Chapter 122: Illya

"The Servant first summoned skeleton soldiers for a surprise attack, and then switched to pure archery attacks," said Shirou Emiya in a low voice. "Because of the advantage of long-range attacks, we couldn't find his whereabouts or see who his Master is."

"He's quite skilled in archery," added Artoria Pendragon. "If it weren't for the skeleton soldiers earlier, I would suspect him to be an Archer-class Servant."

Skeleton soldiers are usually exclusive to Caster-class Servants.

Archer-class Servants rarely possess such skills.

Even if they do, there's no need to waste their own magical energy.

After all, with archery skills, why use magic without any enhancements?

"My Servant is an Archer-class, so the one who attacked you is most likely a Caster-class," Li Xiang glanced at Astolfo and said.

At this moment, she was wearing a red windbreaker with a hood, hiding most of her appearance.

She changed into this outfit after Shirou Emiya appeared.

It seems Astolfo couldn't be bothered to explain.

After all, it's difficult to make people believe.

Just saying that she crossed over from another universe is already magical enough.

Not to mention explaining why she has a similar appearance to Rin Tohsaka.

It's better to just hide her appearance directly, as it's normal for a Servant to not reveal their true name.

If the true name is known, people will have a general understanding of their strength and weaknesses based on legends.

For example, everyone knows that Achilles' weakness is his heel.

That's why Artoria Pendragon and Shirou Emiya didn't ask Astolfo why she refused to reveal her true identity.

"It's really confusing to have a Caster-class who can use archery," Artoria Pendragon furrowed her brows slightly, not having any leads for the time being.

But she inexplicably thought of Merlin.

As a magician, he doesn't like chanting spells and prefers to use a sword to attack.

Perhaps this Caster-class Servant has the same interest.

There have been cases of summoned Servants appearing in the Holy Grail War in the wrong class.

"In any case, since he attacked you, it means you've been exposed," Li Xiang pretended to ponder and analyzed, "Shirou's daily routine is quite simple, going to school and working. I suspect this Master is at the school."

"At the school?" Shirou Emiya was slightly surprised, as he hadn't thought of that.

Fuyuki City is so big, it's already a coincidence for two Masters to be in the same school, and now there are three.

Does the Holy Grail like high school students?

"Shirou, do you know about the famous magic families in Fuyuki City?" Li Xiang asked again.

"No," Shirou Emiya shook his head. His father, Kiritsugu Emiya, never told him.

He only taught him one projection magic, and didn't pass on any other skills.

If he could have obtained Kiritsugu Emiya's perfect marksmanship, even if his magical energy was lacking, he wouldn't be in such a miserable state.

But unfortunately, his father had already retired at that time, without any worldly desires.

"The Matou family, the Tohsaka family, and the Einzbern family," Li Xiang explained, "These are the three most famous magic families in Fuyuki City, and they are the ones who initiated the Holy Grail War."

"......?" Shirou Emiya was stunned for a moment and asked, "Are you talking about the Matou and Tohsaka families that I know? Matou Shinji and Tohsaka Rin?"

"That's right," Li Xiang followed his train of thought and said, "So the Master at the school is most likely Rin Tohsaka."

Shirou Emiya opened his mouth, completely caught off guard.

Rin Tohsaka is like a school flower in the school, with many admirers.

Of course, he doesn't have any thoughts about her, he has only heard of her reputation.

After all, his girlfriend is his toolbox, like a pair of pliers or a wrench.

He just felt a strong sense of dissonance when Rin Tohsaka suddenly became associated with magicians.

It's like a little white rabbit showing off a chest comparable to that of a tiger.

"What are you planning to do?" Li Xiang asked softly, "As fellow Masters, fighting is inevitable. If you're too soft-hearted, you'll easily be crushed by others."

Emiya Shirou remained silent.

His inherently kind personality meant that he wouldn't be able to kill.

Altria sighed inwardly, finding this kind of personality rather unnecessary in the Holy Grail War.

He was completely different from his father, Emiya Kiritsugu.

She thought for a moment and said, "Master, take a few days off from school and learn swordsmanship with me."

Emiya Shirou nodded.

His performance tonight was indeed terrible. If he had Saber's swordsmanship, perhaps he could avoid the arrows falling from the sky.

This way, Altria would have a chance to counterattack.

"We can form a temporary alliance," Altria said again, "At least for now, we don't need to fight."

"That's not a problem," Li Xiang agreed.

After all, in his previous life, he had also been a king's chef.

