Chapter 102: The Ultimate Beauty

The station has been reserved by Izelluma.

As soon as they got off the train, a coachman approached Astati.

He took off his hat and bowed, saying, "Are you Miss Astati? Welcome, Lord Byron ordered me to come and pick you up. Please get in the carriage."

It was a horse-drawn carriage, not a car.

As a typical magical aristocratic family, Izelluma has always kept its distance from high-tech products.

Cars are one of them.

Li Xiang found it quite novel.

He had never really ridden in a carriage before.

After he climbed into the carriage, Astati elegantly lifted her skirt and followed suit.

The coachman looked at Li Xiang with some confusion.

He thought he was Astati's servant.

Li Xiang was dressed in formal attire today.

Because he was attending a banquet.

Casual clothes would be out of place.

Astati was wearing a black evening gown that exposed her shoulders.

The pattern was a gradient starry sky, which, combined with her delicate appearance, gave a dreamy and mysterious feeling.

Li Xiang couldn't help but glance at her, then quickly turned his attention to the carriage.

He silently recited in his heart, "No women in my mind, draw the sword naturally."

The carriage was quite stable during the journey, with almost no noticeable vibrations.

This was obviously not just due to the coachman's skill.

After studying at the Clock Tower for so long and with the support of the magic wand and the Seven Apertures Linglong Heart, Li Xiang could be considered a Grandmaster in magic.

"It's levitation magic."

"Junior brother, at a time like this, are you still studying magic?"

Astati looked at him and smiled, "You're quite diligent."

Li Xiang always felt that this sentence sounded strange.

What else can I do if I don't study magic?

"Well, I joined the Clock Tower late, so my foundation is relatively weak. I can only make up for it by being diligent."

Li Xiang explained.

"No wonder junior brother has made such rapid progress."

Astati propped her chin with one hand and changed the subject, "But it's not good to just study all the time. You should relax and have fun when you have time."

"Senior sister is right."

Li Xiang agreed.

In his previous life, he was quite laid-back and didn't really care about studying.

As long as he could get by.

But magic, which was easy to learn and could strengthen oneself, naturally captivated Li Xiang.

If only studying in his previous life had been so easy.

"Then let's go to Norway in a few days."

Astati's mouth curled up as she spoke.


Li Xiang was taken aback by this sudden turn of events.

Why go to Norway? To see the forest?

He was a bit confused at the moment.

Did Astati have some ulterior motive for him?

Apart from being handsome, he didn't have any special qualities, at most he had some talent.

But his senior sister's identity was mysterious and her strength was formidable, so it didn't make sense.

"It's for a mission."

Astati explained, "The dead apostle we caught last time has confessed. He was forced to come to London under the control of the superior dead apostle, Rubare."

"I see."

Li Xiang nodded.

Indeed, he had thought too much.

"Rubare, known as the Lake Apostle, has been lurking in Norway for over five hundred years. He is a powerful vampire."

Astati frowned and said, "According to the records of the Holy Song Squad, he has consumed nearly five thousand people. If we include the humans he infected and turned into vampires, the number would be several times higher."

When Li Xiang heard this number, his expression couldn't help but freeze.

Both publicly and privately, this person must not be allowed to live.

Li Xiang considered himself not a good person, but he had his limits.

He couldn't bring himself to indiscriminately kill innocent people.

Since he had encountered it, he had to eliminate the harm for the people.

"Why did he send dead apostles to London? And why were they so easily discovered by us? If he wanted to drink blood or convert subordinates, wouldn't it be better to go to other cities? London, as the center of the Magic Association, is undoubtedly a dangerous place."

Li Xiang pondered and asked, "Why do I feel like this is a trap? Intentionally luring us there."

"Junior brother, you really are a smart person."

Astati nodded and said, "Indeed, this is a trap. The captured dead apostles coming to London were deliberately sent."

"If you know why...?"

"Ruo Leilai's personality is such that she is only interested when there is danger and traps."

Astati chuckled lightly and said, "And Rubare and the Holy Song Team have had dealings before. A few years ago, we almost eliminated him."

