Infinite Sims

Chapter 310 A tree that listens to parting

the next day.

Under the noon sun, a man in his thirties with a hoe stepped into the mountain.

He didn't walk along the path that was as wide as two people, but walked into a forest on the way, the direction was exactly where Jiang Ren was.

"Little guy, I haven't been here for two weeks, why is there a bird on you?"

The man watched the changes in Jiang Ren's body from a distance, and stepped forward curiously.

On Jiang Ren's body, there was a bird's nest made of leaves, the size of a palm, inside which lay a sleeping pink baby bird.

Jiang Ren looked at Shi Er, the person he had known the most in the past ten years, and sighed helplessly, with no intention of responding.

Counting the time, it has been nearly two weeks since Shi Er came here last time.

Although he can barely speak now, he has never spoken to Shi Er.

It was so before, and it is so now.

"very nice."

Shi Er took a few glances at the young bird, then put down his hoe, turned his back, and sat down on Jiang Ren's body.

The wind in the forest blew the leaves, blew his hair, and even blew the melancholy and confusion hidden in his eyes.

"Little guy, it has been more than ten years since I first saw you."

The back of Shi Er's head was against Jiang Ren, and his eyes were staring blankly at the trees in front of him, as if he was remembering something, before he said for a long time: "Do you know? There are two worlds above the mountain and below the mountain."

"A person with sufficient aura and resources is essential for any cultivator. A person with a lack of aura and resources is called the grave of a cultivator."

"That's why when it comes time to go down the mountain, my family and I give everything we have to stay here."

"It has been nearly twenty years since I went up the mountain. I worked diligently every day, not letting go of every bit of available work, but now I am still stuck in the third floor, and the breakthrough is far away, but I still haven't given up... ..."

Shi Er's expression was dull, and he told his story plainly.

After hearing his words, Jiang Ren felt something was wrong.

In recent years, Shi Er has come every one or two weeks. Although he has memories and complaints every time, his attachment to cultivation has never wavered.

But judging from his current tone, it is obvious that a change has taken place.

"Just two days ago, I received a letter from my family saying that my mother passed away."

When Shi Er said this, he hugged his head and began to cry: "The third and fourth levels of qi training not only represent the gap between one level, but also the gap between the early and middle stages of qi training, and whether I can continue to maintain my status as an outer disciple after I go down the mountain." gap."

"I know that I have no destiny with the fairy road, and I am doomed to not be able to go far on this road in this life."

"So my biggest wish is to break through to the fourth floor, and then go home as a disciple of the outer sect of Qingxuanmen, but I didn't expect..."

Jiang Ren quietly drove away a few small animals who wanted to run this way, and silently watched Shi Er cry.

Shi Er's family is a declining family that once produced immortal cultivators.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and the total population of the family is several hundred.

It can be heard from Shi Er's name that he is a collateral branch of the family. If he hadn't been tested for his aptitude and successfully joined the immortal sect, he might be farming now.

For him, the most important person in the family is his mother.

As for the father, he hadn't seen him a few times before his aptitude was detected, and he was no different from the rest of the family.

Therefore, the death of his mother was not a big blow to Shi Er.

Jiang Ren's ability is limited, the only thing he can do is to provide him with a quiet environment.

Time always passes inadvertently.

When the sun went down and a yellow halo filled the sky, Shi Er, who had been sitting on the ground for a long time, stood up, turned his head and put a hand on Jiang Ren's bark, and said the purpose of coming this time: "Little guy, I I'm leaving, this time I'm here to say goodbye to you."

"Thank you for listening to me talking so much nonsense over the past ten years, thank you!"

"Finally, goodbye!"

As usual, Shi Eryi passed through with a ray of spiritual energy, then turned around with a smile and was about to leave.


There was the whirring of leaves overhead.

Shi Er looked up and saw a leaf the size of a baby's fist falling in front of his eyes.

"Is this for me?"

Shi Er took Ye Zi, turned around and smiled at Jiang Ren, and left without hesitation.

The light of dusk fell on Shi Er through the gaps between the leaves, stretching his shadow very long until it disappeared.

"In the future, there will be one less person to relieve boredom."

Jiang Ren did not prevent Shi Er from leaving.

He doesn't have the ability to help Shi Er now, and the leaf he sent out only has a little ability to calm down.

Just like this, he has already abolished his accumulation for several months.

In addition, his mark was engraved on the leaf.

In the future, as long as the leaf appears near here, he will be able to sense it immediately. At that time, if he has the ability, he will try his best to help the holder as a reward for Shi Er.

As for the loss of the blade, or the delay in the future of the holder...

That can only be considered unrelated.


A bird cry attracted Jiang Ren's attention.

The pink baby bird woke up, and opened her eyes that were closed yesterday. She sometimes looked at Jiang Ren, and sometimes looked at herself, as if she was wondering why she and her mother looked different.

"I woke up, I still don't know your name, do you have a name?"

Jiang Ren stretched out a leaf and rubbed the young bird's head.

The baby bird tilted its head to one side, not understanding what he meant.

"No name? Then I'll give you one. You're all pink. Why don't you call me Xiaofen? Or Fenfen?"

"Not satisfied? Then I'll think about it again."

Jiang Ren thought for a while, and then said: "You fell from the sky, why don't you call yourself Xiaotian? Tiantian? Or, Xiaoxiao?"

The young bird thought that Jiang Ren was playing a game with him.

So every time Jiang Ren said a name, she would respond with "jiujiu".

"Since you have no objection, it's settled like this, Xiao Xiao. From now on, your name will be Xiao Xiao."

Jiang Ren was in a good mood. As a name waste, it was a joy to find a decent name.


"day by day!"


"Your name is Tiantian!"



To the north of Qingxuan Gate.

There is a tall mountain, the top of which goes straight into the clouds.

The temperature on the mountain is cold and the seasons are like winter.

There is also a cold pool on one side. The water in the pool can easily turn people into ice sculptures. This place is listed as a restricted area for the sect, and non-head tokens are not allowed to enter the ten-mile range of the pool.

When Jiang Ren was teaching Tiantian to remember his name, two blood-red rays of light appeared at the bottom of the pool, and disappeared after a few breaths.

At the entrance, a white-haired old man sitting cross-legged on a stone opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the pool of water suspiciously.

Seeing that there was nothing abnormal, he closed his eyes again.

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