Chapter 111: Auspicious Court · Praying for Famine

Even during the daytime, the castle was still filled with a cold and dim atmosphere.

The spacious hall, without any windows, leaked sunlight from the entrance, faintly illuminating the interior.

In the center was a long dining table, covered with candles.

Apart from that, there was nothing else, only two portraits of pale middle-aged men hanging on the grayish-green walls.

Deep in the right side was an ancient stone staircase, extending to the second floor.

Li Xiang did not see any presence of people or undead.

He formed hand seals, using his perception ninjutsu.

To his surprise, there was no one upstairs either.

Instead, a massive energy seemed to be gathering beneath his feet.

Considering that all the blood left by the deceased undead had been absorbed by the magic array, it was highly likely that the core was underground.

Li Xiang glanced at Fufu and suddenly felt that there was nothing to fear.

I have a True Ancestor with me, can't I defeat someone who hasn't become a True Ancestor?

With this thought, Li Xiang immediately took out his Han sword, aimed it at the ground, and with a bang, the floor tiles of an unknown material exploded.

A cavity of about fifty centimeters in thickness suddenly appeared.

An indescribable smell gushed out.

Li Xiang almost vomited.

It was like a pile of garbage that had been there for years.

Dark red reflected from the opening.

Only then did Li Xiang notice that there was sticky blood below, forming a stream.

He couldn't help but frown.

The smell in his nasal cavity still lingered.

He simply used magic to block his sense of smell.

Li Xiang jumped down.

Previously, he could only see the opening, but now he could clearly see several streams converging into a strange pattern.

Like a twisted sword.

Magic arrays generally have something similar to an eye.

Li Xiang had attended a few days of classes after all.

Since there were five castles outside, it meant that there were corresponding patterns below.

The patterns were connected by streams.

It was as if they were two organs in the human body, connected by blood vessels.

So where was Rubare?

Li Xiang used his perception ninjutsu again, but found nothing.

He didn't feel disappointed either.

Perception was not omnipotent.

Besides, his ninjutsu was not S-rank.

If he could use Sage Mode now, he would be able to find Rubare's trace.

Because of the power of the Word Spirit, Li Xiang's strength was already sufficient, and he even wanted the ability to perceive more.

He was currently in a place similar to a transit station, with four passages in all directions.

"Fufu, which way should we go?"

Li Xiang suddenly had a flash of inspiration and asked.

Fufu, as the first seat of the 27th ancestor of the undead, surpassed Rubare in terms of bloodline and strength.


Fufu called out and pointed to the left with its little paw.

Li Xiang immediately walked towards the left passage.

After a while, there were four passages again.

Fufu continued to show the way.

Li Xiang found that this magic array was actually a maze.

After following Fufu's guidance four times, he arrived at the core position.

An underground palace.

It was no less magnificent than the castle above.

"You actually managed to find your way here?"

The middle-aged man on the throne asked in astonishment.

"Are you Rubare?"

Li Xiang ignored his question.

"Now that you know who I am, you dare to come and die. It seems you have some skills."

Rubare stood up and said, "I originally thought that the first magician I would see again would be Basemero."

"Oh, you mean my captain."

Li Xiang showed a faint smile, "You don't have the qualifications to meet her."

"You are as arrogant as her, but I wonder what kind of strength you have."

Rubare snorted.

Like a volcano erupting, the floor beneath his feet appeared with a crack.

Li Xiang felt his eyes blur, and Rubare was already in front of him.

So fast!

Although his physical strength and endurance were good, his agility was almost non-existent, relying entirely on the support of the Word Spirit.

Li Xiang timely blocked his punch with a Chinese sword.

In a hurry, his body staggered back two steps.

"Not bad."

Rubare clenched his fist.

He wore gloves with a metallic sheen, clearly not ordinary.

Li Xiang became fully focused and serious.

In terms of strength, he was slightly inferior.

But everyone was similar in endurance.

It wasn't so easy for Li Xiang to be beaten to death.

Moreover, his swordsmanship was even more superior.

Although vampires were transformed from humans, most of them were not martial arts masters.

After becoming a vampire, there was no need to learn swordsmanship anymore.

After all, with an immortal body and relying on superhuman strength and speed, they could basically win.

But today, Li Xiang was going to teach them a lesson.

Having strength alone was not enough, skill was also necessary.

Fists closed in.

Li Xiang took the initiative with the length of his Chinese sword, colliding with the glove, flicking his wrist to remove the force, and then thrusting out two more strikes.

Rubare's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

Li Xiang's sword was faster than his own reaction.

