Infinite Simulation: From Konoha To Moon

Chapter 108 God's Holy Relic

Chapter 108: The Holy Relic of the Gods

The appearance and disappearance of the immortal monster were abrupt.

Before everyone could react, the incident had already ended.

Only Maio sacrificed himself, and his body couldn't even be found. The rest of the people were unharmed.

But it seemed inappropriate to say they were unharmed.

"Kill me...kill me..."

Bairong seemed to have lost all his spirit, repeating these three words continuously.

For him, just like Maio, he had been striving for the ultimate beauty his whole life.

Now that the possibility was lost, he naturally didn't want to live anymore.

Similar to him were the Silver Princess Aisetra and Regina, who had already prepared for suicide.

That's why they appeared so calm earlier.

The only thing they didn't expect was that Maio, who had been protected, had his true identity discovered.

Gurei quietly put the birdcage-shaped magical dress back into her large sleeve.

As the Holy Spear of King Arthur, as long as it was unsealed, dealing with mere monsters was naturally not a problem.

But she was stopped by Li Xiang.

Thinking of what he had said earlier, "You are different from him," Gurei was a bit confused.

Could it be mind reading?

She glanced at Li Xiang and secretly wondered.

"What a mess."

Inolei put down her right hand, which was ready to perform magic, and chuckled, "My student always gives me unexpected surprises."

There was a hint of pride in her words.

It had to be said that she was quite satisfied with her student's achievements.

"I have something to discuss with Miss Cangzaki, so I will keep it for her temporarily."

Astarte picked up her bag and said, "The next issue is how to deal with the Izaluma family."

Inolei's face changed slightly upon hearing this.

Although she had reached an agreement with Astarte and Li Xiang not long ago, she was ultimately a magician from the democratic faction.

Lainis was self-aware enough not to participate.

Speaking up at this time would easily offend Inolei.

Anyway, her suspicion had been cleared, so it was a fortunate outcome.

But she owed Astarte and Li Xiang a great favor.

It seemed a bit troublesome.

"Maio is already dead, so there's no need to deal with him anymore."

Astarte was a high-ranking member of the Law and Politics Department, naturally qualified to pass judgment. "The Izaluma family is involved in fraud at the banquet and the death of the Golden Princess. Their territory will be frozen, and all relevant personnel will be brought back to the Law and Politics Department."


Inolei raised her hand and said, "The Izaluma family is a branch house of my Baruyeleita family. The relevant personnel can be taken away, but the territory should be returned to Baruyeleita. I hope Miss Astarte will consider it carefully before making a decision. Consider it as me owing you a favor."

Although there was suspicion of an open and fair transaction, Lainis and the others didn't dare to come out and accuse them.

After all, the Law and Politics Department was ultimately a noble faction.

Obtaining the Silver Princess Aisetra was almost equivalent to obtaining the secret technique of Izaluma.

If they lost their territory as well, wouldn't Baruyeleita have been busy for nothing?

Astarte looked at Li Xiang and said in a deep voice, "We will follow the suggestion of Lady Inolei."

Originally, they had planned to leave by train while it was still early.

But now it was obviously not suitable.

Astarte let Lainis and Gurei go back first.

Inolei also bid farewell. Before leaving, she said to Astarte and Li Xiang, "Regarding the magic chant, my Baruyeleita will definitely do our best to repay the favor today."

The next day, the Law and Politics Department's Hino Rika led the first squad of twelve members to arrive.

She took Bairong, Aisetra, Regina, and others away.

Astarte and Li Xiang also returned to the Clock Tower.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

Levia leaned back on the sofa and smiled, "The Clock Tower has become quite lively these days because of this. I only came to find you after hearing about it."

Even magicians couldn't do without Eight Trigrams.

Li Xiang drank a cup of tea and couldn't help but brighten up.

The taste was quite good.

It was brewed by the Mohican-haired butler behind Levia.

Of course, the red tea was also provided by him.

Compared to that, Astarte didn't have the airs of a noble.

"Baru Yeleita's reputation has been damaged. I bet those self-proclaimed nobles are happy, aren't they?"

Astati showed no signs of joy.

"More than that," Luvia smiled, "those nobles made sure to invest heavily in Elmero's debt. When I went to inspect the student dormitories yesterday, Lenith asked me to tell you when you're free. She wants to invite you to dinner."

