Infinite Simulation: From Konoha To Moon

Chapter 17 Who Wins And Who They Help

Chapter 17: Whoever Wins, They Help

After the clan meeting, Shisui escorted several rebellious clan members to the Konoha Police Department.

Meanwhile, Li Xiang and Uchiha Itachi left the Naka Shrine together.

"Do you think we can use the Tenkai's slogan as the new Will of Fire?" Li Xiang asked calmly as they walked under the streetlights.

The question caught Itachi off guard.

After a moment of contemplation, Itachi replied, "Yes."

In his opinion, the slogan proposed by Tenkai was obviously more grandiose than the original Will of Fire.

However, having just a slogan was not enough for an organization.

Li Xiang pressed his forehead with his fingers, appearing somewhat troubled.

There was no one else in the world who could understand what he was agonizing over, because only he knew how to run an organization.

Besides a slogan, there were also principles, plans, goals, and strategies.

These were all mentioned in the history books of the main world.

The situation in Konoha was different, so he couldn't simply copy everything, but the framework had to be established first.

Li Xiang brought up this matter with Itachi today mainly because he had an idea.

He planned to cultivate a successor.

After all, he was destined to leave.

Even though Shisui was a genius, he couldn't handle everything on his own.

Who knows, one day there might be a scenario where he would pass away prematurely like the Battle of Wuzhang Plains.

"What do you think of the villagers living in Konoha?" Li Xiang changed the topic and asked.

Itachi was slightly taken aback.

He had never really thought about this question.

More accurately, he only saw Konoha as a collective concept.

"We ninjas exist to protect them," Itachi replied.

"I heard that you started thinking from the perspective of the Hokage when you were four years old, but have you ever thought from the perspective of the villagers?" Li Xiang asked.

"The villagers?" Itachi honestly replied, "No."

"What do you think they want?" Li Xiang wasn't surprised.

Ninjas have their own way of thinking, and Itachi claimed to love Konoha, but when it came to specific villagers, it didn't really matter to him.

"Peace," Itachi answered without hesitation.

"But you only got half of it right. Specifically, it should be peace and development," Li Xiang said in a deep voice. "In times of chaos, these two are undoubtedly the most precious."

Itachi's eyes showed signs of contemplation.

It was the first time he had come across this perspective.

But it was obviously correct.

Peace was just the first step.

Unfortunately, for some people, peace was already a luxury.

"As long as we are strong enough, Konoha can achieve these two goals," Itachi confidently said.

"Strength is just the foundation," Li Xiang shook his head, correcting his ninja thinking. "If what you said is true, then why would we be needed? Isn't the God of the Ninja World, Senju Hashirama, powerful enough?"

Itachi immediately frowned.

Even Uchiha Madara, as strong as he was, couldn't match Senju Hashirama.

He, or Shisui, couldn't possibly compare to this God of the Ninja World.

"Lang, what do you mean...?" Itachi pondered but couldn't come up with an answer, so he turned his head and asked.

"Because you don't understand the villagers of Konoha," Li Xiang didn't look at him but at Konoha, saying, "I'll give you a task: integrate into Konoha, compile the information you gather into a research report, and submit it to me."

"But I'm worried that I won't be able to complete the task due to the villagers' attitude towards the Uchiha clan," Itachi hesitated and asked.

"People's stereotypes always affect their judgment," Li Xiang thought of the pre-Obito's corruption, who was quite popular and kind-hearted, "Try to forget your Uchiha identity."

"I'll give it a try," Itachi found this matter quite interesting.

He also wanted to know the reason why Uchiha Lang had been acting so mysteriously these past few days.

"See you another day."

Li Xiang waved his hand and bid farewell to Uchiha Itachi.

The next day.

Shisui knocked on the door early in the morning.

"I have arranged the people from last night."

"Thank you."

Seeing that he seemed to have not slept all night, Li Xiang couldn't help but say, "Go home and rest."

"It's not tiring."

Shisui smiled and said, "If there's anything else, just leave it to me."

This was the truth.

He was more excited than tired.

Besides, at his age, missing one night of sleep wouldn't affect him at all.

Li Xiang didn't try to persuade him anymore and said, "The fame of Ten Heaven's is already enough. It's time to open a shop in Konoha. Use your connections to buy a piece of land and establish it as soon as possible, then give some money to Konoha."

He didn't have many connections or funds himself.

After all, he was an orphan.

But Shisui was different. He was an Anbu, with great fame and a close friend like Uchiha Itachi. It would be easy for him to do things that Li Xiang couldn't.

However, there were also things that Li Xiang couldn't do.

For example, dealing with the Hyuga clan.

Compared to the Uchiha's rebelliousness, the Hyuga clan was undoubtedly well-behaved and favored by the Hokage.

It had to be said that the Hyuga clan understood the principle of not sticking their necks out and causing trouble.

Even in the era of Boruto, they lived very comfortably.

If he had enough time, Li Xiang might make use of the Caged Bird.

The so-called Caged Bird was a restriction placed on the branch house by the main family to protect the Byakugan from leaking out. But over time, it had become a means for the main family to consolidate their power.

Obviously, it was unfair to the branch house.

Li Xiang could easily cause a lot of trouble with this.

But he didn't want to bother with that, so he simply went straight to Hyuga Hiashi.

"Hyuga clan leader, my visit is a bit presumptuous."

"No problem."

Hyuga Hiashi replied expressionlessly.

He had already refused to meet, but Li Xiang had come in on his own.

The situation of the Uchiha clan was not good now, and he didn't want to have much interaction with this Uchiha genius.

"I am here on behalf of the Uchiha."

Li Xiang picked up the hot tea on the table and said.

"You can represent the Uchiha?"

Hyuga Hiashi asked in return.

He didn't think a ten-year-old kid could represent the Uchiha.


Li Xiang said seriously, "If you don't believe me, I will have my teacher come and visit in person later, on the condition that we can reach a consensus."

Hyuga Hiashi looked him up and down, but didn't detect any signs of lying.

And he didn't think Li Xiang would dare to joke with him.

The Hyuga clan was not weaker than the Uchiha clan.

He could definitely make Li Xiang pay the price.

"What consensus?"


Li Xiang smiled, "As long as the Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan cooperate, the position of Hokage is within reach."

Hyuga Hiashi's face darkened and he said, "The Hyuga clan never participates in such things."

The Uchiha wanted to rebel, but the Hyuga clan wasn't stupid.

In his opinion, there was no benefit in success or failure.

Failure, needless to say, would be the end.

Even if they were lucky enough to succeed, he didn't believe that the position of Hokage would fall to the Hyuga clan.

"In that case, how about remaining neutral?"

Li Xiang's previous words were just casual remarks.

He knew that Hyuga Hiashi wouldn't agree.

Throughout the history of the Hyuga clan, they had always followed one principle.

They would support whoever won.

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