Infinite Simulation: From Konoha To Moon

Chapter 25 Special Eye Opening Method

Chapter 25: A Special Way of Opening the Eyes

Uchiha Itachi pondered for a moment and said, "Because they are residents of Konoha, and I am a shinobi of Konoha."

"A loving family of Konoha, huh?" Li Xiang showed no surprise.

Uchiha Itachi's current thinking still revolved around the Will of Fire.

The Will of Fire does indeed have its merits.

But slogans alone won't achieve anything.

Just like Uchiha Itachi now, embodying the Will of Fire means protecting Konoha.

And doing so in his own way, such as annihilating his clan as seen in the original work.

He didn't know how to make Konoha prosper, nor did he know how to truly reconcile the major shinobi clans of Konoha.

"Protection alone is meaningless," Li Xiang asked, "Have you seen their vulnerability? Have you seen their strength?"

"Strength? None," Uchiha Itachi shook his head, speaking the truth.

"This world was created by them, not by shinobi," Li Xiang paused and said, "They are the true masters, and what you need to do is lead them and fully unleash their power."

In Marvel, there is a classic saying: "With great power comes great responsibility."

Shinobi are like superhumans, and using their abilities solely for fighting is the biggest waste.

"Lead? Are the Hokage leading them?" Uchiha Itachi quickly responded.

"Barely, but Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō have lost their original intentions, which is the Will of Fire," Li Xiang asked again, "Do you know why they need to be led?"

"Because their individual strength is relatively weak?" Uchiha Itachi pondered and said, "So they need us to lead them."

"You're smart. Unity is strength, and a group is always stronger than an individual," Li Xiang changed the topic, "But that's not what I want to say. The real reason is their blind obedience."

Knowledge determines one's perspective.

The residents of Konoha have hardly received any education, so naturally, they can't understand things very well.

Uzumaki Naruto is called a "demon fox" because of the inaction of the Hokage and the conformity of the Konoha residents.

They have lost their ability to think.

In the absence of education, Li Xiang can only lead them.

And in a ninja world with superhuman powers, shinobi are undoubtedly the most suitable.

Just like in the movie "Let the Bullets Fly," Zhang Mazi mobilized the entire city's people with great effort and ultimately achieved victory.

As long as there is one person.

Even if it's an ordinary person, as long as they have an unwavering determination, they are a spark of hope.

And that's what Li Xiang hopes for.

He came to this world and must leave something behind.

"Blind obedience..." Uchiha Itachi suddenly had a flash of insight.

As if a door had opened, he had a feeling of sudden enlightenment.

He understood what Li Xiang meant by leading.

This is the same principle as the Will of Fire advocating no barriers between clans and no conflicts between individuals.

But the requirements for shinobi are higher.

"What should I do?" Uchiha Itachi took a deep breath, looking at Li Xiang with eyes full of anticipation and thirst for knowledge.

Just like when he met Shisui in his confusion and took the Will of Fire as the direction of his life.

At this moment, he felt like he had found a treasure.

"That's a long story," Li Xiang glanced at the sky and said, "Let's go eat first. We can't save the world on an empty stomach."

Shisui also walked over and handed him some documents, saying, "Here's what you wanted."

He didn't interrupt earlier when he saw the two of them engrossed in conversation.

Li Xiang put away the documents, stretched lazily, and said, "Today deserves a feast."

Shisui smiled and said, "Seems like you guys had a great conversation."

"Because I saw hope."

Li Xiang blinked her eyes, "It's what I told you before."

The three of them finished eating barbecue.

Shisui quickly left. Many things regarding the Uchiha clan needed to be handled by him.

"Come, follow me into the house."

Li Xiang pulled Uchiha Itachi, preparing for a late-night conversation.

And the first lesson is how to control public opinion, how to guide the residents of Konoha.

Newspapers, television, radio broadcasts, movies, and so on, would open Uchiha Itachi's eyes.

He never knew there was so much knowledge in these things.

Actually, what Li Xiang said wasn't that great, after all, she was just a high school student.

But for the undeveloped ninja world, it was already mind-blowing.

"Yō, I'll leave the establishment of the company to you."

Li Xiang waved her hand and went to Uchiha Fugaku's residence.

After a night of studying, Uchiha Itachi had already grown. He was too lazy to bother with trivial matters like starting a company.


Li Xiang knocked on the door and entered.

"Have some tea."

Uchiha Fugaku had received a report earlier, so he wasn't surprised.

He poured a cup of tea and handed it to Li Xiang.

"Call Shisui over. Last night, when I was reviewing the Root's information about the Second Hokage, I discovered something."

Li Xiang held the teacup and said.

Uchiha Fugaku immediately had someone notify Shisui.

A few minutes later, Shisui appeared.

"The Second Hokage, Senju Tobirama, spent a lot of time researching the Sharingan."

Li Xiang took a sip of tea and went straight to the point, "He already knows how to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan."


Uchiha Fugaku couldn't help but be shocked.

Senju Tobirama was indeed amazing, but as an outsider, it was unbelievable that he could figure out their Uchiha clan's supreme eye technique.

"The awakening of the Mangekyō Sharingan requires a strong emotional stimulus."

Li Xiang looked at the two of them and said, "Have you witnessed the death of your loved ones or close friends?"

Uchiha Fugaku and Shisui glanced at each other, both seeing the incredulity in each other's eyes.

It proved that what Li Xiang said was true.

"The Second Hokage is truly..."

Uchiha Fugaku was momentarily unsure how to evaluate him.

"But does it have to be negative emotions?"

Li Xiang shook her head and said, "I believe positive emotions can also awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan."

"It's too difficult."

Shisui couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Positive joy is too fleeting, while negative emotions can persist."

"You're right. Male pleasure, female love, family happiness, promotion and wealth, they are all temporary."

Li Xiang said seriously, "But there is one positive emotion that is permanent. It possesses infinite power, transcending low-level pleasures. It can make a person go from ordinary to great, and it can give a person an unwavering steel ambition until death."

"What is it?"

Shisui widened his eyes.

Uchiha Fugaku also looked at him curiously.

"World peace."


The two of them were a bit confused by the answer.

"I plan to implement it on Yō, so you can wait and see."

Li Xiang didn't explain further.

The Mangekyō Sharingan is a reflection of the soul.

Emotions originate from the soul.

And a person with unimaginable conviction will have a soul as solid as a rock.

Li Xiang was still not completely at ease with Uchiha Itachi.

But if he could awaken it because of this, he would never commit the act of annihilating the clan again.

And the Uchiha clan members behind him would also become the most steadfast revolutionaries... the Heavenly Drive Warriors!

(End of this chapter)

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