Chapter 126: Konan

The first impression Rain Shinobi Village gave Li Xiang was the continuous rainy weather.

Throughout the year, the number of rainless days could be counted on one hand.

It was a terrible world.

At least, that's how it was for Li Xiang.

Repeating the same thing over and over again only made one weary.

Even playing games every day would become unbearable.

Li Xiang remembered that some e-sports clubs had organized experience camps, but the majority of them did not pass.

When any hobby becomes a profession, it is no longer a hobby.

His thoughts were tumbling everywhere.

After finishing the graduation exam at the ninja school, a Rain Shinobi dressed in a diving suit-like attire walked into the classroom.

Without any unnecessary words, he called ten newly graduated Genin and asked them to follow him.

Li Xiang was among them.

He glanced at the tall tower in the distance.

The architectural style of Rain Shinobi Village was very peculiar, with a sci-fi feel, all towering towers that reached the sky.

But the tallest tower, he knew that was Nagato, or rather, where Pain was.

Since the death of Hanzo, Rain Shinobi Village had been secretly managed by the Akatsuki organization.

Li Xiang had lived here for eight years, and overall, it was relatively peaceful.

There were no major disputes.

The Akatsuki organization couldn't be said to be managing it well, but rather, they were just getting by.

Stronger than the constant infighting in Konoha.

In Rain Shinobi Village, they were united because of the Akatsuki organization.

The Akatsuki organization mentioned here is not the few rogue ninjas we usually talk about, but a large organization.

The organization created by Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan.

After Yahiko's death, Nagato established the current Akatsuki organization.

But the original members naturally did not disappear, but were used to manage Rain Shinobi Village.

The group soon stopped in an open space in front of the tallest tower.

Li Xiang secretly thought that his guess was correct, they were indeed summoned by the Akatsuki organization.

But with their strength, what help could they provide?

Even with cheats, he was quite miserable now.

Li Xiang could finally experience the difficulty of ordinary ninjas in the ninja world.

In the previous two simulations, one was Uchiha and the other was Hozuki, both from prominent ninja clans.

They had exceptional talent.

While his current physical condition was quite average.

The worst part was his Chakra limit.

Taking the C-rank Great Fireball Technique as an example, he could only use it twice before running out of Chakra.

Even if he had a bunch of ninjutsu, what was the point?

Helpless, he could only rely on taijutsu.

Although he couldn't use techniques like the Eight Inner Gates, he had some knowledge of taijutsu from Konoha Village, Kirigakure, and Otogakure.

Combined with his immortality talent, it was quite suitable for taijutsu.

After waiting a few seconds, there was suddenly a violent fluctuation of Chakra in the middle of the tower.

In a dazzling white light, an angel descended.

Wearing a black cloak with white edges and a red cloud pattern, with light blue-purple long hair, Konan floated in mid-air with wings behind her.

Her body looked like a piece of paper, and there were paper flakes falling around her.

This angel is shedding feathers.

If Li Xiang remembered correctly, it should be her ninjutsu, Shikigami Dance.

She turned her whole body into paper.

She would only return to her original form after the ninjutsu was released.

A real paper person.

The Rain Shinobi who led them here immediately shouted, "Kneel down, pay respects to Lady Angel."

The ten people quickly reacted and knelt down in unison.

Except for Li Xiang, the others showed expressions of admiration or excitement.

The reason was simple, Konan would occasionally give speeches in Rain Shinobi Village to win people's hearts.

Li Xiang estimated that in his eight years here, he had listened to at least ten speeches.

Although the level of the speeches was average and lacked emotion, combined with her angelic appearance, many people revered her.

A cold and beautiful woman also fit the image of an angel.

Could it be that we were called here to listen to another speech?

Li Xiang felt a bit uncomfortable.

Nan Jie is indeed beautiful, but expressionless, and the content of her speeches is basically about "peace."

Enduring it once is bearable, but enduring it more than ten times is like being in prison.

It sounds really boring.

That's normal.

Just like idol dramas, both the male and female leads are good-looking, but the plot is melodramatic and the acting is lacking. For most people, it's a form of torture.

"You ten are the outstanding graduates of this year," Konan said calmly, "I brought you here because I want to select three of you as my students."

Li Xiang was somewhat surprised by these words.

Is there another twist?

He quickly remembered that Konan did indeed have students in the original work.

They couldn't be considered disciples, perhaps it was Nagato's mission.

For example, Ziyanghua, who was turned into one of Pain's Six Paths after her death.

And it's hard to say it's not a conspiracy.

Because she had just become a Chunin, Konan sent her on an S-rank mission.

"The selection method is simple. You will fight against my Shadow Clones, and the three who last the longest will be my students."

