Infinite Sims

Chapter 228 Accident and Death

In the distance, a group of flames shot up into the sky.

The flame didn't start in the Niu Mansion, even depending on the location of the fire, it was still quite a distance from their home.

Niu Dengwen, who hadn't said a word just now, widened his eyes and exclaimed, "That direction, I remember..."

"The City Lord's Mansion!"

Niu Kunyuan gave the answer directly.

After Yue Da and the others heard it, they immediately compared it in their hearts.

It was found that the direction was indeed the City Lord's Mansion where Duo Chi'er lived now, and judging from the position of the fire, it was very likely to be inside the City Lord's Mansion.

Niu Dengwen was a little puzzled: "It's so damn cold and it's snowing lightly, it's hard to make a fire, how did such a big fire appear?"

"No matter how it appears, we can't just stand by!"

Niu Kunyuan was righteous and righteous, and immediately ordered to the old servant who called him out: "You, immediately inform all the servants, leaving two people to look after the house, and the remaining eight people to bring fire extinguishing tools, and follow me to the city lord's mansion for rescue..."

Suddenly, several screams came from not far away.

Niu Kunyuan, who was interrupted, looked over dissatisfied, and only saw a servant lying on the corner dozens of steps away. Because the lower body was behind the wall, only the upper body was seen.

A pool of blood flowed out from the famous servant's neck, and soon dyed the snow-white ground paved with frost and snow with a tinge of bright red.

"It's dead!"

A somewhat timid official made a trembling voice.

Before Niu Kunyuan, Niu Dengwen and his son could reply, there was a creaking sound, and the servant in the pool of blood suddenly moved.


Niu Dengwen suspected that he was wrong, so he slapped himself hard.

But when he looked carefully again, he found that the famous servant was not only moving, but even bent his hands into a strange posture, getting up from the ground with a pause.

With a pop, the servant's head fell to the side.

But it seems that because there is still a piece of flesh connected, the head did not fall directly to the ground, but was hung on the neck strangely, the left face was pressed against the chest, and the godless right face and right eye were fixedly facing each other. them.

at the same time.

There were several strange noises from around again, and writhing living corpses slowly walked towards this side.

"Master Niu, what's going on?"

An official sat on the ground in fright and looked at Niu Kunyuan nervously.


Yue Da's face was pale, and he said tremblingly: "This is a person who is controlled by the soul after death!"

The reason why he thinks so comes from a rumor he heard recently.

Rumor has it that a group of 200,000 dead souls claiming to be from Yecheng wandered in the occupied land behind.

They will kill all the barbarians they see and the Dazhao people who turn to the barbarians. It is said that they have the ability to control the corpses.

Originally, he only thought this rumor was a joke.

But now it seems that I am the joke.

Moreover, if these "dead souls" who controlled the corpses really came from Yecheng as the rumors said, then the self who betrayed Yecheng fell into their hands, and his fate would definitely not be very good.


Niu Kunyuan scanned the surroundings and found that there was no such active corpse on a road, so he immediately rushed out with the baby in his arms.

Although he is not a military general, he does exercise a lot in private.

Even though he is old now, he still ran a few steps in just two breaths.

Niu Dengwen, who was also forced to exercise, heard the voice following him.

Only then did a group of officials realize that they wanted to chase after him, but due to their age and seldom exercising on weekdays, only the young Yue Da managed to catch up, and the rest fell behind.

"Come on! Come on! There are villains here!"

Niu Kunyuan ran wildly while shouting, but never let go of the baby in his arms.

Naturally, this is not because of family affection, after all, family affection is not as important as one's own life, not to mention that the baby has no blood relationship with him.

But who told the baby's biological father to be Duo Chi'er, if something happened to him, even if he escaped from birth, with Duo Chi'er's recent attitude towards the Niu family, the Niu family would surely decline.

"Old thief, we are waiting for you."

The officials who ran slowly were soon surrounded by living corpses and died amidst screams and curses.

Niu Dengwen, Niu Kunyuan, and Yue Da, who heard their voices, just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief when they saw several living corpses rushing out in front of them.

With living corpses at the front and back, they could only choose to rush to the front with fewer numbers.

They were attacked by the living corpses with weapons several times and fell heavily to the ground, but the three finally escaped from the siege of the living corpses without any danger.

However, what none of them saw was.

Just behind the roof of the hall, an old man was standing with a baby in his arms.


Jiang Ren couldn't help chuckling as he watched the figures of the three gradually disappearing.

In this Niu Mansion, which occupies a large area, there are more than thirty living corpses controlled by him, and it is easy to keep these three people.

The reason why they were let go was not because of pity for them, nor was it because of a cramp in their brains, but because Wan Jinghao could personally complete his revenge.

When you are incapable, it is a good choice to ask others to help you take revenge.

But when he has this ability, facing a bloody enemy, how can he do it himself to relieve the hatred?

In order not to kill these people, Jiang Ren worked hard.

They even deliberately avoided attacking them with blades, so as not to cause infections such as tetanus, which would lead to sudden death.


A pair of small white hands appeared in Jiang Ren's sight.

Jiang Ren lowered his head, and saw the pink and lovely baby in his arms, with big eyes, stretched out his little hand curiously, as if he wanted to touch the goatee on his human skin mask.


Jiang Ren stretched out his hand and teased the baby with his index finger.

This baby is none other than Wan Jinghao's elder brother's child, who was taken away by Niu Dengwen more than half a year ago.

Half of the reason why I didn't do anything directly when I came to Xuecheng was because I was looking for this baby, and finally found it in a servant's room through the birthmark behind the ear.


Teased by Jiang Ren, the little guy grabbed his fingers and giggled.

"Little guy, grandpa will take you home."

Jiang Ren pressed his hands down, and wrapped the swaddling clothes, only showing a small face, then came to the edge of the eaves, and jumped.

With his current skeleton, which has no internal strength and is weaker than ordinary people, it is impossible to land smoothly at this height of nearly three floors.

But although you can't die from the fall, you will inevitably have to break a few bones.

But for this, he already had a solution.

Just as he was about to fall to the ground, Jiang Ren's body was caught by several living corpses who had already been waiting below, and finally dragged his back, making him stand directly on the ground with both feet on the ground.

The action is smooth and flowing.

There is no trace of error.

Jiang Ren soon came to the small courtyard not far from Niu Mansion under the cover of night and living corpses.

There are already some baby essentials here.

Clothes, pants, toys, and even a wet nurse who gave birth only a few months ago.

"Take care of him."

Jiang Ren handed the little guy out.

The rough-looking wet nurse Zhao nodded, took the little guy carefully, and shook her body gently.

Judging from previous experience, once a living corpse appeared in a certain place, the barbarian dignitaries in that place would quickly flee.

So in order to maximize his profits, Jiang Ren couldn't possibly waste the whole night on the little guy.

However, if the baby is left unattended, it is easy to be in danger.

As a result, as early as yesterday, a wet nurse was found in advance.

After paying twice the market price of silver, the other party will not ask any questions, and the only task is to take care of the little guy.

"Take care of the little guy, I have something to go out..."

Before Jiang Ren finished speaking, his heart froze.

——Wan Jinghao is in danger!

——And, it was still dangerous enough to kill him!

You must know that although Wan Jinghao is immortal, this is just a name for his almost immortal body, and it is still possible to be killed in reality.

And once he died, the self living in his body would definitely not be able to live.

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