And at this stage, there was no harm in forming an alliance.

He was more interested in knowing about Illyasviel.

Altria and Emiya Shirou stood up to bid farewell.

Li Xiang accompanied them to the door.

On the way, Scathach came out and looked at them with great interest.

She recognized Altria, the legendary King of Knights.

In terms of fame, she herself was inferior.

In this case, it was quite correct to snatch the position of a disciple.

"We'll go find Illyasviel tomorrow," Li Xiang said when he returned to his room, "Under normal circumstances, a Master cannot summon two Servants unless they cheat. And the most likely person capable of cheating is Zouken Matou, as he is one of the builders of the Holy Grail ritual."

The Three Families: Tohsaka provides the land, Matou provides the technique, and Einzbern provides the Holy Grail.

With the death of Tohsaka's Shinji, and with only the young and ignorant Illyasviel from the Einzbern family, Zouken Matou naturally became the prime suspect.

Medea had done something similar in the original work.

As a mage of the God Clan, she directly analyzed the Holy Grail ritual and cheated to summon Sasaki Kojirou.

But it wasn't thorough enough.

It resulted in him being unable to leave Ryuudou Temple and could only be a gatekeeper.

However, Zouken Matou was different. He was the designer.

It was like having access to the source code.

The question was why he would help Illyasviel.

With Zouken Matou's personality, he most likely didn't have good intentions and was probably planning something against her heart.

Saving a little girl from having her heart ripped out was something that needed to be done.


Astarte lifted her hood and asked, "Should we bring Scathach?"

"It's up to you."

Li Xiang casually replied, "If you don't like it, it'll just be the two of us."

Astarte was slightly taken aback and smiled, "Then let's ask her tomorrow."

She could hear the meaning behind Li Xiang's words.

Hmm, quite happy.

This guy isn't completely clueless.

"Let's go to sleep."

Astarte excitedly stood up and pulled him into the room.

The next day, she woke up in Li Xiang's embrace, not knowing why she had changed positions while sleeping.

Perhaps it was because she was too relaxed.

During breakfast, Li Xiang asked Bazett, but unexpectedly, she chose to refuse.

Scathach didn't object either.

There was a feeling that something was being kept secret.

Li Xiang didn't ask any further questions and set off with Astati towards the Einzbern Castle.

In the forest outside Fuyuki City.

There was a boundary.

Li Xiang remembered that Emiya Kiritsugu had tried to visit the castle several times to see Illyasviel, but was always blocked by the boundary.

As a result, Illyasviel misunderstood him, developed hatred, and ultimately transferred her affections to Emiya Shirou.

Thinking that he had taken away her father's love.

In short, it was another tragedy of family ethics.

In fact, Illyasviel herself was also pitiful enough.

She was raised as the Holy Grail from a young age, and no one taught her anything other than magecraft, so she appeared innocent and terrifying.

In addition, the body modifications she received from her mother's womb made her like a golden princess, constantly enduring pain.

Her Servant, Heracles, could easily take her life with just a slight movement using her magical energy.

Li Xiang found it hard to imagine how she managed to endure it.

And there was also the betrayal of the production staff.

Originally, there was a route for Illyasviel in the Holy Grail War, but it was canceled due to time constraints.

After various factors, "Magical Girl Illyasviel" appeared.

But what was thought to be a family-friendly content turned out to be dark and tragic.

In one sentence, Illyasviel made a decision that affected eternity, cutting off the flow of time, and everyone else except her found happiness.

After getting off the car, Li Xiang and Astati walked through the forest and quickly arrived at their destination.

Li Xiang stopped and stared at the boundary in front of him.

Unlike the usual visual deception boundary, this one looked more like a cage.

It was difficult to enter and exit except for authorized personnel.

"Can we go in without alerting the boundary?"

Li Xiang didn't want to alert Zouken Matou, considering that he might be inside.

"We can."

Astati's answer was not unexpected.

She had previously forcefully broken through the boundary purely for speed, not because she couldn't do it.

According to the theory of the Clock Tower, the boundary had a positive effect, and if it was reversed, it would have a negative effect. When the two canceled each other out, the boundary would be completely broken.

But this process would be relatively slow.

After all, it was like creating a new boundary to counteract the original one.

Fortunately, Astati was not an ordinary mage, and she no longer needed to hide her Servant's strength, so it only took her thirty seconds.

The boundary was broken.

Inside was a bright white space, covered in thick snow everywhere.

Although it was within the range of winter, it was obviously not normal.