Konan raised her hand, and countless sheets of paper fell from the sky, quickly forming ten figures on the square, dividing the battlefield.

"Choose any one of them as your opponent, and start now."

The Rain Shinobi immediately stepped aside and gave instructions.

According to Konan's personality, there wouldn't be any underhanded tactics.

These ten Shadow Clones should have the same strength.

Unlike the other nine who were eager to occupy a position, Li Xiang calmly walked up to the last remaining Shadow Clone.

"What's your name?" Konan asked.

Is there more dialogue in the plot?

Li Xiang replied, "Yeyu."

His name didn't have any special meaning.

In the Rain Shinobi Village, more than a third of ordinary ninjas have the character "rain" in their names.

In the neon-lit ninja world, although some surnames are hastily given, having a surname means you're not the lowest level commoner.

Li Xiang was undoubtedly a commoner.

"Show me all your strength, don't disappoint me."

Konan reached out and twisted several sheets of paper together, forming a short sword.

She obviously had prior knowledge.

She knew that Yeyu was skilled in taijutsu and understood that he was the strongest in this group.

As the HR of the Akatsuki organization, she hoped for the emergence of geniuses from the Rain Shinobi Village.

After all, recruiting people every day was quite tiring.

Li Xiang also drew out the short sword on his back.

Because of his body, he couldn't use a normal katana.

After all, he was only eight years old and only 1.4 meters tall.

Konan didn't say anything more. She took a step forward and made a simple strike.

In an instant, the paper sword crossed a distance of one meter and reached Li Xiang's face.

There was no fancy moves, it just aimed straight for his chest.

A loud clash.

Li Xiang's short sword blocked the paper sword.

What followed was an astonishing force.

If nothing unexpected happened, he would be sent flying.

But it didn't happen.

Li Xiang's whole body tensed, but his movements were extremely light.

In Konan's somewhat surprised gaze, she saw him use the force to jump up.

The short sword in his hand swept out in an arc, directly aiming for her eyes.

Not bad technique.

Konan praised in her heart, but the reaction of the paper sword was not slow, or rather, faster.

This was obviously evident.

Li Xiang's level was at most an elite among Genin.

But Konan wasn't just anyone.

Even if it was a Shadow Clone.

The paper sword hit the blade of the short sword, causing it to deviate.

Taking advantage of this moment, the paper sword passed through the gap and aimed directly at Li Xiang's heart.

At this moment, he was in mid-air with nowhere to borrow force from.

But Li Xiang disappeared.

Konan felt surprised once again.

Such a fast Body Flicker Technique.

The Body Flicker Technique of an ordinary ninja is not that useful.

With Konan's strength, it is clear that she can see through everything, and even intercept halfway.

But Li Xiang's recent Body Flicker Technique is indeed a bit incredible.

Konan immediately strikes back with a knife.

Li Xiang's attack is immediately blocked, his arm numb, and his body exposed.

Even so, among the ten people present, he is the first to directly face Konan's attack.

In just a few seconds, half of them have already been eliminated.

Li Xiang is performing the best.

It seems to be evenly matched.

Even the onlookers, Rain Shinobi, can't help but feel amazed.

If it were him, it would be difficult to be so clean and neat.

Konan turns around, and the paper knife goes from being pulled back to cutting towards Li Xiang's chest, not even a second passes.

Too fast!

If it were a big hit, Li Xiang would naturally not be afraid.

But the current situation is very bad.

Fortunately, his talent, the Seven Apertures Linglong Heart, has given him extraordinary combat abilities.

Li Xiang's body slithers like a snake, abruptly sliding on the ground.

Then, using his feet, he circles around Konan, then stands up straight, and the Short Sword stabs down towards her head.

Even Konan's cold personality can't help but want to shout out the word "beautiful" at this moment.

This person, she's done for!

Given time, perhaps he could become the successor of the Akatsuki organization.

Konan is very aware of the need to be prepared for danger in times of peace.

The strength of the Akatsuki organization is temporary, and in order to continue, there must be a successor.

She constantly gives speeches in Rain Shinobi Village, also with this purpose in mind.

With a sound.

The Short Sword returns empty-handed.

Li Xiang is not surprised either.

It would be strange if he actually hit her.

Although Konan is not particularly skilled in physical techniques, her strength is much higher, and it is impossible for Li Xiang to harm her.

If everyone is at the same level, it is possible.

Li Xiang is quite satisfied because he is the only one still persisting among the ten people at this time.

The defeated few look at him with expressions of disbelief.

Especially the second longest-lasting Purple Sunflower.

She persisted for so long purely because of her long-range attacks and her Summoning beast, well, a door.

But Li Xiang is different, this is a real close combat.

It tests all aspects of his qualities.