"Dinner is fine," Astati paused slightly and asked, "What do you mean by inspecting the dormitories?"

"I plan to attend classes at the Clock Tower," Luvia raised two fingers, "I applied for two disciplines, Mineral Science and Modern Magic. I should receive a response soon."

"It seems Lord Weber left a deep impression on you."

"Nothing escapes your notice," Luvia sighed heavily, "That monarch is truly terrifying, not in the ordinary sense. When I met him in the Separation City last time, he effortlessly revealed the secrets of our family's magic. At that moment, I couldn't help but want to kill him."

Separation City?

Li Xiang looked up at her.

Right, since the Twin Towers have already concluded, the Separation City must have happened long ago.

The general plot is that a magician dies and wants to gift the magic workshop known as the Separation City to the magician who solves the mystery.

Weber was driven by poverty and manipulated by Lenith.

Luvia would definitely get involved if there were significant benefits.

Weber solved the mystery, but due to the occurrence of a murder, he made a wasted trip and had everything confiscated by the Department of Law and Politics.

As for what Luvia said, it refers to Weber's special insight.

In short, he has a sharp tongue.

But he also knows that doing such things would offend people, so he rarely directly analyzes others' magic.

He probably had no choice but to do so during the Separation City.

"But thinking about it, since he has such abilities, he can also give me guidance on my magic and further improve my strength," Luvia said as she picked up a scone.

Astati smiled at her words and said, "Your personality really has its pros and cons."

"I won't do anything that doesn't benefit me," Luvia handed her the scone and said, "Regarding Li Xiang's new magic debut, I already have a plan. Let's organize a magic exchange event."

"Okay," Astati nodded and handed the scone to Li Xiang across from her.


Li Xiang took a bite.

Wow, it's so sweet!

He actually didn't like eating desserts much and preferred things like spicy snacks.

Luvia narrowed her eyes slightly.

She whispered to Astati, "Why are you so good to him?"

"Am I not good to you?" Astati retorted.

"It's only natural for you to be good to me," Luvia blinked her beautiful eyes.

Astati pinched her cheek and said, "Alright, when you study at the Clock Tower, just don't cause trouble for me."

"Cause trouble? How could I?" Luvia widened her eyes, "Are you saying that about your well-behaved little sister? It's really heartbreaking."

"No, I'm the one who's heartbroken."

Suddenly, Tohsaka Sakura appeared.

As if she had teleported.

"Imaginary magic is really useful," Luvia said with a smile, "You, my junior, are becoming more and more annoying."

"As long as you don't steal my sister, I'll make you like me," Tohsaka Sakura replied sharply.

Li Xiang felt a bit dazed.

What kind of battlefield is this?

Something's not right.

Shouldn't this kind of treatment be reserved for the male protagonist?

Li Xiang silently took a sip of tea.

Astati waved at Tohsaka Sakura.

Tohsaka Sakura immediately walked over and sat on her left side.

And Lu Weiya is on the right side.

The two of them looked at each other through the gap, their eyes filled with sparks.

"What's all the noise about?" Astati held one in each hand and said.

Li Xiang couldn't help but think of Li Xunhuan's famous scene.

Lu Weiya and Tohsaka Sakura immediately quieted down.

"Now that Sakura is back, let's have dinner." Astati let go of them and said.

Dinner was quite lavish.

Because Lu Weiya specially brought three master chefs.

A Finnish master, a neon master, and a Sichuan cuisine master.

Li Xiang couldn't help but admire Lu Weiya's thoughtfulness. She truly represented the face of the Edelfelt family.

When it was time to sleep, Astati asked Lu Weiya and Tohsaka Sakura to sleep in the same room, saying it was to cultivate their emotions.

The two of them snorted coldly and turned their faces away.

Their reactions were exactly the same.

"Junior brother, if I remember correctly, the Holy Grail War is going to start in February, right?" Astati leaned against the door and asked.

"Yes." Li Xiang nodded.

Time was a bit tight.

He didn't know if he could finish making the gem sword before the Holy Grail War.

If not, he would have to find a way to summon a satisfactory Servant.

Speaking of which, there was a Holy Relic in the Clock Tower that could ensure his victory.


He had the power of a Grand Caster even when he was alive.

This Grand Caster title is not the one from the Clock Tower.

It refers to the Grand Servant.

Simply put, it is the strongest existence in the entire Type-Moon world.