So it was caused by magecraft.

Li Xiang formed hand seals and quickly sensed three abnormal sources of magical energy.

He pointed to the right side of the castle and said, "Let's go over there."

The two entered the corridor and quickly arrived at a hall.

Astati glanced inside and then raised her hand to cover Li Xiang's eyes, saying, "They're taking a bath."


After all, Li Xiang was not a pervert.

In front of Astati, he couldn't possibly peep at two little girls.

"Hercules is guarding the door, and there is no one else. We can go directly to them later."

Astati's right hand remained in place.

Li Xiang could only see the light through the gaps between her fingers.

It smelled quite nice.

He remembered that Astati had a skill called "Demon's Sugar".

It meant that she had a succubus-like ability to enhance others' physical limits through kissing and smiling, similar to the effect of encouragement.

But Li Xiang had never experienced it before.

He didn't know what it felt like.

In his random thoughts, he heard Astati say, "It's over, I'll take you in."

Her right hand moved from his eyes to his shoulder, grabbing Li Xiang, as if she had teleported into the hall.

Illya and Miyu's faces were startled, but when they saw that it was Astadti and Li Xiang, they relaxed.

"Hey hey hey, we should call the police," Sapphire's voice sounded, "A strange man broke into the elementary school girls' bathhouse."

"Sapphire... Sapphire, the Master is not that kind of person! Probably," Miyu shook her head and said.

If it weren't for the last two words, I would believe what you said.

Li Xiang couldn't help but comment, and said seriously, "I didn't see anything."

"That statement makes you even more suspicious," Sapphire said.


Li Xiang decisively changed the subject and asked, "I want to know why you were summoned, Miyu?"

"So it was because of this?" Miyu tilted her head and said, "I thought you came because of me and Illya."

I really am not a lolicon.

Li Xiang shouted in his heart.

Although he had spent money to summon Illya in his previous life, he really wasn't a lolicon.

He liked beautiful girls like Astadti, or those with a generous chest like Kariya.

"About a month ago, a guy named Matou Zangyan came to the Einzbern family and said he wanted to make a deal," Miyu continued without teasing Li Xiang.

"The deal was that he would help summon a second Servant for Illya, and the Einzbern family would help him modify his body."

"Modify his body? How? Does he want to become a cyborg?"

That's the only thing Li Xiang could think of.

The Einzbern family's artificial humans were indeed unique, even in the Clock Tower, only Azaka's dolls could compare.

But they had major flaws and a short lifespan.

"I'm not sure," Miyu shook her head and said.

"Because the temptation of the second Servant was too great, the Einzbern family naturally had no reason to refuse, so the deal was made."

"It happened suddenly, and the Einzbern family only prepared one relic, so the second one was summoned randomly."

Miyu paused for a moment and smiled, "That's why I was able to be summoned."

If Rin Tohsaka was the relic of Red A, then Illya was undoubtedly Miyu's relic.

"Do you have any records of the modifications made to Matou Zangyan?" Li Xiang thought for a moment and asked, "I want to see what he was planning to do."

"No problem," Miyu called her artificial maid, Celia, and gave her a few instructions.

Although this maid looked at Li Xiang with a dangerous gaze, she still carried out Miyu's orders.

"Thank you," Li Xiang took a file and opened it.

Immediately, he frowned.

After the incident at the Twin Towers, he had studied the knowledge of body modification for some time.

Matou Zangyan's modifications were somewhat strange.

With his personality, he should have undergone modifications for rejuvenation and longevity, but that wasn't the case.

To put it simply, he modified his body to be able to accept more magical power.

Like some kind of ritual to summon something.

Making his body reach its limit, making it convenient for something to descend.

This was clearly abnormal.

"What about him?"

"After the body modification was completed, he left without saying a word, and we don't know where he went," Miyu looked at him and asked, "Is there a problem?"

"Not sure for now," Li Xiang returned the file to Celia.

He originally thought that Matou Zangyan's target was Illya's heart, but now it doesn't seem like it.

Just as Miyu was about to say something, she raised her hand and shouted, "Berserker!"

Everyone, originally the next world I planned was "Under One Person." But the results so far have been mediocre, and I plan to not start a new world. I will definitely lose subscribers, and who knows, I might even be castrated. I want to finish writing Fate, Hokage, and Dragon Clan first, what do you think? When the results improve, I will write other worlds. Starting tomorrow, the updates will increase to 8,000 or 10,000 words.

(End of this chapter)

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