Infinite Sims

Chapter 293: Live Voting

Ding dong! Ding dong!

The continuous sound of receiving text messages spread all over every street in every area of ​​the city.

In an instant, the streets and buildings were full of people with their mobile phones out.

The titles of the text messages received by everyone were surprisingly consistent.


"Is that the name of the game?"

"Damn, who gave away my number?"

"What happened? Did you also receive this text message?"

"Disaster, this is a disaster, our phone numbers have been leaked!"

For a moment, everyone who saw the title of the text message became impetuous.

Many people even cursed, clamoring to find out who leaked their information, and then sue the other party for bankruptcy.

With doubts, many people clicked on the text message.

There is only one line of text and a URL.

[As a justice judge, you will try a group of prisoners, and every vote of yours is crucial. ]

"The game of judging prisoners seems to be very interesting."

"I'm going to see what company made the game, I swear, I'm going to tell it broke!"

"Man, it's better not to click into the website, there may be a virus in it."

"Whether it's a game or a prank, whoever runs this is screwed."

"I have reason to believe that that person will spend the rest of his life in prison, and maybe he will pick up soap for decades."

Although some people are vigilant and dare not click on the website.

But there are still many people who don't care about their mobile phones, or who are driven by curiosity, click on the website.

And people around who dare not click in, also gathered next to them, wanting to see if this is a website that released a virus, or a prank with some serious impact.

A page appears on the phone.

There is only a simple live broadcast screen inside.

What appeared on the screen was an oval conference table, and the live broadcast equipment seemed to be placed at one end of the conference table.

In the picture, you can clearly see many men and women in suits and leather collars sitting on both sides of the conference table.

"I know him. The first one on the left is Kamprad, the chairman of Rip Group."

"Member Harland, Judge Dennis, Chief Buttigieg...why are they on this live broadcast?"

"See those people on the right? Shareholders of Naiye Group, Haynes Group, and Yifeng Group. I have seen their photos on the official websites of these companies."

"Who's the tall, thin guy sitting directly across from you?"

"I don't know, but who can tell me why he can put his feet on the table?"

"The gathering of so many big figures shouldn't be a prank. Is there something important to announce?"

"There must be big things, but it should be different from what you think."

"Why do you say that?"

"Look at their pale faces, do you think it's the lighting problem?"

"Are they afraid? Afraid of the man who is not sitting properly?"

Although the live broadcast could not send messages, after realizing that the identities of the people appearing in the live broadcast were unusual, and something seemed wrong, people gathered in twos and threes to discuss their opinions.

"Gentlemen and ladies, sorry to bother you."

Phoenix, who was sitting directly opposite, retracted his legs on the table, then bent down, looked at the live broadcast camera, and said with a sense of oppression: "As the text message said, the law cannot punish all criminals, because some people wear a cloak of light."

"And all I can do is tear off their coats and hand them over to you for judgment."

"As you can see, these people are all elites in the city. They are big figures that many of you will never be able to catch up with in your lifetime, and you must look up to them."

"Today, their lives will be judged by you, the entire city of Kent."

"Guilty or not guilty, it will be up to you to decide."

"A gentle reminder, the guilty will be executed immediately."

As the voice fell, a big hand appeared behind the first man on the left, grabbed his collar, grabbed him from the seat, and placed him on the conference table.

"No, you can't do this, you just killed my son number six..."

The man named Prad was so frightened that he burst into tears, like a pig sent to a slaughterhouse.

His crimes were listed one by one.

Murder, rape, corruption...

As one crime after another was read out, two options and a progress bar appeared at the bottom of the live broadcast screen.

On the left is "guilty" and on the right is "not guilty".

There is an obvious pointer in the middle of the progress bar.

Seeing this, everyone knows that this is used to show the proportion of guilt and innocence.

By this time, people were starting to riot.

They couldn't believe that someone would use such a playful method to let them decide the life and death of those big shots by voting.

"My God, someone actually did such a thing."

"That's crazy, does he know what he's doing?"

"Perhaps he knows that this will make him Ship's most notorious criminal, ranking him above Ron."

"Although I don't know how he can control those people, but he is dead, and the Abnormal Incident Management Office will not let him go."

"Don't you care what bad things have been done by those on trial?"

"No matter what bad things have been done, they should be judged by the courts."

"It's outrageous, I will vote not guilty."

"Me too, how about you?"

"Ah... I... I also vote not guilty."

Although many people shouted that the live broadcast was a crime and hoped that everyone would vote not guilty, the responders followed one after another.

But most people just agreed with their mouths, and they had other thoughts in their hearts.

Putting it on the bright side is the position where they turn their bodies and mobile phones, avoiding the screen of the mobile phone from people around them, so that only they can see it.

Modern society is flooded with all kinds of information.

It seems convenient and quick, but in fact most of it is spam, or the information that the person who controls the channel wants you to know.

And the small group of people who control power and wealth are trying to brainwash the largest proportion of ordinary people through various methods.

There is no doubt that they were successful.

But such an approach has advantages and disadvantages. When the person who controls the brainwashing pathway changes and uses it as a tool to execute them, people will follow suit.

So even if there is only a charge and no evidence, the number of people who voted for the guilty is rapidly increasing.

But two or three minutes.

The pointer has been completely turned to one side, which symbolizes that the proportion of innocence is not much thicker than a hair.

Each voting process is only five minutes long.

Five minutes had passed, and the guilty rate was more than 99%, without any suspense, Pradd's ending was pronounced - "guilty".

next moment.

Prade's head was chopped off and placed on the table.

Immediately afterwards, the second person was lifted and pressed on the table...

"This novel execution method is indeed a good idea."

Looking at the bottom of the live broadcast screen, the voting ratio became one-sided again, and he nodded slightly: "Although the text messages are only sent to people in this city, a few million people are enough."

Glancing at the rapidly growing evil energy, he looked up at the surveillance screen ahead.

The city government building was attacked, and the politicians and wealthy businessmen who controlled the city were controlled, and even forced to accept a large-scale online trial specifically aimed at them.

It is impossible for the security forces in the city to fail to detect such a bad incident.

Unless they don't want jobs, they have to be dispatched.

Thousands of security personnel in the city were equipped with weapons at the first moment when the incident happened, and rushed to the scene of the incident quickly by means of transportation.

However, Phoenix has already expected all this.

Before the security personnel could see the building, they were stopped on the road and attacked.

In a very short period of time, many streets in the city heard the sound of gunfire, as well as the special sounds caused by the duel of extreme human abilities.

And the security personnel who were trying to use the helicopter to make their way, also gave up going by air after being destroyed by rockets emerging from nowhere.

In order not to delay the rescue time, only some extreme people with special abilities can be rushed.

"The security force in the city is okay, but if the Xipu authorities also send people, it will be bad."

Jiang Ren controlled the mobile phone to exit the live broadcast page, then entered a mobile phone number and called.

In a few seconds, the phone was connected.

Anne's voice came from the opposite side: "Lord, your most sincere apostle sends you greetings."

Jiang Ren responded and said, "You can do it now."

"As you wish, great and merciful Lord."

Annie listened to the beeping sound from the mobile phone after hanging up the phone, hugged the little bear doll tightly in her arms, and said with a sweet smile: "Mom, the Lord has finally ordered Annie to do things again. Annie is so happy."

Her smile is sweet and innocent, like a child who has been praised by her parents.

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