Chapter 66: London

The familiar ceiling.

Li Xiang glanced out the window.

Seagulls were perched on the deck, and in the distance was a calm sea.

The sunlight was abundant, but it was unknown if there was a salty sea breeze.

Li Xiang returned to the main world.

[Simulation of this world has ended.]

[Evaluation: After three years and another three years, you finally took down the boss.]

[Reward: Five simulation coins (current balance: 17B), one random high-quality talent (90% chance), one random high-quality item (90% chance), access to character card library and item library.]

[The next simulation will begin in one month, related event: Dragon Clan - Morning Sun of Fire.]

[Character Card Library: The character from the simulation world you completed perfectly will be made into a card for you to use.]

[Item Library: You can store items in the warehouse, but it's best not to let others see.]

A light screen unfolded in Li Xiang's field of vision.

There were four buttons on it: character attributes, simulation save, character card library, and item library.

The first two are self-explanatory.

Li Xiang clicked on the character card library.

His consciousness suddenly went dark.

A blue and purple light fell from the void.

Like meteorites from outer space, dragging tails of different colors.

Finally, with a deafening sound, the meteorites landed.

The blue and purple lights intertwined.

Forming the two characters that Li Xiang was familiar with.

Uchiha Lang and Higurashi Hime.

He quickly understood the rules of using the cards.

In the original world, summoning in the Hokage Ninja was costless, but it's worth noting that the cards have no subjective consciousness and can only be controlled by oneself.

In the main world or other worlds, using it once requires consuming five simulation coins.

There are two ways to use it: one is to use it as a substitute, similar to a puppet.

The other is to possess it, borrowing the power of the card.

As for the previous colors, they represent their levels, somewhat similar to the R and SR in the games of the previous life.

Uchiha Lang has the Two Tomoe Sharingan and his strength is roughly at the level of an average Jōnin.

Higurashi Hime is not only skilled in Water Style secret techniques, but also has Summoning beasts and Sage Mode, making her an elite among Jōnin.

There is no doubt that the appearance of character cards greatly enhances Li Xiang's strength.

Making him no longer a weakling in the main world.

Although five simulation coins are a bit expensive, compared to the effect, it is well worth it.

Li Xiang had previously obtained two items, one was an acceptance letter, and the other was a hidden fox.

At this time, only the acceptance letter was floating alone in the item library.

Nick was sleeping on the carpet, like a house cat.

Li Xiang casually picked up a clock from the bedside table.

With a thought, it appeared in the item library.

Li Xiang couldn't help but smile.

He was familiar with this item card, it's just a space ring.

Taking out the clock again, Li Xiang rubbed his hands and started drawing his talents and items.

[Shinsō Hand (B-level): You are excellent at shooting, hitting the target every time, and have mastery of all firearms from Grandmaster.]

[Future License Camera (E-level): A camera from the future, no matter where you are or what you're doing, as long as I think about it, it can automatically take beautiful photos.]

Shinsō Hand talent is not bad.

There may be opportunities to use firearms abroad.

Maybe he can become a magic assassin like Emiya Kiritsugu.

Of course, Li Xiang also knows that magicians dislike firearms.

If used in the Clock Tower, the only thing waiting for him is expulsion.

"This camera is useless, I'm neither surnamed Chen nor a scenery enthusiast!"

Li Xiang couldn't help but complain.

But today's harvest is quite rich, so he'll consider the camera as an extra.

Maybe it will come in handy someday.

Li Xiang got up, brushed his teeth and washed his face, called Nick to have breakfast, and then practiced magic with Astati.

With his photographic memory, he had already completely memorized the Eight Gates Fist and the Swordsmanship - Yagyū Shinkage-ryū, it's just a matter of time.

But magic is as complex as the stars in the sky.

Most magic can still be used universally.

For example, projection magic can be learned by magicians of any system.

Li Xiang is currently learning basic magic.

Originally, these should have been mastered during the period of basic science for the whole class.

But he skipped a grade, so there was no way, he could only learn slowly.

"Today we learned about auxiliary magic, acceleration, lightness, and heaviness, these three."

Astati walked in from outside the door.

Her appearance was different from usual.

Her long hair was tied into twin ponytails with black bows, and she wore a diamond-shaped headband.

"Tohsaka Rin?"

Li Xiang said unconsciously.

This outfit looks a bit like her.

But that's impossible.

Tohsaka Rin is currently in Fuyuki City, preparing for the Holy Grail War.

"What did you say?"

Astati seemed to have heard his murmuring and asked.

"Nothing, let's begin."

Li Xiang shook his head and said.


Astati's body slightly curved, and the pure black stockings on her legs tightened into streamlined shapes.

The air trembled.

Her figure appeared on the other side of the training ground after one second.

Li Xiang raised an eyebrow.

This speed is quite good.

Although it's similar to an ordinary Genin, ninjas have superhuman physical abilities.

And this is just a basic magic spell with one syllable.


Astati lightly leaped and instantly jumped three to four meters high.

If it weren't for the ceiling blocking, she could probably go even higher.


Astati uttered another syllable.

Her footsteps became extremely heavy.

The red boots pressed the training ground floor with a creaking sound.

Li Xiang inexplicably thought of the ship girls.

They may look like girls or lolis, but in reality, they weigh hundreds of thousands or even millions of tons.

"Do you remember?"

Astati asked while habitually taking out a gem and handing it to Li Xiang.

"No problem."

Li Xiang naturally put away the gem and said.

"Tomorrow we will arrive at London Port."

Astati reminded, "When we reach the Magic Association, be vigilant at all times. Most magicians have problems in their minds."

At the end, she flicked her hair by her ear and laughed.

"A very interesting statement."

Li Xiang agreed and nodded.

Magicians pursue only one thing, reaching the origin, which is the source of the world.

The simplest and most straightforward understanding is that the origin allows magicians to know everything and do anything.

Friendship, love, and family are all just disguises for this purpose.

Magicians like Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou are the real exceptions.

What magicians can do is understandable.

Even if it seems completely unreasonable to ordinary people.

The cruise ship arrived at London Port the next morning.

The moonlight had not completely disappeared.

The sun couldn't be seen, but the entire port had already come alive.

Li Xiang could hear the busy sounds.

London in 2003 was undoubtedly one of the most prosperous cities in the world.

Ivette got off the ship, excited and jumping around.

Astati calmly took out her Nokia and dialed a phone number.

After a moment, a black luxury car slowly stopped in front of her.

Li Xiang recognized its name with the little knowledge he had, Rolls-Royce Phantom.

He had only one thought, why is this car here so early?

Li Xiang knew it because he had seen it in "Dragon Raja".

The luxury car drove towards the outskirts.

Outside the window was a hazy weather, as if shrouded in smoke and sand.

After passing the famous London Bridge, Li Xiang saw the clock tower in the distance.

It stood by the Thames River, with clock faces on all four sides.

At this moment, it was pointing to seven o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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