"A few years ago?" Li Xiang's agile thinking, brought about by his quick-wittedness, made him ask subconsciously, "Senior sister, you should have been only in your teens a few years ago, right?"

This is too suspicious.

Being able to chase down a dead apostle at such a young age?

"Hasn't anyone told you not to ask a girl's age casually?" Astati glared at him.

But there was no sign of anger in her expression.

It looked more like annoyance.

Li Xiang didn't dare to ask about her age again and quickly smiled apologetically, saying, "Senior sister, please continue. I shouldn't have interrupted."

"The relationship between the dead apostles is extremely bad. The Twenty-Seventh Ancestor of the Dead Apostles seems to be high and mighty, but he is the target of all the dead apostles. Each dead apostle wants to replace him. Rubare is no exception. He has set his sights on the vacant Tenth Seat among the Twenty-Seventh Ancestors of the Dead Apostles."

Astati paused for a moment and suddenly changed the topic, asking, "Do you know how the original Tenth Ancestor died?"

"How did he die?" Li Xiang asked, taking advantage of the situation.

"The True Ancestors were originally immortal, but there are always special abilities in this world, such as the Mystic Eyes of Direct Death. The highest level of Mystic Eyes can connect to the source that magicians dream of, allowing them to see the death lines and death points of all things. It is simply the greatest nemesis of the True Ancestors."

Astati showed a nostalgic expression and said, "The Tenth Ancestor died at the hands of an ordinary neon high school student. I remember his name was Tohno Shiki, and he was the disciple of Aozaki Aoko."

Indeed, neon high school students are the most dangerous existence.

Li Xiang remained silent and continued to listen.

"Rubare's mad consumption of human blood is to increase his strength so that he can take the Tenth Ancestor's position. But we soon discovered it and surrounded his castle with the Holy Song Team."

Astati sighed and said, "The plan that should have been foolproof was preempted. And it wasn't just one person. Including the Holy Song Team, there were three factions. I don't know what this guy did to offend so many people."

"Three factions, how did he survive?" Li Xiang asked.

"I'm not sure."

Astati shook her head and said, "Ruo Leilai told us to wait outside while she went in alone. But she encountered the Eighteenth Seat of the Twenty-Seventh Ancestors of the Dead Apostles, Anhans. He is a True Ancestor specialized in hunting dead apostles. The two fought evenly, but Rubare was killed."

This was the first time Li Xiang had heard such a story.

In his previous life, he learned about Type-Moon from anime and games.

And Tsukihime was more like a stepmother's upbringing.

The reason was that FGO was too popular and profitable.

Hmm, what was that saying? Every penny spent on FGO would be converted into a clump of soil on the Tsukihime grave.

"At that time, my power was limited, so I didn't notice them."

Astati said lightly, "If it were now, it wouldn't be so easy for them to escape."

Haki, ah.

Li Xiang looked at her and felt that she was becoming more beautiful.

Beauty lies in the bones, not the skin.

Astati was undoubtedly a top-notch beauty in terms of both aura and appearance.

Li Xiang silently repeated to himself once again, "Women only affect the speed at which I draw my sword."

Slash, slash, slash!

"Miss Astati, we have arrived at the Izelluma family."

The carriage stopped, and the coachman lifted the curtain respectfully and said.

As for Li Xiang, he was completely ignored.

Because Astati's name was the only one on the invitation from the Izelluma family, not his.

After all, he was just an insignificant pawn.

While Astati came from a prestigious magical family and was the vice-captain of the Holy Song Squad.

No one dared to overlook her, whether it was her status or her strength.

Li Xiang got off the carriage and saw a huge lake in front of him.

It was morning, and with a faint mist, it felt like a fairyland.

In addition, on both sides of the lake stood two four-story high towers.

"The tower in the distance is the Tower of the Sun, and the one nearby is the Tower of the Moon."

Astati introduced, "The sun and the moon represent the magical styles of the Izelluma family. This is common, as many magical families have their magical styles centered around celestial bodies, especially the Celestial Science."

"The venue is in the Tower of the Moon. I wish you both a pleasant time."

