is a study in the depths with two people.

Huang Zeshu, who is the head of the college, is middle-aged and dressed in a white shirt, standing and drawing with a brush. Si Lao, with disheveled hair, watched silently from the side.

Years have eroded their youth, but they cannot take away their knowledge and literary talents.


The pens for drawing were put aside.

Huang Zeshu looked at Elder Si, and asked with a smile, "Brother Si, what do you think of my painting?"

"Arrogance is naturally formed, with both form and meaning in his body. The dragon soars into the nine heavens, and he is extremely overbearing. It is a rare picture of the nine heavens." Si Lao nodded and gave approval.

"Rare? Brother Si, do you mean it still has flaws?"

Huang Zeshu stared at him fixedly, with a faint smile on his face, making it hard to tell whether it was anger or joy.

"Arrogance is too heavy, the wind and clouds are too empty, this is..."

When Si Lao said this, he stopped immediately.

Huang Zeshu chuckled, and provocatively said, "What? Brother Si, don't you dare to say it?"

Si Lao closed his eyes, took a deep breath, opened his eyes and said, "The spirit in the painting is in danger of falling to death."

"As expected of the brother Si I know, even though he has been far away from the court for more than ten years, he still sees the morals of the world so clearly."

Huang Zeshu looked at the wet ink on the painting, picked it up, folded the left and right ends in half, then tore it into dozens of pieces without hesitation, and laughed loudly at the same time: "Juwu, Jinwu, ban the roots up"

"You still want to go back?"

Seeing his appearance, Si Lao sighed softly.

Huang Zeshu's laughter gradually disappeared, and he snorted coldly, "You and I are both frustrated people, but the difference between me and you is that I never thought of giving up."

A trace of loneliness flashed in Si Lao's eyes, and he didn't speak.

"Sit down, lest people say that I suppressed my old opponent."

Huang Zeshu gestured to the chair in front of the desk, and after seeing Mr. Si sat down, he sat down and said, "I just found you again in a few days, and it's about the quota?"

"One more quota."

Si Lao was not surprised by his words.

As old rivals, even if they haven't paid attention to each other's information for a long time, they can roughly understand each other's thoughts at the moment they meet.

Curiosity appeared on Huang Zeshu's face, and he nodded slightly: "You can come to me, my former opponent, twice. It seems that you are very optimistic about that student."

"Do you want to take a gamble that my student will become the same chief of your academy within a year?"

There was a smile on the corner of Si Lao's mouth, and there was a light in his cloudy eyes that was not there before.

His biggest achievement in these years is Wan Jinghao, and through years of observation, he found that this student is improving almost every moment.

Not academic progress, but progress in reading talent.

And this kind of progress is not sudden skyrocketing, but one step at a time, without seeing the limit of progress, which is both stable and terrifying.

"Since you're so confident, I'll bet he can't."

Huang Zeshu smiled heartily and stopped without hesitation.

Neither of them made a bet. Whether this kind of thing exists or not, it will not affect their relationship.

After chatting for a few more words, Si Lao got up and said goodbye.

"Do you want me to deal with the person who took up your quota?"

Seeing that he was about to leave, Huang Zeshu said, "I asked someone to check the identity of that person. His father was a small village head, and he himself picked up the daughter of a county captain. Although I am far away from the center of power now, I have to deal with these few things." A little guy is fine."

"No need, someone will take care of it."

Si Lao waved his hand, and then left the study.

Seeing the door just closed, Huang Zeshu chuckled lightly: "Are you going to leave that student of yours as a trial? I really want to see your student sooner."

Think of Si Lao's appearance today.

He couldn't help but feel grateful for the persuasion seven years ago.

Even if his old rival never returns, seeing him regain hope in life is enough to make him happy.

While thinking, there were footsteps approaching outside the door.


There was an oriole-like cry outside the door.

Hearing the voice, Huang Zeshu felt helpless: "Come in."

A girl pushed open the door and entered.

She was wearing a green lotus-colored bismoke sweater, and a pair of jasper bracelets on her wrists, which made her skin as white as frost and snow. Her long black hair reached her waist, and on her jade-like fair face, a pair of autumn eyes seemed to be shining. The water is full of light, and the lips of the light pink are as delicate as new peaches.

After the girl closed the door, she walked lightly to the center of the room, slightly bent her knees and bowed to Huang Zeshu: "Daddy."

What does not match her dignified temperament is her naughty and sly eyes.

"Have you finished your homework?" Huang Zeshu asked in a deep voice.

"Daddy, you can do your homework anytime, don't be in a hurry."

Huang Lanxi showed a smiling face, and then asked, "Didn't Uncle Si come to your place? Why didn't you see anyone?"

"You are late."

Huang Zeshu said casually, and began to tidy up the things on the desk.

As a person who loves good books, he will not let outsiders touch everything in the study, including hygiene, even if the other party is his trusted servant who has followed him for many years.

"That's it."

Huang Lanxi was a little disappointed, but she soon cheered up and came to the desk with her hands behind her back: "Daddy, what is Uncle Si doing here?"

Huang Zeshu glanced at her: "Your Uncle Si has a student who wants to come to our academy."

Huang Lanxi's big eyes flickered for a moment, and she asked curiously, "Student? Do you have a name?"

Huang Zeshu: "Wan Jinghao."

"Wan Jinghao..."

Huang Lanxi read the name, and suddenly opened her small mouth in surprise.

A memory that was dusty in my mind was revealed.

When I went to Uncle Si's village with my father, I often sat under a big tree and ate cakes happily. The little boy who ate with me and listened to my nagging was also named this.

Before leaving, I made an agreement with him to exchange treasures.

It's a pity that I left early because of an urgent matter, so I could only put my precious pastries, books I didn't like, and the letter I wrote hastily on the tree. I don't know if he found it.

"After all this time, what does he look like now?"

Huang Lanxi thought of Wan Jinghao's stupid look, and couldn't help but smile on his face.

Seeing his daughter in a daze, Huang Zeshu lowered his head and continued to clear the table.

He had actually heard about the student Mr. Si had his eyes on.

It wasn't because the other party entered Si Lao's private school, nor that the other party's reputation as a child prodigy spread to several surrounding villages, but that the other party was once his daughter's playmate.

Seven years ago, the few days when I went to persuade Si Lao.

My daughter often sneaks out to share food with Wan Jinghao.

Even if this matter can be hidden from him, it can't be hidden from the accompanying servants. If he didn't deliberately let people go quietly, how could a little girl run out repeatedly.

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