Infinite Simulation: From Konoha To Moon

Chapter 117 The Disappearing Shinji

Chapter 117: The Disappearance of Shinji

Grade 2, Class C.

Following Tohsaka Rin's instructions, Li Xiang sat in the empty seat at the back row.

Because it was still early, he was the only one there.

If he remembered correctly, the hour before the 8 o'clock class was reserved for club activities.

Due to various factors, the classroom seemed unusually empty.

Soon, Astathis appeared.

After revealing her identity as a Servant, she had no reservations and could freely use her ability to materialize.

"How's the situation?"

Li Xiang flipped through his English book.

Since the first class was English, the teacher was Tohsaka Rin.

Having spent some time at the Clock Tower, English was no problem for him.

The content in the textbook seemed simple to him.

"No boundary was found."

Astathis replied.

Li Xiang was somewhat surprised.

Because in the original work, the first plot was Medusa, Shinji Matou's Rider-class Servant, setting up a boundary at the school.

It seemed that the butterfly effect was indeed at play.

Many plot points had already changed.

"Check how many Masters there are in the school later."

Li Xiang thought for a moment and said.

To be chosen as a Master by the Holy Grail, unless it was an extremely special case, they would all be magicians.

Since they were magicians, even if their magic circuits hadn't been activated, it would be easy for Astathis to sense the magical energy within them.


Astathis sat across from him.

Li Xiang felt a bit uncomfortable under her gaze.

He looked up and saw the softness in her eyes. After a slight startle, he said, "If you're interested, I can give it to you."

"I'm not interested in textbooks."

Astathis reached out and pressed down on his English book. Leaning forward, her warm face almost touched his, "I'm only interested in you."

After saying that, she even blew a breath towards him.

Li Xiang's heart raced and he quickly leaned back.

"Master, you're really interesting."

Astathis's lips curled up, then she disappeared in front of him.

A boy walked into the classroom.

With his chestnut-red short hair.

Seeing Li Xiang's slight startle, he asked, "Did this classmate walk into the wrong classroom?"

"I'm a transfer student who just enrolled today."

Li Xiang stood up, smiled, and said, "My name is Li Xiang, what should I call you?"

"So you're a new student."

The boy was a bit surprised and said, "I'm Emiya Shirou, you can call me Shirou."


Li Xiang shook his English book and said, "I still need to preview, let's chat next time."

"No problem."

After Shirou put his backpack on his seat, he said, "I also need to help out at the student council."

Probably fixing the heater.

Li Xiang smiled.

Shirou was undoubtedly the kind of person who was always eager to help.

A bit like someone studying computer science being called to fix a computer.

Because of projection magic, he often fixed appliances like heaters.

After Shirou left, more students entered.

Occasionally, a few socially adept students noticed the unfamiliar Li Xiang and chatted with him.

By the time it was almost 8 o'clock, the entire classroom was filled.

Li Xiang looked around and frowned.

Why didn't he see Shinji Matou with his blue seaweed-like hair?

If he had taken a temporary leave, there should be an empty seat.

But there wasn't.

Li Xiang was a bit puzzled.

But he could only temporarily suppress his doubts.

The bell rang.

"Late! Late! I'm going to be late!"

Tohsaka Rin shouted as she sprinted down the hallway.

"Wow, everyone's here early!"

She tried to stop her body, but couldn't stop her momentum and crashed into the podium.

A loud thud.

The classroom fell silent.

"Um... Did the teacher faint?"

A student in the front row hesitantly asked.

"You wake her up."

"No, no, I don't want to. I'll be killed!"

"Then there's only one last resort."

A boy raised his right arm and said, "Listen to my command, one! Two! Three! Tiger!"

The entire class shouted "Tiger" in unison.

Li Xiang didn't miss out either.

"Damn it!"

Tohsaka Rin did a carp jump and landed steadily, angrily saying, "How many times have I told you not to call me Tiger!"

She was truly an interesting woman.

Li Xiang couldn't help but smile.

"There have been several cases of death in Fuyuki City recently, I'm sure everyone has heard about it."

After class, Tohsaka Rin said, "Starting today, you can't stay in school after 6 p.m., even for club activities."

Murder cases?

Li Xiang raised an eyebrow.

At this time, there were still several cases, most likely the work of magicians and Servants.

It's a bit unusual if it's not a gas explosion.

Take the time to investigate what's going on.

But before that, Li Xiang had one more thing to do.

After school, he left the classroom with the other students.

Half an hour later, there was no one left in the school.

Li Xiang returned again.

Astathis appeared by his side.

"Based on the investigation, only Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou are magicians."

No Shinji?

Li Xiang said, "Let's go to the administrative office."

He arrived at the administrative office according to the map he saw during the day.

