Infinite Simulation: From Konoha To Moon

Chapter 1 How To Survive The Night Of Genocide

Chapter 1: How to Survive the Night of Clan Annihilation

[Life Infinite Simulator loading... Loading complete.]

[Our motto is to create miracles with heart, and to find happiness even without money.]

[Current world: Hokage Ninja.]

[Related event: Night of Clan Annihilation.]

[Simulation begins.]

[Age 0, you were born into the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village. Your father named you Uchiha Changsheng, hoping that you would live longer in the cruel ninja world.]

[Age 1, you died in the Night of Clan Annihilation planned by Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Itachi.]

[This simulation ends.]

[Evaluation: Painful! Too painful! Death often brings real harm. I wish you more endurance in the next attempt.]

[Reward: Two simulation coins (current balance: 2B), one random talent (99% chance of obtaining trash).]

Li Xiang woke up.

His memory was still stuck in the last moment.

Uchiha Itachi, with an expressionless face, stood on a telephone pole.

Fortunately, the simulator had protective measures and wouldn't cause mental trauma to the user due to the experiences in the simulation.

Li Xiang regained his composure and looked at the rewards given.

The simulation coins were like tickets, allowing one simulation per coin.

But the talent reward was the most important.

Because talents could not only be brought into the next simulation, but also be attached to the user in reality.

It could be considered Li Xiang's cheat.

This system was quite reliable.

The drop rate was clearly written, with a 99% chance of obtaining trash.

But that was normal.

The simulator's evaluation criteria were based on the changes you made in that world.

He was only one year old.

Has it started? No, it has already ended.

Li Xiang chose to claim the reward.

A line of text immediately appeared on the translucent holographic screen in front of him.

[Theatrical General (E rank): Before entering the simulated world, you can make a Flag (positive wish) with a 1% chance of it coming true.]

As expected.

Li Xiang wasn't surprised at all.

According to the simulator, talents were divided into six ranks: E, D, C, B, A, and EX.

There was no doubt that an E rank talent was a trash talent.

But he wasn't discouraged. This was only his first time.

Li Xiang was a reborn individual.

In his previous life, when he was playing the Life Restart Simulator, he closed his eyes and opened them again, returning to the year 2003.

This world was very similar to his previous life.

Very ordinary.

There were no wealthy people who declared themselves as Iron Man at press conferences, no guys flying around with their underwear on the outside, and no bald magicians like Avada eating watermelons.

As an ordinary man just like Gu Tianle, he didn't have a photographic memory, a divine voice, or extraordinary luck... he didn't have any of that.

So he had nothing to do with plagiarism, lottery tickets, actors, or singers.

Originally, he planned to study hard and go to college, but the arrival of the simulator changed his plans.

"It's another peaceful day."

Li Xiang picked up his backpack and opened his MP3 player.

Jay Chou's new song played through his earphones.

"We all have sins, committing different crimes, I can decide who is right..."

These years were the peak of Jay Chou's popularity. At this time, smartphones hadn't become popular yet, and the MP3 player became one of the most popular electronic products among students.

In his previous life, he liked to use it to read novels.

Li Xiang arrived at school on time.

On the blackboard, it said "100 days until the college entrance examination."

He sat in his seat at the back by the window and took out his Chinese textbook.

After evening self-study, he left school and returned to the rented house he lived in.

[Life Infinite Simulator loading... Loading complete.]

[Our motto is to create miracles with heart, and to find happiness even without money.]

[Current world: Hokage Ninja.]

[Related event: Night of Clan Annihilation.]

[This will consume one simulation coin.]

[Please bring your talents, up to five.]

Li Xiang used the talent of Theatrical General, hoping for at least a 1% chance.

"Activate Mangekyō Sharingan."

According to the plot of Hokage Ninja, unless one possessed the Mangekyō Sharingan, it was almost certain death during and after the Night of Clan Annihilation.

[Simulation begins.]

[Age 0, you were born into the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village. Your mother named you Uchiha Fugui.]