Almost unbeatable, just like the gods in mythology.

The iconic event of Solomon's mysterious decline was his death.

And the founder of the Mage's Association was also related to Solomon, as he was his disciple.

In the hands of the Lord of Celestial Bodies, Animusphere, there is a Holy Relic of Solomon, a ring.

In the timeline of FGO, this Lord established Chaldea and summoned Solomon to participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War, sweeping through it.

He wished for endless wealth, and Solomon wished to become a human, the doctor of Chaldea, Romani Archaman.

But in the current world, the Lord of Celestial Bodies, Animusphere, did not participate in the Holy Grail War.

The Holy Relic must still be there.

It's just a bit difficult to obtain it peacefully.

Unless he marries into the family.


Or just use violence directly.

"So, can my senior sister tell me a little bit about the Holy Relic she promised me?" Li Xiang asked with a smile.

If he was powerful enough, he didn't need to offend the Lord of Celestial Bodies.

"She is a god." Astati tilted her head and said.

"A god?" Li Xiang asked in surprise, "Senior sister, are you kidding me? How is it possible to summon a god?"

Even if you have a Holy Relic of a god, if they don't respond to you, there's nothing you can do.

Summoning is a mutual process.

Unless the summoner is more powerful than the one being summoned, they must communicate with each other to achieve the summoning.

That's the special nature of the Holy Grail War.

Only the all-purpose wish-granting machine can attract the response of Heroic Spirits.

Otherwise, who would care about you?

But it seems that gods cannot be summoned in the Holy Grail War.

After all, it is fundamentally for reaching the Root.

But God can go to the source at any time and anywhere.

Why bother getting involved in these trivial matters?

"Sister has a clever plan."

Astati blinked playfully and said, "Anyway, you won't lose out."

Although Li Xiang really wanted to tell the Riddler to get out of Gotham, when he thought about it, Astati had never deceived him.

If it's really possible to summon a god, then this Holy Grail War can be looked forward to.

Wait a minute.

He suddenly thought of another question.

God is indeed powerful, but there are also many different types.

"Um... Sister, is this god good at fighting?"

"Very, very good."

Astati said confidently.

Li Xiang felt relieved immediately.

"Tomorrow I'll take you to meet Rorelei, and then we'll set off for Norway."

Astati waved her hand and said, "Good night."

Li Xiang also bid her good night.

After closing the door, he lay down on the bed.

"Sister is really mysterious, she can even get hold of a god's relic, I wonder which one it is. Hmm, it would be best if she's pretty and not too troublesome in character."

Li Xiang thought of Gilgamesh.

He really summoned an ancestor, and this guy never took things seriously. Clearly, he was the most powerful Servant in the summoning, but he was careless and got killed by someone.

The Servant's strength is certainly important, but compatibility also needs to be considered.

If they don't listen, it will be a disaster.

In comparison, Solomon is a perfect Servant.

Powerful and easy to get along with.


Who wouldn't like him?

Li Xiang thought and drifted off to sleep.

The morning sun shone through the blue curtains, illuminating the room.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Li Xiang woke up, got dressed, and opened the door.

"Junior brother, get ready to eat after washing up."

Astati informed him and then went to the rooms of the two younger sisters.

This time, she didn't knock, but opened the door directly.

She saw Luvia and Sakura Tohsaka huddled together.

Astati took out her camera and took a picture of the scene.

The two suddenly woke up.

They quickly separated.

"Hey, give me your camera!"

Luvia angrily demanded.

"This is sister's treasure."

Astati put away the camera and said, "Get dressed and come out to eat."

On regular days, breakfast was made by Sakura Tohsaka.

But Luvia brought a chef with her, so they made it themselves.

They even asked Li Xiang what he wanted to eat.

He replied with a chicken po head.

A traditional noodle dish popular in southern Sichuan.

Li Xiang didn't expect that the chef made it very authentic.

"Sister and I are going to the Department of Law and Politics."

Astati stood at the door and said, "Luvia, you take Sakura to school."

Luvia nodded.

Although she competed with Sakura Tohsaka verbally, they naturally had a deep bond from growing up together.

The Law and Politics Holy Song Team.

Li Xiang saw the legendary King Basmelo.

She looked very young, as if she was only in her teens, but she was wearing an old-fashioned white tailcoat, appearing dignified and elegant.

Four thousand characters.

(End of this chapter)

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