Chapter 141: Cooperation

Both Nagato and Konan were unsure how to respond at this moment.

Li Xiang's words made them realize that they were indeed quite similar to Senju Hashirama.

They were both invincible in the ninja world, but the peace they established did not last long.

Nagato had just experienced firsthand the power of Senju Hashirama.

Unless there was something wrong with his own body, it was highly unlikely that he would be able to defeat him.

Without a doubt, Nagato was confident in taking over the entire ninja world.

But what should they do next?

Their original idea was that if ninjas felt the pain, they would not provoke wars anymore.

However, after Li Xiang's analysis, they realized that the root cause was not the ninjas, but the daimyos and nobles.

But Nagato couldn't imagine a world without the system of daimyos, nobles, and ninjas.

He looked at Li Xiang with some uncertainty and asked, "Do you have a new system?"

"Well, you've asked the right person," Li Xiang smiled slightly, knowing that Nagato was already considering it.

Of course, the main reason was the assistance of Senju Hashirama and others.

In this world where personal strength was paramount, one had to be strong enough to have the right to speak.

Although he often made fun of Uzumaki Naruto, he undeniably possessed unparalleled strength.

Enough to make anyone calm down and listen to him.

"The great nations hold power and wealth, while the ninja villages hold strength. They complement each other and maintain the current world," Li Xiang continued, "Because of this, we have overlooked a group of people, the ordinary civilians."

"What can they do?" Nagato frowned and asked.

"One of the most direct roles they play is in creating value, which is the foundation of the entire world," Li Xiang replied, "Where do the daimyos and nobles get their wealth from? They neither work nor produce. Similarly, ninjas have been detached from ordinary civilians for too long, and all they have in their minds is war."

Nagato and Konan felt a sudden sense of enlightenment.

There was a lack of education and knowledge in this world. Even though Li Xiang's words might not be entirely correct, they were shocking enough for them.

"We must eliminate the nobles, abolish the ninja system, use Chakra for production, maintain peace under the condition of basic needs, and develop the economy and entertainment," Li Xiang concluded, "Of course, this is just a rough idea, and many aspects still need to be discussed. If you are interested, we can cooperate."

"Are you talking about Konoha?" Nagato's face showed hesitation, but more reluctance.

His parents died at the hands of Konoha shinobi, so he had reservations about cooperating with them.

Li Xiang understood his thoughts.

After all, it was a deep-seated hatred.

Although it was an individual act, it was also related to Konoha.

Fortunately, he created Tendo.

Tendo relied on Konoha but was not Konoha.

"I am not here on behalf of Konoha," Li Xiang shook his head and said, "I am talking about the Tendo organization."

Nagato and Konan glanced at each other, both showing a puzzled expression.

They had never heard of Tendo.

Although the Akatsuki organization had White Zetsu, the most powerful radar in the ninja world, Tendo had always operated as Anbu.

Moreover, their actions had little to do with ninjas.

It was normal for White Zetsu not to notice.

After briefly explaining the origins of the Tendo organization, Li Xiang said, "Konoha is just one of our bases."

Nagato and Konan were truly surprised to find out that there was such a large organization right under their noses.

Without realizing it, they had already taken over Konoha Village and Amegakure.

But if that was the case, cooperation was not out of the question.

"What do you think?" Li Xiang noticed Nagato's expression and asked.

"Before we cooperate, I must understand what you're talking about. If it's true, we can cooperate," Nagato pondered for a moment and said.

"That's only natural," Li Xiang was not surprised.

Although he had the gift of eloquence, it was still quite exaggerated to persuade Nagato in just a few words.

This result was already quite good.

"You guys should send a group of people to join Akatsuki and conduct on-site investigations to determine the truth." Li Xiang suggested.

"Okay." Nagato agreed without hesitation.

This statement was in line with his intentions.

"You guys should return to the Rain Shinobi Village first. After today's matters are settled, I will notify you." Li Xiang felt relieved when he saw Nagato agree.

He was afraid that his senior brother would object.

After bidding farewell to the two, Li Xiang negotiated with Shisui and others.

"I'll go talk to him." Jiraiya volunteered. "I never expected Akatsuki to be my disciple."

This remark reminded Li Xiang.

Although Uzumaki Naruto was not present, Jiraiya had the same effect.

But he didn't have time to stay any longer.

On the side of Amegakure, with Obito's arrival, he had to focus his energy on Higetsu Hiyuki.


Obito possessed Kamui, so theoretically, he should have arrived at Amegakure earlier than Nagato.

But he didn't.

The reason was simple: lack of confidence.

The pressure Uchiha Itachi gave him was too great.

Especially when he was caught off guard by Kamui's weakness last time, it reminded him of his teacher, Namikaze Minato.

After discussing with Jueyi, he planned to find two helpers.

Kakuzu and Hidan.

So he went back to invite them.

Hidan readily agreed when he heard the reason.

The reason was simple.

He believed that the Uchiha clan's sacrifice to the evil god would surely satisfy him.

Kakuzu, on the other hand, initially refused.

But after Obito reminded him, he realized that the combined bounty for Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke had already exceeded one billion.

And he promised not to take a single penny.

Hidan and Jueyi also agreed.

This meant that he could personally take this money.

Undoubtedly, it was a lucrative deal.

After weighing the strength of the four individuals, Kakuzu believed they could win, so he agreed to Obito's invitation.

With all the back and forth, their speed was delayed.

So after Li Xiang finished dealing with Nagato's matters and shifted his focus back to Higetsu Hiyuki, he received news of the arrival of the four.

The one delivering the information was none other than Namikaze Minato.

After using the Flying Thunder God Technique to reach Obito's side, he relied on his skills and followed him all the way.

He even stumbled upon Akatsuki's base.

If it weren't for the cooperation message brought by Li Xiang, he would probably have been trying to take down Akatsuki.

With his strength, it was indeed possible, especially with half of the Nine-Tails sealed within him.

According to the original plot, Minato was undoubtedly the perfect Jinchūriki.

Coupled with his Flying Thunder God Technique and the use of harassment tactics, anyone would find it troublesome.

"It seems that the power of the weasel is quite impressive." Li Xiang shook his head upon hearing about the four.

"But I'll handle the masked man." Minato said calmly, "I have a score to settle with him."

"No problem." Uchiha Itachi nodded.

When Minato was Hokage, both he and Shisui had already made a name for themselves, so he had a good impression of him.

"Then let's go." Li Xiang stood up and said, "The masked man will be pleasantly surprised to see you."

He still hadn't told Minato that the true identity of the masked man was Uchiha Obito.

It would be more interesting for him to discover it himself.

Actually, I realized after publishing that my crossover novel wasn't written very well. It's better for me to stick to Hokage. Due to various reasons, I haven't made much progress, and now my energy is mainly focused on the new book. I apologize to all the experts. I will finish writing Hokage and then wrap up the Fate series.

(End of this chapter)

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