Chapter 100: Holy Song Team

Holy Song Team?

Li Xiang knew that Astati was a member of the Holy Song Team.

But she had never invited him to join before.

Obviously, it was because he was not strong enough.

Now, seeing Fu Fu, she changed her mind, and there was only one possibility.

Astati knew its true identity.

One of the twenty-seven ancestors of the Dead Apostles.

Taking it to hunt down the Dead Apostles was like using an anti-aircraft gun to shoot mosquitoes.

His senior sister was becoming more and more mysterious.

As for joining the Holy Song Team, it wasn't a big deal.

With Fu Fu around, it would be difficult for him to get into trouble.

But what were the benefits?

"After joining the Holy Song Team, it will be much easier for you to gather materials for the Gem Sword."

Astati seemed to see through Li Xiang's thoughts and said, "The Dead Apostles have long lives, and they often collect ancient treasures."

"I'll join."

Li Xiang touched his conscience and said, "The Dead Apostles are the great enemies of humanity, and I naturally won't let them do evil."

Astati immediately laughed.

What an interesting man.

She smiled and said, "Come with me to the Holy Song Team tomorrow."

Li Xiang nodded.

He returned to his room, sat cross-legged, and began to meditate to gather magic power.

After he went to the Clock Tower, he refined his magic power every day, but unfortunately, the atmospheric magic power was insufficient, and the effect was average.

"What the hell is this!"

Li Xiang was awakened by the sound of a hidden fox.

He opened his eyes and saw Nick jumping on the table, staring at Fu Fu.

And Fu Fu was resting on the sofa, seemingly indifferent like a cat.

"What's wrong?"

Li Xiang yawned.

"Your hobbies are getting more and more terrifying."

Nick looked troubled and said, "First it was Astati, and now it's this pet. One day, I'll be scared to death."

Li Xiang raised an eyebrow, thinking of an interesting question, "Who is scarier, Astati or Fu Fu?"

"Your senior sister."

Nick hesitated for two seconds and gave an unexpected answer.


Li Xiang couldn't understand, "Did you make a mistake or something?"

"I never make mistakes. Don't doubt my professionalism."

Nick rolled his eyes and said.

Li Xiang didn't know what to say either. He picked up Fu Fu and went to the dining room.

It had to be said that girls really liked cute and adorable pets.

Astati had seen it yesterday and was very calm. Tohsaka Sakura was pleasantly surprised and hugged Fu Fu.

It was clear that she was really happy.

Li Xiang glanced at it and thought it was nice to be close to a beautiful girl.

Breakfast was over.

Fu Fu stayed behind to guard the house, just like Nick.

It looked quite unique and easily caught the attention of magicians.

Well, mainly to protect the Clock Tower.

Although the Department of Law and Politics was not one of the Twelve Disciplines, it also had the nickname of the Thirteenth Discipline.

Its scope was no less than that of the other disciplines.

The Holy Song Team was located deep in the academic building of the Department of Law and Politics.

"Vice Captain."

People kept greeting Astati.

Li Xiang finally learned another identity of his senior sister.

He found that Astati was like a chocolate.

Wrapped in layers upon layers, concealing countless identities.

Astati stopped in front of an office.

She opened the door, sat on the office chair, crossed her hands, and said, "Welcome to the Holy Song Team."

"Senior sister, you always manage to surprise people."

Li Xiang sat across from her and sighed, "I wouldn't be surprised if you told me one day that you're a magical girl."

"As a magical girl, I'm already overage."

Astati took out a form and handed it to him, smiling, "If you're interested in magical girls, make a gem sword and go see the Gem Elder. He has the transformation device for magical girls."

"No, no, I'm not interested."

Li Xiang quickly shook his head.

It's not suitable for him, it's too taxing on the body.

"Fill out the form."

Astati handed him a pen.

Li Xiang scanned the form and found that the contents were ordinary, nothing special.

Only the last line stated that if he were to die, his family would receive a compensation of ten million pounds.

Indeed, it's the Faculty of Law and Politics, they really have money.

Li Xiang signed his name and returned the application form to Astati.

"The procedure is complete, you are the fiftieth member of the Holy Song Team, and also the last one."

Astati explained, "The Holy Song Team consists of fifty members, and they will not be replaced unless they die. If they voluntarily withdraw, it is also allowed."

Quite humane.

If one has strong abilities, being a stable job is not bad.

At least it's better than the Dawn Organization, where you can't quit.

Li Xiang nodded and asked, "What does the Holy Song Team usually do?"

"The purpose of the Holy Song Team is to deal with the apostates. Besides hunting apostates, they also search for their traces."

Astati explained, "Since you just joined, you won't be too busy. The most urgent task is to improve your strength."

Speaking of strength, Li Xiang looked at her and asked, "The Holy Song Team is directly under the Sovereign, Bathermero. In theory, it's impossible for someone like me, who is at the lowest rank, to join, right?"

"That's true."

Astati admitted directly, "To join the Holy Song Team, at least a sacrifice is required. As for you, you entered through connections."

"It's not because of your connection, right?"

"You're really smart, junior brother."

Astati blinked her eyes, not hiding anything at all.

Is it really okay to be so blatant?

Li Xiang thought for a moment, anyway, he's the one benefiting from it, so there's nothing wrong with it.

People, they can't stand others gaining benefits, but if it falls on themselves, they feel justified.

Li Xiang, oh Li Xiang, how could you fall so low!

"The procedure is done, we can go back to continue our classes."

Astati clapped her hands and said.

A bit hasty.

It feels like it's completely different from what he imagined the Holy Song Team to be.

Li Xiang turned and left the office.

He didn't waste too much time, and he could just make it back in time for class.

There were no classes in the afternoon.

He received a call from Astati, asking him to meet Luvia at the café.

On the street not far from the Mineral Science Department.

Li Xiang noticed Luvia through the floor-to-ceiling window.

Golden twin tails.

But they weren't braided, they were curled, resembling a drill.

No wonder she's called Golden Drill.

Li Xiang entered the café, and on the spacious first floor, there were only Luvia and Astati.

"I've read your paper."

Luvia got straight to the point and said, "It's very valuable. If you seek sponsorship, the Edelfelt family will be very generous."

She looked at Li Xiang, but the corner of her eye was always on Astati.

Li Xiang obviously didn't expect her to say that.

Because according to the original plan, he was going to establish a research group and obtain funding from the Clock Tower.


Astati's eyebrows twitched, "This doesn't match what you said before."

"A brand new magic means a brand new value."

Luvia said with authority, "If that's the case, why share it with other magicians?"

"You should know that it's difficult to preserve this kind of secret magic with just the Edelfelt family's support."

Astati reached out and rubbed her head, saying, "Don't be so willful."

Luvia's face turned slightly red as she retorted, "Stop treating me like a child all the time."

End of the second update, let's stop here today.

(End of this chapter)

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