Infinite Simulation: From Konoha To Moon

Chapter 6 Uncle, Come And Play When You Have Time

Chapter 6: Uncle, come and visit often when you're free.

In just three short days, Shisui felt that Li Xiang had become extremely unfamiliar to him.

The image of him in Shisui's mind was like a roller coaster, ups and downs, completely different from before.

In addition, Li Xiang's words exceeded his imagination.

Shisui couldn't make up his mind.

Although he had made up his mind before knocking on the door, he now faced an even more difficult choice.

A secret confrontation with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Shisui always felt that this was a betrayal.

"No matter what I say, the final decision is up to you."

Li Xiang saw Shisui's hesitation and said, "Just as I have always believed, the help of others is just icing on the cake. Only oneself can save oneself."

Shisui trembled.

All his actions had been to avoid conflict between the Uchiha clan and Konoha.

But he had placed his greatest hope in Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō.

Now that Li Xiang had exposed the true intentions of the two of them, would he be pushing the Uchiha clan into the abyss by acting alone?

Shisui's heart was already wavering.

For him, Li Xiang's method was an opportunity, a chance to prove the intentions of the higher-ups in Konoha.

"I will arrange it."

Shisui's attitude became very firm.

He was not an indecisive person.

In the original work, he was able to expose the Distinguished Heavenly Gods to Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō, proving his decisiveness.

But this move was too foolish.

Or rather, he had been forced to lose his composure by the Uchiha clan's rebellion.

"I have nothing to do these two days, so I can help."

Not because he was kind-hearted, but because Li Xiang was interested in what would happen next.

Shisui did not doubt his motives, on the contrary, he thanked him for his involvement.

After all, it was Li Xiang who proposed the method.

Konoha had many institutions, and the most special one was the Konoha Police Department.

Because it was essentially the Uchiha clan's private institution.

When the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama created the Konoha Police Department and handed it over to the Uchiha clan, it was an opportunity.

The first purpose was to reward merit.

The Uchiha clan and the Senju clan were the founding elders of Konoha, and their contributions were undeniable.

The Konoha Police Department was responsible for the public security of Konoha and, in terms of power, was not inferior to the Anbu.

But unfortunately, things change and nature is hard to change.

Due to their own nature, the Uchiha clan could not achieve Senju Tobirama's second purpose, integration into Konoha.

The function of the Konoha Police Department was a combination of urban management and police.

If handled properly, it could gain the recognition of Konoha residents.

But they were too competent and lacked empathy in dealing with neighborhood disputes, which inevitably offended people.

If it were the Anbu, they might have thrived.

But the Konoha Police Department and the Anbu were completely different organizations.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō were disciples of Senju Tobirama, they did not have the broad-mindedness and means of the Second Hokage.

They intensified the situation, completely alienating the Uchiha clan and the residents of Konoha.

If it weren't for Senju Tobirama cultivating a group of Uchiha clan members like Uchiha Kagami, causing Shisui and Uchiha Itachi to turn against them, they might not have been able to withstand internal strife.

Li Xiang's method was to restore the reputation of the Konoha Police Department and see how the higher-ups in Konoha would react.

If their reaction was approval and happiness, it would prove Shisui's correctness.

Sarutobi Hiruzen did indeed hope that every shinobi could live in harmony in Konoha.

But if not, Shisui would no longer be able to deceive himself.

"Shisui, brother!"

As soon as Shisui entered the Konoha Police Department with Li Xiang, these three words kept ringing in his ears.

The Uchiha clan disdained associating with the weak, but respected the strong.

This was also one of the reasons why Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama became close friends.

And Shisui was currently the strongest genius of the Uchiha clan, shining brightly in the Third Great Ninja War.

Among the younger generation, he could be considered an idol.

An office.

Shisui is reviewing some documents.

The Konoha Police Department has a large number of personnel and is normally divided into multiple groups to patrol various areas of Konoha.

Although the situation has been bad in recent years and the number of patrols has decreased, the department is still functioning.

"What wind blew you here today?"

A middle-aged man walks in from outside the door.

Uchiha Fugaku is the head of the Konoha Police Department, but he mostly stays in the Uchiha clan's territory.

On regular days, he is in charge of the Uchiha clan.

"Uncle Hachida."

Shisui looks up and greets him.

"Are you checking on these brats because you have nothing better to do?"

Hachida glances at the documents in front of Shisui, which are the members on patrol today.

He doesn't hold back at all.

Even Shisui, when he sees him, has to show respect.

Because he is the instructor of the Konoha Police Department, even Uchiha Fugaku greatly admires him.


Shisui puts down the documents and asks, "Uncle Hachida, can you assign me the recent patrol missions?"

"You can if you want."

Among the younger generation, Hachida likes Shisui the most, but things are what they are.

Shisui is currently a member of the Anbu and is close to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

And Hachida is a staunch supporter of the clan.

"But you have to give me a reason."

"You also attended the clan meeting last time, so you should understand that the situation within the clan is not good."

Shisui naturally knows that it's impossible to convince him with just a few words.

The most correct approach would be for him to confront Uchiha Fugaku first.

But he can't predict what the clan leader is thinking.

He seems to support the hawks, but he doesn't stop Uchiha Itachi from associating with him, a dove.

Hachida furrows his brows at Shisui's words.

He understands Shisui, so he quickly connects the two things and says, "Do you think that by arranging the patrols yourself, you can change the current situation of the Konoha Police Department? That's impossible."

"I know."

Shisui nods and says in a deep voice, "But I want to give it a try."

Hachida can't help but sigh.

At this moment, he still doesn't know what Li Xiang's method is, so he decides to give Shisui some face.

Because it's an insignificant matter.

Changing the personnel of a mere patrol team won't bridge the gap between the Uchiha clan and Konoha.

However, the next day, Hachida heard the news and directly sprayed out the mouthful of tea.

"What did you say?"


The young man reporting the news dared not speak and wiped the tea off his face, saying, "Shisui replaced all the patrol members with beautiful girls."


Hachida didn't understand, but he was greatly shocked.

What the hell is this?

He stood up and said, "Take me there."

The young man nodded and walked ahead. They quickly arrived at their destination.

Hachida stood on the rooftop and looked across at the izakaya.

With years of experience, he immediately saw the cause of the incident.

A fight caused by drunkenness.

Normally, when the Konoha Police Department shows up, the fighting parties naturally scatter.

But this time was different.

He saw a beautiful girl wearing the Uchiha clan's regular attire gently persuading them like a gentle breeze and drizzling rain.

Even the most irritable man would calm down at this moment.

In the end, the girl even said, "Sir, please come and visit often when you have time."

Hachida was petrified on the spot.

What he didn't know was that the appearance of these girls was carefully chosen.

Li Xiang chose popular characters from the previous world that were often used to test senior officials, such as Tifa, Kurenai, Mary Rose, and so on.

(End of this chapter)

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