Chapter 42: The Hidden Cache of Loquats

Even though the situation in Kirigakure was extremely dire, business was still booming.

Casinos, izakayas, and deals worth billions were happening every night, not suitable for children.

Because they lived a life on the edge, the pressure was especially great for the shinobi. Ninjas were still human and needed to release their stress.

Not everyone was like the members of the Foundation cultivated by Danzo, devoid of sorrow or joy, like a stoic philosopher.

After Li Xiang used the Transformation Technique, he entered the largest casino in Kirigakure.

He had previously instructed Shisui that establishing intelligence was particularly important.

The Leaf Village's Anbu originally had spies in various villages, which happened to be useful.

The only question was whether Tenbu had completed the layout.

Li Xiang went straight to the owner of the casino and said, "Tenbu."

He spoke in Chinese.

Yes, the Tenbu organization encrypted their intelligence in Chinese.

The bald middle-aged man's previously indifferent expression suddenly froze.

He couldn't understand.

But he had been trained in these peculiar syllables.

Only the specialized intelligence group within Tenbu could understand the meaning behind them.

"Kid, you've got guts. Do you want to play big? Follow me."

The middle-aged man showed a welcoming smile and turned to enter the room behind him.

If you didn't know, you would think he was some kind of madam.

Li Xiang lifted the curtain and suddenly found himself surrounded by men.

Two burly men stared at him with eyes as wide as bronze bells, sizing him up.

The atmosphere was extremely tense and dangerous.

It seemed like they would draw their swords in the next second.

"Since you can speak this special language, it proves that you have a connection with Tenbu, but you are unfamiliar. You are not a member of the Mist Shinobi division," the middle-aged man said expressionlessly. "According to the rules, you need to state your password to confirm your identity."

Li Xiang was not surprised.

He had set up seven passwords for Tenbu.

Only those who held the finger ring would know them all.

"Life and death, the cycle continues."

Li Xiang still spoke in Chinese.

The middle-aged man's face changed slightly. This phrase was unfamiliar to him.

Unfamiliarity meant that the man in front of him had a higher rank than himself.

But whether he was or not would still have to be determined by the person in charge.

Just stating the password was still not enough to confirm his identity.

"You guys can leave."

The middle-aged man ordered the two men beside him to leave. He then took Li Xiang out of the casino and quickly arrived at an izakaya.


He stopped in front of a room on the third floor.

"Come in."

As the door opened, Li Xiang saw the ninja who was speaking.

He was tall, feeling over two meters in height.

Black short hair, no eyebrows, a cross-shaped scar on his right cheek, and red stripes painted on the lower half of his face.

His features were too distinctive.

Even though they had never met, Li Xiang still recognized the ninja in front of him.

He was the former member of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, the first owner of the Executioner's Blade, Kirisame Juuzou.

In the original story, he was dissatisfied with Yagura's bloody rule and defected to join the Akatsuki organization.

His teammate was Uchiha Itachi, who later returned to Kirigakure to carry out a mission but died from the Tailed Beast Bomb.

Li Xiang couldn't help but smile.

So, it was him again, causing another butterfly effect.

Without the Uchiha Clan Massacre, he indirectly influenced the fate of countless people.

"Why are you laughing?"

Kirisame Juuzou looked at him as if he were looking at a dead man.

A murderous intent filled the air.

There was a setting in the Hokage's ninja that they emitted killing intent.

Powerful individuals like Orochimaru could completely immobilize Genin with their killing intent alone.

"I want you to help me find someone."

Li Xiang skipped his question and said.

Kirisame Juuzou's eyebrowless brow furrowed slightly.

This guy was really confident.

"What is your password?"

"Life and death, the cycle continues."

Pi Ba Shizang immediately stood up, his fists clenched.

"What? Is my password incorrect?"

Li Xiang saw his expression and was somewhat puzzled.

Could it be that Shisui and Itachi changed his password?


Pi Ba Shizang shook his head and said, "Because I rarely hear this password."

To be more precise, it was the second time he heard it.

The last time was from Uchiha Itachi.

He encountered him after he defected from Kirigakure and was instantly killed.

But Uchiha Itachi said that his strength was not bad, and if he joined Tendō, he would spare him.

Pi Ba Shizang had already planned to find a force after leaving Kirigakure, so he readily agreed.

"According to the procedure, in order to prevent someone from accidentally overhearing the password, you also need to explain the meaning of this sentence."

Pi Ba Shizang's attitude became much more respectful.

Li Xiang nodded, as the rules were set by him in the first place.

The purpose was to ensure that even if the finger was lost, he could still borrow the power of Tendō.

"It means that life and death are constantly alternating and never-ending."

Hmm, there's also my Q stack behind, you're dead.

"May I ask which of the seven are you?"

Pi Ba Shizang took a deep breath.

Uchiha Itachi left a great shadow on him.

Otherwise, according to his character, he wouldn't be so humble.

In addition, he assumed that all seven managers of Tendō had the same strength as Uchiha Itachi.

"You don't need to know. Just help me find the body of Hōzuki Mangetsu."

Li Xiang thought for a moment and said.

Although bringing Uchiha Itachi and Shisui here could announce the final outcome for Kirigakure, the risk was still considerable.

Aside from his own clearance evaluation, it would be troublesome if it attracted Nagato's attention.

"Hōzuki Mangetsu?"

As one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Pi Ba Shizang naturally knew about this junior.

"He has been dead for almost two years, so it's highly likely that the body is no longer there."

Ninja corpses have considerable value.

If someone discovers it, they will definitely not miss the opportunity.

In addition, accidents can also be caused by wild animals or weather.

"It's okay, just do your best."

Li Xiang waved his hand.

Since Yakushi Kabuto was able to perform the Impure World Reincarnation on Hōzuki Mangetsu and use the scroll, it proved that both his body and the scroll were still intact.

One had to admit that this guy was quite skilled at grave robbing.

Speaking of Yakushi Kabuto, Li Xiang thought of a question.

Did he follow Orochimaru?

In the original story, he was a ninja from Konoha and worked for Danzo.

But Danzo was not a good person.

He forced Yakushi Kabuto to kill his foster mother, Yakushi Nonou.

So, in a state of despair, Yakushi Kabuto accepted Orochimaru's invitation and fled Konoha.

Although the specific timeline was unknown, Yakushi Kabuto was still young.

After all, Naruto and Sasuke were only five years old.

If Danzo returned to the Pure Land in advance, this incident might not have happened.

The chances of Yakushi Kabuto leaving Konoha would be greatly reduced.

If that were the case, Li Xiang would have a better chance of being valued by Orochimaru.

"Do you know Yakushi Kabuto?"

Li Xiang looked at Pi Ba Shizang.

After all, existing information should not be wasted.

"I do. I heard he is a medical genius from Konoha."

Good information.

Li Xiang asked again, "What about your Decapitating Carving Knife?"

"It's in the hands of Momochi Zabuza."

Pi Ba Shizang flashed a hint of embarrassment and said, "Originally, I wanted to invite him to join Tendō, but unexpectedly, the Decapitating Carving Knife lost to him."

"Where is he now?"

"In the Land of Waves."

Pi Ba Shizang thought that Li Xiang was going to deal with Momochi Zabuza and said, "I hope that the adult can return the Decapitating Carving Knife to me when the time comes."

(End of this chapter)

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