After the coachman finished speaking, he returned to the carriage, but just a few steps away, he turned into a toy.

I actually misjudged.

Li Xiang couldn't help but marvel, "Truly worthy of being the magical family of the Creation Science, this magic is really interesting."

"The control magic of the Creation Science is indeed unique. Otherwise, we wouldn't have the reigning puppeteer, Orenji Aozaki."

Astati casually commented, "But their combat abilities are average."

"Because the magicians of the Creation Science are dedicated to art, not fighting. Puppets, sculptures, sand paintings, and various forms of beauty are what we pursue."

A middle-aged man in his forties or fifties with a beard appeared.

He was wearing a crimson suit and leaning on a cane.

"Miss Astati, welcome."

"Your Excellency Byron, no need to be polite."

Astati responded, her expression quite calm.

Byron didn't mind her attitude at all and pointed to the main gate, saying, "Please come in, the banquet has already begun, and I am waiting for the next guest."

Li Xiang originally wanted to greet him, but was taken away by Astaldila and missed the opportunity.

The hall was extremely magnificent, filled with solemn radiance, creating a feeling that was not of this world.

"Is it magic again?"

Li Xiang looked around.

The style of the Creation Department is indeed different from other disciplines.

Soon, he noticed the orchestra playing music.

They were not humans, but puppets.

Almost all magicians who have the ability to create exquisite puppets come from the Creation Department.

Li Xiang even saw pride in their expressions.

As if they were not acting according to magic, but out of their own will.

"Junior brother."

After Astaldila handed him a glass of wine, she said, "Let me introduce them to you."

Li Xiang sat next to her and nodded continuously in the direction she pointed.

Izaluma belongs to the democratic faction, so most of the people present are from the democratic faction.

The rest are from the neutral faction, and only about one-tenth are from the aristocratic faction of magic families.

Everyone seemed harmonious on the surface, but soon young and hot-blooded magicians started arguing.

"The existence of the new generation only brings shame to the esteemed magicians. Shallow bloodlines cannot stand in the Clock Tower."

"Still dreaming of being a noble? The Clock Tower has its current power because of the rising new generation of magicians!"

"Do you think you can prove your status just by drinking a few sips of soup? The Clock Tower was established for the nobles!"

Li Xiang shook his head.

A pointless argument.

In this mysterious and weakened modern era, the ultimate winner belongs to the new generation.

There's no way around it, because Weber is the protagonist.

His Elmero classroom is the center of the new generation.

Speak of the devil, and he shall appear.

Li Xiang noticed the newcomers, Lainis and Gray.

The two girls stood out in the banquet.

In addition, there was Lainis's mercury maid.

Li Xiang took a closer look at this magic dress originally called Moon Spirit Elixir.

It has to be said that Weber is really outrageous.

He transformed the Moon Spirit Elixir into a maid with independent consciousness.

Astaldila suddenly waved at the two of them.

Lainis saw her and her expression changed slightly, showing a reluctant emotion, but still walked up to them.

"My lovely little demon, long time no see."

Astaldila smiled and held her face with both hands.

Lainis looked helpless.

Li Xiang was slightly surprised.

Who is the time traveler after all?

Senior sister, why are you so familiar?

You seem to have a relationship with most of the key characters in the plot.

"I warn you, don't ruin my makeup."

Lainis, with a serious face, said.

"After leaving the Department of Law and Politics, you've become bolder."

Astaldila raised her eyebrows and said, "It's not fun at all."

In addition to the Law and Politics Department's law enforcement team and the Holy Song team, their main responsibility is to mediate conflicts between magicians, maintain balance and contact with the outside world like a normal country.

As the heir to the throne, this is undoubtedly a compulsory course.

So according to the rules of the Clock Tower, all heirs must attend classes in the Department of Law and Politics for three years before officially taking over.

Astaldila got to know Lainis because of this.

She withdrew her hands and looked at Gray.

Gray took a step back in fear, greeted them cautiously, and said, "Miss Astaldila..."

"Am I that scary?"

Astaldila bent down and approached her, asking.

"No...not at all."

Gray pulled down her hood and said.