[5 years old, you visited your good friend Inuzuka Hana's ninja dog base and unfortunately got bitten, dying from a special strain of rabies.]

[This simulation ends.]

[Evaluation: You and dogs are not compatible, it is recommended to raise cats.]

[Reward: Two simulation coins (current balance: 3B), one random talent (99% chance of getting garbage).]

"Damn it!"

Li Xiang opened his eyes.

He never dreamed that he would die from a dog bite.

So infuriating!

[Silver Tongue (E-level): You are skilled in sweet-talking, a grandmaster of human nature. With just three sentences, you can make people believe and double the effect on villains.]

Although he always felt that this talent was a bit self-deprecating, Li Xiang thought it was quite good.

Having potential beyond the E-level.

There is a saying, words are the most hurtful weapon.

"Let's try again!"

Li Xiang was at an age where he couldn't sleep, and this simulator was particularly fun, with talented people and pleasant conversations.

Equipped with the two talents he drew, he started his third simulation.

The Theater General still didn't trigger.

[Simulation begins.]

[0 years old, you were born into the Uchiha clan in Konoha, and your father named you Uchiha Shan.]

[5 years old, during the Nine Tails attack, you came home too late and were sat on by the Nine Tails, dying.]

[This simulation ends.]

[Evaluation: So you're just a smelly hero, disrespectful, disrespectful.]

[Reward: Two simulation coins (current balance: 4B), one random talent (99% chance of getting garbage).]

"What the hell..."

Li Xiang choked on his words.

Who created this simulator? The level of sarcasm is top-notch.

[Eidetic Memory (E-level): You have a super strong memory, able to remember things after seeing them once.]

This talent is not bad.

At least Li Xiang doesn't have to worry about the college entrance exam anymore.

"I don't believe it, let's try again!"

Li Xiang started the simulator again.

[Simulation begins.]

[0 years old, you were born into the Uchiha clan in Konoha, and your father named you Uchiha Feng.]

[7 years old, you died on the night of the Uchiha massacre planned by Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Itachi.]

[This simulation ends.]

[Evaluation: Cherish life, stay away from the Uchiha.]

[Reward: Two simulation coins (current balance: 5B), one random talent (99% chance of getting garbage).]

Li Xiang woke up with a speechless expression.

It can't be said that it's exactly the same as the first time, but it's completely identical.

It's him again, him again!

Uchiha Itachi!

[Memory Retention (E-level): In the simulated world, you will retain memories from the main world.]

Did he hit the jackpot?!

Li Xiang couldn't help but smile.

He didn't know how the simulator determined talent levels. Perhaps for other users, Memory Retention might not be useful.

But he is a reincarnator, aware of the plot in the simulated world.

In other words, this thing should be called future foresight.

Although it's only E-level, even if he could exchange it for an EX-level talent, Li Xiang wouldn't do it.

"Very well, with this talent, even Uchiha Itachi, I have the confidence to play with him."

Li Xiang let out a breath and prepared to go to school.

Outside the window, the sky was faintly showing the morning light.

The MP3 played a beautiful Chinese melody.

"Who is playing the pipa, playing 'Dong Feng Po', the years peel off on the wall, seeing my childhood..."

He arrived at school.

A peaceful day passed in review.

Back at home, Li Xiang opened the simulator.

With all four talents equipped, he still wished to unlock the Mangekyō Sharingan as soon as possible.

To obtain the highest evaluation from the events of the Uchiha massacre night would undoubtedly be a hellish start.

But even if he failed, it didn't matter, he could just start over.

[Simulation begins.]

[0 years old, you were born into the Uchiha clan in Konoha, both parents deceased, named Uchiha Lang.]

[6 years old, you entered the ninja academy and, with your photographic memory and knowledge from your previous life, became a genius second only to Uchiha Itachi. Uchiha Fugaku valued you and took you as his disciple.]

[10 years old, you graduated early and became a Genin...]

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(End of this chapter)

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