He turned on the lights and used the Shadow Clone Technique.

"Find the information on Emiya Shirou."

Li Xiang gave the order and opened the filing cabinet.

As long as Emiya Shirou was studying at this school, there would definitely be information.

Astati didn't idle either and walked to a computer, turning it on.

An hour later, Li Xiang recalled the Shadow Clone.

A massive amount of information flooded in.

But there was no information about Emiya Shirou.

It was as if he didn't exist.

Li Xiang pressed his forehead, this was undoubtedly unexpected.

In the original work, there didn't seem to be any possibility of Emiya Shirou not attending school.

When the enemy comes, we block; when water comes, we cover the earth.

Li Xiang turned off the lights and returned to the Phantom Mansion.

"I heard about the bloodshed at school."

He turned on the computer and started searching.

Astati stood behind him.

When the results popped up, Li Xiang felt the pressure on his back.

He subconsciously glanced and saw Astati's entire upper body weight pressing on his back, her hands naturally holding his neck.

It was a bit soft.

Li Xiang's body stiffened.

"On the evening of February 1st, at Central Park, a couple was found dead."

Astati read the news on the screen, the constant breath hitting Li Xiang's earlobes.

"On the evening of February 3rd, at the seaside park, a young man died... Hmm, a total of thirteen, all in the past two weeks at night, with twelve of them being young men."

"You can't see anything from the news, you have to see their bodies."

Li Xiang pondered.

The magician's methods would be covered up by the supervisors, that is, the Holy Church.

Externally, they would claim it was accidental gas explosions or ordinary murder cases, etc.


Astati's chin rested on his shoulder, noticing his slightly red ears, she couldn't help but smile, "I just don't know if the bodies were taken by Tohsaka Kiritsugu."

"That would be troublesome."

Li Xiang was suddenly startled.

Because Astati bit his ear.

Just as he was about to say something, she had already disappeared.

"Master, there's a guest."


Li Xiang remained silent for a few seconds.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but recently he felt like he was often being teased by Astati.

He opened the door and saw Bazett and a young man in a robe.

"Li Xiang, this is the Tohsaka Kiritsugu I told you about, currently also a magician of the Magic Association."

Bazett noticed him and introduced, "You're the second Master to participate in the Clock Tower, right?"

"You're quite well-informed, Father."

Li Xiang looked at him and asked directly, "Have you heard about the recent murder cases?"

"No wonder you're the magician who solved the mystery of the Golden Princess's death."

Li Xiang frowned immediately.

This scene was not in the original.

Even if one were to absorb life force and turn it into magic, it would not leave behind an empty shell, but rather a emaciated body.

"Do you have any leads on this magician?" Bazeet asked.

As an executor, she was different from ordinary magicians and had a stronger sense of justice.

"I don't know," Yanfeng Qili explained, "I am just a supervisor, responsible for cleaning up."

"I'm sorry," Bazeet suddenly remembered that he was no longer in the same role as his previous partners.

"It's okay," Yanfeng Qili smiled faintly and asked, "Where is Miss Astati?"

"She hasn't come back yet," Li Xiang casually made up a lie.

"I see," Yanfeng Qili bowed and said, "It's getting late, so I'll take my leave."

After he left, Scáthach appeared.

She looked at Li Xiang and said, "We can try to find this killer tomorrow night. My Rune Magic might be of some help."

Bazeet looked around and felt a bit redundant.

But she had no objections and said, "Okay."

Li Xiang naturally nodded. He knew how powerful Scáthach's original Rune Magic was.

Finding someone shouldn't be a problem.

Li Xiang returned to his room.

Astati was leaning on the sofa, holding a teacup.

"You just now..." Li Xiang's words were interrupted.

"It's nothing, I just didn't want to see Scáthach," Astati lightly blew on the tea and said, "To avoid losing control."

Li Xiang was a bit confused.

Lose control of what?

But he could tell from Astati's unusual tone that he shouldn't ask further.

"What do you think of tomorrow night's operation?"

"Since she has already extended an invitation, we should give her face," Astati put down the teacup, clapped her hands, and smiled, "Master, it's time to sleep."

A moment of charm.

Li Xiang tugged at the corner of his mouth.

If this continued, his body would definitely have problems.

"I'll go take a shower first."

He turned and entered the bathroom.

When he emerged, he saw Astati lying flat on the bed.

Just like yesterday, she had taken off her coat and stockings.

"Master, it's not healthy to sleep fully clothed," Astati turned to the side, blinked her eyes, and said, "At least take off your outer clothes. Are you afraid that I'll eat you?"

After speaking, she opened her rosy lips and stuck out her tongue.

Three thousand characters.

(End of this chapter)

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