"Still the same personality."

Astaldila gently patted her shoulder, showing a completely different attitude from before.

Lainis pursed her lips, but she was more curious about Li Xiang.

Because she remembered that Astaldila hardly interacted with boys.

Her circle of friends consists of beauties like Luvia, Rorolei, and Hanyo Riri.

"Hello, I'm Lainis Elmero Architorti. We had a brief encounter in the Department of Law and Politics before."

Lainis's eyes, like flames, were full of curiosity.

"Li Xiang."

Li Xiang knew that Lainis didn't intentionally reveal her magic eyes, but because her magic eye level was too high.

Unless covered by a special magic outfit, this is the only way.

But the Elmero family is too poor to afford it.

It's truly a sad story.

"What is your relationship with Astati?"

Lainis burned with the blazing fire of the Eight Trigrams.

Encountering Astati in the Department of Law and Politics was like encountering a natural enemy, and no matter what means she used, it was useless against her.

Clearly, she had her foster brother firmly under control and was not weak when facing other nobles.

But in front of Astati, there was always a feeling of being seen through.

It was very uncomfortable.

"She is my senior sister."

Li Xiang answered.

"Senior sister, huh."

Lainis was a little disappointed, but she continued to inquire, "Besides that?"


What's with this entertainment reporter look?

Li Xiang shook his head and said, "Only a relationship as fellow disciples."

Lainis was about to say that she could try to break through when she heard Astati say, "Lainis."

"What's wrong?"

Lainis turned her head, blinked her eyes, and innocently said.

Trying to act cute and get away with it.

At her invincible age, coupled with her beautiful face, few people could resist her.

But Astati smiled indifferently and said, "I see that you lack discipline. How about I educate you a few words on behalf of your foster brother?"

"No need, right?"

Lainis stiffened and quickly changed the subject, saying, "Ahem, let's continue the banquet."

Astati reached out and raised an eyebrow.

Lainis, like a hamster, rested her chin in her palm.

Her face turned slightly red, obviously feeling ashamed of this behavior.

Li Xiang took a cold breath.

What kind of play is this?

I also want to participate.

Spitting, Li Xiang recited the Zhan spell again.

At this moment, Astati let go of Lainis and looked towards the door, saying, "This one is even more heavyweight."

A woman with glasses, red hair, and a typical Eastern face appeared.

Lainis's voice suddenly became hoarse, "Crown Magician, Ousaki Orange."

Li Xiang raised an eyebrow.

He had long heard of the name of this Crown Magician, but it was the first time he had met her.

In "Fate/Zero," she had once created prosthetics for Kenneth.

In "Fate/stay night," she helped Emiya Shirou create a new body.

She even had a relationship with Lev Lainur Flauros, the administrator of Chaldea in FGO.

Not to mention her main works, "Tsukihime" and "Kara no Kyoukai," which had even more achievements.

Li Xiang subconsciously looked at Astati.

I wonder if the two of them also have a relationship?

But obviously not.

Because Astati didn't go up to greet her.

Li Xiang secretly thought that he was not a time traveler after all, otherwise, he would definitely have a chance to increase his favorability with Ousaki Orange.

At least he would have one more life.

It would be nice to get to know Aozaki Aoko and Tohno Shiki through her.

As time passed, a voice came from deep in the hall.

The air immediately quieted down.

Only two twin maids walked down the spiral staircase leading to the second floor.

They smiled and said loudly, "Lady Tiyadra, Lady Aestra, we're here!"

After a moment, two indescribable girls appeared.

Their gazes seemed to tear through everything.

All feelings were lost in an instant, leaving only the beauty that reached its peak.

Some magicians in the hall knocked over their wine glasses, some were suffocating, and some were crying.

There was no doubt that this was the manifestation of losing one's sanity.

Li Xiang, on the other hand, frowned.

Why didn't he feel anything?

He glanced around and saw that Astati was as calm as water, just like him.

But Lainis and Gray both showed signs of being absent-minded.

If someone were to attack at this moment, they could probably take out a large number of magicians.

Five thousand words, the first update.

(End of this chapter)

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