Konan does not stop.

She wants to see Li Xiang's limits.

But she also does not use any other ninjutsu.

Still the paper knife.

But this time, it is even faster.

Li Xiang only feels that his field of vision is filled with white knife shadows.


The range is wide and fast.

The Three Body Technique is difficult to be effective.

But using other escape techniques would be difficult to explain the source.

Physical techniques can still be said to be self-taught.

After all, he exercises for at least eight hours every day.

These are all visible, and Konan can easily find out.

But there is no need to continue.

His current display of strength is already enough.

Li Xiang adopts a sword-to-sword fighting style.

However, due to the difference in speed, he only takes three strikes before being knocked away.

Konan does not pursue further, the paper knife turns into paper scraps and disappears, she calmly says, "Not bad."

Afterwards, she also turns into paper.

All the Shadow Clones are recalled, and Konan remains suspended in mid-air, saying, "Yeyu, Purple Sunflower, and Fuyong, stay, the rest of you leave."

Although some people feel unwilling, no one will question the decision of Lady Angel.

Li Xiang gets up, he is not injured, obviously Konan held back her strength.

"You guys come over."

Konan descends in height, but still does not touch the ground.

Li Xiang looked up at her.

Because he was relatively small, the angel appeared particularly large.

At the same time, he also noticed the traces of paper connecting on her exposed skin.

Indeed, she was a paper person.

Li Xiang and the other two people bowed respectfully and shouted, "Angel, ma'am."

"The three of you will be a ninja team from today onwards."

Konan scanned them and said, "Gather here again tomorrow morning. Use the remaining time to get to know each other."

After she finished speaking, paper pieces flew into the sky from her feet, one after another.

At the highest point of the tower, they transformed into real human forms, wings folded, and turned to enter the tower.

Li Xiang withdrew his gaze and looked at his teammates, two little girls.

You can't say that.

After all, both of these little girls are older than him.

"I'm Yeyu, skilled in physical techniques."

Li Xiang casually said.

"You're strong."

The girl with purple hair, Ziyanghua, spoke in a cold tone, saying, "I'm Ziyanghua, able to use space-time ninjutsu to summon various ninja tools. My dream is to collect all the Summoning beasts."

Hmm, it's a fighting style similar to Konoha's Ten-Ten.

She's a rich little girl.

She likes to throw ninja tools when there's nothing to do.

Li Xiang nodded and looked at the other girl.

Her entire left side of the face was covered by hair, only revealing her purple right eye.

If the left eye is not needed, it can be donated to someone in need.

"I'm skilled in sensory ninjutsu."

Fuyong spoke gently, saying, "I hope we can cooperate sincerely in the future and complete the tasks given by the angel."

She, like Ziyanghua, is a worshipper of Konan.

Li Xiang thought to himself, it's really a waste for Konan not to be an idol.

Anyway, Akatsuki is short of money, so sacrificing a little for world peace is acceptable.

After the introductions, Li Xiang suggested that everyone go out for a meal.

They are young and teammates, there's nothing that can't be solved over a meal.

After eating, everyone became more familiar with each other.

Li Xiang returned to his own residence.

A run-down small room.

It was assigned to him after he passed the Jōnin exam and left the orphanage.

Because of the history of Rain Shinobi Village, there are many orphans, so the conditions are not bad.

Nagato and Konan were also orphans.

Li Xiang directly lay down on the bed.

Fighting against Konan's Shadow Clone made him particularly exhausted.

He almost fell asleep during dinner just now.

But maintaining a certain level of social interaction is necessary.

Since this incident is called the Rise of Akatsuki, it definitely corresponds to the oppressive feeling shown by the Akatsuki organization when collecting the Tailed Beasts in the plot.

In Li Xiang's opinion, the Impure World Reincarnation was not abused before, and the Hokage ninja plot was quite good.

After that, it became a bit bad.

A new day arrived.

After eating instant noodles, Li Xiang came to the front of the tower.

He was the first to arrive, but Ziyanghua and Fuyong also arrived quickly.

Within ten minutes.

After they all arrived, Konan appeared in front of them once again.

She still maintained her angelic image, floating in the air with her feet off the ground.

She raised her hand, and three pieces of paper flew to their eyes.

"Infuse your chakra into them to test your attributes."

Li Xiang held the paper and soon a water stain appeared.

He had the water attribute.

Very normal.

Rain Shinobi Village is known for its water.

Ziyanghua and Fuyong also had the same attribute.

"The first lesson today is the study of ninja tools."

Konan took out three umbrellas.

They were the iconic ninja tools of Rain Shinobi Village.

Of course, Li Xiang thought that a big reason was that umbrellas can provide shelter from the rain.

(End of this chapter)

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