This was equivalent to three swords against one punch.

As the collision resounded, he took a step back.

Rubare had never encountered such an opponent before.

Clearly weaker, but unable to defeat him.

Besides magicians, the only opponents he had faced were dead disciples.

The former used magic, the latter fought blindly.

There were few skilled individuals like Li Xiang.

But he remained calm.

The advantage was on his side.

As a former human, he knew well the fragility of humans.

Once hit, it would either be death or disability.

Let this guy be proud for a few minutes.

Soon he would understand how foolish it was to fight in this way.

A faint red light emitted from Rubare's right fist, then he smashed it out.

Li Xiang gracefully slipped through the gap and aimed straight for his heart.

But Rubare reacted quickly, grabbing the sword with his left hand.

At that moment, the long sword emitted a silver light.

Li Xiang flicked the long sword.

Rubare grabbed the sword, but only felt a strong vibration, quickly letting go as his arm became momentarily numb.

Immediately, he quickly retreated.

But even so, he was scratched by the long sword.

His clothes were not as sturdy as the gloves.

A few drops of blood flowed, but instantly healed.

This was his powerful physique.

Rubare slightly raised his chin and said, "Let's see how long you can dodge. As long as I catch you, hehe, you're as good as dead."

In his eyes, humans were like porcelain dolls.

Don't be fooled by Li Xiang's jumping around, one hit and he would be done for.

Unlike dead disciples, a few serious injuries were nothing.

Minor injuries were even more like scratching an itch.

Rubare's body flashed, and his fists pounded out like a barrage.

Although he didn't have too advanced skills, he understood the concept of intense attacks and pursuits in a short period of time.

Li Xiang frowned.

He couldn't directly confront it.

With a bang.

Rubare's smile froze, his fists all smashing into a wooden stake.

He didn't have time to think about what magic it was, but he heard the sound of wind behind him.

Although he didn't mind getting injured, healing wounds also required energy, so if he could avoid it, he would.

He crossed his fists, blocking the sneak attack of the Chinese sword.

Rubare was slightly startled.

This strength was far less powerful than before.

Excitement appeared in his eyes.

Li Xiang had clearly entered a period of weakness.

His physical strength was starting to decline.

After all, he was just a human.

As they say, take advantage of someone's illness to take their life.

Lu Bulei flew in front of Li Xiang in the blink of an eye and landed a solid punch on his heart.

But he finally realized the problem.

The Li Xiang he hit suddenly turned into a light spot and disappeared in front of him.

Just an ordinary Clone Technique.

"Damn it!"

Lu Bulei was about to go find the real Li Xiang when a sword pierced through his kidney and emerged from the other side of his waist.

Intense pain struck him.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

He couldn't help but scream out.

Since becoming a dead apostle, he rarely suffered such serious injuries.

Li Xiang, naturally, had no time to appreciate his foul screams. She pulled out her Han sword, aimed it at his heart, and made another cut, finally chopping off his head.

Lu Bulei's screams abruptly stopped.

Head and body separated.

The four blood holes caused by the Han sword, as well as the gushing blood from the neck, flowed out like a fountain.

Li Xiang quickly leaped back to avoid getting blood on her clothes.

She increasingly felt that basic ninjutsu, such as the Three Body Technique, was particularly useful in the Holy Grail War.

Because of the unknown, no one was prepared.

Even the Clone Technique couldn't see through it, let alone the Shadow Clone Technique.

After waiting a few minutes, Lu Bulei was still bleeding.

He fell silent for a few seconds, thinking of Astati outside.

With his senior sister's strength, the dead apostles naturally wouldn't pose any threat.

Perhaps the labyrinth had stopped her.

Just as Li Xiang was about to turn around to assist Astati, the palace suddenly filled with red light.

It bathed his entire body in a blood-red glow.

Li Xiang's expression froze, and she saw Lu Bulei standing up.

His separated head automatically returned.

The gushing blood also stopped.


The first thing Lu Bulei did after resurrecting was laugh maniacally.

His laughter was filled with joy.

Li Xiang felt inexplicable.

So what if he resurrected?

He's not Uchiha Madara.

But he went through so much trouble to come back to life, and he's even surnamed Uchiha.

Having such a smile was only natural.

"I have to thank you all."

Lu Bulei paused his laughter but remained excited. "The magician outside has already killed all of my relatives, and the Fake Great Magic Formation has started to operate completely. I'm about to become a True Ancestor! The only regret is that only your Holy Song Team came, and the Burial Agency didn't make it in time."

So that's how it is.

Li Xiang could understand his actions.

