Infinite Simulation: From Konoha To Moon

Chapter 22 Returning Konoha To A Bright Universe

Chapter 22: Bringing Prosperity to Konoha

"After months of investigation by the Konoha Police Department, we have finally obtained a series of incriminating evidence against Root and Shimura Danzo, fulfilling the expectations of Hokage-sama," Li Xiang said, imitating Sarutobi Hiruzen's polite opening remarks while shifting blame.

Uchiha attacked Danzo only because it was ordered by Hokage.

This is not a personal vendetta.

Obviously, the clan heads were skeptical upon hearing this statement.

But being able to become clan heads, they were all intelligent enough.

Today's situation was beyond their control, so they decided to remain silent and be serious listeners.

However, as Li Xiang recited Danzo's ten crimes, their expressions became increasingly shocked.

Just the first one alone could be considered a capital offense.

Illegally researching Wood Style with Orochimaru, resulting in the deaths of sixty infants.

Li Xiang had a small doubt from his previous life.

If Sarutobi Hiruzen considered Orochimaru a rogue ninja because of his Wood Style experiments, why didn't he deal with Danzo?

Didn't he know?

Even if he didn't know before, he should have understood after seeing Yamato.

So, Sarutobi Hiruzen completely failed to practice what he preached.

His verbal commitment to the Will of Fire sounded good, but in reality, he deviated from it.

The second charge was from five years ago, the night of the Nine Tails. Danzo and Root imprisoned the Uchiha clan without any evidence, causing them to lose the best opportunity to rescue Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato.

Hyuga Hiashi and the others didn't know how to react.

The clan heads present had all experienced the chaos caused by the Nine Tails and had heard about this incident.

But now, as Li Xiang spoke, they began to understand.

Because of the imprisonment of the Uchiha, neither Root nor Danzo participated in the rescue.

If this hadn't happened, the Fourth Hokage could have received assistance from Root and the Uchiha, and perhaps he wouldn't have died.

Thinking about this, many of them felt regret.

It was such a waste for a ninja like the Fourth Hokage to die.

The remaining charges were somewhat more normal.

They were about the experiments conducted by Root in recent years, all of which were prohibited by Konoha.

For ordinary ninjas, even one charge would be a capital offense.

But Danzo had participated in all of them.

In the end, the dozen or so clan heads in the meeting room reached a consensus that Danzo was indeed not worth sparing.

As Jōnin, they had also killed many people, but they were all enemy ninjas. They wouldn't kill innocent people, let alone infants.

Only extremely wicked people would harm infants.

"The tenth and final charge," Li Xiang looked up at the three clan heads of Ino-Shika-Chō, and seeing their inexplicable expressions, he said, "Danzo's harm to the genius ninjas of each clan."

Once this statement was made, the meeting room fell silent again.

It was well known that joining Root depended entirely on Danzo's selection.

And his criteria naturally focused on talent.

Almost all young ninja with talent came from the major ninja clans.

There weren't many commoners.

This was also normal.

The ninja clans possessed excellent legacies, such as secret techniques and bloodline limits, which were difficult for common ninja to attain.

From the current situation in Root, it could be seen that the capable ones mostly came from the Yamanaka clan, Aburame clan, Nara clan, and so on.

The Hyuga clan escaped because of the Caged Bird.

As for the Uchiha clan, Danzo wanted them, but Hokage didn't allow it, so he couldn't force it.

Ahem, a certain green-skinned, tight-suited weirdo volunteered to join but was rejected by Danzo.

It's not that Guy's strength was insufficient, after all, he almost kicked off the grand finale. It was his personality that even Danzo was afraid of.

If he joined Root, it wouldn't take long for the style to become very strange.

Except for the Hyuga and Uchiha clans, the other ninja clans had no way to refuse Danzo and Root.

But to join the Root, one must undergo terrifying training and brainwashing.

This has also created a situation where they only know Danzo, but not their own clan.

It's like hitting a dog with a meat bun, once gone, never to return.

Moreover, Danzo only targets the top talents of their ninja clan, and the mortality rate is also the highest.

The clan leaders have long been dissatisfied with Danzo's domineering behavior, but they dare not speak up.

Li Xiang couldn't help but smile.

Although many people hide it well, he still perceives their true emotions that appear instantly.

Disgust, dissatisfaction, and helplessness.

Because in the past, Danzo not only had the Root, but also had the secret support of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Unless they want to rebel, they can only reluctantly send out their own talents.

This kind of reaction is exactly what Li Xiang wants.

The Uchiha clan's reputation is not good, but Danzo's is even worse.

There is a saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Now that the Uchiha clan wants to kill Danzo and disband the Root, they will inevitably have to bear the consequences.


Li Xiang rolled up the scroll, bowed slightly, and said, "Shimura Danzo and the Root have seriously violated the rules of Konoha and the principles of a ninja. As a member of the Konoha Police Force, please allow us to fulfill our duties, strike down the criminals, maintain the safety of the villagers, and bring prosperity to Konoha!"

This speech was righteous and flawless.

Uchiha Fugaku remembered what he said yesterday, and when he compared it, he felt completely inferior.

He is truly a born conspirator.

"Permission granted."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took out his hand order and handed it to Uchiha Fugaku, saying, "I trouble the Konoha Police Force to handle this matter."

"Wait, Hokage-sama, I have a suggestion."

Li Xiang raised his hand and said, "Most of the members of the Root were coerced by Danzo and can only be considered as accomplices. I hope that the clan leaders can take them back and educate them properly. If they can reform in the future, it would be a good thing."

Nara Shikaku's eyes lit up.

With his intelligence, he naturally understood the implied meaning behind Li Xiang's words.

But he had to show his gratitude.

"Hokage-sama, I think what Lang said is right. I hope we can give them a chance."

After Nara Shikaku, Yamanaka Inoichi, Akimichi Choza, and others also stood up and agreed.

"Since everyone says so, then leave this matter to you to resolve."

Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled and said.

After the meeting, the clan leaders returned home to gather their forces.

Although the main target was the Uchiha clan, since they were accepting the talents from within the clan, they couldn't just sit idle.

At the very least, they should act as cheerleaders and provide support.

Under normal circumstances, they wouldn't dare to do so.

But now, Danzo and the Root are like meat on a chopping board, waiting to be slaughtered.

No matter how powerful they are, they can't be a match for the entire Konoha.


Shisui said with admiration, "You are truly a genius!"

With just one meeting, all the ninja clans stood on the side of the Uchiha clan.

It's truly a brilliant move.

"They are not helping the Uchiha, but helping their own interests."

Li Xiang understood this clearly.

To change the Uchiha clan's reputation, a single meeting is far from enough.

"But it's already very impressive."

Uchiha Itachi also praised, "Unmatched among peers."

"Hey, when did you learn to flatter?"

Li Xiang waved his hand, "Let's hurry and take action, so that Danzo doesn't get wind of it and run away."

(End of this chapter)

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