He even called the Burial Agency, truly brave.

But she had a doubt.

Why didn't he kill his relatives himself?

Why wait for the arrival of the Holy Song Team and the Burial Agency?

Could there be some strange setting in all of this?

A magic formation is essentially a large barrier, a super magic.

Just like the Twin Mages Tower.

Calling it a magic is not an exaggeration.

And such magic usually requires extremely strict conditions.

Like the position of the sun and the moon in the Twin Mages Tower.

"Come on! Kill me!"

Lu Bulei opened his arms. "Death will only make me stronger. Once I absorb the power of the magic formation, I will ascend from a dead apostle to a True Ancestor!"

Li Xiang's doubt was completely resolved.

No wonder he wanted to attract the Holy Song Team.

Clearly, he was invincible until the magic formation ended.

Unafraid of death.

The situation became tricky.

But Li Xiang wasn't too worried.

He thought of the all-powerful sealing technique.

Death is not so easy.

With a twist of Li Xiang's wrist, the Han sword traveled through the air and directly pierced Lu Bulei's heart.

Immediately, he let go of the Han sword, formed hand seals, and a second later, pressed his palm against Lu Bulei's chest.

Inky black seals spread.

Soon, they formed an Eight Trigrams pattern.

Lu Bulei was about to resign himself to death when suddenly his heart skipped a beat.

He didn't die.

Instead, a strange force spread from his chest to his whole body, cutting off his connection with the magic array.

"It's impossible!"

Rubare exclaimed in fear, "What kind of magic is this?!"

Li Xiang ignored him.

Next, all he had to do was destroy the magic array to completely cut off Rubare's hope.


Fufu, who had disappeared earlier, reappeared.

"As a True Ancestor, you should at least do something," Li Xiang complained.

"True Ancestor?" Rubare suddenly froze, "You're saying it's a True Ancestor?"

Fufu walked slowly in front of him.

It casually glanced at him, then touched him with its little paw.

"Help... help... help me..."

Rubare trembled all over, unable to say anything.

In Li Xiang's stunned gaze, he turned into a blood bead.

"What's going on?"


Fufu responded.

But Li Xiang couldn't understand.

At that moment, countless blood surged from the ground, instantly turning into blood beads as well.

Then they all rushed into Li Xiang's body.

[You have bathed in blood, and your body has undergone a transformation. New talents and panels have been generated.]

[27th Dead Apostle (EX level): You are the Tenth Ancestor, possessing an undying body.]

[Attributes: Durability A (99) corrected to Durability EX.]

Li Xiang didn't have time to think about it.

He felt the earth shaking.

The entire palace began to collapse.

He quickly picked up Fufu and turned to run.

But he didn't encounter Astathi in the maze outside.

Li Xiang quickly returned to the surface.

He saw that all five castles had turned into ruins.

He was dumbfounded.

He remembered the information from the simulator just now.

"I am now one of the 27 Dead Apostles? Is it that hasty?"

Li Xiang couldn't figure it out.

But this talent didn't seem to be very useful in the main world.

It just meant that his HP had no upper limit.

Perhaps it saved him from using the simulator coins to start over.

Maybe it would be useful to go to a world similar to "Demon Slayer".

The demons inside were actually more like vampires.

"Junior Brother."

Astathi's voice sounded.

Li Xiang quickly turned around and saw that she was unharmed, which relieved him.

He explained the situation inside, leaving out the talent he obtained.

If Senior Sister knew that he had become the 27th Dead Apostle, she would probably be difficult to deal with, muttering about killing him.

By the way, since he was a True Ancestor, why didn't he have the urge to drink blood?

Li Xiang pondered but couldn't find an answer, so he gave up.

In any case, the mission was already completed.

"There are people!"

Just as Li Xiang was about to dismiss the Spirit Speech, his brows suddenly furrowed.

Astathi also looked towards the castle.

Two figures were slowly approaching.

A priest and a nun.

They could be recognized without much introduction.

But this nun's physique was too extreme.

She gave off a more fierce feeling than Tsunade.

But at the same time, there was a sense of holiness.

It was simply extremely bizarre.

"They are members of the Holy Church's Burial Agency."

Astathi narrowed her eyes, a rare sense of alertness on her face. "The priest is called Duan, not very capable. The nun is called Kikyouin Kiyo, a bit troublesome."


After Astathi's reminder, Li Xiang realized that apart from her clothes, the nun was almost identical to the Kikyouin from the FGO game.

Having a relative's birthday celebration and going to eat, it felt like being imprisoned for a whole day, so boring.

(End of this chapter)

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